Seeing that Miss Misaka, who had not reacted in time, was about to die tragically under the crushing of a boulder, suddenly - "Stop!" With an urgent cry, an electric arc flashed in the air, and the cement plates that were about to close under the control of the vector Huoran was pulled by another force and stopped moving.

"Huh?" Accelerator raised his eyebrows, feeling something was wrong in his heart. This method was not like that of the eighth one... Soon, his feeling came true.

A figure that was almost identical to Misaka's sister ran out from behind an abandoned building. An electromagnetic traction pulled Misaka's sister out of danger and pulled her behind him in the air.

In appearance, the new Misaka is almost identical to the other Misaka sisters except for the missing military night vision goggles on her head.

But from the eyes of both parties, obvious differences can be seen.

"Is it a new experimental individual? No, it's a physical body! I didn't expect that it would be you, the third one!" Accelerator showed an expression of great interest on his face - the only one ranked at the bottom Eight people can give him such a big surprise, so Misaka Mikoto, who is ranked third, should be able to bring him more fun and "experience"! However, Misaka Mikoto had no intention of starting a fight immediately. Instead, she asked with an angry look on her face: "You guy...why!" "Why?" Accelerator, who thought he could start a fight immediately, saw Misaka Mikoto's anticipation. The reaction from outsiders was quite baffling.

"What... you are already number one and the strongest in Academy City, why are you still participating in this experiment?!" Use electromagnetic powers to steal "Absolute Abilities Evolution" from the library by hacking "Plan" text, Misaka Mikoto naturally already knew the whole story of this cruel experiment.

She was not surprised by the cruelty of those research institutions. After all, she had experienced an "ability body crystallization experiment" before and knew how inhumane the research on the dark side in Academy City was.

But the only thing she couldn't understand was why Accelerator, the first among superpowers and the undeniable strongest man in Academy City, would actually do the work of a butcher for the sake of the illusory Level 6! "Tch, I thought you wanted to ask something! What a boring question!" Accelerator curled his lips in disdain, raised his head and squinted, looked at Misaka Mikoto with a look of disdain, and said: "My pursuit is not just trivial. The 'strongest' is the 'invincible' above the 'strongest'! Well, a dabbler like you wouldn't understand!" The third one!" Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth. , said word by word: "Just for this reason, you killed more than 9,000 lives?!" "Huh? What are you talking about! These things that look the same as you are just made of protein It's nothing more than a mass-produced doll with minerals. It has no soul or self, and is no different from the robots on the street. What kind of human life is it?" In response to Misaka Mikoto's question, Accelerator replied in such an understatement.

"...Sure enough-" Misaka Mikoto lowered her head, and the bangs on her forehead fell down to block her eyes: "It's impossible to communicate with someone like you who has completely fallen into evil ways!" Before she finished speaking, a huge The electric current burst out suddenly, and the azure arc that penetrated the air, under the control of the electric shock user's will, turned into a spear that was as physical as it could be, and suddenly shot at the enemy in front of him at a speed hundreds of times the speed of sound.

Biu—— Bang——! The moment the electric shock gun came into contact with Accelerator's body, it was immediately reflected in other directions, exploding a black mark on the surrounding ground.

"Tch! It's really useless!" Misaka Mikoto looked at the unharmed Accelerator and knew that this guy was indeed able to reflect all vectored attacks as found in the data.

This is an overwhelming disadvantage for her as a shock user.

After all, all the attack methods that Misaka Mikoto can use are based on the physical phenomena of electricity and magnetism, and there is no way that vectors exist. In other words, even if she tries her best, she cannot hurt a single hair on Accelerator's body.

Fortunately, Saten Ruiko reminded her that she had invaded the library to check Accelerator's information before taking action, and knew his abilities. Otherwise, if she had rushed over in such a hurry, she would have been unaware of her opponent's abilities. If you don't, you are very likely to fall into a dangerous situation where there is nothing you can do.

"Well, fortunately, Ruiko gave me a good example. Although I am not an air force user and cannot create a vacuum environment, I still have my own methods!" Misaka Mikoto whispered to herself.

The next moment, an even more massive electric current erupted. Under Misaka Mikoto's will, it turned into a sea of ​​thunder like a physical lightning bolt, instantly engulfing the surrounding area for hundreds of meters.

However, none of these thunderbolts hit Accelerator himself, but all struck in the air.

"Huh? What's going on?" Accelerator originally wanted to see what the third person was capable of, but he didn't expect that after the other person fired an electric shock gun, he acted like a madman and unleashed his willpower. The attack was not accurate at all. It was a bit confusing at first.

However, a few seconds later, Accelerator smelled the faint pungent smell in the air and immediately understood the other party's plan.

"So that's how it is! It seems that you have understood my ability flaws!" Accelerator's mouth opened, revealing a ferocious smile: "But, unfortunately, I have seen a similar move!"')319'\u003eChapter 318 Your opponent is me!

Yes, Accelerator knew Misaka Mikoto's strategy after smelling the pungent smell.

By electrocuting the air, the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere are converted into ozone. This is the tactic designed by the third person against him.

In most people's concepts, ozone itself should be a beneficial gas that blocks excessive ultraviolet radiation. The ozone layer in the atmosphere is even considered by most people to be a protective umbrella for life on Earth. If there is no ozone layer, every human on Earth will get skin cancer!   However, few people know that in the atmospheric troposphere close to the surface, ozone is a toxic and harmful gas that not only irritates the eyes and respiratory tract of humans and animals, but also affects lung function. Even high concentrations of ozone are harmful to plants.

When the concentration of ozone is 0.3mg/L, it will irritate the eyes, nose and throat; when the concentration reaches 3-30mg/L, headaches and partial paralysis of respiratory organs will occur; when the concentration continues to rise, it may even cause nerve poisoning and permanent damage.

The ozone produced by Misaka Mikoto with high-intensity electric shock has obviously reached the point where it can hinder human breathing, and the concentration continues to increase with the passage of time, heading towards the point where it can cause disability or even death.

Of course, this level of toxic gas attack is nothing to Accelerator, who can walk comfortably in the deadly poisonous gas. His automatic reflex ability can easily isolate all substances that he subconsciously identifies as "harmful" from his body.

Misaka Mikoto certainly knows this.

However, her real purpose is not to poison Accelerator with ozone, but to consume the oxygen in the nearby atmosphere by means of generating ozone, achieving an effect similar to vacuum asphyxiation.

Coincidentally, today is a windless day, which is very suitable for using this tactic.

In just a few tens of seconds, the oxygen concentration within a radius of hundreds of meters around it dropped rapidly by at least 3 percentage points, that is, the oxygen content here is equivalent to the atmosphere at an altitude of about 2,000 meters, and as long as the oxygen content drops by half, it will be equivalent to the plateau environment above 4,000 meters.

The human body is very sensitive to changes in oxygen concentration in the atmosphere, just like many people who go to Tibet will encounter altitude sickness. People who lack exercise in this regard will soon experience headaches, breathing difficulties and other reactions when they first come into contact with this low-oxygen environment. People with weak constitutions will also experience serious symptoms such as pulmonary edema and cerebral edema, and may even lead to death.

And if it is a physique like Accelerator who never exercises... Although it is not likely to have a serious altitude sickness because of the short time, it is still very likely that the consciousness will be blurred due to breathing difficulties.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Accelerator is not prepared for this.

If he had encountered this method before the battle with Saten Ruiko, he might have really capsized in the ditch and been knocked down by breathing difficulties caused by the low-oxygen environment.

However, now he can disassemble carbon dioxide molecules in his alveoli and re-create oxygen molecules! Although this trick has been used for a long time, the carbon accumulated in the alveoli will put Accelerator at risk of pneumoconiosis, but as long as he uses his ability to clean his lungs after the battle, it will be fine. It can be said that this is the most complete hypoxic environment response plan he can think of at present.

‘What’s going on? ’ After nearly five minutes of continuous discharge, Misaka Mikoto, who had put on simple gas masks on her and Misaka sister’s faces at some point, quietly looked at the portable oxygen content detector in her hand and saw that the atmospheric oxygen content data on it had dropped to 15%. This was only because she was in the vicinity of the electric shock range and there was oxygen supplementation from the surrounding atmospheric convection.

That’s it. Misaka Mikoto, who thought she had a very good physique, also felt that she had difficulty breathing. The blood vessels on her forehead were throbbing, and bursts of tingling were faintly attacking in her head.

If it was where Accelerator was, the oxygen content in the atmosphere should have dropped below 10%. According to the information she obtained, Accelerator's physical fitness, which had almost never been exercised, should have caused a hypoxia reaction long ago.

But why was he still standing there, seemingly unaffected? Misaka Mikoto was in doubt, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

"What a pity!" Accelerator's voice penetrated through the crackling sound of the arc: "Your little trick doesn't work on me!" "!" Misaka Mikoto's pupils shrank, and without asking why or hesitating, she stopped the discharge and immediately grabbed the Misaka sister behind her, intending to retreat first.

- After the last killer failed, Misaka Mikoto knew that she could no longer do anything to Accelerator.

In this case, the priority of rescuing Misaka sister was obviously higher than the option of continuing to fight.

However, Misaka Mikoto wanted to escape, but Accelerator was unwilling to let the precious prey escape.

"Where do you want to escape? The game is not over yet!" Huh—— It was a windless night, but suddenly the wind picked up at this moment.

Misaka Mikoto noticed something was wrong and looked back. The scene in front of her suddenly made her heart sink.

——With one hand raised high, Accelerator is surrounded by countless air currents. He is like a real aeronaut, commanding the storm and controlling the atmosphere.

The strong wind instantly replaced the atmosphere of this low-oxygen and toxic area with fresh air. The clouds in the high sky also formed a cyclonic cloud group under the influence of the increasingly strong vortex airflow.

Then, the next moment, a scene that was absolutely familiar to Misaka Mikoto appeared in front of her.

Right in the center of the huge cyclone cloud, a ball of air shining with white light was formed.

"This is Saten-kun's..." Of course Misaka Mikoto recognized what it was. When she was dealing with fantasy beasts, Saten Ruiko, who showed her Level 5 power for the first time, used this move, which was really a bit violent. Misaka Mikoto was impressed by the factor.

She even thought about which one was more powerful, her "real thunder" as her ultimate move or Saten Ruiko's plasma bombing move.

However, she never expected that one day she would see the same trick on another person, and this person would be her enemy! "Ah~ah~! I learned this move from the eighth one!" While controlling the atmosphere, Accelerator was like a child who just got a new toy, and said with great interest: "That guy's battle for fame" , I also checked the information specifically! Using the method of manipulating airflow to compress gas and create plasma is indeed much more destructive than the way I usually use my abilities. If she hadn't been there for me! Demonstration, I really can’t think of this move!” “I heard that you and the eighth one are very good friends?” Accelerator turned to look at Misaka Mikoto with a malicious smile on his face. : "Then let you try your good friend's tricks!" Accelerator waved his raised hand down hard, and the high-temperature plasma in the sky fell instantly - Accelerator, who had already been hit on the head, did not care at all. How much damage would it cause to Academy City? All he wanted was the pleasure of destroying his opponent.

"Don't even think about it!" At this moment, a figure appeared here that surprised Misaka Mikoto and made Accelerator even more excited.

With a move of her hand, the air that had been controlled by Accelerator was suddenly taken away from control. Like the most obedient soldier, he obediently accepted the command of the commander.

In an instant, the originally turbulent sky returned to calm, and the plasma that was about to fall to the ground was blown away by the air flow driven by the Level 5 aeronauts, and turned into ordinary gas again.

After Feng Qingyun calmly eliminated Accelerator's ultimate move, the visitor turned to look at the white-haired strongest: "Your opponent is me!" The third update is presented') 320'\u003e311 Chapter 19 Capacity Down

"It's begun!" On the roof of a building not far from the battlefield, researchers in white coats were watching the scene on the battlefield through binoculars.

"The third person's method has been proven to be ineffective. Now let's see if this eighth person can bring us any surprises!" A middle-aged researcher grinned, revealing a yellowed face full of incomplete repairs. Teeth said expectantly.

... "It's begun!" In the abandoned building on the side of the battlefield, Fang Yuan, who had not left the shop for a long time, appeared here at some point. From this good location overlooking the overall situation, he watched this time "The ultimate showdown".

Because the last battle was an encounter, neither side was prepared, and the final result could be said to be an anticlimax.

But this time it was different. Both Saten Ruiko and Accelerator had a sufficient understanding of their opponents, and they had also prepared enough "surprises" for their opponents.

This battle will truly determine the outcome between the two Level 5s.

In a sense, the battle between Accelerator and Saten Ruiko can even be regarded as an alternative competition between Fang Yuan and Aleister - after all, it is the powerful sub-server created by Fang Yuan with the magic of another world. , or the most powerful superpower created by Aleister using the superpower system.

"Little Leizi, let me see your progress during this time!" ... "Your opponent is me!" After the girl who broke into the battlefield said these words, Accelerator's face showed He showed a ferocious smile.

"Ah! That's right, that's it! Compared with the boring third place, you, the eighth one, really excites me more!" Accelerator didn't believe that the other party didn't see what he had just done, but even if That's the case, Saten Ruiko still shows up, which means that she is fully confident that she can fight against or even defeat herself who is no longer afraid of the vacuum environment! The white-haired boy's heart was filled with surging fighting spirit.

This kind of excitement has never been experienced in any battle before.

"Come on, let's fight to our heart's content!" "As you wish!" Saten Ruiko agreed to Accelerator's invitation to fight without hesitation.

boom--! The first one to launch the attack was Accelerator, who could no longer hold back his fighting spirit.

Facing the opponent who once made him flee in humiliation, Accelerator launched a ruthless large-scale attack.

Under the power of vector manipulation, the ground where Saten Ruiko and others stood suddenly exploded as if there was an earthquake and landslide. Under Accelerator's control, countless rubble, steel bars and concrete slabs turned into deadly shotgun shells, attacking the three girls 360 degrees without dead angles.

The excited Accelerator didn't care whether innocent people would be hurt. In his opinion, whether it was the third or the eighth, they were all dared to challenge him as the "strongest" challenger, and it was not unfair to be beaten to death - as for Misaka sister? This is just a puppet, not a person!   However, he believed that this level of attack should not be a big deal for the somewhat unusual eighth!   Sure enough, just as Accelerator expected, his attack did not work.

At the moment he launched the attack, Saten Ruiko also responded.

An invisible transparent barrier firmly protected Saten Ruiko and the two Misakas behind her. The gravel and steel bars that exploded like shotgun shells only made a "dong dong" sound after touching this thin barrier, but none of them could penetrate it.

"Oh? Compressing air to form a high-intensity gas shield? Interesting gameplay!" Accelerator saw through Saten Ruiko's method at the first time. This extreme control of gas really lived up to her title of Lv.5 aerodynamicist.

But this was only "interesting" to him. What he wanted to see was not just this level!   "What other power do you have? Show it as much as possible! I took time out to study you as an aerodynamicist for a whole day! Don't let me down!" Accelerator said with a wild laugh, his tone and demeanor were indescribably arrogant and domineering, and he looked like a complete villain.

Of course, for this kind of villain, Riri Saten will give him the treatment that a villain deserves: "I won't let you down!" As soon as the words fell, a strong wind suddenly blew up in the battlefield.

There is no doubt that this is the method of Riri Saten, the air force user.

However, what puzzled the other people present and even the observers outside was that the strong wind that swept the entire space was not even as strong as some Lv.4 air flow control ability users.

What is she trying to do? More than one person had such doubts in their minds.

However, the next moment, they knew the answer-the not-so-strong strong wind swept the entire area, and the high-speed airflow rubbed against each other in the complex building environment, and the harsh noise came from all over the battlefield.

Squeak--! ! ! It was like the noise made by nails scratching on a blackboard, which made people feel irritated for no reason.

But this is just the feeling felt by ordinary people without abilities.

"Ugh!" After hearing the noise, everyone present, except for Saten Ruiko, frowned and showed a painful look on their faces.

This noise is not just noise, it also contains some special signals that can disrupt the thinking and calculation process of the ability users who hear it, making it difficult to use their abilities, or even impossible to use their abilities.

"Is this... a decrease in ability?!!" Misaka Mikoto had heard this noise in the "chaotic opening" incident and suffered a lot, so she reacted immediately.

Accelerator also felt something was wrong. After hearing this noise, the ability calculation process that had been going on in his brain suddenly became out of control, and even his thinking was a little messed up.

"Noise that affects ability calculation? Damn it, this sound must be reflected... Damn it! My thinking is messed up!" Accelerator originally planned to use his ability to block this noise, but found that now he even had difficulty completing this simple calculation that only required a thought in the past.

Even under this kind of noise pollution, even the subconscious reflex maintained on his body surface showed signs of collapse.

Even so, as the strongest esper in Academy City, Accelerator would not lose his ability so easily.

As long as he is given time, it doesn't take much, just a dozen seconds, he can complete the sound shielding reflection calculation and restore his ability in his heyday.

However, Saten Ruiko will not give him this time!   Bang——!   It seems that Saten Ruiko was not affected by the noise at all. Her figure disappeared in an instant. The next moment, she reappeared and stood behind Accelerator. One hand was in the shape of a knife, and she chopped the back of the opponent's head heavily.

')321'\u003eChapter 320 Cheating at the Last Moment (Only two updates today)

Buzz——!   Accelerator, who was trying his best to complete the key calculation, suddenly felt a burst of stars. The heavy blow on the back of his head disrupted his thinking, making the previous calculations go to waste. He couldn't even stand steadily and staggered to his knees.

But, fortunately, he was still awake! "Tsk! That reflex ability wasn't completely destroyed?" Riri Saotome thought that this move of hers could defeat her opponent, but she didn't expect Accelerator to be much tougher than she thought. Even when his ability calculation was disturbed, he still retained some reflex ability, so that most of the attack she had just calculated was blocked, and the remaining force was not enough to knock him out.

"It doesn't matter. If one blow doesn't work, just hit it again!" Saten Ruiko saw that the blow she just made didn't achieve the effect, so she immediately added the next blow without hesitation.

However, Accelerator, who had a knife on the back of his head, would not sit still and wait for death. At this critical moment, the strongest superpower in Academy City rolled around like a lazy ass, narrowly avoiding Saten. Another hand knife attack from Ruizi.

"Huh? You can still dodge?" Although he struggled to avoid the blow, facing Saten Ruiko who became serious, Accelerator, who was unable to use most of his abilities, only delayed his defeat.

Knowing that she could not give the opponent time to recover, Saten Ruiko, who had no intention of holding back, directly entered the state of divine speed. At a speed that was many times far beyond the limit of human beings, she circled behind Accelerator again, and then used a strike mixed with magic power. The hand knife attack ignored the remaining reflexes on the opponent's body and hit him hard on the back of the head, completely knocking him out.

Bang - Seeing Accelerator unconscious and lying on the ground, Saten Ruiko finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time stopped her wind control ability, the terrible noise that enveloped the battlefield finally stopped.

‘Tsk! In the end, I cheated with magic power! ' Saten Ruiko felt very dissatisfied that she had to rely on Accelerator's incomprehensible magic power to penetrate the opponent's defense in the end - before the war started, she thought about defeating Accelerator as a "Lv. 5 air user" throughout the whole process. It was defeated by Tongxing! But there is no choice. Although this opponent has a very bad character, he is indeed very powerful in the use of abilities. Even if he uses the Capacity Down simulated by her abilities, he still cannot completely lose his abilities.

Fortunately, the best thing she used was physical attacks like hand knives. The magic power did not escape. Even a professional magician shouldn't be able to see it... right? ​​..."Little slicker!" Fang Yuan, who was outside the battlefield, saw through Zuo Tianleizi's little trick and shook his head with a smile.

"It's a good idea to use the wind control ability to simulate the effect of the ability reduction device, but the final touch-up actually relies on the characteristics of magic power to be successful. Practice is still not enough!" ... "Is this... the end? "Recovering from the noise hell of "degraded ability", Misaka Mikoto looked at Accelerator who was knocked down in an instant, and asked blankly, with a look of disbelief on her face.

The number one person who left her helpless, the "strongest" who pursued "invincibility", was defeated so easily and skillfully at the hands of Saten Ruiko? ……In another building, the researchers who were paying attention to the battlefield here were all dumbfounded when faced with the result of the battle.

"The first one actually lost!" Someone murmured, with an expression full of disbelief.

——That Accelerator, the invincible, the strongest, who treated any attack like a breeze, was defeated like this? Lost to a mere aerial user, defeated to the eighth at the bottom... How is this possible! Some people cannot accept the facts, but others are worried about the reality after the battle: "Since the first one has been defeated, is the experiment we are conducting now still meaningful?" The basis of the experiment on the evolution of people with absolute abilities is based on Among all Level 5s, only the strongest number one has the possibility of evolving to Level 6. But after the number one is defeated by the eighth and lowest ranked one, does this foundation still exist? "No, it makes sense! Just because Accelerator was defeated, it doesn't mean that he can't evolve into an absolute esper! This time he lost to No. 8, but No. 8 just had the ability to restrain No. 1!" Regarding the previous one! Another researcher immediately refuted the researcher's concerns.

"Ability restraint? Are you kidding? No matter from which point of view, the ability of [vector manipulation] cannot be restrained by the ability of [atmosphere manipulation]! It's almost the other way around!" The researcher who was retorted fiercely He refutes another person's statement.

"...The eighth person can use his ability to simulate the effect of the ability reduction device, suppressing the ability calculation of the first person. What is this if not ability restraint? The so-called [vector control] is superior to [atmospheric control], but ordinary people I can’t figure out how to really use the abilities of the air user!” The debate over whether there is any ability restraint between the first and eighth place became more and more intense, and the two researchers who got angry were about to fight with each other. .

However, just as the martial arts show was about to take place here, the director who had been silent spoke up: "Stop making noise! ​​Everyone be quiet!" "...Yes..." "...I'm sorry..." "Can anyone explain, that Where did No. 8 get the data on the ability reduction device?" After the confusion was over, the director who single-handedly led the experiment on the evolution of the absolute ability person pointed out the key point.

"Well, according to our information, the third and eighth persons were involved in the follow-up incident of the 'Ability Body Crystal Experiment'. During the battle with Terestina Kihara Levrine, they were injured. Suppressed by 'capacity reduction' device.

Perhaps he came into contact with relevant data during that battle? ” A young researcher gave the answer.

"...Is it that incident... I didn't expect something to go wrong here!" The director pondered, still doubting in his heart.

"But why was she not disturbed? You know, 'power reduction' is not just a bunch of noise, but a specific way of mixing complex data into the audio, disrupting the ability user's thinking and calculation through hearing. Since these noises come from the eighth ability, she must be the first to accept the test of 'power reduction' and can no longer use her ability as usual. This has become a paradox!" Well, no matter how hard these researchers think, they will never think that the eighth person they are talking about is not a serious ability user at all! Saten Ruiko's ability comes from the spiritual base in her body. The way she uses her ability is almost like instinct. In fact, she is closer to the original stone ability user. The noise that disrupts the calculation contained in the "power reduction" is just ordinary noise to her, and has no effect at all! PS: Ahem! Sorry, there are only two updates today. Please forgive me, readers.

')322'\u003eChapter 321 BoyMeetsGirl

[Latest notice, the eighth place of Lv.5 superpower [Storm Commander], has been promoted to the third place, and the original third place and subsequent rankings have been postponed by one place.",

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