The Roots of Manga

Chapter 312 The Mandarin

Chapter 312 Mandarin

Leiber couldn't help being moved when he heard Ke Moore's words. As a member of the epidemic doctor, there was always an idea in his heart anyway, just because of the confusion of ideas and the fact that the most important leader in the organization The death of the plague doctor silenced his will. He always felt that the realization of his idea would be a luxury, but what Moore said made him see the possibility of success.

Leiber's old face showed seriousness, not just to deal with it, but to say a little more sincerely: "Are you really sure? If so, does it mean that you have obtained the way to use this crystal?" ?”


But Moore's madness slowly calmed down, he turned his head to look at the man who was listening, and said with a dark smile: "Dr. Killian, this is where our common interests lie. I still have a little bit of your past. understand."

Killian looked a little ugly, but his wisdom immediately made him realize what Ke Moore was referring to.

He thought about it carefully. The mysterious information he knew through his girlfriend, especially the part about Tony, gradually changed his expression. He said in surprise: "You put your mind on the magic net. gone?"

Leiber on the side also looked surprised, but he remained calm. He thought about it carefully, looked at Ke Moore and said, "You are really crazy, but this is a feasible way. Although there is a lot of resistance Big, but with the old man here, the guardian of the magical side doesn’t need to care too much. I can provide enough time for you to communicate with the magic net.”

But Moore said calmly: "Liber, if this gives you confidence, you should be able to work harder, right?"

Killian suddenly said at this moment: "So, what can you give us?"

Leiber also looked at Ke Moer quietly at this time. Although he didn't speak, he obviously revealed that he meant the same thing as Killian.

But Moore said with a sneer: "Don't worry, your benefits will not be lost. Dr. Killian, I will give you ten drops of the blood of the true ancestor of the blood family circulated in our organization. This is the payment in advance. After success, You will also be the deputy leader of the newly born plague doctor, only under me. Leiber, you are the same, and I will also give you the inheritance of the Lord of Destruction, the magic you practice should need this very much."

"...the organization has a lot of secrets, but yes, this thing should really be in the hands of the organization."

Leiber choked a little, but it had to be said that this was already his psychological price.

But Moore is very generous. The inheritance of the Lord of Destruction is the inheritance of the original creation. It has the ability to be hostile to the God Jehovah. Even if it fails, it cannot erase his strength.

Killian also understands how precious the blood of the true ancestor of the blood race is, and a drop of blood can create the first generation of the blood race. Today's active vampires are basically at the duke level, and every first-generation vampire is at the prince level. Things that can create the existence of ten princes are undoubtedly terrifying and precious, which makes Killian not dissatisfied in any way.

He exclaimed a little: "Plague doctor, you really have a solid foundation, but I don't understand why you didn't use this foundation in that battle."

But Moore sighed: "It's not that I don't want to use it, but that I didn't have time to use it. For us at that time, having a leader was enough. Whether it was using the blood of the true ancestor or the inheritance of the Lord of Destruction, it was not a short time. Transformed into real combat power."

Leiber also shook his head and said: "Although the epidemic doctor lost most of his power because of Alfred, there are still many people hiding. As a power that was hidden from the beginning, we have no foundation Not inferior to those dominant forces in the mysterious world today,

Now, although he has suffered a lot of injuries, it is not enough to break an arm or a leg. "

Leiber meant it sincerely. At the beginning, he was unwilling to admit his identity as a plague doctor, just because the Magic Temple was better, not that the epidemic doctor was so poor that it was unsightly.

The current problem of the epidemic doctor is mainly due to the loss of people's hearts, but it is not irreparable. Thinking of this, he glanced at Ke Moore. This person should have hidden a lot of things from himself. His confidence is definitely not only revealed on the surface. brought these.

But Leiber didn't delve into it, but secretly added more vigilance.

Ke Moore said slowly: "Then, two, our goal should have been very clear, and that is Tony Stark."

Killian showed his white teeth, smiled coldly, and said in a low voice, "I like this goal."

Leiber said slowly: "I also want to know why the writer would favor a person who was originally an ordinary person."

At this time, the space suddenly rippled with many ripples, and a tall person slowly appeared.

He glanced at the three of them indifferently, and then said: "It seems that you are discussing some interesting things."

His arrival made the entire space seem to be in a low pressure.

"Mandarin, you don't need to worry, you are my ally with Dr. Killian."

But Moore said with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes. He was undoubtedly afraid of this mandarin known as the Mandarin, so he didn't invite him to discuss together. Power, broke into here.

It was through Killian that he came into contact with the Mandarin and drew him into the plan.

Killian originally provided the Extremis virus, some other weakened versions of enhanced medicines, and some powerful recovery medicines to Mandarin, so that the two sides cooperated. It was easy for Ryan, and it is even easier now that he is independent.

And the Ten Rings Gang founded by Mandarin will not be stingy in helping Killian.

The recent explosions in various parts of the United States controlled by Mandarin are all for the purpose of experimenting with a new type of Extremis virus and providing Killian with relevant experimental data.

Ke Moore kept smiling and said: "Actually, I think Mandarin, if you kidnap the president of the United States, the effect will be better. After all, the vice president can be used by us instead. As far as I know, his daughter's body It's sick."

Mandarin sneered, and said: "Unfortunately, his daughter doesn't need the Extremis virus. With his identity, he can still contact the mysterious person to some extent. Now is not the time for the mysterious person to disappear. Moreover, kidnapping him can also help him To about the same effect, kidnapping the president is an utterly laborious act."

Killian smiled and said, "As expected of you, Mandarin, but speaking of it, how about the actor I found for you?"

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