Lit a spark, of course it doesn't mean that Saten Ruiko becomes a planeswalker.

This was just Storm Girl harnessing the power of the wind, and learned the ultimate move of a certain Lolicon without any teacher, compressing and heating the air to a plasma state, and artificially created a high-temperature plasma.

Facing this extremely terrifying physical phenomenon is the "fantasy beast" directly beneath the plasma, which has been weakened to the point where only its head is left.

Plasma with a temperature of millions of degrees hit directly, and after a violent blue-white flash, the monster born in the AIM force field was completely wiped out.

Saten Ruiko, who finally eliminated the enemy, waved her hand to disperse the tornado that had formed.

As the storm dissipated, the heavy clouds that had gathered high in the sky also gradually dissipated. Against the backdrop of the golden light projected from the gaps between the clouds, Saten Ruiko stood in the mid-air, with a majestic figure as if she was riding the storm. As majestic as a goddess.

——This series of riots caused by [Fantasy Controller] is finally over! …… On the tall building in the distance, the two magicians who were supposed to be monitoring Index and Kamijou Touma were looking at the huge tornado in the distance with serious expressions.

Feeling the changes in the airflow that almost affected the entire Academy City, Kanzaki Kaori and Steele's expressions were full of concentration.

A violent flash of light flashed through the tornado, illuminating most of Academy City. After the wind dissipated, the two magicians were silent for a long time.

"Academy City, we really can't underestimate it..." The bad priest sighed as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"..." Kanzaki Kaori did not speak, but nodded seriously, agreeing with Steele's statement.

... The next day, on the airship that was always flying over Academy City, on the huge display screen, the weather forecast that was originally broadcast as planned suddenly stopped and switched to emergency news - Academy City's first news Eight superpowers who reached Level 5 were finally born yesterday.

His title is - Storm Commander (Storm Commander/Lord of the Wind)! ……In the office of the 177th branch of the Discipline Committee, the doors and windows were locked, the lights were dim, and the atmosphere was completely different from the previous situation.

Saten Ruiko, who was so impressive the day before and easily solved the "Fantasy Controller" incident, is now facing unprecedented pressure.

"Saten-kun~~!" "What happened yesterday--" "And this Lv. 5 title of 'Storm Commander'-" "It's time to tell the truth!" In the dimly lit room, Saten There is a table in front of Tenreko, and there is a laptop on the table. The upside-down screen is showing a blockbuster message that has just been sent out by Academy City's internal network. It is the airship floating in the sky outside. The news is being played repeatedly.

Misaka Mikoto, who was sitting on the main seat behind the table, put her hands in Commander Ikari's classic pose. Behind her, Kuroko Shirai stood like a dog's legs. With some inexplicable air pressure, they all moved towards the lonely person sitting there. Saten Ruiko, who was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, was conducting an "interrogation." It really seemed like the atmosphere of a "three-chamber trial."

"This..." Only Uiharu Toshi stood aside with an embarrassed expression, somewhat at a loss, ruining the atmosphere carefully brewed by the other two girls.

"...Okay, I'm sorry, my fault! I admit that I concealed the fact that I have gained abilities before!" Seeing that she could no longer be cute, Saten Ruiko could only fold her hands and sit down in resignation. He bowed his head and expressed his most sincere apology for deceiving his friend.

... "Eh~~ In other words, with the help of the 'master' you have never seen before, you directly changed from Lv.0 to Lv.5?" After Saten Ruiko's "honest confession", Shirai Heizi immediately noticed the mysterious "master" she was trying to pass over.

With her professional instinct as a member of the Disciplinary Committee, coupled with the lessons learned after the [Fantasy Controller] incident, she immediately thought of whether this was another ability-enhancing experiment that was harmful to the human body.

After all, no matter how you put it, it is still too exaggerated to jump from Level 0, which cannot inspire the ability at all, to Level 5, the pinnacle of Academy City.

"It's no problem!" Saten Ruiko, who knew her own family affairs, didn't have such worries. She waved her hand and said, "I believe in 'Master'! And it's been several months since I gained my abilities. If it's true, If there were any side effects, they would have already happened! The fact that I am okay now means that there is really no problem!" Well, although Fang Yuan treats this disciple Saten Ruizi as an experiment to some extent, but After all, he has no intention of deceiving anyone. As an alchemist, he is too proud to allow the products that come out of his hands to be questionable products with potential safety hazards. The "SHAZAM" template given to the girl can be said to be a very complete product. Artificial spirit base.

"...But this is still very suspicious! I have never heard of such exaggerated academic achievements in Academy City, and you said you have never seen your 'master', right? Isn't this even more... Is it suspicious?!" Misaka Mikoto, who was very worried, didn't care about Saten Ruiko's previous concealment, and the "Three Court Trial" just now was just a play between girls.

At this time, she was worried about the condition of Saten Ruiko, fearing that she might be involved in some dangerous conspiracy.

After hearing what Misaka Mikoto said, even Shirai Kuroko and Hatsuharu Shikiri cast worried eyes on Saten Ruiko, and this pure concern touched the girl very much.

In the end, Saten Ruiko could only emphasize this repeatedly, and repeatedly promised to go to the hospital for examination immediately if she felt anything abnormal.

However, the worried girls still insisted on asking Saten Ruiko to go to the doctor Quata immediately for a detailed physical examination.

…  “…”  After listening to the request of Misaka Mikoto and others, the doctor with a Quata face looked at Saten Ruiko, and after a few seconds of silence, he finally nodded and agreed to help with the physical examination.

However, at the beginning of the examination, they seemed to have encountered a problem-when they were about to take blood, the needle made of stainless steel could not penetrate Saten Ruiko's skin at all.

Fortunately, this scene was only seen by Ruiko herself and the ghost chaser who performed it herself. Under the meaningful gaze of this doctor, Ruiko Saten hurriedly removed the invulnerability that had been activated on her body, and finally completed the subsequent series of physical examinations with some difficulty.

After half a day, Ruiko Saten, who finally walked out of the hospital, pouted and said unhappily: "... So, there is nothing wrong with my body..."  "But after all, it's better to check it once before you can rest assured!"  Shirai Kuroko said so, and Misaka Mikoto and Hatsuharu Shiki nodded in agreement.

"..."  Riko Saten sighed silently, but finally chuckled. It was great that the precious friendship was not affected by her concealment! ')295'\u003eChapter 294 Kamijou Touma's "Death" \u0026 Fang Yuan's Return Gift

The [Fantasy Hand] incident that caused quite a stir in Academy City ended just like that. The incident ended with Kiyama Haruo's imprisonment and the birth of the eighth Lv.5.

However, no matter how big the storm is, in Academy City, where new things emerge in an endless stream and there are big or small changes almost every day, the craze cannot last for long.

Especially for the two magicians who went deep into the scientific base camp, except for sighing that Academy City is indeed not to be underestimated, their attention did not stay on this matter.

For Kamijou Kaori and Stiyl, no matter what else, it is not as important as Index's safety!   In particular, when the expected one-year period is about to arrive and Index's body shows symptoms of discomfort, the two magicians (mainly Stiyl) who have seen enough of a man and a woman showing off their love have to come forward to contact Kamijou Touma and tell him the so-called "truth".

Of course, the development of the situation regarding Kamijou Touma and the Index of Forbidden Books involved the most important part of Aleister's plan. Due to the tacit understanding between the two parties, Fang Yuan did not intervene directly, and also warned Saten Ruiko through telepathy not to interfere in this matter again.

So, on July 24, just as the development in the original plot, a beam of light shot out from an old bungalow and hit the supercomputer deployed in outer space in the Academy City - the tree diagram designer.

And the boy who has been surrounded by misfortune since birth will also usher in his destined "death" - the "light feather" that fell after the magic called "Dragon King's Sigh" destroyed the walls and ceiling and hit his head, and "coincidentally" destroyed the memory cells of the boy's brain about "episodic memory" (memories of life experiences).

The personality named "Kamijo Touma", which was condensed by 16 years of life experience, will die on this day.

The one who survived was just another person with the same body, the same face, and the same "gentle heart" as that boy.

——Everything should have developed like this.

…  "Since you have helped me obtain the contents of 103,000 magic books, I will naturally return some of your kindness!"  Far away at the other end of the Academy City, Fang Yuan looked at the beams of light rising into the sky, sensing that the distant nanomachine cluster had finally broken through the magic blockade in the host's brain and completely completed the memory scan of Index, and said so.

Yes, although Fang Yuan had placed the harmless nanomachines into Index's body early on, to his surprise, the defensive measures left by the Church of Necessary Evil in the body of this poor girl were not as simple as he imagined.

The dual magic defense spells called "collar" and "automatic secretary" not only prevented anyone from illegally obtaining the memory of the magic book in Index's brain from the magical level, but also restricted her brain at the physical level.

The simple nanomachines could not extract the memory of the magic book in Index's brain without causing the counterattack of these two spells.

Therefore, it was not until Kamijou Touma's Imagine Breaker "killed" the "collar" that bound Index, and a loophole appeared in the perfect and strict defense measures, that the nanomachine cluster that had been on standby for a long time was finally able to enter the brain area of ​​"speech memory" (memory that controls knowledge) and successfully intercepted the forbidden magical knowledge that should not be known to outsiders.

As Fang Yuan said, in his plan, Kamijou Touma's right hand played a great role. Since the young man Kamijou is now facing a "death crisis" in a certain sense, Fang Yuan will naturally not hesitate to help him.

"Anyway, you just want to better control Kamijou Touma, right? But there are many ways to control a person. It's still too much to just erase a person's past. Don't mind if I intervene?" Fang Yuan, who was sitting in a coffee shop, said this to the empty seat in front of him, as if he was talking to himself, and as if he was talking to the air, but he knew that someone could hear his voice.

Beep beep - the phone sounded a message alert. Fang Yuan opened the flip phone in his hand, which seemed a bit outdated in the main world, and saw the new email inside.

The sender position of the email was written as "unknown", which was natural, and Fang Yuan was not surprised at all.

After clicking it, there was only one line of words inside - not next time.

"Humph!" Fang Yuan snorted coldly, as if he was dissatisfied with the other party's tone, and seemed to be disdainful of the means of a certain conspirator.

However, his goal has been achieved.

Along with the command issued in his mind, a scene that can be called a miracle in medicine occurred silently in the body of Kamijou Touma, who was being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

—— Theoretically, the neuron cells that would not divide again after the human brain matured began to divide again against common sense, replacing the damaged and dead memory cells while regenerating complex mesh synaptic connections according to a predetermined template.

If someone could see the inside of the cells, they would find that there were countless virus-sized micro-machines busy inside and outside these neuron cells.

Yes, Fang Yuan's nano-machine cluster not only "infected" Index, but also infected Kamijou Touma's body through Index's repeated "biting" of the head of the young man, like a virus transmitted by body fluids.

These nano-machines had only been lurking in the body of this unfortunate boy before. Apart from quietly stealing some nutrients to replicate themselves and recording some of the host's intelligence, they did not do any extra actions.

Until now, under Fang Yuan's command, the nanomachines that had penetrated into the brain invaded the interior of the damaged area's neuron cells, and by interfering with the DNA transcription and translation process, temporarily dedifferentiated the neuron cells and restored their ability to divide.

In the process of the formation of the newly divided neuron cells, the nanomachines outside the cells played the role of "scaffolds", interfering with the nanomachines inside the cells in the growth direction of each new neuron, ensuring that the newly formed synaptic connections were the same as before the damage in terms of key information such as quantity, position, type, and signal transmission direction.

——The way the human brain stores memory information is exactly like this. When all the new neuron cells are exactly the same as the previous neuron cells in every detail, the memory that had been completely "deleted" eventually returned to the brain of the young Kamijou.

All this happened silently. Not only the medical staff who were treating Kamijou Touma, but even Kamijou Touma himself did not realize that he had just experienced a "resurrection from the dead" on the personality level that day.

"Just consider it my return gift, Kamijou..."')296'\u003eChapter 295 There is a store

"Huh? When did such a store appear here?"  Kamijo Touma, who had just been discharged from the hospital, was walking back to his dormitory with bandages on his head and hands. Thanks to the fact that the construction technology in Academy City is much more advanced than that in the outside world, the apartment building that was ravaged by the fire has finally been repaired and renovated. It can be said that it is a blessing in disguise.

However, on this day, just like every other day, he returned to his residence after the summer cram school class, and suddenly found that there was a store on the street along the way that he had never seen before.

"'There is a store'...ah, this name is as careless as our 'certain high school'. The owner of the store here should have a lot in common with the founder of our school!"  Looking at the very unique name on the sign, Kamijou Touma complained.

"Hmm... I'm a little curious. How about going in and taking a look?" Although it is very likely that a big-hearted nun will bite your head if you come back late, it is still early now, so it shouldn't be a big deal to go in and take a look... Kamijou Touma thought so, and involuntarily took a step and walked into this store that seemed to have just opened.

Ding-ling-ling--The bell on the store made a crisp sound when the door opened, reminding the owner of the store that a customer had come.

However... Looking at the figure lying behind the cash register with a thick leather tome on his head, he was completely indifferent to the reminder and looked like he was sleeping well.

"..." Kamijou Touma didn't know whether he should wake him up.

Wake him up, disturbing others' sleep is a bad behavior after all, and his education does not allow him to do so.

Don’t wake me up, but I feel something is wrong... Forget it, let’s see for yourself! Thinking like this, Kamijou Touma ignored the figure who was sleeping so fast that he was almost unconscious, and looked around in this small shop.

"What...are these things?" On Kamijou Touma's left hand side, in a glass cabinet placed against the wall, there were neatly stacked objects that looked like light balls. They seemed to be insubstantial, but they were Can be suspended stably in separate spaces.

"Is it a holographic image or something? But just a ball of light is too boring, right?" Kamijou Touma walked closer, and then he noticed that there was a label attached to each space on the cabinet.

"Let's take a look... Ascension - King Arthur, Ascension - Alexander the Great, Ascension - Joan of Arc, Ascension - Achilles... what are these and what are they?" Well, for the scumbag Kamijou He said that the names above were the only names he could recognize, and the labels on the other grids were ones he had never heard of before.

At this moment, Kamijou Touma had the feeling of "I can understand all the words, but when I put them together, I don't understand what they are talking about at all." He just felt that the instructions on these labels were completely inexplicable.

"Do these light balls have anything to do with the names on these labels?" Kamijou Touma was confused.

Just then - "Those are not for people like you! The products suitable for you are on your right hand side!" A strange voice came from behind.

The startled Kamijou Touma looked back and saw that it was the sleeping clerk who had woken up.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I walked in without permission..." The very polite boy Kamijou was apologizing, but suddenly he realized that he was a customer who walked into the store, so he wanted to apologize to the clerk who ignored the customer and went to sleep. ? "Cough!" Kamijou Touma coughed after reacting, and then he remembered what the clerk had just said.

"What do you mean it's not for people like me... Is there any personal discrimination in selling goods?" Kamijou Touma muttered softly, and had no intention of arguing with the unreliable-looking clerk. He looked at the other side calmly and saw what the other person said was "the product that suits him".

"Let's see, what's over here..." It's also a vertical glass cabinet, but what's placed on the counter here is not something that looks like a ball of light, but something real. Have physical goods.

Kamijou Touma took a few steps closer and took a clear look at the products displayed above.

Different from the light group on the other side that looks almost the same, the products displayed here have various shapes, with almost no repetition.

He saw two double-helical test tubes placed in a grid, containing blue and green liquids. He looked at the labels and saw what was written on them: "Perfect Improved Version of T Virus" and "Anti-T Virus Serum" .

Uh, this kind of virus looks very dangerous, and it's just placed in a glass cabinet openly. Is it really okay? Kamijou Touma subconsciously wanted to stay away from such dangerous items, but then he thought that this kind of street shop that looked like a grocery store probably wouldn't have any big killers like biological and chemical weapons. ... Trying to ignore the dangerous-looking double-helix test tube, the boy Kamijou turned his attention to the products next to him.

It was a metal cylinder that looked like a flashlight, with exquisite patterns carved on it. Kamijou looked at the label below - Jedi lightsaber (high imitation version).

Hey, hey, this information about selling fake products is written openly on the product label. Is it really okay? Could he have walked into a shop that sells fake goods? Kamijou Touma complained in his heart, suppressing his curiosity about science fiction weapons like "light sabers" and looking away again.

This time, what he saw was a thick black disc about a foot in diameter. It looked a bit like a rubber tire, but it was solid. There was also a triangular shell made of the same black metal on the outside. It is inlaid with a bright silver metal ball the size of a walnut, and it is hard to tell what it is on the whole.

Looking at the label again, it says - Forced Colonial Armor (Copycat Enhanced Version).

"..." Is it really a fake again... Kamijou Touma's heart did not waver.

He continued to turn his head and looked at another product - it was a jar of bright silver liquid that seemed to contain seven or eight liters. It looked like mercury, but it was not until he looked at the label that he knew it was not.

It says - Motion Enhanced Nanomachines (Human Use - Standard Version).

"..." I finally found a reliable one... Of course Kamijou Touma knew what nanomachines were, but judging from the instructions on the label, could this thing be used in the human body? Has Academy City’s nanotechnology reached this level? Kamijou Touma was deeply suspicious of this—especially after seeing so many unreliable product descriptions.

Third update ')297'\u003eChapter 296: They are all genuine!

"...This...sir? These things can't be handicrafts, toys or something, right?" Kamijou boy looked at the shelves in front of him and found that the products on them were either blatantly labeled "knockoffs" or "high-end products". Words like "imitation" or something high-tech to the level of science fiction made him very doubtful about the authenticity of these products.

"Just call me the store manager..." The figure who woke up first corrected Kamijou Touma's title, then shook his head and said, "The things I have here are all real and authentic! Those labels say 'Special' The products mentioned in "Remarks" are only because I did not obtain the original technology, but have used other technologies to achieve the same effect. From a functional point of view, they are all genuine products! " "...So, this Jedi lightsaber is genuine! , is it really the kind of lightsaber in the movie that makes a buzzing sound and can cut anything with one strike?" Kamijou Touma pointed at the metal cylinder at hand that looked a bit like a flashlight. asked suspiciously.

Well, although this world has magic and superpowers, it unexpectedly also has the Star Wars series of movies, which have also become popular classics around the world. Kamijou Touma also watched them when he was a child.

"You can try it~" the man who claimed to be the store manager said, encouraging the Kamijou boy to gradually reach out to the products on the counter.

"Really, is it really possible?" Kamijou Touma picked up the metal cylinder labeled "Jedi Lightsaber (high imitation version)", held it in his hand, and felt the exquisite patterns engraved on the surface of the cylinder. It acts as an anti-slip pattern, and when held with both hands, it really feels like holding a sword hilt.

"Uh--just a reminder, you held it upside down. The beam emission port is facing you now!" He saw Kamijou boy holding the hilt of the lightsaber carelessly, and he also tried desperately to pop the lightsaber in the direction. Aiming at his own belly, the store manager had no choice but to remind the other person to avoid any tragic consequences if he was not careful. Judging from the level of unluckiness of the Kamijou boy, this was very likely to happen! "..." After being reminded, Kamijou Touma hurriedly turned the direction of the sword hilt in his hand, his back covered with cold sweat - he almost pressed the red button just now! ! ! Kamijou Touma, who inexplicably walked around the gate of hell, felt the urge to escape from this strange and dangerous shop immediately.

But feeling the lines on the metal hilt in his hand, he felt that it was too embarrassing for him to run away without even trying.

Out of the pride of a high school boy, Kamijou forced himself to calm down. He carefully checked that the direction of the sword hilt in his hand was correct, and then pressed his right thumb to a red button on the hilt.

Buzz, buzz, buzz—"Oh~~!!! It's really a lightsaber!!!" The blade, which was like bound light, and the familiar "buzz, buzz" vibration, there was no doubt that it was, This is really the kind of lightsaber in the movie! ‘’s not just a superficial thing, is it? ’ Just as this thought flashed through my mind, something suddenly came over me from the store manager.

Even though his eyes and brain didn't react at all, and he didn't even see clearly what the store manager threw at him, his fighting instincts, which he had honed in fighting with the bad guys on the street, drove him to make a move. A sword hit the object that was thrown over.

Tsk—— The sound was like a hot knife cutting through butter, as if the weightless sword blade just passed through the middle of the thing, and there was no sense of any blockage in the hand.

Cang clang—dang clang— When the object that was divided into two fell to the ground with a metallic sound, Kamijou Touma's consciousness came to his senses.

He looked at the ground and saw clearly that what the store manager had just thrown over was actually a metal ingot, which had been neatly cut into two pieces, and he could even see the red ingot still glowing on the fracture. Molten metal.

"...You're...just kidding..." Kamijou boy looked at the metal ingot on the ground, and then at the lightsaber in his hand. After looking back and forth several times, he finally came to his senses and found it in a panic but carefully. He reached for the button on the sword hilt and pressed it carefully.

It wasn't until the lightsaber blade disappeared that Kamijou Touma gently put the metal hilt back into its display position on the shelf, and then took a few steps back, staying as far away from this dangerous item as possible. .

"Look, this is a real thing, right? Although the technology I use here is completely different from the setting in the movie, the effect is the same. You can't say this is a fake, right?" Mr. Store Manager said He didn't see the embarrassment of the Kamijou boy, but instead solemnly emphasized that this was not a place selling fake goods.

"..." However, Kamijou boy had no intention of arguing with the other party about what was genuine and what was fake. His attention was already focused on other products on the shelves.

If the lightsaber is real, then are all these other products on the shelf real too? "...Mr. Store Manager, are you saying that all of these are genuine?" Kamijou Touma asked in disbelief.

"I've told you many times that I don't sell fakes here. These are all real goods that can no longer be authentic!" The store manager seemed a little annoyed by Kamijou Touma's continuous questioning. , waved his hand impatiently.

“…”  Kamijo Touma was speechless, but he was complaining in his heart: Who told you to write such unreliable labels on the goods in your store? Isn’t it normal to arouse suspicion...  Kamijo boy didn’t dare to talk about the topic of real and fake goods anymore, and continued to look at the goods that filled a whole wall, trying to find items that were not so dangerous.

However, at this moment, the boy suddenly realized something——  “Eh? Mr. Manager, why are there no prices on these goods?”  Yes, there were only labels with the product names in the display boxes of all the items, but no prices were marked, which was very abnormal for a store.

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