"Tsk! I actually met her again!" Hearing the other party's voice, Fang Yuan knew without looking that this was the exorcist girl who had just arrived in front of him, the protagonist of this world, Isayama Yomi.

He thought that the other party would go back after slaying the demon, but he didn't expect that he would come back and find him, and attack him without saying a word... "Hey, hey, hey, little girl, I'm not an evil spirit. Ah! There is no need to burn me as soon as we meet, right?" Fang Yuan, who was still unscathed by the flames, said with a helpless tone.

To be honest, he doesn't want to conflict with the official personnel of this world, especially the protagonist like Isayama Yomi - firstly, bullying girls is not a glorious thing, and secondly, as the designated protagonist of this world, God knows Is there such a thing as a protagonist's halo? Before [Ether] truly grows into the will of this world, Fang Yuan does not want to antagonize such a protagonist.

However... it seems that the first meeting between the two parties was not so friendly... "Tsk! He can actually talk! And he also retains a perfect human form... He is an A-level evil spirit, which is tricky!" Luan Honglian just spit out Isayama Yoshizumi, who had a big fireball, looked at Fang Yuan swimming leisurely in the sea of ​​fire, and his heart suddenly sank. Hearing the other party's obviously rational conversation, he was even more horrified - this was obviously A-level. Characteristics of evil spirits! In fact, for Isayama Yomi, the "thing" that looks like a human in front of her is really no different from an evil spirit - just now she saw with her own eyes how Fang Yuan emerged from the ground in the form of light. It is drilled out and then condensed into a human body. This form cannot be human at all! Well, because in modern times, the mysterious forces have gradually declined, and the supernatural power has gradually weakened. The power that protects human beings from being devoured by aliens in the dark has gradually transformed from the ancient onmyoji, priests, and witches groups to the ability threshold. A group of exorcists who are low and more dependent on external objects.

In this era, it is rare to see extraordinary spells that can be activated without the help of any external objects. However, magical spells such as the soul leaving the body and the projection of the spirit body are really myths and legends. Those "professionals" who have psychic powers and can see ghosts don't believe it.

In the eyes of modern exorcists, those who can gather and disperse their bodies at will like Fang Yuan, and can switch between ethereal spiritual bodies and physical entities at will, cannot be human beings, but can only be extremely dangerous A-level evil spirits! So, when Miss Isayama Huangquan followed the coordinates from the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room and arrived at the scene of the spiritual power explosion, she happened to see the scene of Fang Yuan emerging from the earth veins. Being "ignorant", she immediately understood that it was clearly... Yangshen Zhenren's Fang Yuan mistakenly thought he was an evil spirit, and without saying a word, he fired the most powerful Red Lotus Roaring Wave.

However, when she discovered that her opponent was actually a rational A-level evil spirit, Isayama Yomi felt a little paralyzed. It seemed like she couldn't defeat this opponent! The third update is presented')377'\u003eChapter 376 The Gradually Escalating Conflict

Isayama Yoshizumi, the adopted daughter of the head of the Isayama family, Isayama Naraku, although she looks like an ordinary female high school student, at most her beautiful appearance and heroic temperament make her look a bit different among a group of ordinary people. Stand out from the crowd.

But in fact, she has been known as a child prodigy in swordsmanship since she was a child, and she also has talents in magic. From a young age, she has stepped into another world that ordinary people will never know - the world of supernatural power. world! With her good qualifications and the fighting skills she has cultivated since childhood, after inheriting the sword [The Lion King] given to her by her adoptive father, the 17-year-old girl has become one of the few exorcists in the group. Some powerful people have even become one of the main combat forces in semi-official departments such as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room.

In addition, at a young age, he has already experienced hundreds of battles, and has killed countless monsters and monsters. Isayama Yomi, who is at the peak of his sharpness, thought that he would not have any stage fright even if he faced those legendary A-level evil spirits.

However, when she actually stood in front of this enemy who was suspected to be an A-level evil spirit, she found that she was not as confident as she thought.

——When he saw Ran Hongren's roaring wave hitting the opponent, but not even the slightest damage, Isayama Yomi couldn't help but feel a trace of fear in his heart.

‘Maybe… I really might die here today! 'Although Fang Yuan, who was seriously misunderstood as a super boss, did not read Isayama Yomi's mind and did not know what she was thinking, he could still guess when he saw the other person's vigilant expression with a hint of fear. Come out a few minutes.

He shook his head and sighed in his heart. It seemed that he could no longer take off his title of "A-level evil spirit".

But Fang Yuan didn't care much about what these official demon exterminators thought.

Anyway, in his opinion, these are just exorcists who have mastered spiritual power and some small spells, and most of the time they have to rely on various external objects to fight. Their strength is just that, in the upcoming catastrophe Among them, they are just bigger ants compared to ordinary people, so don’t worry about them.

In fact, if Isayama Yomi wasn't the protagonist of this world, Fang Yuan wouldn't be so easy to talk to. The roaring wave that was thrown down just now, if it were a different small character, Fang Yuan's backhand would be a much better one. Throw the big fireball back! After thinking about it, Fang Yuan finally decided to ignore the other party and just leave here.

With this thought in mind, Fang Yuan turned around and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, before he could take the first step, a stream of light that was extremely conspicuous in the night sky flashed, followed by the sound of a gunshot, and a deformed and twisted large-caliber warhead came from a few feet away from Fang Yuan. It fell, making a clanging sound as it hit the ground.

If you look carefully, you can see a string of runes engraved on the severely deformed warhead. A trace of aura that only those with spiritual eyes can see is gradually passing away. From it, you can feel To the obvious meaning of "breaking the devil".

This is - Rune Bullet.

Although in many novels and animation works, this practice of engraving occult runes on modern thermal weapons has almost become a bad street setting, but in this world where there are real evil spirits and extraordinary powers, at the same time In a world where technology has developed normally into the 21st century, this rune bullet can also be regarded as a high-tech technology.

Combining traditional magic-breaking techniques with modern technology, and inscribing runes blessed with extraordinary power into guns and ammunition, you can immediately transform modern thermal weapons that do no harm to spiritual life into weapons capable of killing demons. Demon-killing weapons are a technology that has only become popular in recent years.

And here in Japan, except for people related to the government, almost no one else will use this equipment.

So - "No! Uncle Iwata!" Isayama Yomi immediately realized that this was Uncle Iwata Koji who was originally supporting from the rear. Seeing that this "evil spirit" seemed to be trying to "escape", he shot to stop it... However, only Isayama Yomi who is actually standing in front of him knows how terrifying this "evil spirit" who looks no different from ordinary people is in front of him! Just now she looked at him as if he was not interested in her and wanted to leave, but now he has received a bullet from Uncle Iwabata. If the other party is angered... "Tsk! It's not over yet!" Although the sniper bullet coming from his head did not touch him at all and was blocked by the external defensive force field, Fang Yuan was still unhappy - he did not intend to pursue the matter of attacking the other party as soon as they met. You plan to go first, but this group of people is not finished yet? ! ! Fang Yuan looked up to the direction where the bullets came from, and saw a middle-aged man wearing a black suit, strong build, and exuding a gay atmosphere, holding a large-caliber sniper rifle and urgently moving position.

Obviously, the other party also saw the result of the shot just now. He knew that he was encountering a formidable enemy this time and did not dare to expose himself to Fang Yuan's sight.

However, the opponent's speed was obviously a little slower.

Bang——! Snapped--! Fang Yuan did not see any movement. The heavy sniper rifle held in the hands of a former mercenary and Self-Defense Forces soldier named Iwata Koji suddenly exploded and decomposed into independent parts from a whole body, scattered on the ground, and he himself , was blasted away by some invisible force, and hit hard on the car he had just used as a sniper position, making a big dent.

——Isayama Yomi has not been counterattacked by Fang Yuan before because she has the status of the protagonist. Fang Yuan has scruples and can tolerate the other party's offense caused by a momentary misunderstanding. However, the uncle in front of him is not within Fang Yuan's tolerance range. within! However, considering that the protagonist Isayama Yomi is currently on the side of the Japanese official side, Fang Yuan did not go too far.

He didn't make a killing move. The invisible telekinesis he just exerted could only break a few bones of the opponent without any major injuries. This can be said to be the result of Fang Yuan's mercy.

In his opinion, this was just a small punishment for the other party's reckless behavior just now, but for the person involved, this was really not a pleasant experience.

"Pfft——!" A mouthful of blood spat out from the mouth of this tall and strong man. The miserable scene immediately made Isayama Yomi exclaim: "Uncle Iwabata!" "Ahem! I'm fine! Don't be distracted, this guy is not Ordinary evil spirits!" He coughed up a mouthful of blood again. This strong man who looked like a tough guy but was actually a gay man struggled to free himself from the deformed car shell and crawled towards a more hidden bunker. retreat.

Now he has understood that this time the enemy has exceeded his ability to deal with it. All he can do is look at the little girl Isayama Yomi - this kind of powerlessness can only watch the little girl try her best to look useless, let this The former mercenary who once roamed the battlefield felt very uncomfortable.

')378'\u003eChapter 377 Thunder Creation, Elemental Life, Dharma Yuanling

"..." Isayama Yomi felt relieved for the time being when he saw that Uncle Iwata Koji could still move.

But...of course I know this is no ordinary evil spirit, you don't have to say that! Complaining about Uncle Iwabata's hindsight in her heart, Isayama Yomi turned around and looked at Fang Yuan who had just injured her comrade. Her eyes no longer had the shrinking and fear before, but were full of fighting spirit.

"Oh? Are you sure you want to continue fighting? I was merciful just now! If you are still ignorant and continue to attack, I will not hold back any more!" Fang Yuan saw Isayama Yomi's change of attitude and made a choice Brows, while slowly releasing his momentum to put pressure on the other party, he said in a solemn tone.

"You are an evil spirit that brings harm to the world, and I am an exorcist who kills evil spirits. Not to mention that you have hurt my companions... Do you think I will just watch you leave?" He had the intention of strengthening his own will, but also had the intention of delaying time to wait for support. Facing Fang Yuan, whose momentum was getting stronger and stronger almost endlessly, Isayama Yomi, who was under tremendous pressure, retorted without flinching.

"Good will..." When Fang Yuan saw Isayama Yomi who could still stand firm under the pressure of his own momentum and could even respond freely, he nodded secretly in his heart and expressed his approval for the heroine's firm will.

However, this does not mean that he will be too tolerant towards this girl - Fang Yuan regarded the previous attack as a misunderstanding and did not care about it, but if the other party attacks again, he will never fail to fight back! Unfortunately, after several minutes of stalemate, facing increasing pressure, Isayama Yomi was not overwhelmed by Fang Yuan's momentum in the end, but chose to take decisive action before completely losing the power to resist! "Chaotic Red Lotus!" With a greeting, Nue, the spirit beast sealed in the Lion King with the Sword, appeared again.

This time, Isayama Huangquan did not let it use futile flame roars, but directly attacked with the spirit beast itself - since magic attacks cannot be effective against the opponent, let's try direct physical attacks! Not only the imperial beast, but also Isayama Yomi himself, wielding a sharp samurai sword, stepped forward in person and launched a dangerous close attack with the sword.

"Hmph! The spirit body of a mere beast!" Facing the attack of the huge spirit monster, Fang Yuan snorted disdainfully, but had no intention of fighting a beast in close combat.

As soon as he moved his hand, the sound of thousands of birds suddenly sounded, and thunder and lightning were born from Fang Yuan's hand.

As he waved his arms and spread into the air in front of him, the endless thunder did not spread wantonly under the guidance of some magical power, but like azure ink, using the void as a canvas, swaying lines and weaving shapes, as if Slowly, it condensed into the shape of a huge bird.

With the final touch of the finishing touch, the originally insubstantial Thunderbird was endowed with spirituality, and like a real living creature, it gave out its first clear cry after birth.

"唳——!!!" After this loud cry filled with the joy of birth, the thunder bird, which was larger than Luan Honglian, seemed to have already known its mission. On the first day after birth, Time was blocked in front of the spirit beast that flew towards him.

Two extraordinary monsters of the same size, neither of which belong to ordinary life, were in close combat at this moment. Their sharp claws clashed with each other, their sharp beaks and whip tails competed, and the power of thunder and the spiritual power of fire fought each other. For a moment, You come and go, biting and flying, and the beating is very unpleasant.

"This is..." Seeing that Fang Yuan casually used thunder as a material to create a thunder bird out of thin air that was no worse than the spiritual beast Nue, whether it was Isayama Yomi or Iwabata Koji who was hiding in the distance and watching. , were both frightened and frightened - could this ability to create life at will really be possessed by an evil spirit? No, this is definitely not creating life. The other party must have summoned it from somewhere, right? Just like the spiritual beast Nue summoned from the sword of the Lion King, it must be so right! Not wanting to believe that he was fighting a being that could create life at will, Isayama Yomi instinctively affirmed himself.

But in fact, this is indeed the "life" that Fang Yuan created on the spot using thunder as a material - using thunder made with super powers as raw materials, using alchemy to shape its form, and using magic to give it Various functional concepts are endowed with the third magic to give it real intelligence and extraordinary fighting instincts. With the gathering of various powers, real elemental life is created from nothingness.

No, maybe calling it life is not enough. After all, Fang Yuan did not endow it with the ability to reproduce itself. But if we put it in another way, it should be easier to understand - Dharma has Yuanling.

Although it is very different in composition from the Fayou Yuanling in those novels about cultivating immortals, it “does not require active control once released and has the combat instinct to respond to all changes on its own” and “does not require additional energy from the master. Judging from these two points, "the ability to extract energy to maintain physical activity from external sources" is undoubtedly the same as the "fayouyuanling" who has practiced Taoism to the extreme and enabled a magical spell to fight on its own like a living being. They have different approaches but similar effects.

This can be said to be another crucial crystallization result that Fang Yuan summed up from the many power systems he learned in addition to the world of mental images.

If he can go one step further and create a life that can truly reproduce and evolve by itself, it will be equivalent to gaining the authority of the Creator. If he can sublimate his mental world into a real and true material world, creation plus creation The ability exists like this, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a "god"! However, these are all far away, let us turn our attention back to reality——After the spirit beast Nue was blocked by the thunder bird created by Fang Yuan, Isayama Huangquan was embarrassed to find that she seemed to have to rely on a handful of Katana faced such a vicious enemy as Fang Yuan.

‘It’s not good…but, don’t give up! ' The sword had been swung out, and the arrow had to be fired on the string. Isayama Yoshizumi did not flinch, but instead quickened the pace of his feet. He stabbed with a standard that even a kendo master could not point out any mistakes, and suddenly rushed into Fang Yuan's body three feet away. In the area, the curved blade drew a dazzling cold light, which contained the girl's determination to fight to the death, and swung it towards Fang Yuan's head and neck.

‘It will definitely work! ’ Seeing that Fang Yuan didn’t seem to be making any counterattack or dodge moves, Isayama Yomi even had such an idea at this moment.

However, the result was... Bang——! ! ! ')379'\u003eChapter 378 New reinforcements

The sword carrying spiritual power struck the most vulnerable part of a human's neck, but it made a crisp sound of gold and iron as if it had struck a high-strength alloy steel pillar.

Not only did the blade leave no trace of a scratch on the opponent, the huge rebound force even cracked the girl's knife-holding mouth. Blood spattered and the long knife flew out.

Isayama Yoshizumi himself was caught off guard and used the wrong strength. He accidentally lost his balance and his whole body was in chaos. Fang Yuan's hand passed through the gap between his hands that were hastily parrying and grabbed his neck.

Fang Yuan, who was as merciless as the villain, used his height and arm strength to grab the girl's neck and lift her off the ground.

"Uh-huh!" A feeling of suffocation and a sense of danger of death rushed into Isayama Yomi's heart. The girl ignored the cracked wound on her hand and struggled to pry Fang Yuan's fingers around her neck, trying to Get some respite.

And without her as the owner of the sword, Luan Honglian, who was just the Lion King's sword spirit, had to be reluctantly taken back into the seal of the sword amidst a burst of mourning. The only thing left in place was the newly born Thunder God. bird.

Having lost its opponent, it was flying in the sky, occasionally letting out a loud cry, as if celebrating its first victory in life.

"It's only three things. I gave you a chance to stop, but you didn't cherish my kindness..." Fang Yuan, expressionless, held the suffocating Isayama Huangquan in one hand while speaking in an extremely cold tone. So said.

That posture made it seem as if he would ruthlessly strangle this beautiful girl in her prime to death in the next moment.

"Hell!" Iwabata Koji in the distance saw Isayama Yoshizumi being captured by Fang Yuan in just one encounter. Even life and death were controlled by others. He immediately became anxious. Regardless of whether he was his opponent or not, he immediately stood up and started over again. , and at the same time, he pulled out the spare pistol from his waist, turned on the safety, and wanted to make a last ditch effort.

However, before he could get close to the optimal shooting range of the pistol, at the intersection on the side of the battlefield, a black car drove directly off the road with complete disregard for traffic regulations and broke into a park that should not be used by cars. Among them, it rushed towards the location of Fang Yuan and Isayama Huangquan with great force.

Buzz - Seeing that he was about to hit someone, but his face could not be seen clearly behind the windshield, the driver had no intention of stepping on the brakes. Instead, a high-pitched sound of the accelerator being opened wide and the engine speed increasing rapidly came from under the hood.

——The visitor clearly wanted to kill Fang Yuan and Isayama Huangquan in Fang Yuan’s hands! "Hmph!" The corner of Fang Yuan's mouth curled up. He certainly didn't think that this guy who was obviously the opponent's reinforcements really wanted to kill him and Isayama Yomi. This was just the opponent's tactics.

However, Fang Yuan saw through it but did not say anything. Instead, he cooperated and threw the unconscious girl in his hand to the ground, still in the direction of the car, and then jumped up high.

The vehicles on the ground that were rushing towards Isayama Huangquan also changed their actions following Fang Yuan's movements.

I saw the body of the car instantly rolled sideways due to the driver's superb driving skills, the tires locked up, and the entire car drifted sideways for the last distance. Under the friction of the ground and decelerating, it finally stopped and fell to the ground. In front of Isayama Huangquan.

Before the car stopped, the door opened in advance, and a hand stretched out from behind the door, grabbed the almost unconscious girl, and dragged her into the car.

The next moment, the door was closed tightly, and the vehicle that had stopped suddenly started again. In an instant, the accelerator was applied to the maximum, and the sharply rotating tires rubbed against the ground at high speed, bringing out a large amount of pungent smoke. At the same time, the power of the car was also accumulated to the limit. Then, the entire The car rushed like an arrow from a string and arrived at the other side of the park in a flash of lightning.

All these actions took place in just a few seconds, and Isayama Yomi, who was originally in critical condition, was out of danger. It can be said to be a very exciting front-line rescue operation.

As the other party in this conflict, Fang Yuan jumped up to a high place after throwing away the "hostage" in his hand. The Thunder Bird that was originally flying in the air was already prepared and quickly lowered its height. When Fang Yuan jumped to the highest point, At that moment, the Thunderbird landed right at his feet.

Just after hearing the sound of "pop", the thunderbird's body, which was completely condensed by thunder, seemed to have substance. Fang Yuan stood firmly on the back of the bird with both feet, standing in the air, letting go of the rapids on the ground. passing vehicles.

After the car stopped, three people got out of the car.

One is a Japanese man who is half-hugging and half-supporting Isayama Yomi by the car door, and the two are twin African brothers who look exactly the same.

"Wow! This is the first time I've seen Yomi-chan lose so badly!" The 18-year-old lecherous boy named Sakuraba Ikki, who was holding the semi-conscious Isayama Yomi in one hand, had no intention of enjoying the erotic scene in front of him that he could only think about in his mind in the past. Instead, he raised his head with a serious face and looked at the terrifying figure standing proudly on the Thunder Bird not far away.

"Is this an A-level evil spirit? Sure enough, the momentum is very terrifying! But what is that thing under his feet? A spirit beast? It doesn't look like a spirit!"  "Cough! How long are you going to hold her?!"  At this moment, a cough came from the mouth of the girl in Sakuraba Ikki's arms. The boy looked down and saw Isayama Yomi's eyes with clear murderous intent. He couldn't help but smile awkwardly and loosened his claws around her waist, turning his head away without daring to look directly at her.

Isayama Yomi, who had just regained consciousness, almost couldn't help punching out after finding herself being held by a man, but when she saw the surrounding situation clearly, she realized that she was saved by her companions.

"Be careful, this evil spirit is very unusual! Uncle Iwata's sniper can't break the opponent's defense at all, my knife can't hurt the opponent's body at all, and the red lotus can't defeat the thunderbird summoned by the opponent. We may not be able to do anything to the opponent!" Isayama Yomi, who had just regained consciousness, sorted out his slightly embarrassed clothes and told his companions the information he got as soon as possible.

"Uh... Now that you say that, I have completely lost confidence!" Sakuraba Ikki looked at the two African brothers who looked exactly the same beside him and asked, "Brother Nabu, what do you think? Is there a chance of winning?" "Nabu thinks there is no chance of winning."

"Nabu thinks there is no chance of winning."

The two African wizard brothers who looked exactly the same and had the same name said exactly the same words one after another, shaking their heads to indicate that they both felt that there was no chance of winning.

"Tsk! If only Iitsuka Noriyuki was here! Why did he go on a business trip to another city at this time..." Sakuraba Ikki kept repeating his friend's name, feeling heavy-hearted. This time, the enemy was not good... Here is the third update. Sorry, there is no fourth update today')380'\u003eChapter 379: Identity that is constantly misunderstood

"Cough! Cough! Huang Quan, how are you?" Sakuraba Ikki, with burn marks all over his body, his hair standing upright, and a little static electricity flashing from time to time, struggled with his somewhat uncontrollable hands and feet, and climbed up from the messy ground.

"Not bad! Damn, this hair..." Isayama Huang Quan, who was also in a mess, with a beautiful and smooth black long hair that exploded like a fluffy lion's sideburns, climbed up from the ground while trying in vain to suppress his "non-mainstream" hairstyle.

The girl looked around and found that although her companions had some injuries, they were not in danger of life, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

‘Were they spared…’ Looking at the direction where the enemy had just been, Jianshan Huangquan couldn’t help but sighed in disappointment.

Although she didn’t agree with the title of “genius” given to her by people in the past, and believed that all her achievements were the result of her redoubled efforts, Jianshan Huangquan did not deny that she was very confident in her hard-trained strength.

However, this confidence was finally hit hard today.

It was after the battle.

No, strictly speaking, what happened in just a few seconds just now could not be called a battle at all, but a one-sided crushing!   When Fang Yuan saw the reinforcements from the Japanese government coming, and it seemed that there were more and more, he was already a little impatient.

From Jianshan Huangquan, he could see what level the mainstream extraordinary power level of this world was. For those shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were not even the protagonists, Fang Yuan did not intend to waste too much time on them.

Therefore, before they could launch another attack, Fang Yuan took the lead and knocked down everyone present with a high-voltage lightning gun that was barely lethal, and then flew away leisurely on a bird.

——He still had a world to save, and he had no time to get entangled with these minions!   …  "So, you encountered a suspected A-level humanoid evil spirit at the spiritual power explosion site in Chiyoda District, and were defeated by the opponent in one move?"  In the hospital ward, Jinguji Ayame, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked at his subordinates lying in a row on several beds with a surprised face.

Although the doctor said that they were all skin injuries, the most serious injury was Iwata Koji, who had several broken ribs, and the others were only injured by non-lethal electric currents, and they would be fine after recuperating for a period of time.

However, seeing all these people with so many bandages on their bodies, there really was an atmosphere of a defeated general. Looking at the depressed look of everyone including Jianshan Huangquan, it was obvious that they had lost miserably! "Yeah, I thought I could still fight with the opponent for a few more moves, but I didn't expect that he didn't use his full strength at all! I can feel that in the end, if the opponent hadn't stopped, none of us would have survived!" Jianshan Huangquan, who was the strongest and therefore the least injured, did not lie on the hospital bed like the others, but judging from the bandages wrapped around her neck and limbs, the injuries she suffered this time were not very easy.

"From your previous description, the other party used thunder and lightning as a means of attack?" Jinguji Iris continued to ask for details.

"Yes, but I don't know whether it is the opponent's own power or the power of the thunderbird he summoned."

Isayama Yomi answered truthfully.

"..." Jinguji pondered for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something.

At this moment, her secretary Nikaidou Tong pushed in the door and handed a document to the room chief.

Jinguji Iris carefully read the document in his hand, which was only a few pages long, then raised his head and said to the subordinates in front of him: "Good news! Perhaps, what you encountered before was not an evil spirit!" "... ..." "..." "..." After hearing the "good news" from the room chief, everyone was silent and couldn't help but look at each other. After a long time - "How is it possible? I saw him emerge from the ground in a mist of light with my own eyes. , and then condensed into human form!" Isayama Huangquan immediately expressed doubts about the room chief's statement.

"Ahem! I also saw this scene. Judging from the way the other party appeared, it really doesn't look like a human being..." This is Koji Iwabata. As the first member of Isayama Yomi to come into contact with the other party, the credibility of his words Naturally, it is also extremely high.

The most exaggerated reaction was Sakuraba Ichiki. Ignoring the pain of his wounds, he suddenly straightened up and exclaimed: "It's not an evil spirit? Then what is he?! Also, if it's not an evil spirit, Then isn't our injury just in vain? " Well, this guy just cares about whether he got beaten in vain... "..." As for the two Nabu brothers, it was as usual. Silent, not expressing an opinion.

"Listen to me!" Jinguji Iris waved the document in his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "I didn't say that the other party was a human being, but judging from the test results of the forensic department at the scene, that guy It shouldn’t be an evil spirit, but another kind of existence.”

"Another existence? What is it?" Isayama Huangquan and others were full of questions.

"God!" Jinguji Iris said such an answer, which immediately made everyone stunned and speechless.

"...Wait, wait! God? Chief, are you kidding me?!" Ikki Sakuraba asked in surprise.

"Well... the fact that the other party is a god is just my guess.

However, judging from the evidence collected so far, the other party should not be an evil spirit! I just received this test report from the forensic department. It says that a fundamental reversal in the nature of the spiritual power was detected at the location of this spiritual power explosion. The earth veins that were originally contaminated by the foul air have been completely restored to purity. Relating to your previous experiences...you said the other party used thunder and lightning, right? You know, no evil spirit using thunder has ever been found in history! " Jinguji Iris explained.

"...So it's a god..." I don't know why, but when Isayama Yomi heard the room chief say that they met a god this time, she felt a little relieved - if it was a god who defeated them, then There is nothing we can do, after all, they are only human beings after all... "However, shouldn't the gods have become extinct in modern times? Why did one suddenly appear at this time?" Isayama Yomi then asked the key The problem.

"Well, I don't know about this. After all, I am not the Lord God himself..." Jinguji Iris spread his hands.

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