The Roots of Manga

Chapter 320: Those Who Believe in God Become God

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty

Above the darkness, all people, the supreme handle, gather evil thoughts.

Only darkness, shrouded

Only the Holy Light bears the darkness.

Darkness emerges from light, attached to light and shadow.

When countless murmurs sounded in Kaiwei's ears, his soul seemed to be agitated by it. It seemed that thousands of people were lying in his ears, pouring out words that made his faith tremble.

This is not the belief of the black goat, but the language of a solipsistic evil god.

At this moment, Kaiwei felt that he had become a god, an evil god born from light.

Light is his authority, darkness his essence.

But a trace of inexplicable will awakened his soul. This trace of will contains the highest divinity and humanity, but it also warmly makes him respect. Kaiwei is no stranger to this kind of will, it is the will of the Holy Son Jesus, the one who endowed himself with power in the name of Immanuel, although he has not seen the existence of the one with God with his own eyes, but in When worshiping the statue of the Holy Son, he gave him strength and felt his breath.

Therefore, Kaiwei at this time was born with an incomparable intimacy, but his soul became extremely calm because of the power of the Son.

He understood one thing, that is, he lost. The power left by the Holy Son was just a wisp of breath, which could only wake him up, but there was only one more choice, and that was death.

Lin, the lord in yellow, used inexplicable means to taint him, and passively felt an indescribable existence.

His soul and body, as well as his strength, betrayed himself.

His fundamental power, the holy light, has become a kind of destructive light. If there is no accident, he will become a human nature and an evil god transformed into evil nature, using the power of the fallen holy light to purify the world.

However, the power of the Holy Son awakened his soul at the last moment, temporarily interrupting this transformation, and now he has one more choice, which has become two.

One is to become an evil god, with no original heart, but possesses supreme power; the other is to choose death, interrupt the transformation, and let the body and power that betrayed oneself fall into conflict and destruction.


When will you be able to come to the world in person and let the lost lamb be redeemed..."


Kaiwei turned his head slowly and looked at the girl beside him, blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and his eyes had turned pure black.

Lin smiled and said, "Have you felt this power? That's right, how wonderful it is! Those who believe in gods become gods! What else is better than this?"

"Disorder, chaos, what is the value of such a god? Even if the Lord is like this, I can kill God!"

Kaiwei sneered.

Lin was stunned, and looked at Kaiwei in a daze for a moment, but then she came to understand, but she still had some disbelief after all, "That holy son, even has divine grace for you... But, why doesn't he really save you?"

Regarding the second half of Kaiwei's sentence, she felt that he was very similar to a degenerate, but he didn't seem to be degenerate.

"A believer believes for the sake of faith, and a blind follower is a fool!"

Kaiwei sighed softly, raised his left hand, and a brilliant holy light lit up on his fingertips.


With his sigh, Lin saw that his whole body melted. At the same time, chaotic energy burst out, swaying through her body, but it seemed to pass through the air. At the same time, a bright portal opened Kaiwick melts open.

Lin took a few steps back, and when she saw the envoy stepping out of the portal, she immediately disappeared into the void.

The envoy who stepped out of the Bright Gate was wearing a hemp robe, his white wings were a little dim, his eyes were closed, and his handsome face could not be seen as a man or woman. He turned his head in feeling, as if he had a glance at where Lin was originally, and the saint on his body With a flash of light, he knew what had happened, so he sighed.

"Resist becoming an evil god, so that you can dissolve and annihilate yourself. If your soul still exists, you will definitely become a real messenger."

He turned into light and passed through the house, reappearing in the air, with his wings spread out, but the dim holy light became the only color in the sky.

"Stop the war."

A soft drink came out of His lips.

In an instant, all the people in New York who were fighting fell unconscious.

Nick Fury and others, who were paying attention to the battle situation, watched this scene in surprise.

An old man wearing a cross said in surprise, "Ambassador of Prophecy!"

Nick Fury immediately turned his head and asked, "Bishop An Awa, do you know the origin of this envoy?"

An Awa nodded and said: "Since the coming of the gods, the Vatican has obtained many new inheritances. Considering some factors, we have not announced them. Among them are the existence of prophetic ambassadors. They are the side of the gods. They are gods but not The existence of God, they are not ordinary messengers, but can symbolize the existence of God. They were born among the believers of God, but they are not dependent on the existence of God. They are not heretics, nor are they true believers. But they are God’s strongest fighters and supporters. They don’t believe in God himself, but they believe in what God represents, and they are God’s companions rather than God’s people.”

Nick Fury exclaimed: "There is such a complicated existence."

There is another thing in An Awa, that is, the Holy See has been trying to create a prophecy ambassador, but it has never been successful, and even Kaiwei is an attempt for a prophecy ambassador.

His face was complicated. At the moment Kaiwei died, he felt the breath of the envoy contracted with Kaiwei disappear, and the appearance of the prophetic ambassador confirmed Kaiwei's demise, because the prophetic ambassador's coming, Impossible is Kaiwei can bear.

At this time, Lin, who was frantically traveling through the void, never thought that she would provoke a prophecy ambassador.

Sensing her fleeing, she closed her eyes tightly and just uttered a single syllable. The large void became distorted, and countless parallel worlds were born and shattered, distorting and smashing Lin's body until she disappeared.

But the ambassador still frowned, because he felt that Lin was still alive, which was an inexplicable feeling, but the time for him to stay had reached the end of his body and could only dissipate, leaving behind a phantom of the bright portal that slowly disappeared.


New York gradually returned to calm, but the disputes in the magic temple continued.

The white magic power shattered the space, forming monsters biting every space. Leiber's fingers interlaced to form a seal, which continuously overlapped and extended the space, making the space of the entire hall split and overlap like a Rubik's cube.

This is the magic of Kama Taj. With the contact of the two magic worlds, their magic also has some convergence.

The mandalin beside him disappeared, but Asjaia was always on guard. A black hole or various elemental storms would appear around her, and her mind was shocked from time to time. Her expression was unavoidable. Filled with some fatigue.

Mandarin, who was hidden by unknown means, really harassed her too much.

At the moment of this stalemate, the space above the hall was suddenly torn apart, and the blazing power of the sun poured into the hall, burning up the stacked space in an instant, and spreading to Leiber's half body in an instant.

The space of the main hall returned to normal, outside, the anger of Gu Le, the priest of the gods, had filled his chest, and three great suns rose above the magic plane.

Countless magicians woke up from the mystery of magic. When their spiritual power gathered and swept the entire magic plane, anger also burned in their chests.

Together, they gathered a terrifying sea of ​​spirits and poured into the magic hall together. The space trembled as if they were about to be crushed, and the mandalin, which was hidden in the dark by some special means, was also forced out alive and imprisoned in the magic hall. Zheng of the Air


Gule's eyes burst out with the flames of the sun, which seemed to be licking away the soul of the man.

At this moment, the power of the god descended on him, and the name of the priest of the god was once again recalled by many magicians.

Leiber's face was pale. Looking at Gu Le, he tried to explain palely: "Wait... wait a minute, this is a misunderstanding!"

Half of his body was burning with flames, his voice trembling with pain.

But he was just stared at by Gule coldly. He lived only because Gule restrained the divine power in the flames on his body.

The moment the blockade was broken and the connection with the magic net returned, Asjaya felt her own power active, and nodded to Gule with cold eyes.

Gule waved his hand casually, and Leiber was burned to ashes, leaving a crystal nucleus in the ashes.

The Roots of Manga

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