The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 466 The Two Parties Gathering in the Light Red Forest

In the depths of Team Rocket's headquarters, the sounds of fierce battles were heard immediately after contact between the alliance investigators and their own trainers.

Sitting alone on the floor of the training ground, the elite of the Rockets with a fanatical but calm expression slowly stood up and released the injected drug, which caused the double-bomb gas and Foretos to go berserk. Remote control for miniature bombs.

a flash of white light


There was no warning, only a loud noise that could shatter eardrums, and there were hundreds of concrete houses near the dock warehouse area. It was pushed to the sky by the explosion from the ground, and it instantly turned into fragments and rushed to the sky.

The powerful shock wave carrying the dust also quickly entered the port of Dead Leaf City, covering all the ships docked at the dock.

The tragic scene in front of them made fear appear on the faces of the porters, and the monsters who were shouldering the boxes were also stunned on the spot in unison.

Only the foremen, who were concerned about the safety of their master's property, short-circuited their minds for a few seconds and quickly regained consciousness.

"It doesn't matter what you look at, the explosion in the warehouse is none of your business, why don't you hurry up and move all the goods to the car!"

"Work! Do you want to eat dry food when you are here?"

The vulgar and abusive words of the various foremen kept ringing out from the suddenly quiet pier.

The workers, who were still shocked by the explosion in their hearts, heard the words of these scabs, who didn't treat them as human beings at all.

Although anger quickly surged into their hearts, no one dared to stand up and disobey their orders.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the numb expressions on the faces of the porters, these scabs who are willing to be the loyal dogs of money and power, dare to abuse so boldly and forcefully.


On the other side, naked from the upper body, he hurriedly led the main alliance force to Xiba in the wharf warehouse area at the center of the explosion.

Seeing the circular pothole exposed above the ground with a diameter of more than twenty kilometers, his face gradually darkened, and he couldn't help clenching his palm into an iron fist.

"If I just ordered the general attack, would the lives of hundreds of trainers in the alliance be buried in the pit of the Rockets headquarters..."

"Oh, such a rare and logical opportunity, why did I accidentally miss it?"

He already understood in his heart that Damalan and Yulongdu weakened Xiba's family's intentions.

As long as he thinks that he is like this, wasting a perfect assist from the Rockets, his solid heart can't help but start to throb.

Immediately after Xiba rushed to the scene of the explosion, the main players of the alliance, who also had extremely gloomy expressions, realized that the Four Heavenly Kings seemed to be heartbroken.

The trainers from these families, unknowingly, seemed to be baptized by some kind of magnificence, and inexplicably moved in their hearts with a bit of hesitation.

"King Shiba, an urgent order from the Alliance Headquarters."

"According to the information sent by the undercover agents, Team Rocket personnel are gathering in the Light Red Forest. The champion of Yulongdu asked us to report the location and give an immediate reply."

Hearing the official report of his subordinates, Xiba quickly cleaned up all the troubles from his heart, turned around and looked at the alliance trainers who were ready to go, and said loudly calmly:

"You have all heard the alliance's order. I will take full responsibility for this failed operation, but for the next mission to encircle and suppress the remnants of the Light Red Forest Rockets, I will never allow any of them to escape!"

After all, Shiba, who was standing on the edge of the pothole, didn't give everyone any time to respond. He picked up the communication device and sent an arrogant response to the alliance headquarters.


rest assured. "

"Assemble in the direction of the light red forest!"

The first sentence is the text Xiba entered on the communication device, and the second sentence is his order.

The family faction trainers whose emotions had already been mobilized saw their bosses making bold statements to the alliance headquarters, and they all seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

After releasing their respective flying elves, they resolutely entered the Viridian Forest full of dangers in the dark night.


Due to the explosion at Team Rocket's headquarters, the climax of the battle was temporarily suspended and plunged into the fog of unknown ending.

And the situation that may make the alliance even more uneasy is quietly happening at the moment in the famous ninja academy in Kanto, in the light red gymnasium located in the deep mountains.

As the current light red gym trainer, the former four kings of the city alliance, the former senior cadre of the rocket team, the champion of the poison department, and the daughter of the assassination ninja chief Ah Ju.

Ah Xing knelt on the wooden floor of the room, endured the humiliation and looked at the gymnasium surrounded and controlled by the elites of the Rockets, and said without a trace of anger:

"What are you trying to do when you bring people here at this time? My father has already left the Rockets."

Lance, who was leaning on the door of the lobby with a calm face, heard that A Xing said such simple words, and the look in his eyes was replaced by coldness. He looked up at the full moon hanging high in the sky, and said with a sneer:

"A traitor will not end well. This principle is easy to understand, so I believe your father, Ah Ju, he will never be so stupid."

After the words fell, Lance seemed to feel a special smell in the air. He looked sideways at A Xing, who was kneeling in a very standard posture, and slowly put his hands on his combat belt, and continued with a serious face:

"To tell you the truth, the light red forest is the final battlefield I carefully selected."

"For the spirit of the Rockets to last forever, and to be able to severely damage the main force of the Kanto Alliance."

"I hope that the ninja apprentices at the Light Red Gym can help us guide us for a while in the forest."

"Of course, you also have the right to refuse."

"As long as you can bear my anger."

Seeing that Lance thinks he will be in the light red gym, he holds the poke ball threateningly, and A Xing inherits A Ju's tenacious and unyielding character.

Just leaning forward to prepare to launch a sneak attack first, a round silk spider suddenly crawled out of the window, but instantly changed her mind.


"Well, I admit that I am not your opponent."

"But you have to negotiate with my father about the specific cooperation plan."

Hearing A Xing's answer, the corners of her mouth slightly raised into a confident smile.

Knowing that he was not the opponent of the assassin master Ah Ju, Lance immediately tightened his body and pressed the poke ball switch, carefully looked at the blind corner of the room where people could easily hide, and said calmly:

"No matter where Ah Ju is now, you just need to convey my thoughts to him."

Seeing the change in Lance's attitude, Ah Xing also knew the reason for the current situation, so she wisely did not apply any more pressure.

But at this time, among the apprentices in the gym under the control of Team Rocket's elite, several people suddenly fell down without a sound. At the same time, a voice that was very familiar to the two came from outside the door.

"There are no more people in the alliance, let your men rest outside the gymnasium."

"A Xing, bring two cups of tea to my room."

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