If he had known this earlier, he would probably have sent a message directly back to the earth, telling them directly to send it safely and boldly. The hyperspace gate on Mars has been taken care of by him! It's a pity that Fang Yuan is now locked up in the space maze and has been cut off from all external contacts. Even if he wants to send information, he can't.

"Let our people continue to collect information related to the hyperspace gate and investigate as clearly as possible the causes and consequences of the emergence of that barrier!" The general turned to the secretary behind him and gave the order.

At this time, the role of intelligence comes into play.

If the people on Earth have a complete intelligence network on Mars, they may even receive relevant information as soon as Fang Yuan appears and fights the five Martian knights. If they can see the live battle video Or from satellite pictures, it is more likely to be directly recognized. The black-armored warrior who defeated the Martian Knights with one against five and even completed three kills was the biggest boss behind the scenes of a large company that they were familiar with.

Unfortunately, the development of the Earthlings' spy network in the Martian Empire has not been very smooth. Although many civilians and even middle- and lower-level soldiers have been developed into spies, the loyalty of these spies to the Earth United cannot be guaranteed. In addition, they Most of them do not have a very high status. For some highly sensitive confidential information, it is difficult to obtain accurate intelligence, and they may even know nothing about the occurrence of some major events.

For example, the spies developed by the people on earth in the Zazbalum territory have absolutely no way of knowing about the tragedy that happened in the palace of the princess of the Kuruteo territory, and the spies in the Kuruteo territory also have no way of knowing what happened. The fact is that the old emperor imprisoned by Zazbarum has escaped from trouble and even changed his profession to become a person with super powers.

In terms of information sensitivity and confidentiality, the information that Fang Yuan came alone and defeated five Martian knights with one against five was the most confidential level, and ordinary spies had no access to the relevant information.

Therefore, Fang Yuan's expected date of the Earth Army's attack will most likely have to be postponed for some time.

——Either he breaks out of the space maze himself, discovers the oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo-go-goes], or he has to wait until the spies show their subjective initiative, and steal the original information. Accurate information completely reassures the Earth United Forces.

But both of these are obviously not things that can be done in a day or two.

As a result, the threat from the Earthlings was delayed, and the two Martian camps fell into an even more intense civil war due to the mysterious manipulation of an emperor who did not know what he had become. The entire situation on Mars became unstable. It was so deadlocked.

This stalemate lasted until the edge of the artificial ecosystem of the Martian Empire. A pillar of light emitted from Ruin No. 3, and the changes that followed the pillar of light.

')166'\u003eChapter 165 Unusual Coma

Earth, United States, a high-end villa area on the outskirts of Anaheim.

A little girl with pink hair is playing games with her mother in the courtyard.

The ability to walk on her legs has been restored, making this poor girl who had been trapped at home in the past become particularly active. Although she cannot leave the courtyard to play around due to safety issues, for a child, such a building that occupies The luxurious villa with a large area is enough for her to play as much as she wants.

For example, right now, she is swinging with her mother on the swing. Sometimes her daughter is pushing her mother, and sometimes her mother is pushing her daughter. The scene of the mother and daughter playing carefree looks particularly warm.

But, at this moment - "Mom!" The girl screamed, and suddenly her head tilted and her body fell softly.

"Lemulina!" The young mother saw her child suddenly falling down, and immediately stretched out her hands in a panic to hug her, but when she reached halfway, her body was shaken and she suddenly fell to the ground. ground, lost consciousness.

"Not good!" The Anaheim employees who had been hiding in the dark, on the one hand to protect and on the other hand to monitor the mother and daughter, immediately noticed the abnormality and immediately rushed into the villa to check the mother and daughter. Condition.

"What's going on? Is it an attack?" "I don't know, there are no wounds, the breathing and heartbeat are still there, and the pupil reactions are normal..." "No matter what, send them to the hospital first, Team A, you will protect them with us!" " When the commanders at the scene heard that the mother and daughter were still alive, they felt a little relieved and began to arrange the tasks in an orderly manner.

"Yes!" ... Anaheim Hospital, ICU ward.

The two comatose mother and daughter had already changed into blue and white striped patient clothes, and were connected to various testing equipment and pipelines. They were lying quietly on the hospital bed. There were no other outsiders in the entire ward, except for the electrocardiogram machine. Except for the "beep" and "beep" sounds, there is not even the slightest noise.

Just outside this ward, the captain of team A, who led the team to escort the mother and daughter to the hospital for emergency treatment, asked the doctor with a solemn expression: "How are their physical conditions?" He couldn't help but be solemn, after all, the mother and daughter were in the company The biggest boss personally orders important personnel who require strict protection. If something happens, his job will be over! "...Things are very strange. Their bodies are actually very healthy. Whether it is the various indicators of blood analysis, the condition of internal organs, or the condition of brain waves, they can be said to be the healthiest I have ever seen. "

The doctor said with a slightly confused tone.

"Healthy? How can a healthy person suddenly become unconscious like this?" The captain looked at the doctor next to him with doubtful eyes. He was very doubtful whether this guy's doctor's license was fake... "Don't look at me like that!" The doctor seemed to understand the other person's eyes, and said unhappily: "We are using the most advanced equipment developed by Anaheim, and the results will definitely not be wrong!" "Then why are they still unconscious?" Captain Some asked reluctantly.

"Strictly speaking, their current condition cannot be considered coma -" The doctor subconsciously took off his glasses, took out a piece of glasses cloth from his pocket and wiped the dust on it, put it back on, and then said: "According to Based on the analysis of their brainwave patterns, they should be conscious now, but they are just unable to respond to external stimuli."

"Awake?" The captain frowned, with such an "unhappy" look on his fleshy face, coupled with his tall figure and kinky muscles, the captain looked like Very oppressive.

But our doctor didn't seem to feel this at all - "Yes, it's like dreaming, but it's different from the vague dreams where the human brain integrates trivial information and cleans up redundancies. Their consciousness is much clearer - —" As he spoke, the doctor also called up the brain wave images of the mother and daughter in an attempt to impart some brain medicine knowledge to the tall man around him: "Look at this waveform, it represents that the human brain is undergoing intense thinking and memory activities. , this amplitude is very high, so high that it is... abnormal?" At the end of the sentence, the doctor was also a little shocked. He looked at the brain wave pattern on the screen, and then turned to look at the mother and daughter in the room on the other side of the one-way glass. The two of them were speechless for a moment.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with their situation?" "...Unbelievable...How is this possible..." The doctor repeatedly murmured the words "unbelievable" and looked back and forth at other real-time monitoring records of the mother and daughter. Data, for a moment I even forgot that there was a person standing next to me.

"I said!" Mr. Captain raised his voice with some dissatisfaction. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and patted the doctor's shoulder hard, causing the doctor to stumble immediately.

The huge force and pain on his shoulder made the doctor who was immersed in frenzy finally react. He turned around and saw the unhappy look on the captain's face, and immediately understood that his performance just now was indeed not very good.

"Ahem! Sorry, sorry...I got a little excited when I saw something incredible..." The doctor apologized sheepishly.

"Tell me, what did you find? Is there anything wrong with their situation?" The captain waved his hand and interrupted the doctor's nonsense impatiently, asking him to get to the point quickly.

"Uh-" The doctor hesitated for a moment, probably thinking about what wording to use to make it easier for laypeople to understand, and then said: "Their brain wave activity level has increased too much, and it has exceeded the limit. Most people are at their peak when performing high-intensity thinking and calculations. It can even be said that the thinking ability of the two mother and daughter in their current 'coma' state has almost surpassed that of the most genius brains in the world. "

Captain: "..." He didn't understand. Is there any problem with this? "It seems you haven't understood yet..." The doctor shook his head helplessly and explained: "First of all, you must understand a concept. There is a limit to the operating power of the human brain! It is limited by the blood supply speed of the cerebral blood vessels, breathing The rate at which the system absorbs oxygen, the speed limit of cell biochemical reaction processes, the speed of information transmission between synapses... Under the influence of various factors, the human brain's thinking ability cannot be further enhanced after it reaches a certain level. "

With that said, the doctor pointed to the two people on the other side of the one-way glass: "But they are different! Their brain activity has exceeded the limit that the human body can theoretically withstand, but judging from the conditions of other physiological indicators in their bodies It seems that there are no problems such as insufficient blood supply to the brain, insufficient oxygen supply, or excessive energy consumption. In fact, their bodies are still actively adapting to this overactivity of the brain. This is very abnormal!" The captain finally understood.

He also understood why the doctor was so excited before - any doctor would be excited about a special case like this that has never appeared in the history of medicine! At the same time, he also vaguely understood the reason why this situation happened to the mother and daughter - he seemed to have heard from the big boss that the identities of the mother and daughter were not simple. Could it be that they were not simple here... ')167'\u003eChapter 166 Death

Lemulina and her daughter suddenly fell into a coma, but in fact, they were not the only ones who had the accident.

Just when the mother and daughter fell unconscious, the two Martian knights who were still stranded on Earth also lost consciousness and were rushed to the hospital by the relevant personnel of the United Government.

But like the mother and daughter here, the hospital could not find any abnormality in their bodies, and also found that their brain waves were abnormally active.

Unlike the Anaheim employees who did not know the true identity of Remulina and her daughter, the people of the Earth United Government immediately suspected that the condition of these people might be related to the mysterious "activation factor" in the bodies of the Martian knights.

And just over ten minutes later, the Earth Army also received an emergency call from Mars, further confirming this speculation.

Something happened on Mars!   …  Just when a huge beam of light appeared above the No. 3 ruins and penetrated the sky, the Martian knights who were fighting fiercely on the surface of Mars and in the nearby space orbit suddenly found that their bodies had changed! "What... is going on..." Zazbarum raised his hand and looked at the gradually transparent and glowing skin and muscles on his arm. He could even see the blood vessels, nerves and bones in his body through the surface of his body. He looked around his body and found that not only his hands, but also his feet, torso, head...his whole body was gradually becoming light-based.

The sudden change made the ambitious young earl lose his composure instantly.

He had been influenced by modern scientific concepts for a long time and had established three views. He could not explain what was happening to him now, and he could not accept the fact that his body was gradually "disappearing".

Yes, after the body "became light-based", that part of the body really radiated towards the surrounding space like light. From a macroscopic point of view, it was as if his body was turning into billions of light points and breaking apart. It looked extremely beautiful at first glance, but it was extremely terrifying for him!   ——Anyone who watched his body turn into nothingness and dissipate in the air would feel horrible.

"No, no, no, no... How could I... Things shouldn't be like this, I still have a lot of things to do, I still have to lead the empire to rise again, I still have to save Worain, I still have to..." Before he finished speaking his unwillingness, Zazbarum turned into a handful of light and scattered in the cockpit of [Dioscuri]. In the end, even these lights quickly scattered and disappeared.

However, just as Zazbarum's body was about to completely turn into light and disintegrate, the fear and unwillingness that had been boiling in his heart suddenly disappeared, and was replaced by a kind of freedom, joy and understanding from the heart.

Because at this moment, he saw the "truth"! No, it's not just as simple as "truth", it should be called "God"!   Zazbarum only felt that his spirit seemed to be connected to an extremely majestic and vast mind. With the help of the vision of this great mind, he instantly raised his perspective to the same high level and truly saw the world in the eyes of "God".

——That is the vibration of particles, that is the transmission of waves, that is the transformation of forces, that is the vibration of strings, that is the fluctuation of quantum vacuum, that is the intersection between dimensions... Infinite time and space, infinite stars, endless matter... The truth of the entire material world completely revealed its mysterious veil at this moment, and exposed itself nakedly in front of the tiny mortal mind, allowing him to truly understand the vastness and depth of the universe and time, and at the same time deeply understand how shallow and short-sighted Zazbarum was when he was a mortal in the past.

Compared with the magnificent grandeur representing the universe itself, the authority of a small civilized country on Mars is so insignificant. The conflicts and wars between Martians and Earthlings are not even comparable to a speck of dust in front of this perspective that covers the endless stars that cannot be counted in the entire universe, and goes deep into the deepest level of the microscopic world and truly faces the essence of time and space of all things.

Even the vows of love and the past love with his wife, for him now, are just illusions formed by two carbon-based creatures driven by the desire for genetic reproduction... No, it should be two groups of low-entropy material particles that constantly exchange materials with the surrounding environment, which are undergoing a special interaction to proliferate their own existence... No, it should be two simple chaos algorithms that interact with each other to produce meaningless signals... No... As the depth and breadth of thinking are getting closer to the height of "God", Zazi Barum's thinking mode is getting further and further away from humans.

No, now, can this existence that has almost become the tentacle of another great spirit still be called "Zazi Barum"? Perhaps, as early as the moment his body disappeared, Zazi Barum had already died, and those who thought they had Zazi Barum's consciousness and memory and observed the world from Zazi Barum's perspective were just a part of a great spirit... 'Another...' There seemed to be a voice saying this in the dark.

But this is meaningless to "Zazbarum" at this time. He/it no longer cares about anything at this time. It just shares the perspective of "God", follows the rules of "God", and does what "God" promises.

And in the eyes of some people, he/it, just turned from a person into a program!   In fact, Zazbarum's experience is not an isolated case. All Martian knights, no, all people with activation factors in their bodies, as long as he/she sits in the armored cavalry at this time, or even comes into close contact with the activated Aldnoah core, will be like the former earl who has merged with the "God", completely losing his/her body, and his/her spirit will merge with a great spirit that far exceeds mortals, and eventually become a small part of a huge system that humans cannot imagine... Even those activation factor owners who were lucky enough not to come into close contact with the Aldnoah core at this time, their situation at this time is not much better than those knights who can be regarded as "dead" in the conventional sense - they are all like the Martians on Earth, and their consciousness was taken away at the moment of the incident.

(Although the mother of a royal illegitimate daughter is not a Martian, since she gave birth to a princess with activation factors and royal authority, she naturally obtained the authority equivalent to that of a Martian knight from a promiscuous emperor - don't forget how the activation factors were granted...)')168'\u003eChapter 167 An unexpected encounter in the maze

"Is this your goal? Kill all the Martian knights and make them part of your 'God'?"  In a strange space with no top or bottom, no left or right, no front or back, and even indescribable in words, a person questioned another figure who was not sure whether he could still be called a "human".

"Heh, outsider, it's you again!" The figure with the form of an old human being, but whose inner self had become something unknown, chuckled and said such a sentence in a language that did not belong to any known human language, but could be understood by anyone.

"You are indeed very powerful and very smart, able to go all the way here... You said my goal was to kill my knights? No, I did not kill them!"  The figure said so.

"I just let them witness what God sees, hear what God hears, think like God, and abandon their useless and cumbersome mortal bodies - look, they are about to be reborn in new steel bodies, and once again join my army, becoming knights who are forever loyal to me, and offering more and more sacrifices for me and my God!" As the figure spoke, the questioner saw, as if he had really seen it with his own eyes, that the armored cavalry that had originally lost its power, moved again after the old man's words - no, it should be said that they came back to life! I don't know if it was the vision given by the old man on purpose, or if this space has such a function, the person called "outsider" by the old man, that is, our protagonist Fang Yuan, saw the truth inside these steel giants - as the old man said, there was no driver inside the armored cavalry that had reactivated, and it was they themselves that drove them to move, or, to be more precise, the mechanical will that extended from the core of Aldnoah.

They were the former masters of these armored cavalrymen. After losing their bodies and having their spirits assimilated, they returned to their mounts in another way, turning the steel bodies into their real bodies. The so-called "knights" also changed from the "fake knights" driving humanoid mechas to real steel knights wearing armor and holding swords! "You said sacrifice... could it be..." Fang Yuan looked at these "reborn" knights and found that they did not continue to fight after waking up, but turned to the Martian army composed of ordinary people on the ground. Then in the next moment, the massacre began! "Yes, my people, their filthy and useless mortal bodies will die in blood and fire, but their spirits will be like the knights who led them, like me, truly with God, forever!" The old man spoke fanatically in a calm tone, coupled with the massacre scenes that seemed to appear out of thin air in his mind. Seeing these scenes in Fang Yuan's eyes, he immediately understood that the old man in front of him, who was once the emperor of the country outside, had gone completely crazy - no, perhaps this "thing" in front of him was just a body of the old emperor, and the inner essence had been replaced by something else at some point.

He must be stopped!   ...   Perhaps some people would wonder why the plot has quickly advanced to this point, and whether something was missed in the middle?   Okay, let's go back a few days.

"[Ether], how's the analysis going?" It has been many days since Fang Yuan was trapped in this space maze. If Fang Yuan's alchemy skills had not reached the pinnacle, and he could use the nuclear energy of a very small amount of matter to promote alchemy at any time to decompose and reconstruct the metabolic waste in the body into nutrients to maintain the functioning of the body, he might even collapse here due to lack of food and water.

But even if he could keep going like this, even if he could keep going for a few more years, his spirit would inevitably become exhausted.

"...Analysis progress 99.97%, 99.98%, 99.99%, 100% - analysis completed!" Finally, after waiting for an unknown period of time, [Ether] finally calculated the spatial transformation mode of this space maze.

"Start the automatic action mode, [Ether], take me out of this damn maze!" With Fang Yuan's order, the loyal AI immediately executed the master's order.

The power structure of the external armor was taken over by [Ether], and Fang Yuan also relaxed his whole body and handed over all actions to [Ether].

Fang Yuan, wrapped in black armor, took precisely calculated steps in various directions from time to time under the operation of [Ether]. His figure also flashed back and forth between different spaces, and soon he went deep into the depths of the space maze step by step, approaching the core protected by the maze little by little.

Then, in a space that was theoretically about to leave the space maze, Fang Yuan saw two figures, one big and one small.

"...It's you?" When Fang Yuan saw the figure of the adult, he couldn't help but screamed in astonishment.

This figure was none other than the old emperor imprisoned in the hibernation capsule that Fang Yuan had just seen before.

But the one who appeared in front of him now was no longer the poor old man who could not even maintain a clear consciousness, but a strange existence with inhuman eyes and even more inhuman temperament.

This guy... is not human!   The intuition in his mind told him so, and Fang Yuan immediately became alert.

Moreover... this existence who seemed to be wearing the skin of the old emperor was holding his granddaughter, the eldest princess of the empire, Eseiram Weisser Eliosya?   Shouldn't she be under the protection of that Kurutuo? How did she run here?   However, seeing the girl's blank and lifeless eyes, it was obvious that she had been tricked. Coupled with the strange atmosphere of the old emperor, Fang Yuan roughly guessed what happened.

Something was wrong!   ——The biggest thing was the old emperor himself. The pair of eyes without black and white, as deep and terrifying as the universe and the stars, and thinking of the "dangerous information" in the old emperor's memory, Fang Yuan was ready for the other party to suddenly transform into a tentacle monster and pounce on him.

However, the development of the next thing was a little different from what he imagined.

"Hmm? You have the same authority as me?" The old emperor frowned and said, "In that case, we can't be too casual...¥# @%%¥*&#%"  The old man suddenly uttered a strange tone that was completely different from human language. The sound was harsh and had many heavy sounds. In the observation of [Ether], part of the sound range extended to the infrasound and ultrasonic bands, which was completely different from the sound that humans could make.

Fang Yuan instinctively felt that something was wrong, and the next moment, his premonition came true! ')169'\u003eChapter 168 Hyperspace Bubble Shelter

"Warning, abnormal change in spatial curvature!"  The warning from [Ether] came to his ears, but even without this warning, Fang Yuan also noticed the abnormality - the sudden feeling of stepping into the air under his feet made Fang Yuan fly up instantly, ignoring the fact that doing so would most likely cause him to be teleported to an unknown place.

However, the damage report that popped up in the tactical vision on the visor told him that the choice he had just made subconsciously was very correct.

From the moment his feet suddenly became empty to the moment he jumped up, the special sole made of flexible and wear-resistant material had been cut off by some force by two centimeters, almost hurting Fang Yuan's feet! "Is this... a dimensional absorption barrier?" Switching the perspective to the spatial curvature simulation vision, Fang Yuan saw that the place where he had just stood had now turned into a dark hole - this indicated that the spatial curvature of this area had been distorted to the limit, directly piercing the gap between dimensions.

Fang Yuan had only seen this kind of situation in one place - the dimensional absorption shield he had developed and manufactured himself.

This maze is actually aggressive? No, it should be said that it is normal to be aggressive! Since entering this maze, Fang Yuan has always had a sense of inexplicable disharmony in his heart. It was not until now that he reacted - how could such an important or dangerous relic only have the non-lethal space maze before? However, I didn't expect that even the killing organs of the super ancient aliens were this kind of dimensional absorption barrier. Is their technical level only to this extent, or is the power that the old emperor himself can mobilize only to this limit... Although there are all kinds of speculations in my mind, now is obviously not the time to think about these things.

At the moment when Fang Yuan took off, he found that he was not teleported to other spaces, but this was not his luck - because the real trap had been set!   Front, back, up, down, left, right, around the body, up and down, a total of six directions, each direction appeared out of thin air with a black two-dimensional plane that was so dark that it seemed to absorb all things in the world. The six planes were combined and connected to form a cube, which wrapped Fang Yuan in the air.

This scene was like his reproduction of the hyperspace door on the surface of Mars outside, except that the cube was smaller in size, it looked almost exactly the same.

But this is not a protection for Fang Yuan, on the contrary, it is a fatal blow to him!   After the cube composed of six black two-dimensional planes was formed, it instantly compressed inwards. In less than a second, the entire cube that could lock a standing adult had collapsed into a small black dot that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Then, half a second later, even this black dot disappeared completely.

The cube, along with Fang Yuan trapped in the cube, disappeared!   "Hmph! That's the extent..."  The old emperor snorted coldly, pulled up the little girl beside him, turned around and prepared to leave here.

But at this moment——  "Huh——It's a close call! Fortunately, I developed this 'hyperspace bubble shelter' in advance, otherwise I would really die once today!"  The voice from behind made the old emperor stop immediately. He turned around and saw the figure that should have been completely torn apart and swallowed by the different-dimensional space at a glance.

"How is it possible..." The old emperor frowned slightly, as if thinking for a moment, and then he showed an understanding expression in the next moment: "So that's how it is. You can actually open up a safe space in the subspace alone? Interesting..." Subspace... When Fang Yuan heard the term uttered by the old emperor, the expression under the visor suddenly became very exciting - Empire, super technology, emperor, subspace... These factors come together, don't they look familiar? Don't tell me that there are four evil gods in this "subspace"... Well, after personally entering this place called "subspace" by the old emperor and called an alien dimension by Fang Yuan himself, Fang Yuan knew that there were no evil gods or demons in it, or he hadn't encountered them yet, and this old emperor who had become inhuman was not a corpse king who had been sitting on a golden toilet for tens of thousands of years without moving his butt. He didn't have to worry about whether he had wandered into a deadly world for the time being... Ahem! Okay, let's get back to the topic! The reason why Fang Yuan was able to escape was that he used space technology far superior to that of the Martians to artificially distort and divide the space around him, separate the whole from the external space and time, and transfer it to the special dimension that Fang Yuan called the other dimension and the old emperor called the subspace.

In fact, this is also the space technology developed by Fang Yuan from the operating principle of the hyperspace gate.

You know, in that special dimension whose physical properties are completely different from the four-dimensional space and time of the normal universe, in theory, all external matter entering it will be completely torn and shattered from the basic particle level due to the drastic changes in physical rules, and finally turned into pure energy that is ubiquitous and extremely violent in the dimension.

Therefore, even the hyperspace gate of the super ancient alien civilization does not operate on the principle of directly putting matter into this other dimension, but uses the connection between the two hyperspace gates to build a "space rainbow bridge" with distorted space, artificially opening up a high-speed channel in the other dimension that is large enough to accommodate matter.

However, there is no corresponding relationship between the spatial distances between dimensions. The two hyperspace gates across the star field in the real universe and the space rainbow bridge built in the different dimension may even be only the length of Planck. Therefore, in the macroscopic universe, it is a hyperspace transmission without time delay.

Fang Yuan is based on this technology and goes a step further to completely cut off the parts of the two ends of the space rainbow bridge that connect to the real dimension, turning it into a completely closed "hyperspace bubble". The difference in the spatial phase is used to isolate the difference in the rules of the dimension to ensure the integrity of the objects inside the space bubble.

However, this kind of protection is not without limitations. After all, this artificially created space bubble itself is incompatible with the rules of this different dimension. It is constantly rejected and eroded by the entire dimension. Once the energy to maintain the space bubble is exhausted, or the speed of erosion and assimilation is faster than the speed of self-repair of the space bubble, when the space bubble is completely flattened and the internal matter is directly exposed to the different dimension, it will still be finished.

Therefore, Fang Yuan's "hyperspace bubble shelter" naturally cannot last too long.

From the time he hid in this different dimension to the time he returned to the real space and time, only a few seconds had passed, but in such a short time, the hyperspace bubble that wrapped him had been repelled and eroded to the point where he had to exit the dimension.

If it weren't for the fact that the existence time of this hyperspace bubble was too short, Fang Yuan even wanted to name it "Shenwei Space", but unfortunately...  Of course, the problem of duration is not the most critical. The real difficulty of this technology lies in how Fang Yuan, who entered this different dimension, can return safely.

After all, without coordinate positioning, the landing point of returning from the different dimension to the real dimension is completely random. At the moment of returning, Fang Yuan may appear in any corner of this universe - the sky, the ground, outer space, the surface of a star, the inside of a star, or even near a black hole...  Although from the perspective of the macroscopic material distribution of the entire universe, the possibility of him appearing in the empty vacuum of the universe is the highest, but the possibility of appearing directly in a dead place like the inside of a star is not low.

In addition, the distortion of space caused by the gravity of massive stars may also affect the process of shuttling between dimensions. If Fang Yuan really does not make any preparations at all and relies directly on his luck and bloodline, the possibility of being thrown into a massive star is even greater... PS: The first update, the rest will be later')170'\u003eChapter 169 Flying Thunder God Technique (fake)

Fortunately, although Fang Yuan did not have time to build a hyperspace gate when he was hiding, it is not necessarily necessary to have a complete hyperspace gate to locate the space-time coordinates.

In fact, this space maze in the No. 3 ruins is itself a very conspicuous space-time positioning coordinate, especially since the technology tree of the super ancient Martians is the same as that of the current Weisser Empire, both of which are based on Aldnoah, so this positioning is even easier.

In addition, [Ether] has already analyzed the space transformation law of this space maze, and Fang Yuan can even accurately locate the place of return and return directly to the place where he just disappeared, with a landing error of no more than ten centimeters.

Well, this ten-centimeter error doesn't seem to be small. It seems that I have to continue to improve the spatial positioning technology after returning... This thought flashed through Fang Yuan's mind, but he immediately focused his attention on the enemy in front of him.

Obviously, the old emperor's ability to manipulate the dimension absorption barrier to launch an attack with just one sentence made Fang Yuan really regard him as a powerful enemy that could threaten his life.

Space slash! Since he is an enemy, there is no need to say more nonsense. Fang Yuan directly used his most powerful single attack.

The super-compressed space distortion layer formed by the distorted space turned into a sword blade that was more than ten meters long. With the momentum of cutting off everything, it spread towards the direction of the old emperor at a speed close to the speed of light, ignoring the fact that this attack also covered the little princess beside the old emperor.

——Once he really enters the combat state, Fang Yuan will not care whether the enemy on the opposite side is male or female, old or young. He is not familiar with this princess of the Weisser Empire, and she is obviously in a state of mind control. Fang Yuan has no intention of showing mercy.

He really wanted to kill both the grandfather and grandson.

Although Fang Yuan had felt that something bad would happen if he killed the old emperor directly in the hibernation capsule where the old emperor was imprisoned at the beginning.

However, now that the other party had already attacked him directly, Fang Yuan didn't care about this inexplicable intuition and killed him directly.

Unfortunately, although Fang Yuan's attack was fast and concealed enough, the old emperor who was no longer human was obviously not an easy opponent.

Swish - Just as the space blade passed through the two figures, accompanied by the special effects of stardust and sparks, the old emperor and the little princess in his hand instantly turned into starlight and dispersed, and then in the next moment, they reassembled into human form in another corner more than ten meters away.

"Is this... quantum teleportation?" Fang Yuan saw this familiar scene and immediately thought of the armored cavalry in the anime plot that could infinitely replicate its own existence. Although this light and shadow special effect had been converted from 2D to 3D, he still recognized it at a glance.

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