"Didn't you expect that your target was our servants? You actually took away the Berserker and Archer from the red side!" Because the iron stakes were used as lightning rods, they avoided the thunder of the previous round. The Grand Duke of Lakia witnessed the abnormal disappearance of the two heroic servants from the red side.

Although at first I thought it was the red side's master who used the command spell to recall them, just like their black side's Cores and Roche, they summoned Berserker and Caster back to the city who could not withstand such a strong attack. In the village.

But then he was shocked to realize that the phenomenon when the servant was transferred by the command spell space was completely different from the phenomenon when the two red-side heroic spirits were transferred away.

Therefore, there is only one truth. This is what the people behind these "steel golems" did! "Captured?" Heel finally calmed down after hearing what the Archduke said. Although they were supposed to be hostile parties, now facing the same powerful enemy, Achilles was still willing to believe Black Lancer's words.

At least, being captured is better than being killed. With him around, there is always a chance to rescue the eldest sister... "Looks like I'm late!" At this time, a cold voice came from the sky , everyone looked up and saw a figure that looked like the sun.

')213'\u003eChapter 212 Tactical Error?

It is too slender to look like a body and limbs that have been trained for a long time, but it gives people an incredible sense of strength. It has a perfect appearance like a god that far exceeds that of a mortal. The golden armor that is integrated with the body shines like With the brilliance of the sun, a rag-like blood-red cloak hanging behind him, like dancing flames, coupled with the scorching flames emanating from his body, this is simply the incarnation of the sun god coming! The person who came was none other than the strongest Servant in this Holy Grail War, the Lancer on the red side. He appeared in the ancient Indian narrative poem "Mahabharata". As the only opponent of the protagonist Arjuna, he holds the golden armor and the ability to kill gods. The great hero named Karna, the son of the Sun God with a spear.

Well, he is also one of the three extraordinary heroic spirits jokingly called the Golden Three Targets by the Moon Chefs. They can be regarded as beings with the ceiling of the combat power of heroic spirits. The other two of the Golden Three Targets are the Golden Shining Gil, as everyone who has watched the Fate series knows. Gamesh, and Ramses II who likes to live in tombs.

Comparing these two, we can know how powerful the heroic spirit named Karna is. He actually appears in this 7vs7 Holy Grail War. It can be said that it is almost a situation that destroys the balance. .

In fact, if this sun-like hero is allowed to exert his full power, he can even end this Holy Grail War by himself! Even though Black's followers didn't know the true identity of this suddenly appeared servant, the powerful aura emanating from the other party still let them know that this was an incredible strong man! Suddenly, the few black Servants who were still on the battlefield became alert.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

Achilles, who was anxious to rescue the eldest sister in his mind, directly pointed his finger at the steel giant who had not yet left: "No, you came just in time! The eldest sister was captured by the people behind these steel golems, we must Bring her back!" Although he himself was confident that he was the strongest heroic spirit in this Holy Grail War, he also knew the strength of this great hero in the sky who had a similar fate to him. With Karna's With help, the chance of saving Atalanta will be greater! However, he did not mention Berserker who was also captured at all in his words. Spartacus is really pitiful... "Wow - is this the son of the Sun God?" Someone in the space city When the vampire girl saw the newly introduced son of the Sun God, a look of disgust appeared on her face.

"What? You hate this guy very much?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised by Yuzuka Satsuki's reaction. Could it be that vampires hate the sun, and they also hate the son of the sun god? "Well - I don't know how to put it... Anyway, it seemed like I saw something very annoying..." The vampire girl seemed not to know how to accurately describe her feelings.

Fang Yuan thought for a while and asked, "It's like seeing a natural enemy?" "Yes! That's it! It's like seeing a natural enemy. It's really strange!" The girl nodded immediately, and at the same time she felt very surprised that she would have such a reaction. Confuse.

In fact, she does not have any subjective dislike for the existence of Karna. To her, this great hero who has a huge influence in Indian mythology is just a foreign mythological figure that she does not understand. And a certain character in the anime game that I have seen in the main world.

In addition, Karna's character and appearance are quite in line with the aesthetic preferences of a little girl. To be honest, she quite liked this character before.

However, when the anime became a real person, 2D became 3D, and after seeing the heroic spirit Karna transformed into a servant with his own eyes, the young vampire girl actually felt it from the other person even though she was watching it through the screen. A general feeling of "natural enemy".

Well, if you think about it carefully, it seems that besides the cross, the vampires of Jisi Xiute's series are most afraid of the sun.

Even though Yumizaka Satsuki can now walk freely under the sun, she is still hurt by it. It's just that her self-healing ability is strong enough to recover immediately after being hurt.

As the son of the sun god, Karna's flame may be just a tiny candlelight compared to the real sun, but in terms of the attribute restraint of mysticism, the restraint of the sun god on vampires may be more terrifying than the cross, so it's no wonder that she reacted like this.

...Not to mention the unreasonable disgust of a vampire far away in outer space towards the son of the sun god, on the ground, Karna, who received the order from Father Kotomine and rushed to the battlefield, pointed his spear at the conspicuous towering steel giant on the other side of the battlefield after understanding the situation on the scene.

"The order I received was to eliminate the unknown troublemakers that suddenly appeared in this Holy Grail War... I guess it must be these iron golems. They don't look like ordinary enemies!" Although he couldn't feel any magical breath from these iron giants, as a warrior who had experienced many battles, the son of the sun god still instinctively felt the huge energy contained in the iron giants.

Coupled with the thunder and lightning wrapped around the giants, and the dark thunderclouds in the sky that echoed the lightning on the giants, Karna knew that this was a strong enemy! However, he was not the only one who thought so. When the target marked as "the highest threat" was detected, the Thunder Giant formed by the combination of four Decepticons also confirmed that this was an unprecedented strong enemy! In this case, let's become stronger! "Shockwave!" A deep voice that seemed to be composed of multiple voices resounded from the mouth of the Thunder Giant. The next moment, the only Iron Giant who did not participate in the fusion because of suppressing Spartacus, like the other companions before, instantly disintegrated into countless material particles, and turned into a metal torrent to pounce on the aggregate of more than 20 meters high.

"Don't even think about it!" Achilles, who had seen how much this kind of fusion would increase these Iron Giants, certainly couldn't just watch the other party do it again.

"Small world surrounding the sky!" At this moment, the healthy demigod hero raised his proud shield again, and charged at the Iron Giant who was undergoing a second fusion in front of him at the fastest speed among all heroes of all times.

The previous battle had already made him preliminarily judged that the defense of these giants was essentially a spatial attribute ability, and had a strong defensive effect on general attacks and even treasures. It could even be said that it was an undefeated golden body with the same effect as his [The Immortal Flower of the Brave].

However, what will happen when the defense of space attributes encounters the crushing collision of the "small world" that is higher than the simple space?   Boom——!!! !!! !!! !!!   The huge roar shook the whole forest. With the addition of the small world, the demigod with an immortal body turned into a real comet, fiercely smashing the seemingly indestructible space barrier, and in an instant, the extremely tall steel giant was smashed into debris.

However, the Transformers' bodies are countless nanomachines, and such a physical collision will not cause any substantial damage to them.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the scattered metal fragments were decomposed into almost liquid material particles again, and turned into torrents again to converge to another center, trying to reorganize the body.

"Now!" Achilles, who broke through the opponent's defense, shouted loudly-"Brahmastra Kundala, curse me!" Seeing such a good opportunity created by his teammates, the son of the sun god didn't say a word, and even skipped the process of testing. He directly used the strongest treasure attack except the spear of killing gods.

The magic power with high temperature of fire was added to the spear transformed by [Immortal Blade], and then projected it, releasing a destructive light like an avalanche. Under Karna's full force, it even had the power close to nuclear weapons.

The endless high-temperature flames instantly annihilated the metal torrent that was about to be reorganized...')214'\u003eChapter 213 The landlord's family has no surplus food!

"Oh? Have you figured out a way to break the defense so quickly?" Fang Yuan in the space city looked at the screen and was a little surprised that these servants found a way to break the space shield so quickly, but then he thought that these servants were all famous heroes in myths and legends, so it was not too surprising to have such performance.

"However, this level is not enough to destroy my work!" Facing the seemingly dangerous Combine King Kong, Fang Yuan did not interfere at all, because he knew that this level of attack could not do anything to them.

... Hiss~~ Accompanied by such a strange sound, the light and heat that were originally like the sun's arrival withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared in just a dozen seconds.

After the high-temperature fireball that was almost like a nuclear explosion disappeared, what appeared in front of everyone was a large piece of pure black cloud... No, is it flowing water? It doesn't look like it, anyway, it is a fluid between gas and liquid.

The identity of a demigod gave Karna superhuman vision. He could see that the remaining flames were swallowed up when they came into contact with the black substance and disappeared in an instant.

"It actually swallowed my flames!" Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, knowing that this strange creature that Father Kotomine called "a troublesome troublemaker" was not so easy to get rid of, he did not expect that his almost full-strength attack would not have any effect at all!   ...  "Well, it seems that the actual combat effect of the nano-dimensional absorption barrier is quite good!" Someone who was looking down at the earth from the infinitely high sky glanced at the strings of data passing on the screen and nodded with satisfaction.

...  That's right, this piece of black fluid is the effect of all the "transformation units" of the Transformers after the nano-dimensional absorption barrier is activated.

As the most basic unit of artificial transformation machinery, each of these copycat "transformation units" has an independent micro-Aldnoah core and corresponding computing module, which can trigger various magical phenomena at the microscopic level as a single individual.

Activating the nano-dimensional barrier is the most representative one.

After all, Fang Yuan did not think that a mere space shield alone could conquer the world. The moment when the Transformers transformed and merged was indeed the moment when the flaws were the greatest. As long as the opponent used the right power at the right time, it would be easy to achieve the effect that the two red Servants had just achieved.

In this case, how to ensure the survival of each Transformer Unit became the key.

There were many solutions envisioned - for example, upgrading the materials used in the Transformer Unit to create more difficult-to-destroy materials - such as white dwarf materials or even neutron degenerate materials that appeared in many science fiction works, or simply looking for special metals such as vibranium, adamantium, and promethium alloys in the Marvel and DC universes.

The advantage of this method is that it can almost once and for all solve the shortcomings of the copycat Transformer Unit in materials science, making its performance truly close to or even surpassing the original Transformer Unit.

The second method is to give the Transformer Unit the ability to proliferate and regenerate, just like the nano weapons that have appeared in many science fiction movies, which can almost unlimitedly proliferate the number of nanomachines by devouring other substances.

If it is really possible, theoretically, as long as one deformation unit survives and there is material around for it to devour, it will not take long for it to regenerate to the original number, or even more!   However, I am sorry, Fang Yuan's current technology is not up to this level.

After all, the precision of nanomachines is higher than any other machine in the world. Each nanomachine needs to be designed separately and manufactured with specific elements in a specific proportion. It cannot be copied with any random elements.

Unless the nanomachine itself can transform matter at the atomic level - Fang Yuan himself can freely change atoms of different types of elements, but this is his alchemy ability. He does not have the ability to give this ability to pure technological creations.

The third one, which is the solution Fang Yuan actually uses, is to directly give each deformation unit an invincible shield, just like what you see now.

Yes, attacks with the same spatial attribute can indeed interfere with the function of the dimensional barrier, but you must first be able to release the skills to the microscopic level of nanometers.

For example, the [Small World Surrounding the Sky] that Achilles just used, even if he opened the treasure again and used the barrier space of his own world to hit and crush the black fluid like clouds and water, he could not gain any results at this time.

The reason why the previous attack was effective and broke the shield in one blow was that the space shield at that time was a macroscopic whole. Achilles' attack can be likened to a piece of solid ice hitting another loose ice, which can naturally break at the first impact.

But if it is changed to the current situation, it is like hitting a water ball with an ice cube. It seems that the water splashes everywhere, but each drop of water is a complete independent individual. In addition to breaking up the deformation units gathered together, this will not have much impact on the nano-level deformation units.

Although the heroes present are old antiques who do not understand science and do not understand how cutting-edge high technology is contained in this black fluid in front of them, they at least understand one thing-the attack just now does not seem to have any effect! Soon, their thoughts came true.

The black matter suspended in the air became active again, turning into streams of "water", condensing and reorganizing, and turning into a pitch-black giant that was even larger than the previous Thunder Giant.

In this process, the Heroic Spirits did not fail to try to stop it. The Grand Duke threw out countless iron stakes. In addition to the sorry who seemed to be doing nothing after blocking the sword at the beginning, he also swung out a dim sword with the sword in his hand. The Son of the Sun God even used the stunt of "True Heroes Kill with Their Eyes", shooting out scorching high-temperature flames from his eyes, like a laser, repeatedly shooting at the increasingly clear outline of the pitch-black giant.

Unfortunately, all these attacks had no effect. The black layer without even a little reflection was like some terrible celestial body in the universe, swallowing up all the matter and energy it came into contact with.

Perhaps, only the space barrier treasure on the heel can cause some interference to the opponent.

But unfortunately, the Red Rider, who had fired the Noble Phantasm twice in a row, encountered a very embarrassing problem at this time - he had no magic! After all, except for those Noble Phantasms with permanent effects that do not require additional payment of magic power, all active Noble Phantasms require an extremely large amount of magic power to be activated.

Even though the master who provides him with magic power is also an excellent magician from the Magic Association, but if he wants to make the Noble Phantasm, which can be called a sure-kill ace, be able to fire continuously... I'm sorry, the landlord's family doesn't have any food left... Third update Previous ')215'\u003eChapter 214 It's the turn of the female knight!

"Tch! What happened to this year's Master? Even if he didn't show his face, he didn't even have command spell support!" Although he had the intention to attack again, it was a pity because most of the previous consecutive Noble Phantasms were used up. Magic power, and the Master behind had no intention of using command spells to support him. Heel had to watch as he missed the best opportunity to attack, and allowed the enemy in front of him to return to his full strength.

——There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, all the red masters of this term, except for the lone Lion Jie Jieli, have been knocked down by the empress' poison, and are now immersed in the elaborate work of a certain shady priest. How can we detect the situation on the battlefield in the illusion of organization? Even if Amakusa Shirou Tokisada was aware of the situation here and wanted to ask the master of Achilles to use the command spell, in the ever-changing battlefield, the opportunity to attack was fleeting, and before he could reach the group of masters, In the secret room where the Lord is, the situation on the battlefield has changed.

When the squirming fluid completed its final shape, what emerged from the all-devouring black was a steel giant nearly 30 meters tall.

However, this time, the combined King Kong that has undergone another level of transformation is not as dazzling as before, like Zeus coming to earth, carrying thunder and lightning with him, and thunderbolts in his hands.

Instead, there are space distortions like water waves, one after another, like rings and belts, wrapped around the giant's body, and in the space of tens or hundreds of meters outside its body, there are more spherical barriers surrounding it one after another, surrounding it. The Iron Giant is fully protected.

"Is everything... a defense composed of space distortion?" Darnik in the walled city saw this scene through the lucky familiars that survived, and the expression on his face became more gloomy.

... In the battlefield, Vlad III once again launched a wave of iron stake impalement, but still failed to return. Vlad III looked a little embarrassed. Fortunately, he was still confident before the battle. After the battle, not only did he capture the red side, Berserker's goal has not been achieved, and now he no longer even has the ability to participate in battle! At this moment - [Grand Duke, please retreat. Normal attacks can no longer do anything to this enemy. Let the Servants on the red side have a headache! 】 His Master’s advice came from his words. Although he was very reluctant, the Grand Duke had to admit that their Black Servants did not seem to have the means to attack this difficult enemy... No, there are still some! The Grand Duke suddenly turned his attention to a certain "girl" who was hiding behind the black Saber as if she was scared.

Well, it’s the winner of the most embarrassing award, the indistinguishable cross-dressing knight—Astolfo! Previously, with the help of the Noble Phantasm [Hippogriff], he sneaked into the inner side of the world through continuous dimensional jumps, thus evading the thunderstorm's ground-washing attack. Caster was summoned back to the castle by the Command Seal just like Berserker.

If this guy is here, you may be able to use his power to directly bypass the opponent's heavy defenses and launch a zero-distance attack! But... The Archduke glanced at the "girl" knight who was so exhausted that she couldn't even stand still. It was obvious that she couldn't continue fighting in this way.

Of course, the dimension jump of [Hippogriff] originally only lasted for a short moment, and was originally a defensive move used to avoid powerful single-target attacks.

But Astolfo had used it to resist the continuous thunderstorm attacks before. He had to start the dimension jump again almost the next moment after returning to the living world. This happened countless times in a row, and he had already been injured. The magic power is squeezed cleanly.

[Danic, let Rider's master use the command spell to restore Rider's magic power, and then use that teleportation-like power to break into the inside of the enemy's defense line and launch an attack! ] The Archduke rejected Darnic's retreat suggestion and proposed another attack plan that was more radical but seemed feasible.

After all, he was the Grand Duke of Wallachia, the king who once ruled Romania. Unless he really tried his best but still lost, he would not be able to tolerate his humiliating defeat in front of a powerful enemy.

[…If that’s the case, then it’s as the king wishes! But if the attack doesn't work, please give up immediately and leave the battlefield! 】 Although he reluctantly agreed to the Archduke's strategy, Darnic finally said one more thing. He really had no confidence in that unreliable female knight... In the walled city, Darnic finished talking to his followers. Nick stood up and knocked the cane in his hand heavily on the ground, making a "dong" sound, causing the magicians here to turn their attention to him.

"Serenike, use the Command Spell to replenish Rider's magic power, and order him to use the previous space attribute treasure to bypass the defense of the steel golem and launch a close-range attack!" Although he didn't hold out hope, just like the Grand Duke, Danic felt unwilling to not try hard.

"Tsk~" The female magician with a curvy figure and beautiful face said "tsk" in a low voice with some dissatisfaction.

To be honest, she didn't want to use the Command Spell for such "boring" things. In her heart, she would rather use these only three Command Spells to do something to her servants.

But there was no choice. She had now joined the Yugdomrenia clan, and the clan leader Danic was a powerful magician that she couldn't afford to offend. At this time, she didn't have the courage to disobey his orders.

So - "Command with the Command Spell, Rider, recover all your magic power, and bypass the enemy's defense by dimensional jump, and launch an attack!" ... On the battlefield, the salted fish women's knight who was hiding behind Siegfried and carefully observing the battlefield suddenly heard the voice of the annoying Master - [Command with the Command Spell, Rider, recover all your magic power, and bypass the enemy's defense by dimensional jump, and launch an attack! ] "Oh oh ~~ The power is coming!" Astolfo was shining with the brilliance of overflowing magic power. Looking at his hands that had become powerful again, he cheered for a while and attracted the attention of all the heroes present.

[Stop talking nonsense! Execute the order quickly! ] "Hey hey! I know ~~" The Master's voice came to his ears again, and the rational knight summoned his beloved mount reluctantly and prepared to sprint.

"Well, old friend, let's go!" The ever-optimistic knight patted the eagle-like head of the Hippogriff, and the phantom horse that should not exist in this world also responded with a loud cry.

Bang! With a flap of its wings, the large four-clawed, six-limbed, fur-covered chimera creature that should not be able to fly at all in terms of biology and aerodynamics flew hundreds of meters high in an unscientific way. After a slight pause, it launched a meteor-like sprint towards the steel giant standing on the ground.

')216'\u003eChapter 215 A true hero kills the enemy with his eyes (true)!

Boom--! ! ! Although the level flight speed is only more than 400 kilometers per hour, when it dives, the speed of the Hippogriff exceeds the speed of sound, triggering a thunderous sonic boom in the atmosphere, and "smashing" heavily like a meteor.

Almost in an instant, the "meteor" accelerated to the limit has already touched the outermost space defense. As long as it moves forward a little bit, the swooping Hippogriff and the knight riding on its back will crash into this almost indestructible invisible barrier.

"Now!" Swish - Like a phantom, the galloping knight has crossed the barriers in a blink of an eye and appeared directly in front of the huge face of the Iron Giant that is almost identical to Megatron before.

"Eat me [Touch and fall]!!!" The knight in women's clothing shouted loudly with a girl's voice, and with the speed accumulated before, stabbed the knight's gun in his hand, hitting the giant's forehead.

Ding - !!! A thin barrier emerged close to the surface of the giant, firmly blocking Astolfo's meteor-like stab.

"Damn it, even with such defense, there is still something on the surface?!" I thought that even if I couldn't hurt the opponent, I could at least make him fall. After all, the knight's spear in Astolfo's hand had the force to make the giant fall. In theory, it would work even if it just touched the opponent's armor.

But——the invisible shield formed purely by space distortion is not the same as armor!   In fact, from a physics point of view, Astolfo's spear did not touch any "object". What blocked the spear tip was actually the space itself that was twisted in a special curled way.

Since there was no "touch", the treasure [Touch and Fall] that was activated based on "touch" naturally could not work.

In the first round, the female knight was completely defeated!   The "girl" gritted her teeth and refused to give up——  "Then come again..."  Zi——bang——!!! A ray that was even hotter than the "eye cannon" fired by Karna shot out from the huge eyes of the steel giant, passing directly across the position where Astolfo had just been, and passing through numerous space obstacles all the way, shooting into the distant mountains.

From afar, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. After dozens of seconds, the thunderous explosion sound and the faint vibration from the ground were transmitted back to the battlefield.

This power is much more powerful than the heat ray shot out by the little sun with its eyes!   -This is the manipulation of space by Aldnoah technology, artificially creating a large number of quantum black holes with a lifespan of only a few nanoseconds, and transforming the high-energy matter and energy generated when the black holes evaporate into beams and shooting them out, forming ultra-high-energy rays.

Its power is that each strike is equivalent to a small nuclear explosion! "...It's so dangerous! I almost died!" Astolfo patted his bare chest and looked at the tragic situation in the mountains in the distance with lingering fear. If his reaction just now had been slower, he would have been It has to be treated like the rocks and trees that turned to ashes in the mountains over there! Although the inherent skill of [Evaporation of Rationality] turned Astolfo into an ultimate idiot who couldn't do anything with his brain and often forgot important things, the [Intuition] that was strengthened with the disappearance of rationality gave him extremely powerful abilities. Sharp battlefield reflexes.

Just a moment before the giant's attack was launched, he felt something bad and immediately started the dimension jump, so that he could narrowly escape from the light cannon and ascend to the sky.

Zhi——Zi——ZiZiZiZi—— However, the Iron Giant, who seemed to have been stabbed in the face, did not want to let go of a female knight just like that. Every blow could evaporate Astolfo and the eagle together. The scorching rays turned into gas and turned into a slow sky light curtain, instantly illuminating the night above the entire battlefield as if it were daytime.

——Thanks to Astolfo flying in the sky, these rays are emitted towards the empty sky. If his position is slightly lower and these rays are allowed to hit the surface, God knows what will happen to the distance. What damage has been done to cities and forests! "Uh-no! We can't just give up! My partner, let's do it again!" While trying to avoid the continuous attacks by dimensional jumping, Astolfo patted the Hippogriff's neck and responded to him. It was another loud cry.

"Hey, little girl over there!" A somewhat unfamiliar voice came from below, which slightly distracted the female knight's attention, and she was almost hit by a scorching ray.

"What are you doing! Don't disturb others! And you are the Servant of the red side, right? We are enemies, right?" Use [Dimension Jump] to jump to the side of the person who just called him "little girl", Astolfo used She expressed her dissatisfaction in a girl-like tone.

"Cut!" Feeling very dissatisfied with having to cooperate with Black, Achilles whispered "Cut" and then said: "Forget it, although we are from two camps, we are now facing common difficulties. Enemies, let's join forces for now - watch my movements later, and then use your teleportation ability to attack at close range after I launch the attack. It should be effective!" Shanshan came a few seconds ago! Chi's command spell finally replenished the magic power of the heel, allowing him to activate the Noble Phantasm again, but after observing for a while, he had to admit that now this steel giant could no longer be defeated by himself.

——[Small world surrounding the sky] Although it can crush and destroy the defense of space attributes, this crushing will also cause the same reaction force to the small world composed of the barrier.

A two-layer space shield is okay, but an enemy like this surrounded by dozens of layers of defense... It is estimated that his little world will be shattered before he can break through all the defenses.

However, after carefully observing the battle of this steel golem, Achilles finally discovered a "flaw" in it - when the steel giant took the initiative to launch a large-scale high-energy ray attack, it originally surrounded the giant like a ribbon. The irregular space distortion, which is like a halo and plays an active defense function, has a significant decrease in its movement speed and flexibility.

This shows that the energy output power of this "golem" has a limit! In other words, as long as you use the right method and transfer the opponent's energy output to the wrong place, it is possible to break through its defense! In this case, the tactic came out - first attack by yourself, attack the opponent's multi-layered defense system, and attract as much energy as possible from the opponent to invest in the peripheral defense, and then use the Black Rider with the ability to teleport. Jump into the defense circle and launch an attack at close range. You may be able to take advantage of the opponent's energy transfer to break through the innermost defense! "Hmm - I don't quite understand it, but I understand. I'll attack after you attack. Is that right?" Astolfo nodded while listening to Achilles' plan, and finally said this said.

"... Anyway, what you said is indeed the key point. That's it. Can you do it?" The heel was a little helpless at this "girl's" off-line performance. He couldn't understand why he nodded...') 217'\u003eChapter 216 Trap

"Saber, I know your true name, and I also know that you have a winning treasure that can annihilate all enemies. That power, which belongs to the age of the gods, may be able to break through this troublesome space defense in front of you.

When Rider launches an attack, you should see the right moment and activate your Noble Phantasm as well! "As one of the few black people who knew Saber's true name, the Grand Duke did not pay much attention to the confidentiality of the dragon-slaying hero's true name like Siegfried's master. After all, for ancient people like them who had died long ago, It is undoubtedly a huge regret to be able to return to the battlefield of the human world, but not be able to state my name openly.

Therefore, relying on his absolute command on the battlefield, he gave the order for Siegfried to use the Noble Phantasm without hesitation.

"I'm sorry, but my Master ordered me..." [Forget it, Saber, just do what Lancer said! 】 His master, Fatty Gold, said with helplessness in his voice.

To be honest, Gold, who only used the Yugdomrenia clan as a temporary shelter, was not willing to expose Saber's real name so easily, but he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves. Danic personally spoke, and he, a magician whose status was below the clan leader, had to do it.

After all, he had to obey the overall situation...  ...  Siegfried, who had been restricted by the orders of the Master and could not intervene in the battle, immediately accepted the order happily: "Yes, I will do my best!"  At this time, Achilles on the other side had also informed Astolfo of his plan, and the two Riders were already in place.

The next moment, the attack began!   "[Undead Chariot of Raging Winds and Waves], [Small World Surrounding the Sky]!"  Achilles, who used all his strength at once, directly released two treasures at once, and at the same time summoned the God-speed Chariot pulled by three divine horses, and the God-made shield that could reproduce the world where Achilles himself once lived.

——The enemy's strength has reached the point where he has to use all his strength. Even if he only has the power of this one blow, he must win! "Go, my friend, let's fly again!" Astolfo piloted the Hippogriff under his seat and flew into the sky again, risking the risk of being targeted by the scorching rays.

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