Zelen: "Simply killing you will not solve the problem. What's more, you have an agreement with my uncle to save the lives of your family by handing over political power, your property and even various technologies. Instead of pursuing it, then It would be better for you to give up your merits. Normally, Mr. Bai would be sent to the execution ground for purging our royal family. However, he is not a rebellious minister, and he has already paid the price for us Rimai people. He repented. What's more, how many years does he have left? It's pointless to kill an old widower like him who has no son. "

Jugent: "Yeah."

Zelen: "So, you have to continue to shine. Some of your policies did not need to be changed in the past, but they are needed now. Especially when I look at the female workers in the factory today, I feel more and more that the country must be prosperous and strong. They are Absolutely not less. Even if they are just engaged in a simpler textile industry, it is still much better than staying at home and being full-time housewives.”

Jugent: "They can also weave at home."

Zelen: "Can it compare to the automated machines in factories? Our country has bid farewell to the previous era of handicraft industry dominance. Developing industry and even building industrial parks is the future of our country. It is impossible to dispel the power of our country alone. Clouds, only by uniting and working together can we drive those pig-headed people who are more powerful than our country into the sea to feed the fish. "

Jugent: "So, you and that man named Jody today..."

Zelen: "What? Is there a problem that needs to be dealt with? Our country has recruited too many young and strong men into the army. Male workers in the arsenal are among the few exceptions who do not have to go to the battlefield."

Jugent: "I know. So you want to promote him?"

Zelen: "I think so. If possible, do you have any girls here to introduce to him?"

Jugent: "This... uh..."

Zelen: "I won't embarrass you. Anyway, until now, I will never sleep in the same room with them."

Jugent: "So powerful?"

Zelen: "I'm ready to find a room in the arsenal for the night."

Jugent: "This..."

Zelen: "Although I am His Majesty the Emperor, I am also thinking about what an emperor needs to do and what he should not do. And, Jugent, you won't stop me from promoting talents, right?"

Jugent: "I hope you can promote more people on our side."

Zelen: "That's enough. No matter male or female. Of course, I hope you can communicate more and more. There are some things I don't want to see solved by killing."

Jurgante: "You have to tell the pig-headed man and the black dogs personally."

Zelen: "Haah..."

Upon hearing Jurgante's answer, Zelen couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had no idea what language the pig-headed man or the black-haired kobold spoke, or what the words meant. Although the officials in charge of diplomacy have translators, the communication manuals or other written materials left by these guys who invaded the Krurod Empire use various special code names to hide the information.

In addition, in the time since the defeat of the Pa-O Republic until now, the Japanese and Mai people have never captured any prisoners, or learned more meaningful information from an enemy who has lost the ability to fight.

Even... in the past, too many soldiers went up to capture prisoners, and as a result, the prisoners detonated grenades before dying, and died with the soldiers.

Therefore, Zelen himself was helpless.

You really have to rely on yourself for everything; relying on outsiders is completely unreliable.

What's more, he was really busy in the production workshop during the day. When he returned to his room in the palace, he couldn't wait to finish his meal quickly, then take a shower and go to bed.

However, he is the Emperor of the Krolod Empire, and he has to communicate a lot with Paula and the others at night, as well as have a good chat with Eugent and the royal guards, and listen to their thoughts on the future of the Krolod Empire.

Only after he had an idea did he know what direction the empire should develop in.

Even he felt that it was a bit bad that he often ignored Paula and the others and lay alone on a chair or on the floor in the living room.

But he doesn't want to be like his grandfather and end up being scorned by the people.

But compared to Zelen, who had to find time to chat with Jugent after dinner, Guo Yinz was extremely annoyed by the pile of documents sent back by his subordinates.

Guo Yinzi: "Another resistance organization! It seems they don't know what it means to seek death! Come here! Let's carry out extermination work in this circle."

Adjutant: "General."

Guo Yinz: "If these hidden Japanese and Mai people are not eliminated, how can our expatriates move here with peace of mind, officially settle here, and develop the resources here?"

Adjutant: "But if you do this..."

Guo Yinzi: "We have historical grievances with the Rimai people. Moreover, the Rimai people's territory has too many rubber and spice resources that our Akijin Empire is extremely short of, not to mention that they are also not short of steel resources. Our country If we want to become stronger, the Japanese and Mai people, an intelligent race that should not have existed in the first place, must be eliminated! Even if this is a genocidal war, our descendants will definitely record us as butchers in future history books! ; But only after we have become butchers can our descendants be qualified to say that we are butchers. Otherwise, our country will never have a bright future and can only sink in the swamp called darkness and be swallowed up bit by bit."

Adjutant: "Yes..."

Although he was reluctant, Guo Yinzi looked at the back of the adjutant as he went down to give instructions, and he knew that the Rimai people would definitely find an opportunity to cut off his head and use it as a urinal.

The annihilation of the Japanese and Mai people is a direct order from His Majesty. As a general, he must obey it unconditionally! Moreover, without annihilating the Rimai people, there is no possibility of realizing the great cause of the Akijin Empire!

Even though there was a large circle of fences with Rimai heads hanging around his camp, and sharp stakes impaling the Rimai headless corpses as signs of intimidation.


Guo Yinzi did not feel any uneasiness because he ordered the massacre of the Rima people many times, and he even did not mind letting chemical soldiers and medical soldiers conduct various biochemical experiments on the Rima people.

Anyway, he looked at the fences and pickets outside the window. A race that shouldn't exist, just wipe it out. There was nothing to be pitied for.

After all, the Rimai people were the product of human forces conducting biochemical experiments on the corpses of their own compatriots more than a thousand years ago to resurrect them.

Turning them back into corpses is just a way to restore normalcy and ensure the harmony of nature.

So Guo Yinzi came to the window and looked at the endless night stars. They, the pig-headed men, had been suppressed for too long.

Why can other intelligent races cross mountains and ridges, and even travel across oceans to expand territories? And they, the pig-headed people, can only spend countless springs, summers, autumns and winters on a few islands that are prone to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions happen every year, and there is no shortage of plains for living and planting?

Who stipulated this nonsense?

For this reason, speaking with his fists, even the saber he always wears on his waist, and the wave energy pistol is the best way to make these guys who make the rules understand that times have changed and it is time to change the rules.

Although he knew that the Akitsu Empire would leave enough infamy in the history books.

But for a while, or even a generation of infamy, it was worth it in exchange for the Akijin Empire being able to better enjoy the night starry scroll above their heads.

At least he, Guo Yinz Damu, who came from a woodcutter family and received the "Damu" surname given by His Majesty as his surname, started from the grassroots step by step and became a general who is now qualified to wield a sword. He will think it is worth it.

Mountains of corpses, seas of blood, bones everywhere.

The allies have something right to say, that is, only if you can step on countless corpses can you ensure that you will not become a corpse that is stepped on!


However, under the current night sky, let alone Bo Ni Island on the other side of the southern ocean, which has not yet been captured by his colleagues, where he is currently stationed, gunshots of resistance still appear from time to time. Therefore, eliminating all resistance forces is still his top priority...

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