‘Can’t die! ' The survival instinct that should not exist erupted in the artificial body. Driven by the desire to survive, the nameless artificial man used the only nameless magic he had mastered - activating the magic circuit to investigate the materials he touched. ·Analyze and synchronize, and then compile the necessary principles to reverse and destroy all this.

'Director (Strasse)——' The magic power surged in the body, and green lines like printed circuit boards emerged on the body surface. The immature android stretched out its weak arms, and placed the palm carrying the power of "destruction" against the imprisoned body. On top of his own prison.

‘——Gain’ Click-click-bang-! ! ! The thick tempered glass shattered under the penetration and deterioration of magic power. Along with the flowing water, the artificial man, who was naked except for a pair of shorts to cover his shame, struggled to get up from the ground with his atrophied and weak hands and feet, swaying all the way. Akira staggered towards the exit of the workshop and fled.

He didn't know where to escape, and he didn't know if he could escape. The artificial man without parents, without a past, or even a name, just followed his instinct, held on to the wall, and almost crawled out of the burial place. There are countless underground workshops of brothers and sisters, and even all the way to the upper level of the castle where many magicians and heroic spirits live.

What is very miraculous is that there should be a certain number of androids in the underground workshop monitoring the conditions of the many culture tanks at all times, and there should also be android troops patrolling and vigilant in every corner of the castle, but at this time they all seemed to disappear. There was no trace, and no one discovered the fact that the artificial man had escaped.

Is this a collective neglect of duty by human beings, or is it an invisible hand hidden in "destiny" plotting something through this? Nobody knows.

Perhaps, if there is no outsider to disrupt the situation, this artificial man can escape with the help of a female knight whose sanity evaporates, and can also obtain the heart of another great hero without ego, and gain fame. Taking the name of "Ziege", he finally counterattacked all the way to steal the Saint, defeated all competitors to win the Great Holy Grail, and even transformed into a dragon, entered the inside of the world, and reached the Happy End after a long time.

However, it is a pity that the destined person who was supposed to meet at this time has been locked up in a small dark room by some outsider passing by. When the weak and nameless artificial man finally fell, that person did not appear in front of him. The figure who can make him say "Help me".

... "Ah, ah, what an android with a strong desire to survive! Uncle Gold can also make such defective products!" A young child-like voice came into the ears of the android.

"No, it's not so much a defective product as this is the heart of the furnace I need!" Another more mature male voice said: "Having desire is what truly has a soul. All the previous individuals have failed. It must be that those artificial people don't have strong enough desires!" He opened his eyes with difficulty, and the nearly dead artificial person vaguely saw the scene in front of him. The ceiling was moving... was he being carried on a stretcher? Using all his strength, he turned his head to look to the side and struggled to adjust the focus. He saw that it was a tall figure wearing a cloak and a mask talking to another child.

Are they the ones who want to kill themselves? Not willing to give in! What a pity, just a little bit, he could... The brief loss of control and escape of an android did not cause much ripples in the Tulifas Walled City.

Among the magicians of Yggdmirenia, this was at best a joke to secretly laugh at Gold, a fat guy, for his poor academic skills.

Even those ancient heroes with noble personalities had limited compassion for this kind of existence that seemed to be human but was not human. Almost no one would care about such a small thing.

Except for the two inhibitory forces that have been paying attention to the entire world, and an outsider far away in space, no one will know how much the fate of this man-made man who almost escaped will be affected by his change in fate. Impact! ')223'\u003eChapter 222: The "Skyline" that controls people's hearts

A few minutes ago - "Huh? Did the android finally escape?" Fang Yuan, who had finished his preliminary research on the Servants and was trying to convert the energy in his body into magic power, received the report from [Friday] - Infiltration Entering the "air loop" in Yggdomirenia Castle discovered the escape of the androids! Well, the air loop is the air loop in "Magic Forbidden" and "Super Cannon". Nano-scale micro-robots are suspended in the air, generate electricity by themselves through the convection of the air, collect information semi-permanently, and at the same time put the body inside the body. The collected intelligence information is transmitted to the intelligent core located in outer space through the hyperspace information network.

This was the reason why Fang Yuan had dispatched the Transformers to complete the mission on the ground and spread them around Tulifas City. It was also the reason why he could watch the battle on the ground like a movie - otherwise, if If only observed from the perspective of outer space, Fang Yuan could only see the tops of a group of people's heads, and that's still a shame! After spreading all night, these nanomachines, which are smaller than bacteria, have completely spread to the entire area around Tulifas. Even the Yggdomirenia Castle, which is protected by layers of magic enchantments, has also spread. Completely penetrated by these little "spies" invisible to the naked eye.

For most magicians, such tiny particles without any magic power are no different from dust, so they naturally do not take precautions against them. In addition, the castle of the black side does not have any design such as airtight doors, so the penetration of the "hanging loop" is almost unimpeded.

And such a foresighted approach has indeed yielded results at this time.

Just after Fang Yuan received the reminder, when he adjusted the surveillance screen to the inside of the castle, he found a strange scene - how come there is not even a single person on the way this android escaped?   After retrieving the surveillance records of all the androids, magicians, and servants before, Fang Yuan found an interesting point.

It seems that when this android escaped, everyone, including magicians, heroic spirits, and other androids, were tripped by various things under various coincidences, and no one existed on the android's escape route.

There is only one exception - that is the dragon-slaying hero Siegfried who will respond to requests, like a living "wishing machine"!   Among all the people in this castle, he is the only one who went in the direction of the android.

"Inhibition force!" Fang Yuan uttered a term coldly.

Yes, there is nothing else in the Type-Moon world except inhibition force that can guide the development of things to a certain direction so imperceptibly.

It seems that, just like what was said in some posts in the main world, in the F/A world, from Sieg's escape to his final transformation into a dragon and taking away the Holy Grail, the inhibition force really intervened!   And, judging from the way of interference, it should be Alaya's hand!   It seems that the inhibition force does not want the Holy Grail and the Third Law, which may threaten the survival of all mankind, to continue to exist on the surface of the world, and tries every means to get rid of it!   Just like in the plot of Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night, the magicians pursued the root and created the Holy Grail, but no one could really win the Holy Grail and fulfill their long-cherished wish. Either it was contaminated by [Human Evil] and lost its function, or it was destroyed and dismantled by the "conscientious" magicians.

It is the same here. There is the Far East Saint who wants to "save" all mankind, and there is the Holy Grail that can realize this "saving" wish. The extinction of mankind has entered the countdown. The inhibitory force that can observe the infinite possibilities of the future cannot help but intervene! Not to mention, from the plot of "Magic Night", we can know that the two inhibitory forces seem to be very repulsive to the existence of magic and magicians, and even try to erase the magicians when they use magic for the first time.

In order to maintain the existence of the earth and mankind, the inhibitory force will do whatever it takes to be hostile to magic and magicians that may destroy the world.

From various considerations, this unknown artificial man who seems to have become the winner by chance is likely to be the chess piece that the inhibitory force deliberately put forward to "eliminate" the Holy Grail and the third magic! No, he can't succeed! With an unidentified third party already messing up the situation, Fang Yuan does not intend to make the situation on the ground more chaotic. This artificial man cannot be left! Then, it depends on you, Roger Forain Eugdomirenia! ……  "Hmm?"  The young magician who was learning golem technology from his beloved teacher Avisbron in the puppet workshop suddenly seemed to feel something, and suddenly abandoned the work at hand, walked out of the workshop, and followed a certain "intuition" in his mind all the way to a certain direction.

At the beginning, the magician boy still walked, but as time went by, the "intuition" in Roger's heart became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace, even running all the way in the corridor of the castle, quickly rushing to the place where he had to go in his "intuition".

On the other side, Siegfried seemed to have noticed something and also quickened his pace.

The invisible race started between one man and one heroic spirit.

And the final result, as described in the previous chapter, was that Roger won.

He ran all the way and found the artificial man who fainted on the ground first, and the dragon-slaying hero, who was only a few seconds late, could only watch the poor artificial man being taken away by the cold magician without expressing any opinion.

…  "Huh--finally it's done!"  Fang Yuan in the space city finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the android had been recaptured.

Seeing this, everyone should understand that in fact, the so-called "intuition" that Roger just experienced was not a real intuition, but an illusion artificially injected by a mastermind behind the scenes.

Just as Fang Yuan had madly installed an invincible shield on the "transformation unit", Fang Yuan also did not intend to completely copy the routine in the original work for his copycat "hanging circuit".

Fang Yuan, who is very proficient in nanomachines and human brain medicine, not only designed the hovering loops as intelligence collection agencies, but also gave them another function - the ability to invade the human body and influence thinking through brain nerves!   At this stage, the number of nanomachines sucked into the bodies of Roger and others is not large. Fang Yuan can only interfere with their thinking in this way similar to "intuition". If the hovering loops in their bodies accumulate to a certain number, Fang Yuan can even control their thinking like a psychic!   Although this ability has no effect on the heroes whose thinking relies on the spirit body, for humans with material brains, unless they are powerful magicians who have a very exquisite grasp of their own consciousness and have even come into contact with their own souls, such as Danic, they basically cannot escape this kind of thinking interference imposed from the physical level.

The third update is here')224'\u003eChapter 223: Responses of the Red and Black Parties

"Caster, how is the completion of 'that'?"  Having just settled a mess on the Romanian government's side, and then hearing about the important artificial human core that almost escaped, Danic, who had no time to spare, came to Caster's workshop without stopping and asked about the things that mattered to him most.

"All preparations for the Crown of Wisdom have been completed. As long as the core is placed, the great cause that I failed to complete during my lifetime can appear in the world!"  Caster, who had not shown any emotional fluctuations since being summoned, now had an unexpectedly high tone. Even an outsider like Danic could clearly feel the joy of his lifelong wish being fulfilled.

"Then congratulations... However, due to our overall strategy, please be patient for a while and wait until you need to activate this treasure!"  Danic said so.

As for what is "when needed", although Danic did not say it clearly, Avisbron knew that he was referring to the iron golems that appeared last night and beat many servants of the two camps into dust.

"...Okay, I can still endure this level of waiting... But I don't think those dead things made of steel can be compared with the works I created with my painstaking efforts - those iron golems are just weapons, without souls, let alone divinity! Don't compare them with my works in the future!" Caster was obviously not satisfied with Danic comparing his upcoming great creation with those destructive weapons full of the smell of steel and fire.

In his opinion, those things that were created purely for war and destruction, no matter how powerful they were, were far inferior to the "original man" he created with the concept of "God created man".

It can even be said that comparing the two is an insult to his painstaking work! "...I made a slip of the tongue..." The well-mannered Danic did not feel ashamed or angry because of Caster's words, but bowed and admitted his mistake very frankly - he could even worship Vlad III as king, so it was just a drizzle to apologize to Caster! ... The Yugdomirenia clan was preparing their "trump card", and the corresponding red team was naturally not idle.

In addition to the Saber combination that still maintained independent actions, the white-haired and brown-skinned priest once again gathered together the heroic spirits of his own side who had descended into the world.

However, this time he did not appear as the agent of the other masters - "In view of the fact that the current Holy Grail War has seen strong interference from many external forces, after consultation with the other masters, they unanimously decided to transfer the Command Seals in their hands to me, and I, Kotomine Shiro, will become your new Master!" The priest, who always wore a kind smile and showed more than a dozen Command Seals engraved on his entire arm, finally showed his fangs! "You bastard!" Achilles, an ancient Greek hero with demigod blood, was already frustrated by the battle last night and his big sister was kidnapped. He was furious at the priest's actions and immediately launched an attack with his spear.

A mere human dared to fool these heroes whose reputations have been passed down from ancient times to the present. Did he think that the spear in his hand had become blunt? ! However, just as Rider's spear was about to pierce the priest who did not resist, the Assyrian empress suddenly appeared, and a barrier made of magic power instantly appeared in front of the spear tip, blocking the fatal blow that was enough to pierce the priest's chest.

Ding——! However, it only blocked for a moment.

The next moment——Bang——! The magic barrier shattered like glass, turning into countless magic fragments that dissipated in the air.

After all, Semiramis had not yet summoned her Sky Courtyard. At this moment, she was still essentially just an Assassin who knew a little bit about magic. Facing the full-strength attack of the demigod hero, it was already very remarkable that she could block this attack.

The divine spear that broke the obstacle stabbed forward again, and was about to stab the empress who was blocking the priest.

However, neither Semiramis herself nor the priest who was protected behind showed any concern about this.

Because another spear blocked Achilles.

It was a huge spear decorated like a sun disk, and the body of the spear was shining with scorching magic power. It was the "Blade of Immortality" held by the strongest heroic spirit descended from this Holy Grail War, Red Lancer Karna.

The great hero of the Age of Gods, who also had the blood of God, stood in front of another hero who was also the Son of God.

"Karna! Are you actually on their side? Did you also betray your master?!" Achilles did not dare to look down upon the son of the Sun God, who was more powerful than himself. Therefore, he had no choice but to stop the attack and confront him with a gun.

"No, under the current circumstances, keeping my original Master away from the Holy Grail War may be the best choice for him.

What's more, my current Master has also become a priest. It's not surprising that the Servant protects the Master! "Karna said this in his unique cold tone, and what he said was so reasonable that Achilles couldn't think of anything to refute for a while.

"...Father, I only ask you one question!" Achilles pointed the spear in his hand at the white-haired priest hiding behind the empress, and asked word by word: "My Master, is he still alive?" His expression It's very serious, it can even be said to be chilling. If the priest with a black skin and a black heart says the word "no", the heel will still poke a bloody hole in the opponent's body even if he fights for the false life in this world! "Don't worry! I didn't hurt any of the Masters. They are all alive and well at this time. In fact, I have arranged for people to send them to the city next door, completely away from the dangerous Holy Grail War..." The priest whose name is Mineshiro, whose real name is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, solemnly promised with his usual smiling expression.

"...In that case, I will temporarily admit that you are my master...but! Put away your disgusting fake smile in front of me! It makes me want to kill you when I see it!" The famous heroes of ancient Greece not only have a reputation for bravery, but also often have a cruel side that is bloodthirsty and murderous. Achilles, a legendary hero in Greek mythology, is no exception.

At this time, he tore away the gentle face that he had shown deliberately when getting along with Atalanta, showing the bloodthirsty and brutal side of the warrior. The murderous aura soaring to the sky made Amakusa Shirou Tokisada have to put away the smile on his face, He changed to a more serious expression.

"Okay, I'll pay attention!" Having finally dealt with this fiery-tempered hero from the Age of Gods, both the priest and the empress turned their attention to the last heroic spirit who had been silent.

"Priest, brother, be the master? Of course I have no objection!" The useless playwright seemed to have no moral integrity at all. He raised his hands very conscientiously to show that he was obeying the arrangements. This made him unhappy and wanted to take it. The certain empress he operated on had a regretful expression on her face...')225'\u003eChapter 224 The Visiting Saint

"Ah~~~" The heroic knight, who was very coolly dressed and could even be said to be exposed, stretched hard and became energetic all of a sudden.

"Saber, it seems that you have almost recovered!" The unshaven man with glasses and scars on his face emerged from the tent on the side and was doing a simple wash with a camping water cup.

"Hmm! Although I feel very uncomfortable spending the night in the cemetery, as you said, my magic power recovers faster here than in other places."

The sword knight in casual clothes clenched his fist vigorously, feeling the abundant strength in his body, and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, he has fully recovered!" "Ah -" Lion Jie Jieli was about to say something else. , but as if he had discovered something, he immediately drew out the rifle that never left his body. On the other side, Saber had already put on armor made of magic, and raised her sword to point at the forest behind her.

"I didn't expect someone to come to my door early in the morning and ask me to stretch my muscles. It's really considerate!" With a murderous rage that was completely out of proportion to the woman's delicate face, the rebellious knight's magic power surged like thunder. He moved, as if he was ready to kill with his sword at any moment.

"Please don't get me wrong, I have no intention of fighting you!" Along with a soft female voice, a figure that surprised both people present slowly walked out of the shadow of the trees.

"Oh? No plan to fight? Come on..." When Mordred saw that very, very familiar face, he was suddenly speechless.

This is myself...no, it's my father's face...and that's wrong too! My father's breasts are not that big... "Who are you? You came out with a face exactly like mine. Are you provoking me? Provoking the only and legitimate successor to the King of Britain?!" After a while, he finally came back to his senses. Mordred, who came, raised the cheating sword in his hand and questioned the person in front of him with anger on his face.

"...Face? This...is my own face? Although it is indeed surprising that we two look so similar, is it just a coincidence..." The visitor touched his face strangely, and then Said: "My name is Joan of Arc. I am a Servant who came as a Ruler in this Holy Grail War. I am responsible for ensuring that this Holy Grail War starts correctly... So, please rest assured that I have no pursuit of the Holy Grail, nor do I No one who belongs to the red or black camp is hostile to you."

Only then did Mordred notice that the other party did not have a weapon in his hand, and it did not look like he was looking for trouble, but he did not really let down his guard. Putting aside the issue of being in the face, there was no doubt about this woman. He is a Servant, and for a Servant, there are as many ways to kill people as you want without a sword! However, Joan of Arc... is probably the French Joan of Arc who fought against the British in later history.

Although the later Britain and the British Kingdom where she lived during her lifetime were completely two countries, not even the same nation, but because of the fact that the other party was against Britain, Mordred was very fond of this woman with the title of "Saint". All kinds of discomfort.

Fortunately, the dissatisfaction came to an end. After all, Mordred did not slash directly with his sword, but looked at the Master behind him.

"Ah, the opponent is indeed Ruler. I can see this with my master authority... It is said that the conditions for the Holy Grail to summon Ruler must be a hero who has no regrets before his death, that is, he has no pursuit of the Holy Grail... This Saint It seems that the lady is not our enemy."

Lion Jie Jieli nodded to Saber and confirmed the identity of the servant who called himself Jeanne d'Arc.

Seeing this, Mordred reluctantly put down his sword, but did not put away his armor. It was obvious that the hostility caused by the collision had not disappeared, but was only temporarily suppressed.

"So, Miss Ruler, do you have any business with us? Or do you think we have violated the rules of the Holy Grail War and want to exclude us?" Although he said that the other party was not an enemy, Shishi Jiejie Liyi He spoke but was so rude.

Obviously, although there is no hostility, the Necromancer does not have a good impression of this mediator who is said to have two absolute command rights over all servants - those participating in the game cannot really have a good impression of the referee.

"No, your group of masters and servants did not violate any of the rules of the Holy Grail War. Rather, you are one of the rare Master and Servant combinations that completely follow the rules."

Joan of Arc shook her head and said that she was not here to cause trouble, and then continued: "However, there have indeed been rule breakers in this Holy Grail War. This is also the purpose of my being summoned by the Great Holy Grail."

As she spoke, the saint looked at the swordsman with an unhappy expression: "I also sensed the battle last night. The battle that took place in the city was Miss Saber, right?" "Huh? Miss? Who are you talking about? !" Being treated as a woman will kill you, and being treated as a man will also kill you. It is not so much a trouble, but an extremely troublesome one. Mordred suddenly became furious when he heard the name "Miss", if it weren't for the lion. Jie Jieli was holding on desperately, and she might actually slash him with a sword.

"Uh - I'm sorry, I made a mistake, Saber!" Although she can see through the real names and ability panels of all servants, Joan of Arc's Ruler class privilege does not allow her to know the personality, likes and dislikes of each servant, so Seeing that her words accidentally stepped on a landmine, the honest saintly lady immediately lowered her head and apologized.

"Tch!" Shaking away the hand held by Lion Jie Jieli, Mordred turned his head to the side with a stinky face, not wanting to pay attention to this annoying busty woman anymore.

"Oh - Miss Saint, if you have any questions, you should come and ask me..." The Necromancer is well aware of the waywardness and troublesomeness of his followers, so he took the initiative to take over the communication responsibility to avoid the other party. What the saint said was wrong, and she once again angered the rebellious knight who was in serious trouble.

"Please don't call me a saint. I'm not a saint. Just call me Joan of Arc!" Joan of Arc first corrected the other party's title, then straightened her face and asked, "Excuse me, when you were fighting last night, Have you encountered some beings who are not heroic spirits, but have the power of heroic spirits? "Ah, you know this?" Lion Jie Jieli was a little surprised that this Ruler had such a powerful intelligence detection ability, but he still nodded. Answered the other party's question: "We have indeed encountered one. The other party claims to be from the 'White' camp. What appears in front of us are two beings claiming to be Saber and Archer. According to my servant, Saber has King Arthur. The power of Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake."

Regarding the enemy's intelligence, Shishi Jiejieli obviously had no intention of keeping it secret, and directly disclosed the information obtained from the brief contact last night to the other party.

Rather, he wished that this saintly lady, who was also famous in history, would cause trouble for those people! ')226'\u003eChapter 225 Referee, I report someone for cheating!

"...Thank you very much for the information you provided. It helped me a lot! Then, I will take my leave now!" After carefully asking about every detail of the battle last night, and even every conversation between the two parties, Joan of Arc received enough information, thanked her, and immediately left, preparing to investigate the "White" camp that appeared out of nowhere.

"Tch! Disgusting woman!" Looking at the back of the saint walking into the forest, Mordred grasped the hilt of the sword and finally gave up the plan of slashing with the sword, but her face looked extremely stinky - —The good mood of the day was completely ruined by this guy who had the same face as her! ... "Wow, they really look alike! This is Saber's face in real life!" As usual, Yuzuka Satsuki, who was watching the 3D live-action version of the Holy Grail War movie next to Fang Yuan, saw Sadao. During the meeting between De and Mordred, there was a burst of yelling, which made Fang Yuan look sideways - What did this guy read online in the main world in that month? "They say they look alike, but it's just a similarity in appearance. There's a huge difference in temperament, okay!" Fang Yuan admitted that Jeanne's appearance was indeed very similar to that of Mordred, but when the same face appeared in When it comes to different people, the completely different temperaments immediately distinguish the two people, making it impossible to admit their mistakes.

What's more, apart from the face, there is a clear difference in a certain part of the neck, making it even more impossible to admit the mistake... "The 'white' camp, the class titles of Saber and Archer... then it is very possible that this third Like the other two camps, the three parties are divided into seven classes, and each has the power of the corresponding heroic spirit... However, it is really something that modern magicians can do, with humans directly controlling the power of heroic spirits. "What happened?" Seemingly walking aimlessly on the street, Jeanne, who was dressed in casual clothes again, turned on her sensing ability to the maximum while thinking about the information she had obtained from the Red Saber Master.

As soon as she heard Shi Jie Jie Li's description, she immediately understood what was going on with those beings who had the power of heroic spirits but were not heroic spirits.

Just like her current state, the heroic spirit does not appear in the form of a physical clone, but possesses a real human body in the form of a spiritual body. The spiritual base and the physical body exist at the same time, and can use the various powers of the heroic spirit, but And it has all the limitations of the human body.

The only difference is that her and Leticia's personalities merge with each other, get along harmoniously, and jointly control this body, which can be switched at any time; while those servants who are not servants seem to directly erase or suppress the will of the heroic spirit. , but it is the possessed human being who takes the lead. At most, it is only slightly affected by the personality information in the spirit base, and there is a certain deviation in the character... And this difference in dominance also makes it difficult for Joan of Arc to Find them with the privileges of your own class - when those sub-servants do not use the power of the servant, they are essentially just ordinary humans and do not exude the aura of a servant. Ruler's enemy-seeking ability cannot To discover them, even using the ability to explore a specific Servant cannot locate them.

Only when they unleash the power of the heroic spirits in their spiritual bases and truly transform into beings that transcend mortal beings, will their sense of existence that is more noble than humans be captured by the Ruler's class privileges, thereby determining their position.

Therefore, after searching the entire Tulifas City but finding nothing, Joan of Arc had to temporarily give up this inefficient approach.

"Hmm...it looks like we have to change the direction..." Just as he was thinking this, suddenly - Gu~~~~ An embarrassing sound came from the girl's belly.

"Well..." The girl quickly looked up and around, fearing that someone would see this embarrassing scene. Finally, she found that no one around her noticed her, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Touching her belly, the girl sighed: "Although she won't starve to death if she doesn't eat, it must be bad for Laetitia's health... But she doesn't have much money... What should I do... " Joan of Arc raised her head and looked at the several restaurants open on both sides of the street. She looked left and right. She wanted to go in and have a full meal, but she was worried about her increasingly tight wallet. She was in a dilemma for a while.

"Forget it, even if you don't have money for accommodation, you can still find a place to camp in the wild, but you can't save money for food!" Saying this to herself, the saint finally lost to her appetite and walked into a restaurant resolutely. Go up and get the cheapest restaurant quote.

"Well, please give me a donut, a meat and vegetable roll, a bowl of tripe soup, and a portion of cornmeal... Well, that's it!" The village girl saint who decided not to treat her belly badly, learned from Laetitia remembered going into the restaurant to order food, and ordered a very authentic Romanian lunch in fluent Romanian.

Well, no doubt, this looks very "Chinese", that is, the donuts look a little more Western-style. It is indeed a local delicacy in Romania. When Joan saw the hot food on the table, she immediately I was attracted by this dish that was different from the traditional Western lunch.

"Aww~ Chew, chew, chew... Mmm~ It's delicious!" She was just a village girl during her lifetime. She had never eaten any other "food" except the unpalatable boiled black bread. After joining the army, she even got blacklisted. Bread can only be chewed dry. After coming to this world, I thought that the white bread in Leticia's school cafeteria was already a delicacy in the world. I didn't expect that I could eat such delicacies here... Ah, thank God, I can Let her have a new life, even if it is just a false life, but the delicious food alone is completely worth it... Okay, this book is not a food novel, let's stop here! Just as Joan of Arc and Letitia were enjoying the exotic food alternately, a figure suddenly sat across from them.

"Hello, Miss Jeanne!"  Joan: "... chew chew... swallow... who are you?"  She frowned and looked at the figure in front of her, feeling alert at first, and then a little confused.

"You... are not human?"  Yes, she saw that the person in front of her looked like a human, and even the body shape, skin, hair, pupil color, and even body temperature and pulse were no different from real humans, but in fact there was no "human" breath at all... No, it's better to say that there is not even the breath of a living thing. It's just a puppet that is extremely similar to humans!   "Oh? Really sharp!" The visitor nodded with some approval, and then said something that surprised her: "Let me introduce myself. I am the extra fourth party of this Holy Grail War.

The purpose of my coming here is to report the violators in the war to the referee of the Holy Grail War, that is, you as the Ruler."

Joan: "..."  What? The third update is here')227'\u003eChapter 226 The "Unqualified" Saint

It is obvious that the "fourth force" who came to the black whistle referee to report the cheater is naturally Fang Yuan.

However, after he found that there were indeed signs of the suppression force intervening in this Holy Grail War, he did not plan to descend to the ground in person, but sent a puppet substitute composed of transformation units as a communication medium. He himself was playing real-life VR in the panoramic simulation cabin in the space city at this time.

"..."  Joan of Arc looked up and down at the man sitting in front of her... No, although this "person" looks like a man, it is just a puppet. It is impossible to know whether the person hiding behind the scenes is a man or a woman. However, since the other party appears in a male posture, let's treat the other party as a man for the time being.

"You...you said you want to report the violators in the Holy Grail War?"  Joan of Arc didn't know how to evaluate what she was facing now-a troublemaker who broke in from the outside world reported the violators in the Holy Grail War...It seems that neither of them is a good thing! "Yes, you heard me right. Although I was not a participant in the Holy Grail War at the beginning, I seized several Servants in my own way during the war, which more or less qualifies me to participate, right?" As if knowing what Jeanne was thinking, this puppet, which was almost indistinguishable from a human, smiled and said, "Or, does the rule of the Holy Grail War say that outsiders cannot seize the ownership of Servants?" "..." Jeanne could not refute it. What the guy in front of her said was indeed correct. The rules of the Holy Grail War were actually very simple. In essence, it was a big fight between seven groups of Masters and Servants. It was completely normal to use all means to seize the ownership of Servants from other Masters.

"But, the battle that broke out in the forest last night was caused by you, right? I don't know what method you used to be able to fight against multiple servants of the red and black sides by yourself, but you used such a powerful attack at such a close distance outside the city, didn't you think about whether it would affect the innocent civilians in the city?!" For some reason, Joan of Arc was filled with disgust when she saw this troublemaker who came to see her in the form of a puppet. Therefore, even if what the other party said made sense, she still thought of ways to refute him, just because she didn't want to see his smug look! "Then you should blame the Eugedomrenia clan. They were the ones who placed the Greater Holy Grail in Tulifas and started the Holy Grail War. As an outsider fighting away from home, how can I care about these things... Besides, I can guarantee that no ordinary people died in the battle last night. At most, they were just frightened and couldn't sleep well. Do you care about this?" Although it was a bit strange why Jeanne was so hostile to him, Fang Yuan was not one of those dogs who couldn't walk when seeing beautiful women. Fang Yuan responded to Jeanne's accusations without any hesitation. "..."  After being rebuked again and being speechless, Jeanne had to awkwardly change the subject: "So, what is the problem you want to report? Which party violated the rules?"  "The Master of the Red Party, a priest named Kotomine Shiro, whose real name is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, is the Ruler summoned by the Einzbern family in the last Holy Grail War. He came into contact with the Greater Holy Grail in the Holy Grail War, and thus gained a physical body, and has survived from that year to the present, and has been preparing for this Holy Grail War for 60 years."

In fact, when Fang Yuan said the name "Amakusa Shiro Tokisada", Jeanne's inherent skill [Revelation] had already been activated automatically, and received feedback from the mysterious "God", confirming everything Fang Yuan said.

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