However, compared to killing the opponent directly, Isayama Mei felt that another punishment was more suitable for him... Buzz——The golden barrier that originally covered the surrounding area of ​​several hundred meters collapsed instantly and turned into countless tadpole-like talismans. Wen flew all over the sky, reorganized and intertwined under Isayama You's will, turned into a net, and instantly fell on Isayama You who was kneeling on the ground.

"Wha, uh uh..." Isayama Yuu, who was shocked by the change, struggled to say something, but in the end he just moaned twice, and then fell to the ground with a "pop" and lost his voice.

But he was not dead. The essence of the rune snare that entered his body was a seal set by Isayama Mei.

This seal will completely seal off all of Isayama Yu's extraordinary powers, and at the same time cut off the relationship between his consciousness and his physical body.

In other words, at this moment, Isayama Yu has become a vegetative state that is no different from a brain-dead person! However, this is not Isayama Mei's true revenge and punishment on Isayama Yu - the seal she set is very subtle. Although Isayama Yu's consciousness is isolated from the physical body, it still has the ability to think.

In other words, in a sealed state, Isayama Yu will be trapped in a dark spiritual space. He cannot see, hear, smell, or touch anything, and he can only be helpless and desperate. The earth gradually consumed itself in the darkness of nothingness, and finally completely lost its soul! After completing his final revenge, Isayama Mei did not stay here longer. With the help of the power of the earth in his body to communicate with the power of the earth's veins, he left here far away with an earth escape technique.

... "It's so cruel..." Fang Yuan, who was observing in the dark, of course saw the nature of the seal set by Isayama Mei. He was speechless in his heart and had to look at his new miko lady in a different light - such cruelty. La Jin is indeed a person who does great things! Thinking like this, Fang Yuan secretly followed Isayama Mei's footsteps. Next, it was time for him, the "divine master", to have a face-to-face contact with Isayama Mei, the "miko"... Just a few minutes later, Black cars surrounded the small forest. Men and women got out of the cars, either with guns or ammunition on their backs, or with swords on their backs. Among the crowd were Isayama Yomi, Tsuchimiya Kagura, Iizuna Noriyuki, Sakuraba Kazuki and others. Impressively listed.

——These are the operators of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room. They rushed here immediately after receiving the warning of a surge of spiritual power.

Moreover, this place is too close to the headquarters of the Countermeasures Room. Almost all of them mobilized and arrived here in just a few minutes.

However, it is a pity that although they arrived quickly enough, they were still a little slow after all.

"Tsk, what happened here?" Sakuraba Ichiki looked at the small forest in front of him that was completely destroyed by the spewing spiritual power and the earth's fire magma. He almost thought he had walked into the crater of an active volcano - on the ground The red and hot magma hasn't cooled down yet! "God knows, maybe there are some strong men fighting here? Anyway, since I saw the gods last time, I won't be surprised anymore no matter how big the scene is."

Isayama Huangquan shrugged and answered casually with a calm expression.

"My Guanhu told me that there is a very... very scary but very friendly aura lingering around here, but there seems to be no evil spirit around."

After chatting for a few words with a very cute-looking pipe fox on his neck, Noriyuki Iizuna said to everyone.

"Could it be that another god appears like last time? Or is it the same god from last time?" Ikki Sakuraba thought of the last time a group of people in the countermeasures room were beaten badly. After a battle, I couldn't help but connect it with the situation at the scene.

"Maybe..." When talking about this matter, Isayama Yomi's face suddenly became a little ugly. This was a rare disastrous defeat experience for her... "There is someone here who is still alive!" At this moment , the operators who explored the forest sent back the news that they found the only "survivor" at the scene.

"This is...uncle?" When he saw the survivors being carried back on stretchers, Isayama Yomi exclaimed.

On the side, Noriyuki Iizuna and Kagura Tsuchimiya heard her exclamation and looked over together. They recognized the identity of the person and frowned as well.

"Do you know him?" Sakuraba Ichiki, who had just joined the industry not long ago, had not seen Isayama Yuu who had retired for many years. When he saw Isayama Yomi's reaction, he was suddenly curious.

"This is my uncle, Isayama Yu. He should have retired for many years. It is said that he is going to develop into politics, but why does he appear in a place like this..." Isayama Huangquan explained, but she herself was also full of doubts. At this time, at this place, why does Isayama Yu appear here? "What was his condition like when you found him?" At this time, Noriyuki Iizuna asked several operators who found Isayama Yu.

"When we found him, he was kneeling on the ground with one hand stretched forward, as if he wanted to grab something...Here, this is a photo taken at the scene."

After taking the digital camera, several main members of the countermeasures room came together to look at the screen above, and saw Yu Isayama's very unnatural coma.

"Sure enough, something did happen here..."')394'\u003eChapter 393: Escape from death, discussion at the meeting, mental collapse (second update)

More than an hour later, after searching the entire scene, the people in the countermeasures room cordoned off the scene and finally drove away with the only unconscious "survivor".

In the quiet grove, under a pile of rubble, a colorful caterpillar crawled out.

Under the moonlight shining through the clouds, the colorful skin on the caterpillar's body gradually dimmed and hardened - it turned into a pupa.

Then, the underground, which had been moved by Fang Yuan and Jian Shanming to connect the spiritual energy, faintly permeated with a trace of spiritual energy, gradually gathering on the pupa.

In a flash, a few hours passed, and no uninvited guests broke into this grove that had been officially cordoned off, and because of the remaining divine power of a certain living god, no small animals dared to approach here.

Therefore, this insect pupa, which looks very "delicious" in the eyes of some animals, has survived the most vulnerable metamorphosis period without any disaster. At the darkest moment before the sun rises, when the yin energy between heaven and earth is at its peak and about to turn to yang, the insect pupa breaks out of its shell, and an extremely beautiful butterfly emitting faint blue fluorescence emerges from it.

The reborn butterfly dances in the dark night sky, and its beautiful wings that shine without light sprinkle with patches of phosphorescent light, creating a dreamlike atmosphere for the entire grove.

And in such a dreamlike scene, the original one butterfly has become two, two has become four, and four has become eight... After a while, countless butterflies are spinning and dancing, and in the light and shadow, the figure of a pale-faced white-haired boy appears from them.

"...I've really fallen into a big trap this time!"  Santuohe Hehong, who had managed to escape from the hands of the present-human god by using the death-substitution method in the witchcraft, resisted the feeling of weakness in his body. He didn't dare to stay in this place for long. He squeezed out the spiritual power that had just recovered and evacuated quickly - this time he fell into a big trap, and he needed to stay dormant for a while.

...  "Oh? Are you finally leaving..."  Jiashan Mei, who had already retracted the form of the present-human god and restored his original human form, seemed to sense what happened in the grove, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

How could that filthy and pathetic evil spirit know that his lucky escape was actually the result of someone's deliberate connivance... "The results of the ground vein monitoring are out. Although there is a gap with the last complete reversal of spiritual power, this time the concentration and purity of spiritual power at the scene of the incident have also been greatly increased, so... can we assume that the god from last time has appeared again?" In the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room, everyone was staying up late to attend a meeting because of an emergency. The director's secretary, Nikaidou Kiri, brought a document and handed it to Jinguji Ayame while guessing.

"Maybe... But the spiritual power spectrum symbols detected in the two incidents are very different, and it doesn't seem to be caused by the same existence... Well, of course we only have a vague understanding of the nature of the gods, and no matter what kind of speculation is just speculation."

The still gentle and mature head sister said while flipping through the document.

"What do you think?" After putting the document down, Jinguji Ayame asked several main members of the countermeasures room who rushed to the scene.

"I think... it shouldn't be caused by the same existence! The last time the suspected god used lightning, and this time, the traces left at the scene are lava and flames, which are completely two different forces!" Isayama Huangquan scratched his forehead and said thoughtfully.

Although it doesn't mean that two forces mean that two individuals are attacking, if Fang Yuan who appeared last time and the unknown mysterious person who appeared this time are all regarded as gods, then considering that in general mythology, each god only controls a single power in one or some fields, Isayama Huangquan's guess is still somewhat reasonable.

"I think so too. Judging from the behavior of the suspected god who called himself "Fang Yuan" when he appeared twice last time, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who likes to hide. Facing us official personnel, he still fights when he wants to, and leaves when he wants to, and doesn't shy away from letting people know his identity... Maybe this time a new god has awakened?" Although he didn't participate in the battle in which the countermeasures room was collectively defeated, Iitsuka Noriyuki still studied the suspected god that suddenly appeared and came to his own conclusion.

"But the location of this incident is not a spiritual vein node, which is completely different from the last time. It is impossible that there is a god sleeping there!" Although Sakuraba Ikki looks lazy and unlearned on weekdays, he is actually a smart man. He quickly caught the loopholes in the conjectures of Isayama Yomi and Iitsuka Noriyuki.

"This is indeed a suspicious point..." Jinguji Ayame nodded and agreed with Sakuraba Ikki's statement.

"..." "..." "..." "..." These are the African twin Nabu brothers and the retired soldier Iwata Koji. The three of them are more forceful than brainy, so they do not participate in this kind of brain cell-consuming discussion. They looked at each other and remained silent.

After discussing for a long time, everyone still couldn't come to a conclusion. In the end, everyone unanimously agreed that the only breakthrough was the survivor brought back from the scene-Isayama Yu.

If he could wake up, perhaps everyone would know what happened.

——If he can really wake up! ... After the meeting, everyone was dismissed. Jinguji Iris stayed alone in the quiet office, looking at the city sleeping in the darkness outside the window, and couldn't help but sigh: "Alas - it's such an eventful year! Overseas appeared. The tide of supernatural power is declining, but more and more supernatural beings are emerging here in the country. What is going on in this world..." ... "What is going on in this world!" Dragging his weak body, Santuhe Kazuhiro, who rushed back to his hometown before dawn, threw things and questioned this unreasonable world.

Didn't he just want to plot against Isayama Huangquan and lead her into a path of depravity? There is an inexplicable problem with the chess pieces selected one after another! First, he sensed some unknown and great danger from Isayama Yomi's fiancé Noriyuki Iizuna, so Santsuga Kazuhiro had to follow his instinct and give up his plan against him.

Then, when Isayama Mei was being transformed into an evil spirit, he encountered an unexpected event that only happened once in thousands of years - who would have thought that this little girl who suppressed the huge darkness in her heart would suddenly turn into a human god. ah! ! ! Santuhe Hehong just felt so tired. He didn't want to play with these messy schemes anymore! ')395'\u003eChapter 394: Women are the most deceitful \u0026 key issues ignored in consciousness

A few days later - "Sister Ming, how is uncle's condition?" In the hospital, Isayama Yomi, who came to visit Isayama Yu with his father, saw the white-haired girl standing outside the ward.

Isayama Mei, who didn't know what he was thinking, heard Huang Quan's voice, turned around, shook his head slightly and said: "... It's still the same... The doctor said that my father's brain has lost the fluctuation of consciousness, and it is estimated that he will not be able to move again. There is no way to wake up..." "..." Isayama Yomi opened his mouth, wanting to say something to comfort the other person, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

After Isayama Mei said a few words to her, he also apologized and left with small steps.

Isayama Mei didn't try to keep him. She thought that anyone would feel very sad when encountering such a thing. On the surface, Isayama Mei didn't seem to have any mood swings. Maybe she was so sad inside that she wanted to cry. , let her be alone... However, what Isayama Momo didn't know was that the smile on the corner of Isayama Momo's mouth, who was gradually walking away with his back to her, seemed to indicate that the matter was not what she thought. As imagined... "You are really good at acting. Whether it is the people in the Isayama family or the people in the countermeasures room, they all think that you are very sad about the accident that happened to your father!" Only Isayama A voice that only Ming could hear sounded, with a teasing tone in his tone, seeming to be joking and mocking.

"Women are very good at acting. What's more, isn't it the power you gave me that caused all this?" There was no one around, so Mei Isayama didn't have to worry about being heard by outsiders, so he directly replied to the voice.

"Ha, you are really..." The voice smiled. He was not dissatisfied with Isayama Mei's words. Instead, he changed the topic and got down to business: "Then, your next task is to monitor the evil man. Spirit, unless you feel necessary, don't interfere too much with his actions.

When he collects all the killing stones and prepares to resurrect Kyuubi, you know what to do! "Yes, Lord God!" " Even though there was no one in front of her, Isayama Mei still bowed and promised with great respect. At this moment, a red light like fire flashed in her eyes.

... Of course, the voice talking to Isayama Mei is Fang Yuan, the protagonist of this book.

After observing Isayama Mei for a period of time, he did not actually appear in the end, but communicated with the other party in this way that only sound existed.

This is mainly because Fang Yuan took into account that when he helped Isayama Mei transform into a "human god", he deceived him as the spirit of the earth and the spirit of the planet... Well, actually this is not considered deception, after all. Fang Yuan now indeed indirectly controls the core authority of the entire planet, and there is no problem in calling himself the God of the Planet.

But since he is already the god of a planet, if Fang Yuan appears with the same appearance as a human, wouldn't his level be too low? ! Just like Jehovah in the Bible, He has never truly appeared in front of believers. He only uses symbolic scenes such as sounds, burning bushes, and burning clouds as signs of his appearance; even the covenant with Moses was Among the Ten Commandments, the second commandment is "Thou shalt not make graven images for God", which implements mysticism from beginning to end.

Although Fang Yuan did not dare to really compare himself to the Supreme God who did not know whether he really existed, he did learn something from this god with the most widespread belief - in front of believers, Be sure to maintain a sense of mystery! Therefore, in front of Isayama Mei, who had become his miko, Fang Yuan did not reveal his true body, but existed in the form of a voice that only Isayama Mei could hear.

Now it seems that this method of maintaining a sense of mystery has a pretty good effect! ……After assigning the mission, Fang Yuan no longer focused his attention here, but instead dealt with Japan’s space defense system.

——Unlike other countries, Fang Yuan did not continue to copy here the national luck and legal system that he had spread all over the world, but chose to retain the supernatural power of this country.

In the future that Fang Yuan observed, the first place that the incoming alien world would invade was Japan.

With the power Fang Yuan currently possessed, he was still not able to "keep the enemy out of the country", and could not directly destroy the enemy before the invasion.

Therefore, for Japan, which was destined to become a battlefield, Fang Yuan did not intend to kill all the supernatural forces with one stick.

On the contrary, after spending several months letting [Ether] quietly change the earth veins, Fang Yuan had set up the entire Japanese archipelago as a counterattack position.

When the invaders really invaded this world, the entire Japan would be blocked at the time, space and conceptual levels, and the internal law system would be modified to create a battlefield environment that was extremely targeted at evil spirits.

- In fact, if necessary, Fang Yuan could also project his mental world outside, merge with this land, and truly create a perfect battlefield where everything he wanted could come true.

Of course, the most important benefit is that with this layer of time and space isolation, no matter what happens here, at most only this country will be sacrificed, and the rest of the world will not be harmed at all.

Even Fang Yuan used the land of this archipelago country to arrange a big killer, which is enough to completely overturn the table when facing an invincible enemy... Of course, these things are not suitable for the locals to know, which is why Fang Yuan did not let Jianshan Ming participate in this matter.

However, just when he merged his subjective consciousness with the earth veins in Japan and briefly became the master of the Japanese land, Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some unusual "pollution" in the earth veins of this country.

"This is..." Fang Yuan condensed his perception that spread throughout the archipelago and focused it on a place in Tokyo, where he sensed some "things" that he did not feel at all when he "combined his body with the Tao" last time.

——Last time Fang Yuan's spirit merged with the spiritual ocean of the planet, he was facing a chaotic and chaotic spirituality, so naturally he didn't have much energy to pay attention to these marginal matters; but this time he used the power of [Ether], and was almost completely integrated with the spirit of the planet, and he only merged into the ground veins in the Japanese region, so Fang Yuan's perception height and perception accuracy were naturally far better than the last time.

"It's not resentment, nor is it evil spirits, but... a more terrifying and more dangerous existence..."  Feeling the polluted spiritual power flowing through the ground veins from afar, the breath that made him tremble instinctively, Fang Yuan suddenly realized that there seemed to be some dangerous existence in this world that he had not noticed.

"Yes! The power related to Cthulhu mythology!"  Fang Yuan remembered the fact that he was sent back to the past from the future after the destruction of the world. Where did the magic circle ritual that he judged to be the summoning of Yog-Sothoth come from? He should have thought of this a long time ago, but for some reason, he had always intentionally or unintentionally ignored this aspect, and even forgot to find the initiator of the ritual who had tricked him.

Until now, with the help of [Ether], which has almost completely controlled the authority of the entire planet, Fang Yuan temporarily raised his spirit to the planetary level, and finally cleared the fog in his consciousness and discovered the key problem that he had originally ignored.

')396'\u003eChapter 395 The first "reunion" (second update)

"Is this the place..." Most of the consciousness was integrated into the earth veins. Fang Yuan, who could not be separated for the time being, differentiated a small part of consciousness, and combined with part of the spiritual power diverted from [Ether], which had grown into a behemoth, cut out a Yang Shen clone and came to the place where he sensed the "polluted" breath.

This place looks like an apartment building that can be seen everywhere in the city. If you look at the appearance alone, it can only be said to be ordinary and almost unnoticeable.

At most, the foundation of this apartment building is located at the node of a subtle spiritual vein, which makes the concentration of spiritual power in this building slightly higher than other places.

In fact, in a city with a strong spiritual land like Tokyo, such apartment buildings can be seen everywhere, and there is nothing special about them.

However, when Fang Yuan looked at it with his spiritual eyes, he found that this building, from the top to the bottom, was shrouded in an indescribable aura.

This is not the negative aura such as evil spirit, resentment, and hostility that are common in ordinary spiritual lands, but a strange aura that is beyond human cognition and cannot be described in specific words.

After entering this building, the inexplicable chill made Fang Yuan know that he had not found the wrong place.

Following the fluctuations of the strength of the aura all the way, Fang Yuan easily found its source.

"Iitsuka... Could it be..." Looking at the words "Iitsuka" written on the label in front of the door, Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, feeling a little surprised. It couldn't be such a coincidence... After simply breaking the spell and barrier attached to the door lock, Fang Yuan pushed the door open and walked in. When he looked up, he saw a group of phantoms that looked indescribable, rushing towards him with a howling sound like ghosts.

Buzz—— Under the pressure, Fang Yuan's Yang Shen incarnation naturally emitted a clear light. Under the light, the phantoms that looked like ghosts, but were very different from ordinary ghosts, instantly wailed and retreated, shrinking back into the darkness of the room and hiding.

"It's not an ordinary spirit, but it's not a difficult monster either..." Fang Yuan ignored the shadows that were scared away by his body-protecting divine light, and instead looked left and right at the left and right walls of the room.

In his sight, golden runes were spread all over the house. The ceiling, floor, walls, windows, doors... together formed a completely enclosed barrier.

However, when Fang Yuan deepened his perception into those golden runes, he saw the dark atmosphere inside them from under the surface of the golden aura.

Needless to say, this barrier that looked like an orthodox Shinto religious system was also contaminated by that indescribable aura.

Fang Yuan walked into the entrance hall, closed the door, followed the traces in his perception, and walked step by step into the study room of this apartment... ... Noriyuki Iizuna finished a whole day's work and returned as usual. Own bachelor apartment.

When he opened the door, he suddenly noticed something was wrong - the spell barrier on the door had been broken! ‘There is an intruder! ’ With such a thought flashing through his mind, Noriyuki Iizuna immediately became alert.

Without hesitation, he directly summoned his Guan Hu.

However, Guan Hu at this time is not the cute appearance he showed when he was exorcising demons with his colleagues. Instead, his whole body is covered with hard bristles, with thick bones, knotted muscles, red eyes, and long hair. It has a terrifying appearance with thick saliva dripping from its fangs.

A dozen or so pipe foxes that had obviously undergone special modifications, like an arrow from a string, scurried into the house through the crack in the door that had just been opened, searching for traces of the intruder under the orders of the owner.

However, just for a moment, Noriyuki Iizuna realized that he could no longer feel the connection with the foxes! ​This... was solved instantly? ! In fear, Iizuna Nobuyuki immediately turned around and wanted to retreat directly - he was not a reckless man, and he would never put himself in danger easily before he knew the details of the unknown enemy inside.

Judging from the fact that all the dozen or so pipe foxes lost contact the moment after entering, the enemy inside was obviously so powerful that it exceeded his ability to deal with it. If he didn't run away at this time, would he still be waiting for the opponent to chase him out? Unfortunately, his movements were still a step too slow.

Just after Noriyuki Iizuna turned around and took a step, he suddenly discovered that he had entered the room for some reason! He turned around and looked at the locked door behind him, holding the door handle and turning it hard, but this ordinary-looking wooden door didn't move at all.

"...Have you been caught in a trap..." Norio Iizuna knew that he could no longer escape, so he had to turn around and face the unknown enemy head-on.

He looked around and saw that there was no one in the living room and dining room that were directly connected to the entrance. The invisible spirits he had kept in the room seemed to be shrinking and not daring to show themselves, hiding in dark corners. Even he This owner showed up but didn't come over to say hello.

Sure enough, there is a remarkable being here... With his heart sinking more and more, Noriyuki Iizuna walked step by step towards the study room - the only sound coming from there in the whole house.

Carefully pushing open the half-open study door, Noriyuki Iizuna looked up and finally saw the figure of the intruder - a human figure with a clear radiance all over his body, sitting where he usually sat. superior.

No, it was not just the intruder, but also the Guanhus he had sent before. He also saw that these spiritual familiars, who were originally fierce-looking, had put away their vicious appearance at this time. , restored their cute and cute disguise, and were sitting neatly on the ground in rows, obediently not daring to move.

Turning his gaze back to the intruder, Noriyuki Iizuna noticed that the other person seemed to be looking at something in his hand.

That's...that human leather book! The inexplicable impulse in his heart seemed to drive him to immediately rush forward and retrieve the human skin book that recorded terrible knowledge.

However, the remaining rationality stopped his impulse. Iizuna Noriyuki could clearly feel the pressure that had been faintly pressing on his body and mind since he entered the room. This was definitely not something he could handle. Enemy... Noriyuki Iizuna, who was too frightened to move, did not move or make a sound. Those Guanhu were as obedient as mass-produced statues. There was no movement at all, only the movement of someone flipping through a book. The sound of "wow-wow" made the increasingly uneasy silence in the study less unbearable.

Bang—— After an excruciating half an hour, Fang Yuan finally finished reading the human skin book that he took out from the many mechanisms, and looked up at Iizuna Noriyuki, who had been waiting in silence for a long time.

Sure enough, it was that face... "Tell me, where did you get this book?"')397'\u003eChapter 396: Memory issues, looking back on the past, the tall, thin black man man……

"Tell me, where did you get this book?" "..." Noriyuki Iizuna didn't expect that the other person would ask this question when he opened his mouth.

No, if you think about it carefully, this is actually normal. Anyone who sees such a book containing terrible knowledge will be curious about its origin.

He wanted to refuse to answer, but Noriyuki Iizuna compared the power gap between the two parties in his mind, and found with some sadness that he didn't even have any room to bargain.

Forget it, now I am at the mercy of others, so it is not shameful to give in temporarily...  Thinking of this, Izuna Noriyuki opened his mouth and wanted to give an answer.

But——  "I got this book from...wait, where did I get this book from?!"  Izuna Noriyuki tried hard to recall how he got this human skin book, but strangely found that he knew nothing about it!   This book appeared in his hand without him noticing it!   After he got the book, he did not go into it at all. Instead, he started to study it naturally as if he had got it for a long time...  His memory and his thinking were interfered by some force!   Izuna Noriyuki noticed this and was immediately horrified, with cold sweat on his forehead and back.

Since he had a problem with his memory of this book, are his other memories normal?   Thinking more deeply, how much of his personality and self is real, and how much has been interfered with by external forces? The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. At this moment, Izuna Noriyuki even doubted whether his "self" really existed.

"..." Fang Yuan looked at Izuna Noriyuki, who was talking to himself with a look of horror on his face. He was not surprised by his experience - being related to those indescribable existences was just a disorder of memory and thinking, which was a normal side effect.

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