The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 262 Come if you want to watch the battle

After a tentative blow, Ditian had a certainty in his mind, this Ulquiorra was really capable, no wonder he had the confidence to launch such a big battle.

However, in Ditian's view, Ulquiorra is still too big. Even if he wants to trouble humans, he must be prepared to fight alone. Even Ditian doesn't have the guts.

Ditian's idea was to launch the beast horde and use the power of the beast horde to counterattack in one fell swoop, instead of fighting it alone so recklessly.

But Ulquiola didn't have these superfluous thoughts, and he could solve it with his strength if he had enough strength. This is also the source of the conflict between Ditian and Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra actually didn't want to talk to Ditian, but it was annoying that Ditian kept pestering him, so he didn't talk to Ditian, which made Ditian feel that Ulquiola was very arrogant and arrogant.

Ulquiola's wrist shook Di Tian directly a few meters away, "...Enough of the trouble...don't hinder me..."

After finishing speaking, Ulquiola walked forward without looking back, leaving Di Tian alone to reflect on what had just happened.

"I was shocked, this guy's strength..." Di Tian's eyes on Ulquiola had changed, he couldn't continue to underestimate Ulquiola. Enough to reveal the strength of Ulquiorra.

Brigitte brought Xiao Jin to follow Ulquiola, which caught Ulquiola's attention, " two...what do you think..."

Brigitte was afraid that Ulquiola might misunderstand, so she clarified: "Mr. Ulquiola, don't misunderstand, we are not trying to stop you, but we just want to follow you to have a look?"

Brigitte and Xiao Jin have two different ideas, Xiao Jin is purely out of curiosity, she just wants to see a grand battle.

Brigitte has another idea. It is impossible to dissuade Ulquiola. It is better to follow up and see the situation, and then decide how to minimize the damage!

"...that is to want to watch the battle..." Ulquiola looked at Brigitte and Xiao Jin calmly.

"It can be said that, how about it, you don't mind bringing the two of us, right?" Brigitte deliberately asked in a rhetorical tone. Under normal circumstances, many people can't stand such a tone.

It's a pity that Ulquiola's perception of emotions can be called numb, so he only looked at Brigitte for a few seconds before turning around and leaving without saying a word.

Brigitte also understood what Ulquiorra meant,

It seems that Ulquiola has acquiesced in their actions, that is, they can go with Ulquiola.

It doesn't matter to Ulquiola, and it doesn't matter if there are more audiences, it doesn't matter anyway.

In this way, Brigitte took Xiao Jin and walked slowly behind Ulquiola.

"Sister Brigitte, Ulquiola looks so cold and aloof, it's a little different from what I imagined."

"Yeah, it looks like the type who doesn't like to talk, but it's not as difficult to get in touch with as you imagined!" Brigitte said with a smile, but she had a different opinion.

"Ulquiorra, I will visit your Void Night Village!" Di Tian, ​​who was behind him, looked at Ulquiorra who was gradually going away, and said loudly.

Ulquiorra still ignored him, so Di Tian would go if he had the ability, and Ulquiorra felt at ease with Selea guarding her.

Bi Ji looked at the neglected Ditian behind her, and couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, "This is the first time I've seen Ditian like this, but are you really not worried that he will do something to Xuye Village?"

It's a joke, but Ditian is not the kind of guy who speaks casually, and he will definitely do what he says. Brigitte is still a little curious about what Ulquiola does.

"...Ditian...he still can't make a fuss..." Ulquiola didn't take Ditian seriously at all, he was nothing more than a soul beast with a noble bloodline, and he didn't care about it.

Although Selea is not as good as Ditian in level, don't forget that Selea, who already has the ability to blur, is second only to Ulquiorra in terms of physical recovery, and can consume Ditian to the point of collapse, but It was also limited to causing Ditian to collapse. After all, the huge level is placed here, and it is impossible for him to be big enough to defeat Ditian.

"Looking at the entire Star Dou Forest, you are the only one who dares to talk to Di Tian like this. It's a pity I didn't get to know you sooner." Bi Ji sighed slightly regretfully.

Xiao Jin also ran to Ulquiola, and asked playfully, "Will there be many people in this battle? Ulquiola!"

Ulquiorra replied indifferently: "...I don't many people they doesn't matter...the previous things...we just mentioned it in this battle..."

"Wow, so domineering!" Xiao Jin was also surprised by Ulquiola's words, but he told the earth-shattering event in a flat tone.

Brigitte looked at Xiao Jin helplessly, this battle is not a joke, many strong human beings should be present, and it must be very tragic at that time!

"Too many murders are going to happen again..." Bi Ji sighed regretfully.

"...If you feel scared... you can go back..." Ulquiola said flatly.

When Xiao Jin heard this, he immediately retorted: "Where, sister Bi Ji and I like this kind of battle the most, why would we be afraid!"

Brigitte also smiled lightly, and was tricked by this little guy again. Since when did she like fighting, Xiaojin is really good.

Two days later, the great plain at the entrance of the Boundary Canyon was already full of human soul masters ready to challenge Ulquiorra, at least a hundred.

It's just that a hundred soul masters are not enough to watch, the main event is coming, a well-prepared army of soul masters is also stationed here. This army is a group of forces assembled by various forces, and it can be said that many forces are mixed.

It can be seen that the human team Ulquiorra valued it, this time only Contra sent 6, and there are two hidden titled Douluo.

Most of the people gathered this time were spontaneous non-governmental organizations, and only a small number of people from the two empires participated.

Wuhundian didn't show up at all, which caused many people's discussions, and Wuhundian was immediately given many names of cowardice.

These guys gathered in the Boundary Canyon two days ago, just waiting for Ulquiorra like this. It has been two days now, and Ulquiorra has not been seen yet. Some people have been unable to restrain their inner emotions. Anxious.

"Is that guy scared? It's been two days and he hasn't come. Have we been played?" An impatient soul master complained.

"Since everyone is here, it's okay to wait a little longer. With such a big battle, the other party may be scared when they see it!"

There are also quite a few spectators for this match, and Flender and Zao Wou-ki have already found a good place to watch the battle. Of course they were not the only two, Ning Fengzhi from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also came to the scene with Sword Douluo, intending to witness this unprecedented battle.

However, Ulquiorra did not appear for a long time, which really made them a little suspicious.

"Fengzhi, do you think Ulquiorra will come?" Sword Douluo asked Ning Fengzhi solemnly.

The corners of Ning Fengzhi's mouth curled up slightly, "According to what he did, he will definitely be there, but I don't know what a tragic scene it will be!"

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