Swish - A screen was projected in front of Fang Yuan, which listed a catalog of long-range strike weapons carried by the space city. Each item was followed by a brief explanation, which seemed clear at a glance.

"Well, let's see... God's Staff, no, it's good for hitting fixed targets, but not so good for hitting moving targets... Positron Cannon, no, it's too dissipated in the atmosphere Seriously, it is not suitable for targets in the atmosphere... The 'Genesis' gamma ray cannon, not to mention it. If it were to hit the earth, the entire ecosystem would be in trouble... The proton impact cannon, this seems to be in the atmosphere. It’s not very easy to use... The flinch cannon trial version... Forget it, find one with a lower power... Well, here we have it, the space acceleration kinetic energy bomb!" Fang Yuan clicked on one of the tabs and expanded it. , a large string of data text suddenly popped up on the screen, alongside a schematic diagram and three views of the actual object.

Yuzuka Satsuki looked over curiously and found that the large string of text data that was confusing at first glance was not understandable by a scumbag like her. She couldn't help but turn her eyes to the introduction at the top.

Well, Fang Yuan very thoughtfully provided the Japanese version, and combined with the accompanying pictures, after reading it for a while, I finally understood a little bit.

"This is... to use a closed-loop space channel to continuously accelerate the physical projectile, which can reach up to 1% of the speed of light, and then set the space exit near the target point during the attack, and directly apply high-speed mass projectiles at zero distance?" Follow Fang Yuan has been around for a long time. Although the specific skills and knowledge are really limited to seven or six orifices, she can still more or less remember some of the phrases that Fang Yuan always talks about, at least closed loop, space She can still understand words like channel, mass bomb, and 1% speed of light.

Just because she could understand it, she felt a chill.

Although she is a bad student, she is already a high school student. She has learned the kinetic energy formula, 1% of the speed of light, and physical cannonballs... Even if the cannonball only weighs the weight of a bullet, even if it is 15g, it still has at least... ...the equivalent of sixteen thousand tons of TNT! Well, of course, this number was not calculated by herself, but the answer was obtained by asking the artificial intelligence [Friday] who answered questions.

In addition, looking at the dimensions marked on the three views, it is obvious that the cannonball cannot be that small. If one of them were to be hit... Eh~~ the vampire girl can no longer imagine it.

')233'\u003eChapter 232 Forced demolition of illegal buildings

Bang——The disgraced French saint jumped out of the sea of ​​fire.

Even though she had the ability to foresee given by [Revelation], in the increasingly intensive bombardment, Joan of Arc was still unable to avoid all of these magical bombardments, each of which was comparable to a meteorite falling to the ground.

Just like just now, if she hadn't unfolded the Holy Flag in time and activated the Noble Phantasm [My Lord is Here], she would have almost been killed by the magical bombardment of the floating fortress! But even if she could resist one or two blows, she couldn't resist forever - just that one blow alone had already shattered a third of the holy flag in her hand, and she was hit twice more. This precious treasure of hers is about to be scrapped! "No, we have to retreat..." Seeing that something cannot be done, Joan of Arc is not just a stubborn person who only knows how to fight hard. When it is time to switch to strategy, she still has to switch to strategy.

It seems that the battle with the red side still has to rely on the power of the black side... Just as she was thinking this, suddenly, a flash of light flashed above the aerial garden - almost in just an instant, the entire aerial garden below Half of it scattered and disintegrated like disintegrating gravel, and then in the next moment, a violent flash of light made Joan of Arc on the ground have to close her eyes. Then, an extremely terrifying explosion and shock wave were transmitted to the ground——Boom——! ! ! "What...!" When Joan of Arc relied on the flagpole pierced into the ground as a support to survive the shock wave, she opened her eyes again and saw a shocking scene.

——The floating fortress has fallen! No, it shouldn’t be said that it fell, it should be said that it was broken! The sky garden that was originally extremely gorgeous and magnificent, like a miracle, has completely fallen apart at this time.

Except for the eleven black plates on the periphery and a small part of the upper floor that remain largely intact, the entire sky garden has been broken into countless large and small fragments. This is fashionable and still reflects the "inverted" concept of the Noble Phantasm itself. It was suspended in mid-air, but it had gradually lost its own mystery and magic power, and began to fall towards the ground.

"Who did this...who did this?" Joan of Arc thought that she had no choice but to possess Amakusa Shiro Tokisada in the air fortress this time, but she didn't expect that just when she was embarrassed by the magic bombardment and was about to retreat, The situation suddenly took a 180-degree turn - the seemingly invincible air fortress was actually destroyed! Who is helping her? Joan of Arc instinctively thought of the mysterious figure she met in the restaurant. Her intuition, no, it should be said to be [revelation] told her that it was the person behind the puppet who looked no different from a real person who did it! However, the attack just now was definitely not any magic, nor was it a noble phantom of a heroic spirit. Joan of Arc did not feel any magical energy from it.

What kind of attack could completely destroy such a powerful aerial fortress in an instant? Jeanne looked at the falling fragments, trying to see something from them.

Then, she soon discovered that on the wreckage of the floating fortress that had not been completely destroyed, obvious high-temperature melting marks could be seen. These were actually the penetration marks caused by the kinetic bullets that were accelerated to extremely high speeds after hitting the target.

In fact, in order to allow the warheads that kill purely with kinetic energy to convert all the energy contained in them into destructive power on the target, rather than directly hitting the deep ground after penetrating the aerial garden and wasting most of the kinetic energy, Fang Yuan specially chose a deformable split warhead that was somewhat similar to the dum-dum bullet.

If someone could piece together these countless falling fragments, they would find that these high-temperature melting tracks were not actually a straight line that penetrated through, but like forked branches, they began to split and scatter after penetrating a certain depth, eventually forming hundreds or thousands of tiny branches, and even finally breaking off.

However, this is not because the kinetic energy of these warhead fragments has been exhausted and they can no longer cause damage, but because at the final point of these trajectories, there are no fragments of the aerial garden.

——In order to maximize the lethality, Fang Yuan madly replaced the inner core of the kinetic bullet with metal hydrogen crystals. When these metal hydrogens that shattered along with the deformation and splitting of the bullets penetrated into the aerial garden in a very short time after the impact, the huge chemical energy contained in the metal hydrogen that could not exist stably in nature finally exploded, and combined with the huge kinetic energy it carried, it caused double damage to the structure of the aerial garden.

This is also the origin of the explosion flash that Jeanne saw before-a simple kinetic bullet impact, unless its energy level is high enough to instantly ignite the atmosphere, there will be no such obvious explosion flash.

The result of the explosion of countless metal hydrogen fragments is that the lower half of the entire aerial garden was almost immediately blown into powder, and the material at the core of the explosion was even directly evaporated.

——And the blow that caused such huge damage was actually just a low-power test shot by Fang Yuan manipulating the space city! … “Huh, it’s so fragile?” Fang Yuan originally intended to test fire one round to confirm how powerful this weapon, which was used in actual combat for the first time, was. He was thinking that if one round didn’t work, he would switch to a bigger warhead with a higher power and fire another round. But… it just failed with one round? ! Isn’t this so-called [Vain’s Sky Garden] too fragile? Although it is a bit absurd to bomb a floating fortress that can’t even get out of the atmosphere with weapons from the interstellar era, it is still an Ex-level extraordinary Noble Phantasm anyway, right? It was destroyed so easily, is it really okay? Could it be that Amakusa Shiro Tokisada cut corners when collecting the materials needed to build the Sky Garden? Or did he not make enough money and the materials he bought were not high-grade enough? Or did he use the Command Spell to forcibly accelerate the formation of the Sky Garden, causing this Noble Phantasm to become a mere showpiece? ……If Fang Yuan was surprised by the result of his attack, then the owner of a house whose "illegal building" was forcibly demolished would only feel resentment and fear.

Should we say that she is indeed the queen of Assyria? As a person with both Assassin and Caster qualifications, Semiramis's ability value was enhanced to an extremely powerful level when she was inside the sky garden. She actually reacted in time when she was attacked and avoided the kinetic bullet in a spirit form.

You know, Fang Yuan's attack was fired at the central core area of ​​the sky garden, and Semiramis placed her throne in the most central area to show her unique and supreme status in this sky garden.

In other words, if she had reacted a little slower, she would have personally experienced the baptism of the 1% light speed kinetic energy bullet... Well, just like the good-for-nothing Caster who can do nothing but write scripts, the famous great writer William Shakespeare, he did not dodge it - Caster, who is neither a warrior nor a magician, has no such reaction consciousness at all. When the explosion was about to happen, he was still writing furiously in his room. As a result, when the explosion hit, he did not even have the chance to spiritualize. He was killed directly in the state of manifesting the entity, and was completely eliminated from this Holy Grail War.

')234'\u003eChapter 233 Coincidence - The Black Hand of Inhibition

Well, let's not talk about Shakespeare's shameful thing for now... Semiramis, as an orthodox heroic spirit, can avoid this sudden bombardment by spiritualizing, but Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who has a physical body after being incarnated, can't do it.

This Far Eastern Saint who has the great wish to save mankind is about to die at this time.

Although he had the same A-level [Revelation] skill as Jeanne, the attack from Fang Yuan was too hidden, too fast, too sharp, and too terrifying.

Even though Amakusa Shiro Tokisada immediately overloaded his treasures [Right Arm·Evil Predator] and [Left Arm·Heavenly Grace Base] and blessed himself with many defensive magics, he still couldn't resist the terrible explosion that shouldn't have appeared in the human world.

However, what is very surprising is that he did not die! But his current condition is not much better than death - he has lost two legs, one hand, and most of his body. The rest of his body has been burned beyond recognition by the high temperature, and almost all his skin and hair have been burned to pieces. Clean, leaving only the carbonized muscles exposed to the air and slowly squirming.

In fact, all his facial features were destroyed, his nose, ears, and lips could no longer be seen, his eyes were burned, and his vocal cords were damaged. It was extremely miserable and terrifying.

But even so, he still struggled and didn't die! "No, I haven't fulfilled my great wish to save all mankind... I can't die yet!" ’ Although he couldn’t make a sound, the young saint’s thoughts were extremely strong, and anyone could feel the unparalleled firm will from him.

It is not the desire to survive that arises from fear of death, but the immortal obsession that never gives up because the great ambition has not yet been completed.

Although he is on the verge of death, the only functioning brain is still working hard to survive: "The vitality is losing, the Noble Phantasm cannot be used, and the magic circuits in the body have been basically destroyed... But I still have the Command Seal!" ’ In fact, the reason why he was able to escape was because of the command spells he held in his hands.

Although the Command Seal was originally used to restrain the followers' compulsory command power, it itself is actually a precious treasure containing huge magical power, which can be called the crystallization of miracles.

As long as it is used properly, the power of the command spell can even be used to achieve miracles close to the level of magic.

For example, using the Master himself as the target of the Command Spell - just like Sieg in the original plot. As an artificial human, he also has the heart of the heroic spirit Siegfried and holds the "Dragon Report Command Spell" in his hand. , with the help of the power of the command spell, he can transform into a "fake" with all the power of the dragon-slaying hero.

As a master, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who is also a heroic spirit himself, can also do similar things - such as using space transfer that originally only worked on servants on himself.

Although they are not on the same world line, they are both priests and have also received Kotomine's surname. Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, like his sworn brother, also uses the Command Seal in a different way.

Just before he was about to be killed by the explosion, he successfully activated the command spell at the critical moment and used space transfer to escape from the explosion range before he was completely destroyed - although he still paid a heavy price.

However, as long as he is still alive, as long as he has enough Command Seals, everything will not be a problem! ‘Command Seal, restore my injuries! ’ On the remaining arm, the only well-preserved skin surface, one of the dozens of command spells engraved on it suddenly disappeared.

Then in the next moment, the mutilated body that had no human appearance suddenly regenerated the missing flesh and blood as if it had gone back in time - no, just a part of the flesh and blood.

A mere command spell was not enough to fully recover Amakusa Shiro Tokisada who was seriously injured and on the verge of death - after all, this was not a "small injury" such as a piercing of the heart, but a fatal injury in which most of the body was destroyed.

But it doesn't matter, one Command Seal is not enough, so let's get another one. Anyway, he has plenty of Command Seals in his hand! "Command Seal, Restore, Restore!" After using three Command Seals in succession, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada finally fully restored the missing limbs and organs, repaired the muscles and skin on the body surface, and struggled back from the brink of death. .

However, although it seems that he has recovered completely, in fact, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada is still very weak at this time - recovering from his injuries does not mean that he has returned to his prime. He is now at an unprecedented level in both physical strength and magic power. At the lowest point, if you encounter other hostile servants, there is probably no way to escape... "Tsk! Only one died, and he was the most useless one... It was the restraint that took action again. !" Fang Yuan could clearly see whether Amakusa Shirou Tokisada was dead or not.

He is very confident in his weapons, just like Semiramis who can escape in spirit form. After all, he used a purely physical attack this time and cannot hurt the void spirit body, but he has It’s unreasonable that the physical Amakusa Shiro Tokisada also escaped death! Although on the surface it seemed that Amakusa Shirou Tokisada took advantage of his identity as both a master and a heroic spirit, and flexibly used the power of the command spell to escape the moment before he was about to be completely killed.

But this all seems too coincidental. Why not escape sooner rather than later, but when there is only one last breath left? Why didn't he use this method to strengthen himself in the original plot, and was finally killed by a mere android? Why was it that this time, he had an idea and figured out how to use the command spell to escape the disaster? This is no coincidence! After discovering signs of restraint last time, Fang Yuan no longer believed in coincidences.

'It seems that the restraining power of this world no longer regards this saint who intends to destroy all mankind as the biggest threat, but has turned its finger on me, and may even intend to use the power of this saint to fight against me. ...' Fang Yuan wondered in his mind, could it be that his identity as an outsider had been discovered? Or maybe the force and technology he displayed made the restraining force feel afraid, and then he regarded himself as an enemy? Well, it’s possible! Sure enough, his decision to decisively relocate the base to outer space was correct. If he were still on the ground now, he would definitely encounter various "coincidences" under the hands of two powerful inhibitors, and then Falling into an increasingly unfavorable situation, and finally reaching the end of the road, he is personally killed by a certain "protagonist" who is "ordered by God". At the same time, one or even more qualified thugs are added to the restraint force... This routine method Yuan has already seen through it! ')235'\u003eChapter 234 Is this the rhythm of becoming a big boss?

"Hmph! I originally thought that my opponents would be those magicians and heroic spirits, but I didn't expect that they would suddenly escalate to the point of confronting the inhibitory power... It seems that I am a big boss who is not low in power!" Fang Yuan was gloomy. The ground sneered, causing the vampire girl next to him to shrink her neck in fear and not dare to say a word - an uncle like this is so scary~~ Not to mention someone over there who unknowingly considers himself a big boss, someone on the ground , Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who narrowly escaped death, was not unlucky enough to encounter the enemy when he was at his weakest.

Perhaps it was his level B lucky attribute that came into play, or maybe it was the blessing of his inhibitions. In short, Semiramis found him first before Joan of Arc arrived.

"You are really embarrassed, my Master!" The empress who rushed to her Master in spirit form, when she saw Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, couldn't help but laugh out loud, even because of the sky garden. The resentment caused by being destroyed has been reduced a lot.

Well, Amakusa is indeed in a very embarrassed state right now - you know, the order he just gave using the Command Seal was to "recover injuries", which means that things like clothes are not within the scope of recovery, and when both physical strength and magic are exhausted, Now, he can't even use magic to create a dress to hide his shame.

So... it is obvious that Amakusa is now in a "celestial body" state. It is no wonder that Semiramis gloated and laughed out loud.

"If you want to laugh at me, feel free to laugh at me..." A helpless smile appeared on Amakusa's face. Finally, Semiramis had enough of seeing the young saint's naked body. With the help of the magical connection between master and slave, she took the initiative to reflect part of her magical power. He instilled it into the other party so that he could condense the attire on his own and finally got rid of the dilemma of streaking.

... "My sky garden has been destroyed, what should we do now?" After the small interlude, the two got down to business.

"What else can we do? Recall Lancer and Rider first, and retreat for now!" In Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's senses, Jeanne is coming here, and with their current strength alone, they are completely unable to fight against each other. match, so it is necessary to recall the two strongest combatants.

Fortunately, Joan of Arc was bombarded by the Sky Garden before, and the consumption itself was not light. In addition, she was still possessed, and her speed on the road could be said to be slow compared to the servants who could transform into spirits. Amakusa They finally waited for Lancer and Rider to return before the other party found them.

Jeanne d'Arc immediately noticed this change, perhaps because she felt that her power could not match the numerous heroic spirits, so she retreated decisively, which made Amakusa Shirou Tokisada relieved, but also slightly disappointed.

If Joan of Arc had not retreated just now, he really wanted to try to see if he could keep her! ... "Tch, so Father, are you also a Heroic Spirit yourself? It's really unexpected that you can become the Master of the Holy Grail War!" Seeing Amakusa Shiro Tokisada who had changed into a formal attire and restored his Ruler attire, Achilles was immediately stunned. Understand the identity of the other party.

This also answered one of his doubts - where did this guy get so much magic power that he could maintain contracts with multiple servants at the same time? But if he himself is a heroic spirit, then there won't be any problem.

However, having a Servant with a physical body is really interesting. How did this guy do it? Heel planned to ask this question later.

As for Karna, he didn't seem too surprised by Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's true identity. He just nodded slightly as a greeting, then without saying a word, he turned into a spirit and was on standby.

"If you want to know the whole story, I will tell you when I have time, but for now, let's find a place to stay first!" Amakusa looked at the ruins of the sky garden and sighed helplessly. He has prepared materials for 60 years... "Did you retreat? Is it because of the fall of the floating fortress..." In an endless steel jungle made of iron piles, the Archduke evacuated without any hesitation. The opponent, thinking back to the scene he saw before.

Aerial fortress, magic bombardment, sudden explosion and fall... What happened over there? Was it the Saint Joan of Arc who descended as a Ruler? If so, then their attitude towards this Ruler must change; if not, then who was it? Was it the mysterious force that controlled the Iron Golem? Or another wave of foreign forces that appeared in the city? The current situation seems to be getting more and more troublesome! ... "Achilles, I didn't expect that you have already walked out of your own path. As expected, you are worthy of being my proud disciple!" Chiron, the Centaur Sage, who had a battle with his heel and the outcome was still undecided, praised the growth of his disciple and looked forward to the next battle with the opponent, hoping to have more fun.

... Siegfried: "..." Mr. Sorry, who felt that he had the worst performance in the whole battle, was now lowering his head to reflect on himself. No matter what, as a Saber, it was not a good feeling to be ignored by the opponent's Rider throughout the whole process.

… ‘Lancer and Rider of the Red Team have returned to Amakusa. I am no match for them alone… Should I continue to seek assistance from the Black Team? No, that is not good either. The Black Team occupies the Greater Holy Grail and is already a violator. I cannot be too partial… Moreover, my [Revelation] tells me that the most important thing to eliminate now is no longer Amakusa, which has lost its trump card, but that mysterious force. We must find a way to find out the details of the other party! ’ As she returned to Tulifas, while thinking about the gains and losses of this action, Jeanne’s doubts became more and more.

Undoubtedly, when Fang Yuan controlled the puppet to reveal to her the ambitions of Shiro Tokisada of Amakusa, Jeanne felt that the former Ruler who had survived the last Holy Grail War was indeed the biggest anomaly in this Holy Grail War.

However, when the aerial fortress was destroyed by an inexplicable attack, her [Revelation] skill was activated again, telling her that the biggest trouble now has become the mysterious existence that shot down the aerial fortress.

Could it be that after the mysterious man obtains the Greater Holy Grail, he will create a more terrible crisis than Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's "saving all mankind"?   If so, he must be stopped!   But... who is the other party? Where is he? What cards does he have?   Jeanne knows nothing, and the [Revelation] skill that always guided her in the past did not give an answer, so she can only think of another way -   'Perhaps, we can start with those servants who were taken away? If we can find the location of the servants, we should be able to find the location of the master! '')236'\u003eChapter 235 Innocent Pigeons \u0026 The Shadow Ready to Move

Although the money has been almost spent, Jeanne still has money to find a B\u0026B for one night.

After staying at a kind-hearted aunt's house for one night, the next day, she began to look for the mastermind.

"In the sky? What does that mean?" She tried to find several servants abducted by an unknown force by sprinkling holy water, but what she got back to Jeanne was not the usual clear picture, but a vague hint of unknown meaning - in the sky.

"Could it be that the guy also has a hidden base like the Red Team, like a floating fortress? But why can't the class privilege of Ruler take effect? ​​Could it be that... the other party can also block the power of the Holy Grail?" Jeanne subconsciously looked up at the sky, as if she wanted to find the other party's hiding place, and then she found that this action was stupid, and shook her head vigorously, and finally had to admit helplessly that she seemed to have walked into a dead end again.

At this time - Gu~~~~~ A familiar sound came from the girl's belly.

"Ah - I'm hungry again!" The girl touched her stomach helplessly. The bad thing about not being able to descend as a physical body is that although the human body will not die if it does not eat, it will be very uncomfortable because of hunger.

I haven't eaten since noon yesterday. In addition, after several battles yesterday, I consumed a lot of magic power and physical strength. It's normal to be hungry.

"Money is getting less and less, so I can save a little bit..." The girl from Orleans looked at the town not far ahead, then turned her head to look at the mountains and forests behind her, and finally made up her mind: "Well, I've decided. Let's go hunting in the mountains today! Eating some game should be able to solve the food problem!" As she said this, she summoned armor and battle flags. The fully armed saint walked into the dense forest outside the city that had not been affected by the previous war with the momentum of going to the battlefield.

... An hour later, Joan of Arc lit a bonfire in an open space in the forest. There were more than a dozen branches on the flames, and each branch was strung with a plucked and gutted bird. At this time, it was gradually becoming golden and crispy under the smoke of the flames. From time to time, one or two drops of animal fat dripped onto the flames below, making a "sizzling" sound.

"What a mistake. I didn't expect that all the wild animals in this area had already migrated in a hurry because of the previous battles. The only ones I can find are these small birds... But why are they all pigeons?" The saint, who had been hungry for a long time, took a roasted pigeon, blew on it twice, and then bit it with big mouthfuls in a very unladylike manner. She swallowed the whole roasted pigeon in no time.

There was no salt or seasoning, and her own barbecue skills could only be said to be barely up to standard. To be honest, the taste of the roasted pigeon was not that great.

However, Joan of Arc did not show any disdain and still ate with gusto - when she was alive, the best food she had ever eaten was about this level, although it was not comparable to the exquisite food made by modern people. But she didn't come into the world specifically for enjoyment. She could still tolerate this slight difference in level.

But obviously, a mere pigeon cannot have enough to eat.

After spitting out the last tiny bone, Joan reached out to the next roasted pigeon and continued to enjoy the pure natural game.

It wasn't until the last pigeon was eaten that she patted her belly with some unsatisfied feelings - seventy percent full, that's almost it! ... Tens of minutes ago - An abandoned hunter's hut in the mountain forest has become a temporary foothold for the red side who have lost their stronghold. At this time, they are using humans to use magic with the pigeons surrounding them. The empress, who was communicating in an incomprehensible way, suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Amakusa noticed this and asked.

"No, it's nothing. It's just that the familiars I sent out seemed to have been discovered by the Saint Joan of Arc, and a dozen of them were wiped out at once."

Semiramis said somewhat unhappily.

For the empress who was said to have been raised by pigeons, these pigeons could automatically become familiars without the need for contracts. They were not only her assistants, but also existed like benefactors and parents. Now they were suddenly killed for no reason. There were more than a dozen of them, and of course they felt instinctively unhappy.

"Well, after all, she is a Ruler, and she is also a saint recognized by Christianity. It is normal to have such a sensitivity!" Regarding this situation, Amakusa could only shrug and expressed that he was helpless.

"Hmph! Sooner or later, I'll poison that stinky girl to death!" Cursing angrily, the empress had no choice but to send more familiars to that place, and told them to stay as far away from that "hateful woman" as possible. .

Well, our empress still doesn’t know what happened to those pigeons shot down by Joan of Arc! If she knew that those pigeons, who were like adoptive parents to her, were actually used as food by a certain vegetarian saint... Tsk! ​​… The Saint and the Empress here are having a wonderful and joyful interaction (although Joan of Arc herself is not aware of this). On the other side, some entities hidden in the dark can no longer bear it.

"The red side's biggest trump card seems to be the floating fortress, but it has been shot down by an unknown force on the other side. It should be the mysterious force that sent the steel golem before."

It was still the same dark secret room that I didn't know where, and the same few black figures whose faces couldn't be seen clearly were discussing the latest developments of the Holy Grail War.

"Is there still no result in the investigation against that mysterious force?" someone asked.

"No, the situation is not ideal! No matter it is divination or prophecy, no results can be found on this mysterious force, and it has also encountered a strong counterattack from the other party. Three of my subordinates with prophecy ability have died. This guy It can't be found out with such small means!" "It's the same here. The prophecy ability can't be used against that force, and there are no clues at all through ordinary investigation!" "Then, let's do it for the time being! Ignore this mysterious force and focus on solving the obvious opponents first!" "Well, I agree.

However, should we deal with red or black first? "Although the red side is disabled, their remaining Lancer, Rider and Saber are all strong and cannot be easily solved. Let's deal with the black side first. Their trump cards haven't been revealed yet, so they have to test them out!" " "Agree, let those sub-servers try the power of Black. If possible, they can also try to grab the Great Holy Grail..." ...')237'\u003eChapter 236 The "white" camp came out in full force

"Ah ah ah, those gentlemen who refused to show up have finally issued an order!" Archer, a sub-servant of the "White" camp who had appeared once when intercepting Mordred, used the lazy Said in a cocky tone.

"Are you causing trouble for Black this time... I hope there is a good opponent over there!" This is the sub-server who also appeared for a while at that time. He has Lancelot's spiritual power and is called Saber by his companions. The swordsman called.

"We can't take it lightly. After all, we are just humans with the power of Servants, and there is still a gap between us and real heroic spirits, so we must work together this time - I'm talking about you, Saber! Don't be too deeply affected by the consciousness in the spirit base. "There is no such thing as chivalry in this era!" A female android in a robe issued a stern warning to Saber, who seemed to have been brainwashed by chivalry.

"Hmph! How I fight is my own business, Caster, just take care of yourself!" Saber didn't give any face to this android sister who had Caster's spiritual power, and fought back without hesitation.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, we brothers and sisters were all originally white androids with the same personality. How come we have changed so much after gaining the power of heroic spirits?" Another male android shook his head with a helpless tone. Sighed.

He is a man-made man who has obtained the spiritual base of a certain Lancer. Although he said so, he seems to be greatly affected by the spiritual base in his body, and his personality has become somewhat wild and unrestrained.

"It should be said that it is precisely because we are man-made men that we are so greatly affected by the consciousness inside the spiritual base! What do you think, Rider?" A male man-made man dressed in short tights took over the conversation - he is the Assassin in this group, but looking at his spine as straight as a gun barrel when he stands, and his majestic momentum, he does not look like an Assassin who specializes in assassination.

"..." The girl called Rider did not respond, but just adjusted the glasses on her nose, and then continued to bury her head in reading.

"...Okay, I won't bother you anymore... So, Berserker, what do you think?" Assassin turned to ask another girl squatting in the corner. She was a homunculus who had received the spiritual base of a certain Berserker, but surprisingly, she was not devoured by the madness contained in the spiritual base. She just became taciturn on weekdays, but seemed to be accumulating endless anger, waiting for a moment to vent it completely.

"..." As a matter of course, Assassin's conversation was ignored again.

"Tsk! Our White Camp, which was originally intended to more effectively control and utilize the power of the Heroic Spirit, seems to be more difficult to deal with than the servants summoned normally!" The homunculus woman with Caster's power tutted in dissatisfaction.

"Forget it, each of us has our own ideas, so let's play freely after we get to the battlefield!" In the end, it was Archer who set the tone - to be honest, it was very uncomfortable for him, the archer who claimed to be the most rational, to cooperate with this group of problem children-like teammates! ... At night, outside the castle of the Yugdomrenia clan, a group of people arrived here under the cover of concealment magic, avoiding all detection magic and familiars.

"Well, it seems that this castle has really been fortified! However, in front of me, no matter how powerful the magic barrier is, it is meaningless!" Swish - The brilliance of magic flashed, and Caster appeared in a dress that did not belong to humans - she was wearing a black coat with an open front, a red and black off-shoulder miniskirt like erotic lingerie, black long knee socks and leather boots on her feet, and a black hat similar to a military cap on her head.

Such an outfit itself is very inconsistent, but when worn on her, it reveals an alternative beauty in an incredible way. This must be the influence of the charm of the heroic spirit possessed by Caster! However, Caster put on this outfit not to show her charm, but to fully exert the power of the heroic spirit hidden in her body.

'Great soul, lend me strength! ' She prayed silently in her heart, and the power of the servant in her body was activated at the right time. The power borrowed from the martyrs who reached the root made her an almighty person who was proficient in all magic in the world at this moment. The magic defense that covered the inside and outside of the fortress, which originally looked like a copper wall and iron wall, was not much better than paper in her eyes at this moment.

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