In fact, his decision was not wrong. Before his real master, Gold, could say anything, the patriarch who had become Danik Vlad sent an order, telling him not to pursue, to prevent the other party from diverting the tiger away from the mountain—— Now that the castle's defense system has been completely defeated, the safety of the Great Holy Grail has been threatened. Before the defense system is rebuilt, combat power cannot be mobilized hastily.

Therefore, except for a few shallow sword wounds caused by Siegfried in the previous battle, the white Berserker can be said to be in almost intact condition at this time.

Just when she jumped from a tree and was about to land on the branch of another tree, a terrifying weapon suddenly appeared in her hand - a meteor hammer as big as a human head.

Without hesitation, she threw out the murderous weapon in her hand and blasted it to her side.

Bang——! A huge metal hand protruded from the dark forest and firmly grasped the flying bolas.

Berserker pulled hard on the iron chain in his hand and found that the opponent's strength was so incredible that he could not retract the meteor hammer. He had to turn it into a spirit and then reappear, so that he could get his weapon back.

She raised her head and, with the help of the dim skylight, saw a huge figure stepping out of the shadows.

[Meet the capture criteria, the action begins! 】…In another jungle, the archer was sneaking away in an invisibility cloak, looking at the metal giant falling from the sky in front of him with a confused look on his face.

He knew what it was. It was an intelligent steel golem that suppressed and beat nearly ten mounted servants from the red and black sides on the first day of the war. It called itself a Decepticon and possessed extremely powerful power... 'It can't see it. Until I can't see, I can't see me...' The archer who loves to shoot cold arrows has no desire for a head-on confrontation. Instead, he prays that his stealth skills are high enough so that the other party cannot detect him.

But - "I saw you, little bug! Mere optical camouflage can't fool my sensors!" "It saw me!" ! ! ’ [Non-capture target, exclusion confirmation! 】')246'\u003eChapter 245: Making your own decisions will not lead to good results \u0026 clues in memory

Sigh - The light transmitted through space appeared again in the huge prison cell. Atalanta, who was hugging her knees and looking lifeless, raised her head and glanced at the new "inmate".

‘Has anyone been arrested again? ’ Well, although it sounds like many chapters have passed, in fact it has only been a few days since poor Ta Miao last appeared.

Fang Yuan "forgot" to untie her when he studied her body structure. In the end, some soft-hearted vampire girl couldn't stand it and asked the big devil for mercy. Only then did she finally change her mind from the previous one. Get rid of the shameful and angry situation.

When the teleportation light effect dissipated, she could see clearly that there were three new inmates captured this time.

And unlike Atalanta and Spartacus, who were teleported in while they were awake, and unlike poor Astolfo, who was imprisoned in a time-stopping barrier, this new arrival The three were teleported in in a comatose state.

Sigh—— Another ray of space-transported light flashed, and the figure that made the huntress gnash her teeth with hatred appeared in front of her again.

"How dare you appear in front of me!" The female hunter with animal ears and tail was like an enraged lioness when she was angry. Her hair stood on end and her teeth were bared, but she cooperated with her. That delicate and beautiful face and slender figure are not intimidating at all. Instead, they look a little cute.

"Why can't I show up here? Understand your own situation, you are my prisoner now!" Fang Yuan, who was hurriedly teleported and originally planned to study the sub-servants, heard Atalanta's question and opened his mouth. He quarreled back, and then without waiting for the other party to say anything else, he adjusted the sound insulation of the other party's cage, completely cutting off the transmission of sound waves, making it impossible to hear clearly.

This guy hasn't figured out his position yet... Fang Yuan complained in his heart, and then he stopped paying attention to the cat-eared lady over there who was beating the invisible cage with a sad, angry and furious face, and focused his attention on what was in front of him. on new collections.

"Let me see what is going on with the so-called sub-servants!" Fang Yuan extended his sinful hand to the three beautiful young women who were in a coma... Okay, This is not an 18X driving scene, and it is impossible for Fang Yuan to do something indescribable here - don't forget that there are two spectators next to him.

Although one was silenced and posted, and the other was mentally disturbed and unable to communicate at all, these were still two big "live" people. No matter how hungry Fang Yuan was, he couldn't do anything in front of them. describe things.

Well, let’s not talk about that, let’s get back to the topic! Fang Yuan first conducted an in-depth analysis of these sub-servants on the material level and found that they were indeed artificial life forms, or at least artificially modified life forms - the skeletal muscle divisions and organ structures in their bodies were different. There are too many traces of human modification.

From the perspective of body functions and operating efficiency, there is no doubt that the body structure of these artificial humans far exceeds that of ordinary humans. Many redundant structures left over from the process of human evolution have disappeared from these artificial humans.

This extremely efficient and perfect body structure is a great benefit even for Fang Yuan now. The perfect transformation he made to his body is in many ways the result of his personal research. Compared with the perfect structure of these artificial people, which has obviously been improved, refined and perfected by countless generations, it still seems too mundane.

"I didn't expect that the first harvest was at the level of physical transformation. I really learned a lot!" Fang Yuan sighed and thought in his heart that this is really "there must be a teacher among three people"! Just a preliminary inspection of the three artificial people has allowed him to find many small omissions in his body transformation plan. Although they are small problems that don't matter if they are left alone, they have found the problems after all.

And finding the problems is itself a kind of progress! "It's a pity that the three of them are all women, and there is still some difference between their body structures and men.

I should have caught a man earlier, but I didn't expect that he was killed by Megatron and others..." Fang Yuan shook his head and complained about his subordinates' "over-completion of tasks".

He had only asked the Decepticons to capture a few female sub-servants before, but for some reason, the group of people directly understood it as "kill all the men and capture the women"?   When he was the king of bandits, he wanted to rob the wife of the leader? !   By the time Fang Yuan reacted, the male sub-servants had been killed without leaving any residue, and he didn't even have time to stop them!   "Forget it, let [Friday] teach them a lesson later, I'll do the business first..."   Fang Yuan put his hand on the foreheads of several androids, and at the same time connected to the nanomechanical computing cluster directly connected to the brain in his mind, and scanned the brain memories of several sub-servants.

Unlike the servants who are completely made of ether, the sub-servants are essentially human, so their brains are still made of material brain cells.

Although the brain structure of androids is somewhat different from that of ordinary humans, in terms of thinking logic and memory blocks, the android brain is no different from the human brain, and the memory scanning ability can still work.

Yes, one of the main purposes of Fang Yuan capturing these androids was for this.

Fang Yuan was naturally very interested in the extra third party in this Holy Grail War, not to mention that those behind the scenes could actually come up with sub-servant technology, and seven sub-servants appeared at once, which made him even more interested.

After all, according to the setting of Type-Moon, there was only one Chaldea that had the technology to artificially create sub-servants, and it was not until more than ten years later that it was truly successful. In the end, there was only one individual who survived, that is, Mashu Kyrielight, commonly known as Marshmallow.

But that was already a story from another parallel world. Fang Yuan was very curious, where did the sub-servants in this world come from?   "Tsk, even they themselves don't know..."  After a few minutes, Fang Yuan put down his hand, his face a little regretful.

He was still thinking about finding the identity and location of the mastermind from the memories of these people, but the result was that even these androids themselves were not very clear about the identity of the person who controlled them behind the scenes.

That, or maybe the group of people behind the scenes are really vigilant. Not only have these androids been confined to a closed space since birth and have not been exposed to the outside environment, but they were also transported to Tulifas in a coma, and there is no clue left in their memory... "No, there are still some. The researchers who are responsible for modulating androids mainly speak German..." Speaking of Germany, Fang Yuan immediately thought of a magician family there - "Is it Einzbern? Or is it another magician organization that has obtained the legacy of Einzbern?" There is too little information, and Fang Yuan can't find a clue for the time being.

')247'\u003eChapter 246 Sub-Servants \u0026 The "Stolen" Holy Grail

"Forget it, we can investigate this later. Let's first see what the existence of 'sub-servants' is all about..." Fang Yuan's hand flashed with the light of alchemy again. At the same time, more than a dozen arrays with complex patterns appeared around several sub-servants, forming a three-dimensional array together - this is the spiritual analysis array that Fang Yuan improved after he had a preliminary understanding of the existence of concepts such as magic, ether, and spirit particles. It can detect and analyze these non-material existences.

"How can this huge foreign spirit entangle and wrap its own spirit be so similar..." When analyzing these sub-servants from a spiritual perspective, Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that the relationship between the heroic spirits in these sub-servants and their own souls was very similar to the way he was when he was deeply integrated with the artificial intelligence [ether].

The difference is that one is just a "simple" intelligence woven from countless basic spiritual essences, without a very distinct personality, while the other is a huge spiritual body woven very delicately and perfectly, like a work of art, with a distinct self-awareness and a strong personality.

Although the spiritual base gives the sub-servants various skills and treasures that only heroic spirits can master, [Ether] can only give Fang Yuan a stronger thinking speed and additional alchemy performance ability, but no other power. It seems that there is a big difference.

But if you think about it carefully, there is actually no essential difference between the two - in the final analysis, they are just the ability to interfere with external matter and energy.

The real difference between the two is actually the difference in the perfection of the personality of the spirit body and the fineness of the weaving of the structure of the spirit body that interferes with external material energy.

In other words, if Fang Yuan has enough Philosopher's Stone on hand, and then copies and engraves the existing Heroic Spirit Spiritual Base, he can directly imitate a Servant Spiritual Base! "This is really... interesting!" Fang Yuan was filled with inspiration, and he even wanted to test the water by making the Philosopher's Stone with a few servants over there.

However, he finally suppressed this impulse and waited until further research was completed.

"Simple copying is still too devoid of technical content. If the various modules and basic weaving rules in the Heroic Spirit Base can be clarified, I will not be able to weave however I want, or transform however I want... then I will Doesn’t it mean that you have come into contact with the third method?" Fang Yuan shook his head, but still did not have such fantasy.

After roughly recording the structure of the spiritual base in the bodies of these three sub-servants, he already understood that studying the rules of spiritual base composition and spiritual body weaving was not something that could be completed in a short time, at least in this case of the Holy Grail. It couldn't be done during the war.

Unless he takes a shortcut - that is, making a wish through the Great Holy Grail, which is itself the crystallization of the third method! "It seems that we can't wait any longer. Get the Great Holy Grail now!" ... In the castle of the Yggdomirenia clan, they just experienced a great battle, and even one of the most important people was killed. Servants, servants and their masters were gathering in the hall, looking at the patriarch, who was almost a complete stranger, with complex expressions.

Danik Vlad Yggdomirenia, as he should be called now, seemed not to see everyone's complicated looks. Like a king who ruled over a country, he sat on the throne of Vlad III. Sitting throne.

"Calculate the losses caused by this attack, arrange for magicians and artificial people to step up the reconstruction of the defense system, and learn from previous lessons. Do not integrate the entire defense system, but divide it into multiple layers of defense, so that it will not be like this time. , was taken away entirely at once."

Danik Vlad immediately issued such an order, and his tone contained both the delicacy and meticulousness of the magician Danik and the decisiveness and resoluteness of the Grand Duke, which made everyone below feel more and more complicated.

"Yes, we have already made arrangements to count the losses. I will arrange the rebuilding of the defense system right away."

Fiore looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure on the throne and opened her mouth to ask something, but in the end she said nothing. She just responded to the patriarch's instructions like a qualified heir to the family.

"Very good, Fiore, well done!" Danik nodded with satisfaction when he saw Fiore's performance.

Then he turned to the others in the hall and said, "I know what you want to ask.

That's right, I have completely merged with Archduke Vlad. Now I am both the magician Danik and the servant Vlad Tepesh. We are one! "Hearing what Darnic said, except for Fiore, who had a slightly sad expression on her face, no one else had any reaction.

Several heroic spirits do not care about the life and death of mortals, and the magicians are all outliers with different views from ordinary people. Only Fiore, who is a magician but has a moral concept similar to that of ordinary people, is interested in the Grand Duke. I feel sad that Danik passed away at the same time.

Yes, in her opinion, the one sitting on the throne now is neither the heroic spirit Vlad III nor her uncle Danik, but a brand new individual born from the corpses of the two.

For her, this was equivalent to two people dying, and she naturally felt sad in her heart.

In fact, it’s almost the same. If one considers personality as the human self, Darnik Vlad, who is the fusion of the personalities of the magician Darnik and the heroic spirit Vlad III, cannot indeed be said to be the former two. Any one person, but a brand new individual who has just been born.

However, this kind of philosophical issue is of little significance to the magicians who pursue the origin. As long as they see that the other party still uses Darnic's name and assumes Darnic's responsibilities, they will naturally regard the other party as the real Darnic. Nick looked at.

"Since the magic defense system in the castle has not yet been rebuilt, Caster, you and Berserker will continue to suffer a little and be responsible for continuing to protect the safety of the Great Holy Grail!" "Understood!" The masked puppet master nodded.

"Ah——!" Frankenstein, who could not speak, opened his mouth and let out a cry of unknown meaning, but judging from her expression, he must have agreed.

"Then, that's it for today, you continue..." Boom——! ! ! The sudden loud noise and vibration interrupted Nick Flood's words.

"What's going on?" He stood up, walked quickly to the window on the side of the hall, and saw a sight that made his eyes split open.

The area in the center of the castle was completely hollowed out by an unknown force in just an instant, turning into a huge pit nearly a hundred meters deep. At the bottom of the pit, Yggdomireni was supposed to be stored. The place where the most precious thing of the Ya clan was, was already empty.

——The Great Holy Grail was stolen! ')248'\u003eChapter 247: Unaccepted Speculations \u0026 The Holy Lady’s Unexpected Visit

"Has the damage been calculated?" Standing on the edge of the huge crater, which was as smooth as a sharp blade, Danik Flood asked with a sullen face.

"No magician or artificial man was injured or killed, but the investigation and statistics of material losses will take some time, but the most important thing..." Fiore, who was sitting in a wheelchair, replied, and behind her was Kaolie who was holding a wheelchair. Sri Lanka.

"Ah, I know, the Great Holy Grail... I didn't expect that someone could take it away in this way. I was careless..." At this point, even in the city of Danik Vlad, He couldn't help but hold the cane in his hand tightly, so hard that he almost broke it.

After 60 years of planning and 60 years of waiting, he was about to reap the fruits of success and realize the long-cherished wish of a prosperous clan, but he didn't expect to be intercepted at the last moment... To be honest, he didn't go around throwing things and cursing people to vent his anger at this time. This is a very self-cultivated performance.

"Master Patriarch, the Great Holy Grail was taken away after the castle's magic defense system collapsed. Judging from the traces left here, it looks like some kind of powerful space transfer technique.

So, could it be the person behind the scenes of that special group of servants who did it? "Cores, who had been silent before, said this.

"It is a reasonable guess that if multiple great magicians jointly perform the space transfer spell, this kind of thing can indeed be achieved - provided that they can bypass my control over the local spiritual veins."

Danik Vlad's meaning is obvious. Someone can indeed do this kind of thing, but if it is a magician, when he performs the magic, he will definitely alert Danik himself who controls the local spiritual veins, not like before. That way, after everything was over, he was shocked by the vibration caused by the collapse of the ground.

"But, Mr. Patriarch, you are talking about magic, right? What if... what if the other party is not using magic?" "It is not magic?" Danik Vlad turned and looked at the person standing behind his sister. A young boy.

"For example, magic, or...future technology that surpasses modern technology, or even alien technology?" Corless thought over and over again, and finally spoke out his guess.

"Future technology? Alien technology? What nonsense are you talking about!" Although he has become Danic Vlad, the magician nature of the leader of Yggdmirenia has not changed, and his contempt for modern technology has not changed. In other words, ignoring it can be said to be deep into the bones.

There is some truth to Corless's "magic" guess. In fact, Danik himself has thought in this direction, but everything involving magicians is more troublesome and more terrifying than the last, which even makes him unable to I don't even have the guts to pursue it.

But what are the last two guesses? future technology? Alien technology? Cores, you kid is obsessed with watching those boring anime, right? "Um...for those steel golems that appeared before, didn't our magic detection techniques detect the existence of magic? Even the servants said that they couldn't sense the existence of magic. Does that mean that they actually It's not a golem, but a product of another system that is completely different from the magic system..." Corless opened his mouth to defend, trying to explain his analysis to the patriarch, but when he saw Danik Vlad's increasingly darker eyes His expression turned sour, and he finally closed his mouth.

"Not being able to sense magic power does not mean that there is no magic power. There are many ways to hide magic power fluctuations in this world! Don't mention such unreliable speculations in the future, and you should stop reading random things.

Although you are not required to be a magician who can stand alone like your sister, you must at least look like a magician! "Danik's face was full of displeasure, and he gave Corless a stern lecture.

"...Yes..." After being reprimanded, Cowles had no choice but to lower his head and admit his mistake.

At this moment—— [Lord Danik, the Ruler is approaching quickly and is almost reaching the castle gate.",

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