The Roots of Manga

Chapter 315 Escape from birth?

Chapter 315 Escape from birth?

After solving his worries, Tony manipulated the steel battle suit to fly up. The powerful kinetic energy brought by the magic flames on the soles of his feet directly brought him to a rogue, and the fist that shone with magic power knocked a rogue away. , and then a dozen fire ports appeared on the steel battlesuit, and small magic missiles flew out of them, followed by a roar.

In the smoke and mist, the purple magic locks were like fluttering tentacles, trying to restrain Tony who flew directly into the sky after launching the missile.

Tony's battle suit was swept away, and there was a piercing scream, and a chaotic force erupted from it. Tony's figure stopped for a moment, but the next moment, the internal parts compartment of the battle suit, an independent position In the middle, a blue magic rune shone, and the fluctuations in space also rippled away, allowing Tony to change his position and break away from the magic chain that rushed up.

After losing control for a short time, the body returned to normal. Tony inside narrowed his eyes. The scene just now was really dangerous, and the chain was definitely not simple.

Immediately, he used Jarvis's database and began to search for the identity of the wanderer who used the magic chain. In the end, the identity of the exorcist appeared before his eyes.

Tony was silent for a while, but he didn't forget to use powerful firepower to suppress the enemy. It seemed that the assassination of him this time was not an accidental incident, but it was true, and it was more innocent than he thought.

Although the power of the exorcist is very loose, there is one thing that everyone abides by, that is, once you violate the principle, you will be automatically expelled from the identity of the exorcist, and even chased by the exorcist. kill.

But at this time, an exorcist attacked and killed him?

Tony's face under the helmet changed several times, but he knew that this was not the time to think about it.

The energy in his hand kept gathering, and a blazing flame erupted instantly, but this was just the aftermath caused by the powerful magic power. After a sense of space distortion, a brilliant light pierced through the body of the exorcist, making his whole body It turned into ashes in an instant, and a person hiding in the dark saw this scene, and the emotion on his face became ugly.

With a low sigh, he silently took out a device from his pocket, and pressed a button on it.

Then he threw the device away and left without looking back.

Just when Tony turned on the magic mode and continued to kill, instantly defeating these wanderers, making it impossible for these people to form any favorable counterattacks, Jarvis suddenly told Tony that there was a special electromagnetic force that appeared just now. Just as Jarvis was about to find out this special electromagnetic, a wanderer suddenly screamed, his skin cracked inch by inch, exposing the magma underneath.

His eyes became red, and when the energy in his body continued to boil, he also lost all reason.

With the aftermath of his hand, a wanderer beside him was burned.

There were only five rogues present at this time, and the remaining rogues showed fearful expressions, turned around and wanted to escape, but after a strange sound came out from their bodies, they all collapsed. On the ground, there was no sound.

Tony looked at this suddenly alienated monster, coupled with the sudden change, he didn't dare to be careless. A magic circle appeared again on the armor of the battle suit. When the energy of magic just surged, Tony's face changed. Instantly transformed into another magic.


The explosion with blue light and fire can almost illuminate a small half of the city.

When the smoke and dust that followed cleared away, the wanderer who had become a magma man let out a roar at this moment, staring fiercely at the front, and the power in his body was constantly stirring.

And Tony is no longer in the sky, but half-bent on the side of his car, with one leg behind, and a half-meter drag mark on the ground with both legs, stretching his hands forward, and a semi-circular energy shield Killed him and the entire car.

The magma man touched Tony's car just now.

Without reason, he only had the desire to attack, and instinctively aimed at the only living person on the ground. According to the impact just now, Harpy in the car would definitely be reduced to ashes together with the car. Fortunately, Tony discovered this in time. It saved his life.

Tony knew that he couldn't keep Happy here anymore, so part of his battle suit on the back was automatically separated and covered the car body. Then the magic ripples surged, and the spare parts he stored in the magic space made up for the gap in the battle suit.

"Happy, hurry up!"

Tony snorted.

"But Tony...well, I get it, I'll bring you help!"

Happy in the car struggled for a while, but he knew that he, a person who was not proficient in mysteries, could only drag Tony back here, so he started the car and left.

The magma man shot a pillar of fire casually, but was stopped by Tony, and the two fought fiercely again.


On the other side, Harpy, who was galloping on the highway, contacted SHIELD while driving, and after getting a support reply, he called the Human Protection Agency. After receiving the same reply, he felt relieved. Come, but still feel unsafe, when I was about to make another call. Suddenly, two rockets flew over.

On the mountain not far away, the bald head touched his shiny scalp, looked at the explosion, gave a contemptuous smile, and said to Yi Er, the extremis virus reformer beside him: "Sometimes, the weapons of the old era are not bad. .”

Il glanced at the bazooka in his hand, didn't say anything, just frowned and said: "Tony Stark's power is somewhat beyond our expectations, I hope those adults have a remedy."

The bald head smiled and said: "You are too worried about Il, it's not like you don't know that those wanderers who are no different from mercenaries are just transformations controlled by us. Where's Playboy?"

Il sighed and said, "Although that's the case, there are still some troubles to deal with. SHIELD and Human Guardians still have some strength."

Beside them, a person appeared silently. It was the person who pressed the button, turning the rogue into a magma man and killing the rogue who was trying to escape. He looked like an authentic British gentleman, holding a civilized stick, two mustaches and deep eyes, which added a bit of elegance and demeanor to him.

Although he looked very thin, neither the bald head nor Yi Er dared to underestimate this man, because he did not belong to any party, he was an outsider, but he was regarded as a customer.

"Mr. Molo, thank you for your hard work."

"It's nothing, but I failed. What's your next plan?"

Morrow, who is like a British gentleman, smiled slightly, and did not hide his failure in any way.

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