The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 280 Tsunami

The toothpaste was slowly peeled off under the sharp dagger blade. Zhang Yang peeled it very carefully, almost just peeling off the toothpaste skin.

Finally, one side of the outer aluminum skin of the toothpaste was cut off, and the toothpaste inside was removed with a paper towel. You can see that there is a transparent plastic bottle inside. Inside the bottle, there is a green glass bottle, and there is a layer of green inside the glass bottle. The liquid is very bright green, making people feel like they can't put it down.

What's this?

Zhang Yang couldn't help but wonder, but immediately he saw a "skull" sign on the glass. Under the "skull", there were two tiny red letters, which translated as: extremely poisonous.

Zhang Yang is not a scientist, so naturally he cannot guess what this thing is, but he is certain that this thing is very important. It can be seen from the concealment of the place where it is placed, and the exquisite workmanship of the plastic bottle.

The plastic bottle is similar to a vacuum tire. The small glass bottle in the middle is fixed, and there is a layer of vacuum insulation on the outside. I believe this thing is absolutely strong and difficult to damage.

"Did you see that this is highly poisonous, but you use it to brush your teeth every day?" Zhang Yang put the bottle under the captain's eyelids and shook it. The captain's eyelids kept twitching. He actually brushed his teeth with this toothpaste for two days to pretend. , I didn’t expect it contained a highly toxic substance.


The cold light in Zhang Yang's hand flashed, and the captain fell into a pool of blood. He hugged his throat with both hands and quacked like a duck. He looked at Zhang Yang in disbelief.

Everyone was stunned. Fortunately, Enderbur was the only pirate in the room at this time.

"Why... why do you want to kill him?" Enderboul clenched his fists tightly with an angry look on his face.

"If he doesn't die, we will die. Leave immediately and let your men take away all the small antiques in the cabin. We don't have time. I believe that within an hour, the other side will attack by force. In twenty minutes, We evacuate..."

Zhang Yang strode out without explaining.

In fact, when the biochemical gene man appeared, Zhang Yang had a hunch that the opponent would not be able to use this trick. If the biochemical gene man failed to rescue him, then there would definitely be a more powerful offensive.

The sudden departure of those warships and planes seems very abnormal. It is very likely that the government of a certain country has notified all the rescue warships to leave the sea area... If these captains do not die, then their identities will be exposed. On the ship, only the captain knew that the contents of the toothpaste fell into his hands.

Seeing the cold light in Zhang Yang's eyes when he turned to leave, Endebur couldn't help but shudder. He quickly ran out to greet the pirates, looked for various things and started packing some antiques, including some sailor's quilts.

A group of pirates were killed by the biochemical gene man, a few were killed by Zhang Yang, and there were not many left. Zhang Yang once again used a small trick to give up two of the three speedboats, which were full of people. Some French sailors asked them to drive in two directions... Soon, the two speedboats disappeared into the sea.

Until the two speedboats disappeared in two directions, Zhang Yang immediately asked the remaining dozen people to throw all the weapons into the sea. The speedboat was a bit overloaded, but in this calm sea, it was barely okay. After starting the speedboat, it quickly disappeared In the vast sea... "Not good!"

The speedboat had sailed less than fifty nautical miles, and Endebur's face suddenly changed color. Almost at the same time, the faces of a group of pirates changed color.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yang's heart tightened. His "Immortal Road" magic skill always monitors the nearby sea surface. Within a range of dozens of kilometers, there is no danger at all. Why do these pirates look so expressionless?

"Tsunami!" Enderbo pointed to the sea in front with his finger and immediately put on the life jacket. The other pirates also hurriedly put on the life jacket. Some pirates even closed their eyes and muttered something. of praying.

Looking along Enderbull's finger, the sea surface in the distance seemed to be boiling like boiling water. Many bubbles appeared on the sea surface, and even a "sizzling" sound could be heard.

This is a sign of a tsunami!

Zhang Yang's face also changed color. In his mind, he almost instantly thought that this was a sign of a tsunami. Whether it was in the sky or on the sea, this was consistent with the appearance of a tsunami.

These pirates all have rich sailing experience, and they were sure of it almost immediately after seeing the vision.

Just when Zhang Yang was stunned, a huge white wave rolled over the sea. Less than ten nautical miles away, the waves made a huge "rumbling" sound, which was extraordinary and thrilling... "Quick, everyone put on life jackets. Divide the money, tie a little on each person, and don’t ask for the antiques, hurry up..."

Zhang Yang's face turned pale as he looked at the huge wave that was rushing towards him with ferocious momentum. Just now, he used "Immortal Road" to absorb the energy of the tsunami, but he was knocked back as soon as he encountered it. That huge energy was not what he had now at all. What his power can absorb is beyond his absorption range, just like the tail of an airplane engine... Time is too tight, but fortunately, the money is distributed separately, and a group of pirates just stuff the dollars into themselves from their pockets On the body, some pirates closed their eyes tightly and refused to take the money, praying in their mouths, as if they had never thought about being able to survive.

Money is no longer important now, life is the most precious!

When the waves were about to hit, most of the pirates didn't take any money at all. The one who took the most money was Liu Biao. Liu Biao was wearing two life jackets. He emptied the contents of his backpack into the sea and stuffed them all. Full of US dollars... Liu Biao was a money-greedy man, known to the world. He watched helplessly as this huge sum of money fell into the sea, and refused to kill him.

The water below the speedboat has begun to boil.

Fifty seconds!

Thirteen seconds!

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's movements slowed down. He tore open a bedsheet wrapped in antiques and tied it around Endebure's waist. After tying a tight knot, he said to Aze and Liu Biao: "Hold me, don't let go, remember. live!"

The three of them glanced at each other and nodded heavily. Liu Biao grabbed Zhang Yang, and Aze grabbed Liu Biao, and then tied them tightly with a piece of cloth. At this time, Enderbul was already unconscious, his face was ashen, and he looked at the pounce. The waves coming over were like zombies.


There was a burst of cold breath, and everything in the world seemed to have stopped. Zhang Yang just felt a sense of emptiness in his head, as if the tsunami was already extremely far away from him.

A huge white wave tens of meters high covered the speedboat.

At this time, Zhang Yang's "The Immortal Road" has reached its extreme. He can do nothing but prevent the four human bodies from colliding. In the face of this devastating natural disaster, mankind's first martial arts magic skill Seems so small.

Now, Zhang Yang's whole body glowed with a fluorescent light, like a firefly rolling in the waves... For a moment, the entire Somali sea area was filled with lightning and thunder, strong winds, and this tsunami It was caused by the eruption of an island volcano, which caused large-scale submarine collapse, landslides and tsunamis. The tsunami caused seawater to rise sharply in the coastal areas and quickly advanced to the coast, swallowing up countless towns and villages. The most severely affected countries by this tsunami included Somalia, Oman, Yemen, Kenya and other countries, with the death toll exceeding two Thousands, affecting countries such as India and Pakistan, it is known as one of the largest natural disasters in XX.

A feeling of fatigue invaded Zhang Yang's brain. In the face of natural disasters, human power seemed extremely insignificant.

Zhang Yang didn't dare to sleep. He didn't know how many times he rolled in the cold sea water, but he kept counting. He used his true energy to at least reduce the crazy collisions with Liu Biao and the others nearly two hundred times.

Now, Zhang Yang's biggest enemy is not the huge waves, but three burdens. Because they hold each other tightly, they can easily collide with each other. In this wave, the collision is fatal... The tsunami comes and goes quickly. Overnight, it was calm and the sun was shining brightly. The four of them floated together on the sea. Following the waves, the four of them slowly approached the beach. The sand on the beach was very fine and soft. It was very comfortable to lie on it and enjoy the sunshine. , Zhang Yang felt that a crab crawled out from his neck, slowly crawled towards the sea, and made a "swishing" sound on the sand.

Zhang Yang was so exhausted that he couldn't even open his face and eyes. He felt that his hands were always holding two people, one was Enderbul. The moment he fell asleep, he saw through the little gap that he opened, Enderbul. Bull actually struggled to stand up.

In the boundless darkness, Zhang Yang felt a chill...

(To be continued)

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