The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 292 Champion

Chapter 293 Champion


Qin Ming felt Mo Ling's heavy punch on him, and felt a little regretful that he had fallen for Mo Ling's scheme.

After Mo Ling saw that he had won, he also took advantage of the victory to pursue it. This was an advantage that he had built up with great difficulty, so how could he give up just by giving up.

Mo Ling continued to rush towards Qin Ming. Qin Ming hadn't stabilized his figure yet, but Mo Ling's attack had already arrived.

How could Qin Ming not know the other party's thoughts, "How can I let you succeed so easily!"

Qin Ming's right hand quietly condensed soul power, and the moment Mo Ling was about to hit him, Qin Ming also punched out, Mo Ling didn't react for a while, and could only hastily resist Qin Ming's punch.

That incredible force pushed Mo Ling's huge body back more than ten steps.

There was a trace of unwillingness in Mo Ling's eyes. He could maintain this state for less than a minute, which meant that success could only depend on the last minute.

Mo Ling's mouth continued to condense iron-gray soul power, preparing for the final attack.

In order to ensure the hit rate, Mo Ling rushed straight towards Qin Ming, and when he was only 2 meters away from Qin Ming, Mo Ling finally released the last attack.

"Full power, fourth soul skill, steel ink sword wind!"

Diameter over? The two-meter storm ray gushed towards Qin Ming, who was close at hand. According to common sense, there was no time to react at a distance of only two meters.

But Qin Ming is not an ordinary person. After half a year of hard training, his reaction ability has far surpassed that of ordinary people. Facing such an attack, Qin Ming controlled his body precisely and narrowly avoided it.

Mo Ling's eyes lost their brilliance. The miss of this hit had already declared his failure. His soul power had been almost exhausted, and his dragon beast form could not be maintained, so he turned into a human form.

Qin Ming took the opportunity to come to Mo Ling and punched him, but he stopped before touching Mo Ling's body.

Although the fist stopped, Mo Ling's face was twisted by the violent blow.

When everything calmed down, Mo Ling was lying on the ground, and Qin Ming kept punching, as if he was waiting for something.

"competition is over,

The champion of this individual competition is Qin Ming from Shrek Academy, let us all cheer for him! "The host shouted loudly, this game was really exciting, even though he had seen many scenes, he was still shocked.

When Mo Ling heard the result of the competition, he also smiled calmly, and admitted his failure straightforwardly, "I lost, and I am completely convinced!"

Qin Ming also showed a smile on his face, and his outstretched fist turned into a palm, "Get up!"

Mo Ling also stretched out his hand to hold Qin Ming, and under Qin Ming's pull, he also stood up. Mo Ling was a little out of strength due to the relatively high consumption of soul power. Without Qin Ming's help, he really couldn't stand up.

"Thank you, Qin Ming, congratulations on winning the championship!"

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. Besides, your strength is very strong, I really only beat you by a narrow margin!"

Mo Ling knew that Qin Ming was trying to comfort him. As the soul sect, he had level suppression against Qin Ming, the soul master, but he was still defeated, which really shocked Mo Ling.

But these blows are temporary, and Mo Ling has experienced many blows, and each time he gets more and more courageous, this failure can only show that he is still not strong enough!

"Get ready for the award ceremony, Mr. Champion!" Mo Ling jokingly said to Qin Ming.

"Mo Ling, stop complimenting me. Your strength has shocked me a lot. I have to keep getting stronger if I fight with you, or you will surpass me!"

"Then let's compare who is stronger then, this time it's your game!" Mo Ling was also aroused.

After a burst of business bragging, the award ceremony also began. Mo Ling took a short rest to recover some strength, otherwise he would need to be supported when accepting the award.

"The top three in this competition, please gather in front of the arena, His Excellency the Pope will present awards to you in person!" After the host finished speaking, he also fell from the sky to the ground.

The Pope wanted to come forward, he was just a host, and he didn't have the capital to fly around the Pope's head at all. The situation during the game was completely different from now.

With graceful steps, Bibi Dong came to Qin Ming and the others step by step, carefully observing Qin Ming and Mo Ling, with a satisfied look on her face.

The third one is just Rock Sword Star, he is a member of the Wuhundian team, so Bibi Dong doesn't need to pay too much attention to it.

"You two are very good, you can achieve such achievements at such a young age, and your future must be extremely bright." Bibi Dong praised Qin Ming and Mo Ling without any false meaning.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!"

The three of them performed the soul master etiquette to Bibi Dong to express their gratitude. Although Yan Jianxing wasn't praised, he was a member of the Wuhundian team, so how could he be rude?

Hashirama in the auditorium looked at Uchiha Madara in the distance. Uchiha Madara sensed Hashirama's gaze, and slowly opened the scarlet eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan.

The two nodded to each other, and they were about to make some big noises!

Bibi Dong took out a flaming soul bone and came to Qin Ming, "This is the left arm bone of the 30,000-year-old Burning Bone Wolf King, and it's your reward!"

Seeing such a precious soul bone, Yan Jianxing was worth seeing, but in his heart he was more annoyed at himself. He hated himself for not being able to win the championship. If he could win the championship, then this soul bone would be his that's it.

Seeing such a high-level spirit bone, it would be a lie to say that Mo Ling was not excited, but Qin Ming obtained it with his own strength, and Mo Ling was more happy for his friend Qin Ming.

Shrek and the others were extremely happy. Qin Ming's move brought Shrek a lot of glory and let more people know about Shrek Academy.

"This kid has earned a lot of money. My old Zhao is very envious of the 60,000-year-old soul bone!"

"As expected of our little monster!" Flender also looked at Qin Ming with relief. He is proud of Qin Ming from the bottom of his heart, and more importantly, now Shrek Academy should be able to receive a lot of endorsement fees.

As for the rewards of Mo Ling and Yan Jianxing, compared to Qin Ming's, it is a big difference.

Mo Ling got 20,000 Golden Soul Coins and the title of Viscount of Wuhun City, and Yan Jianxing also had the title of Viscount, but the number of Golden Soul Coins was 10,000 less.

Just when the three of them were about to leave, the corners of Bibi Dong's mouth twitched slightly, and he asked softly: "Qin Ming, I don't think a genius like you should just be buried here, join the Spirit Hall!"

Qin Ming was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look at Bibi Dong's complacent expression, he didn't expect that Bibi Dong would actually recruit him.

"Well, His Majesty the Pope, I plan to continue my studies, and I appreciate your kindness!"

For Qin Ming, joining Wuhundian is not a bad thing, but the reason why he can't do it temporarily is that he wants to finish his studies in Shrek first, and then he wants to continue training with Zhujian for a while.

"Is that so, do you think it's appropriate to reject a pope's kindness like this?" Bibi Dong's tone already had a hint of toughness.

The main reason why the Wuhun Temple is strong is that besides the power of the huge soul masters, it is also the main reason for recruiting talents.

Facing a genius like Qin Ming, Bibidong felt that it was necessary to dig him into the Spirit Hall.

"Your Majesty, I didn't mean that, I just said that I still have my own arrangements for the time being..."

"Since this is the case, I won't embarrass you anymore. I can't waste my talent in the future!"

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