The Road To Play From Douluo

Chapter 294: Prelude to the War of the End

Chapter 295 Prelude to the War of the End

Two days later, many people came up to watch the battle in the Boundary Canyon, most of them were powerful soul masters, and there were hardly any ordinary people.

Although this kind of battle might be very exciting, it is more important than watching the battle or your own life, and it is not worth it if you accidentally hurt them.

In such an environment, who would care about the life and death of some ordinary people? It is precisely because of this consideration that many ordinary people who have the idea of ​​​​watching the game finally gave up the idea of ​​​​watching the game.

Only those extremely powerful soul masters are here now, they have the ability to protect themselves, so naturally they don't want to miss a wonderful battle.

Bibi Dong brought Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo to the plain outside the Boundary Canyon, looking at the domineering figure above the canyon from afar.

I saw Uchiha Madara with his hands folded around his chest, with a round fan and a sickle behind his back, sitting cross-legged on the canyon with his eyes closed.

Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo also came to watch together not far from Bibi Dong. Sword Douluo had heard about Madara's deeds a long time ago, but he didn't see it with his own eyes.

"Sect Master Ning is here too, I thought you had already gone back!" Bibi Dong looked at Ning Fengzhi and said casually.

"The Pope is joking, we are also very interested in this kind of battle!"


Ning Fengzhi calmly looked at Uchiha Madara on the distant canyon, and said: "Hashirama and I are also friends who are acquainted, not to mention he treated Sword Douluo's injuries some time ago, so friends must join in the fight. !"

This kind of explanation Bibi Dong is also dubious, who knows if Ning Fengzhi is here to poach corners, what the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School lacks most is a powerful attacking soul master.

Flender and Zao Wou-ki were also present, and Hashirama was Shrek's teacher, so they must also be present.

Seeing that Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were also there, Flender also stepped forward to say hello.

"Principal Flender, didn't you bring those students?" Ning Fengzhi was a little curious when he saw that only Flender and Zhao Wuji had come.

"Sect Master Ning, stop joking, we are only two soul saints, if something happens to the children, the loss will not be worth the loss!" Flender said rather helplessly.

It is also good for students to experience such a big scene,

It is helpful to set an example for them, but the risk factor is still too high.

For Uchiha Madara's strength, Flender and Zao Wou-ki don't know much about it. The main reason is that Madara's actions are indeed much smaller than Ulquiorra's, so the popularity is not high. high.

They are also very vague about Hashirama's strength and only know that Hashirama is stronger than them. According to Hashirama himself, he is nothing more than a Contra.

Flender and Zao Wou-ki don't really believe this statement now. It's really puzzling that Contra fights with so many big figures competing to watch it.

Flender and Zhao Wou-ki are not stupid, and they can see that there must be some strangeness in this, maybe Hashirama's strength is much stronger than they thought.

After that, some soul masters who watched the excitement came intermittently, including those who commented on Madara's strength. They wanted to see if this Madara was really capable.

They still have a bit of grudges about Madara's speech that day, what is meant by seeing him fighting with Hashirama and being afraid to fight him, isn't this a proper way to look down on them.

No matter how they are, they are also Contra-level powerhouses, so they need to show some face!

If Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and the others knew about their small thoughts, they would probably laugh out loud.

Talking about Contra's face in front of Madara and Hashirama, these people think too highly of themselves.

To have the qualification to talk to the two of them, at least they have to be super douluo level powerhouses.

At this time, Madara suddenly opened his eyes, and whispered excitedly: "Finally here, Hashirama!"

On the canyon opposite Uchiha Madara, the figure of Hashirama suddenly appeared, staring at Uchiha Madara seriously!

"Madara, this time let's have a good fight (act)!"

Because the distance was relatively far, the people watching the battle couldn't hear what the two of them were saying, and could only feel an invisible momentum.

Boundary Canyon, this is a legendary place, where two very special battles broke out. Uchiha Madara's first battle kicked off here, and after that, Ulquiorra even performed the feat of challenging ten thousand soul masters by one person.

Uchiha Madara also has his own considerations for choosing here, which is similar to the Valley of the End.

Uchiha Madara, who has already entered the play, looked at Hashirama, and slowly stood up, "Don't you think this is very similar to the Valley of the End, Hashirama, after this battle, the world must be shocked by it!"

"I think so, but it's also fun! Now, let's fight, Madara!"

Madara directly took off the round fan and sickle on his back, Hashirama took off the scroll on his back, and took out a huge steel knife from the scroll.

"It looks like a war is about to start, it's really exciting!" Ning Fengzhi looked at the two people in the distance, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Your Majesty, who do you think will win between the two?" Ghost Douluo looked at Bibi Dong who was beside him and asked.

Bibi Dong frowned. To be honest, she believed in Madara more, and then replied: "Maybe it is Madara. After all, we have never heard of this Hashirama."



The two shouted loudly and rushed towards each other. Everyone was far away and could only see two black shadows flashing past, and then collided with each other.

The confrontation between the sickle and the steel knife aroused a violent air blast, two huge chakras swept each other, and the surrounding space also produced a slight distortion.

The shock wave generated by the explosion directly hit the people watching the battle. They didn't expect that they were already so far away from the two of them, and the shock generated by the battle could still reach them.

"This power has not weakened!" Ju Douluo stared wide-eyed, and quickly called Ghost Douluo, "Old Ghost, protect Your Majesty!"


Facing the oncoming shock wave, Guiju and Guiju stopped in front of Bibi Dong, condensed a barrier of soul power, and prepared to resist the violent oncoming shock.

Ning Fengzhi looked at Jian Douluo, Jian Douluo immediately understood, stood in front of Ning Fengzhi, ready to face the impact!

After Ning Fengzhi boosted Sword Douluo, Sword Douluo directly used the fifth soul skill, "Megatronic!"

"It's really terrifying, the aftermath of the battle between the two of them can be so terrifying!" Ghost Douluo sighed.

It was much easier for Sword Douluo to resist than Guiju and the other two. After all, Sword Douluo was much stronger than the two of them, and with Ning Fengzhi's high boost, it was even easier.

Flender and Zao Wou-ki were protected by Ning Fengzhi before the impact came. It is really unrealistic for them two soul saints to resist.

The other Contras, facing this terrifying impact, even if they tried their best, they were blown off their backs and completely collapsed.

At the moment before being scattered, there was only one big doubt left in the minds of these Contras, how could they and others be so dishonest that they couldn't even stop the aftermath of the battle.

"This guy Zhujian is so strong that he still tells us that he has the strength of Contra, which is too deceitful!" Zhao Wuji only had the word "serving" in capital letters in his mind.

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