The Roots of Manga

Chapter 322: The Great Council Reconvenes (Part 1)

Chapter 322 The Reconvening of the Great Council (Part 1)

The seemingly peaceful time was overturned, and the whole world seemed to be boiling water in a pot at once.

The complete riot of the blood clan, regardless of the prohibition, set off a new round of blood tide. The elders of the ancient blood clan gathered together to sign a secret agreement, breaking the inherited surnames and forming a new five major surnames. In this way, a close relationship was formed, and under the witness of the mysterious source, the blood clans who were attacking each other were completely twisted into one rope.

And Luo Wen, the speaker of the dark council, did not take any action against the vampires when the vampires left the council. Instead, he showed his city as the leader of darkness.

Casting forbidden magic, Luna concluded a contract with the entire werewolf clan, and integrated many dark magicians to form a brand new dark magic society, possessing its own power.

The Dark Council fell into a state of existence in name only.

Because of the bloodbath caused by the blood clan, the exorcists and the Vatican reached a tacit agreement. With the approval of Asziya, the head of the mysterious council, the priests of the Vatican no longer abide by the agreement reached between the Pope and Leviathan, Angers and Dumbledore. According to the agreement, most of the knights and priests were dispatched, and the envoys of light were summoned one by one. Although it can only exist for a short time and has no attack power, the Light Envoy can expand the power of the Holy Light.

For a time, the tide of God also rose up for it.

The blood clan allied with the Holy See and the exorcists, and fought so hard that the center of the world seemed to be on them.

In order to reduce their damage, the mages of Karma Taj had to take action and travel around. When they found the battle between the two sides, they immediately opened the enchantment of space to carry them and prevent them from destroying the real world.

Under such circumstances, Assassin and New Assassin strangely quelled the open and secret struggle between them and fell into a calm state.

The authority of all countries in the world has declined because of this, and there are countless people who worship the power of both sides, and they follow one of the two sides in order to gain great power.

For a time, the camps of light and darkness in the ancient mysterious era seemed to be re-formed.

And in the East, the oldest country, is also not so peaceful. He, the ancient Kunlun Mountain, and Teacher Longhushan, the leaders of these two oriental mystics, in order to prevent the changes in the world from involving the East, even plan to open the knot of Kyushu. The border, the blockade, but considering the various images, there was still no action after all, but the mysterious people in the whole country fell into a state of alert.

In order to adapt to the changing situation,

Countries had to release the army of mystics they cultivated in advance.

The Knights of the Round Table and the Legion of Mages from the Rotten Kingdom, the Fire Warriors and Transformers Legion from the United States, the Flower Knights and Templar Legion from France, the Mechanical Magicians from Germany...

Countries have also demonstrated their foundation in the new era.

At the same time, it also exposed what the countries have been doing secretly, which is to absorb mysterious forces and enter their own military systems.

For example, the predecessor of the Knights of the Round Table in the Rotten Kingdom was a faction composed of inheritors of the Knights of the Round Table during Arthur's period, and the mage group even had the shadow of the Temple of Magic and Hogwarts College.

The mystic has gone from elite to legion.

The mysterious council was not disbanded because of this, but was completely recognized and had political control over the mysterious world, and in all aspects, as long as it was legal and reasonable, it would receive support from personnel and intelligence from various departments in all countries in the world.

In this chaotic and heavy explosion of information, Gule, the priest of the magic temple, also firmly occupied the attention of many people.

The great priest of the gods, the sun priest, the patron of Ra...

All the titles represent his mighty power.

He turned into a new sun, patrolling the whole earth.

It makes the white become brighter sometimes all over the world, and the night sometimes turns into white.

But the temperature did not rise accordingly.

His light even surpassed the holy light of the Holy See.

Under his radiance, many strange monsters were forced to manifest their figures, exposing their distorted real bodies, and then burned to death under Gule's radiance.

The power of Lin, the Lord in Yellow, and the black goat, which was short-lived in the First World War in New York, disappeared without a trace.

And the lord in yellow didn't show up either.

After a few days.

Stopped on top of a city, withdrew his divine power, and reverted to his original appearance, Gule landed on top of a tall building with a tired look on his face.

After resting for a while, enduring mental fatigue, he opened a space door and returned to the plane where the magic hall was located.

After several rounds of inspections, he left almost no black goats left on the earth, but he can only do so. There are too many alien planes attached to the earth, and he can't sort them out. Fortunately, the danger has been greatly reduced. up.

"Is the danger of those monsters really that great? I haven't seen you so desperately."

On the teleportation platform of the magic plane, a magician looked at Gu Le and said in surprise.

Gu Le rubbed his forehead with some headaches and said: "God Ra gave me instructions, these monsters are multiple monsters, a kind of existence that pollutes people's hearts. The power is extremely terrifying and can degrade people. What I did was just borrow The power of God has purified the world, so that they don't have too many springboards to notice the world."

"In other words, is it a passive invasion? Even so, it gave the lord in yellow such a strange and powerful power that even Kaiwei, the patron of the Holy Son of the Vatican, died in her hands."

"I'm going to rest. Next, the task of the Magic Palace is to cooperate with Kama Taj to closely monitor all changes."

"Did Kama Taj also notice this? Hmm... But considering the existence of the supreme mage, it should be so."

After a few words with him, Gu Le hurried back to his magic tower and fell into a deep sleep.

And that mage, after handing over the duty of guarding the teleportation platform with another mage, left like the main hall.

Since the invasion, the space of the magic hall has been sealed off. If you want to get in and out, you have to rely on the teleportation platform, and the guarding task is implemented in rotation.

Came to the main hall and told Asjaia about the situation.

Asziya pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "I know, Master Alan De, thank you for your message, and may the magic protect you."

"Similarly, may magic protect you, Your Majesty."

After saluting, Alan retreated.

"There are more and more hidden undercurrents. It seems that the matter of the blood race can no longer be delayed. And Tony, the prophecy about him seems to have been blocked. Even Howard can't find him. Who is involved again? Its juice... and evil gods are really weird."

Asziya sighed, suppressed the irritability in her heart, and directly issued the order of the big meeting.

On the plane of the mysterious council, on the highest throne, a light and shadow quickly converged, and at the same time, a strange fluctuation also spread to the earth and distant planes.

In the main hall, many mysterious people who left their coordinates felt the call of the Great Council.

For a time, many lights and shadows appeared continuously, and the vacancies on each throne decreased rapidly.

The Roots of Manga

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