The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 100 JōNin Baki Is Right (Please Subscribe)

In the gray-brown space, the surrounding orange lights were flickering.

The members of the Akatsuki organization turned into colorful white illusions through the rings and gathered here.

Standing at the front, looking at the confused people around him, Payne said: "The horror question and answer thing has appeared again and again, and the situation of the Akatsuki organization has been leaked. It was originally scheduled to collect tailed beasts after half a year, but just in case. ………Start the tailed beast collection mission now.”

"Are you ahead of schedule again? But now, all the ninja villages are paying attention to us, isn't it good?" Kisame frowned.

"Yes, everyone has focused their attention on us now. It is not easy to complete the task of collecting tailed beasts at this time." Deidara said dissatisfied.

Several people around him nodded in agreement.

Although they could understand that Leader Payne was going to collect tailed beasts at this time, they were still quite resistant to it in their hearts.


Looking at Payne who shook his head, everyone couldn't help but wonder.

"The previous grouping has now been cancelled. Next, we will carry out operations together."

"But, if this is the case, we won't be able to have the same surprise attack as the two-person team before. Let's work together... Does the leader mean to attack hard?" Kakuzuin asked the second question in confusion.

"Yes, if we attack together and prepare the Ninja Village in advance, it will be quite tricky.

After all, it was not only us who saw the video before, but the entire ninja world saw it. Everyone understands the significance of the Akatsuki organization coming together to take action, so they can completely hide Jinchūriki. "

Hidan waved his hands speechlessly and said: "This is definitely not possible. Chief, do you want to think of a better way?"

"Yes, leader, if we attack together, with such a long distance in between, the sawing will be very powerful. Once others are prepared, it will be really uncomfortable." Hoshigaki Kisame also shook his head with some disagreement.

"You don't need to worry about this. I have the ability to obtain information, and then... Jue Ni"

With that said, Payne looked at Zetsu: "Ask Uchiha Obito if he wants to participate together. If he does, we will split into two groups.

"...Okay, let me ask. 977" Jue nodded.

"Okay, you go ask first. At this time... Uchiha Itachi, and Hoshigaki Kisame, you two are at the border of the Land of Fire. Cooperate with me and go to the Land of Grass and the Land of Earth to intersect. At the border, let’s take down the Four Tails Jinchūriki together and see if we can take down the Five Tails Jinchūriki together.”

Listening to Pain's instructions, Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame nodded.

"Then, the rest of us will go to the Country of Yu to capture the Six Tails Jinchūriki. After sealing these three tailed beasts, we will see what happens next and talk about it in detail."

Looking at everyone, Payne asked: "The arrangement is roughly like this. This matter must be completed as quickly as possible. Capture the three Jinchūriki who have escaped from the Ninja Village, and do not attract the attention of any Ninja Village. Let's do it for us." Lay the best foundation in one step. Then, if you have any questions, you can ask them.”

"Chief, just a Six Tails Jinchūriki, is it worth so many of us to fight him together?" Hidan was speechless.

The strength of the members of the Akatsuki organization is known to everyone psychologically.

The previous arrangement of two people working in groups to capture the tailed beasts was more than enough as long as they did not confront the Great Ninja Village.

As for Six Tails Jinchūriki, it is obvious that there is no protection from the village. To catch him alone, there is no need to dispatch so many people.

"I don't think it's necessary. Not only Six Tails, but also Four Tails and Five Tails' arrests, I can do it myself." Hoshigaki Kisame shook his head and said.

"It's okay to deal with Ninja Village. We're just dealing with a lone tailed beast. There's no need for this." Kakuzu also nodded in agreement.

"Do we really want to go together? We really don't need it, right? We might as well take this opportunity to see which ninja village we should attack first. By the way, the information we received earlier said that there is a Seven Tails Jinchūriki in Taki Ninja Village, right? ,How about I just collect that one with Kakuzu?" Hidan raised his eyebrows and said.

Seeing everyone's unwillingness, Payne said seriously: "The reason why so many of you go together is to take down the enemy in the shortest possible time, so as not to attract other people's attention, and to completely cover the scope of the battle. restricted to a minimum range.

This will play a vital role in our future capture of the tailed beast. I hope you can take it seriously. "

Seeing that Payne's tone gradually became more serious, he added the conditions.

The fastest time, the smallest scope of influence.

Once these two are added, everything becomes different.

Although everyone was a little reluctant, they still nodded in agreement.

Border of the Land of Fire...

Uchiha Obito, who was walking, suddenly heard Zetsu next to him saying: "Penn has changed his plan again. The previous action six months later has been brought forward this time. He also asked you if you want to act with him."

Stopping, Uchiha Obito glanced at Zetsu, frowned and said: "Since the video has been played, Pain should know that my purpose is to use the power of tailed beasts to execute Project Tsuki no Me. This should be related to His ideas conflict, maybe, and he actually invited me?"

"Yes, now he is heading towards the border of the Grass Country and the Earth Country, preparing to capture the Four Tails Jinchūriki. Do you want to go there?"

"Well, it's still necessary to go there."

Nodding, Uchiha Obito turned around and headed towards the border between the Land of Grass and the Land of Earth.

As an important part of controlling Gedo Statue to collect tailed beasts, it has now been separated from his previous control due to the video horror quiz incident.

For the next plan, we must first find out Payne's situation and then think about it in detail.

"Things have been unexpected again and again. Now... maybe the method of Impure World Reincarnation can be handed over to Uchiha Obito."

Zetsu behind Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about the best way to hand it over to him.

And during the meeting of the Akatsuki organization......

On the huge projection above the heads of the entire ninja world, various scenes of Pain's Six Paths attacking Konoha Village were played.

As the confrontation became more intense, civilians who had no time to leave and ninjas who were injured in the battle were sent to the medical department one after another.

In the entire medical office, almost all available seats have been laid out with sheets to treat the injured.

At the same time, people continue to die because of untimely treatment or serious injuries.

In a short period of time, everyone in the medical team was exhausted.

But even so, there is still support from Fifth Generation's Tsunade.

Looking at such a tragic scene......

The people of Konoha Village and the ninjas who were still worried about Uzumaki Naruto getting Menma just now must not lose control.

For a moment, I couldn't help but feel a sad emotion in my heart.

Unable to help it, many people recalled the exciting words of Sunagakure Jōnin Baki from before.

The powerful Senju clan blended into the folk and disappeared.

The powerful Uchiha clan was completely gone.

The powerful Uchiha Itachi, rebelled.

The powerful Hyuga clan is getting weaker day by day.

The powerful Fourth Generation is gone.

The mighty White Fang, gone.

The powerful Sannin, the walker, the hot rebel.

Wait, there are many outstanding talents who have disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Previously, the powerful ninja village was shaped by the First Hokage.

In several ninja wars, Konoha Village, with more than a dozen people, might collapse in the hands of the Third Generation!

Third Generation………………

Such an unswerving belief in protecting the family!

Such a willingness to go through fire and water to contribute to the world!

Such devotion to Zhaohua shows his perseverance!

The innocent heart will not waver, no matter the wind and rain!

Such a great and noble Third Generation, such a heroic and invincible Third Generation.


Tears could not help but wet the cheeks of many people again.

Among them, there are civilians and ninjas.

Everyone is thinking...

If these big families were still there, if First Generation and Second Generation were still there, if those heroes were still there...

Konoha Village should not be reduced to this situation.

There is a large spiral wheel in front of it, completely turning Konoha Village into a black face of light.

Now, there is another Payne Six Paths, which is constantly destroying Konoha Village.

Could it be, could it be...

Is this the future of Konoha Village? Is the future of Konoha Village going to be so troubled?

Jōnin Baki is right. Konoha Village, which was once so glorious, has gradually reached this stage under the leadership of the great Third Generation.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto should obviously be put to good use and well cultivated, but what kind of information is he still preaching to them?

Demon fox incarnation?

Killed the guy from Fourth Generation?

And now, Danzo, the high-ranking executive in the external projection, actually wants to kill the First Generation granddaughter who was just recommended by the Third Generation project... Tsunade from the Fifth Generation project?

Isn’t it good to use so much power to protect the village from harm? Isn’t it good!!?

Why, why so much power is put into internal friction.

Obviously, Konoha Village was once so powerful.

How powerful he was once!

Crying seems to be contagious…………

Facing our eyes, one tragedy after another happened in Konoha Village.

The people of Konoha Village really feel extremely sad in their hearts.

Does Konoha Village really have a future?

Perhaps, not only the Third Generation, but also the entire top management of Konoha are completely corrupted.

The sound of crying was like a series of extremely sad sounds.

Word spread throughout Konoha Village.

Standing in front of the window, listening to the screams coming from the streets, Utatane Koharu couldn't help but sigh heavily.

Thinking back to what she saw earlier, Jōnin Baki's passionate voice.

Thinking back to all the things they did before...

"Did we really do something wrong?"

"Baki, what you think is... is not wrong!"

He closed his eyes in pain, and tears slowly fell from the corners of Utatane Koharu's eyes.

Not just the Third Generation, they...maybe all the sinners of Konoha Village.

And in a room not far away...

Standing there, quietly listening to the screams coming from outside, silent tears fell from the corners of Mitokado Homura's eyes.

Staring blankly at Danzo in the projection, I couldn't help but think back to... Jōnin Baki's voice,

Konoha Village, under the tower in the center of the Death Forest.

Looking at the projection of Konoha Village, which suffered heavy casualties under the attack of Payne Six Paths, Shimura Danzō also had a serious look on his face.

Compared to the previous time when the black face was numb, the entire Konoha Village was transformed into a large spiral wheel of light.

This time, Payne's Six Paths attack didn't look as spectacular and desperate.

However, as time went on, the casualties did become more severe.

At this time, he should still be staying in the root tissue deep underground like he was during the Nine Tails Rebellion.

Without taking action, there is no rescue.

Wait, just wait!

The question asked in the previous horror Q&A was probably also about him in this situation.

However, it should be fine.

Although this matter is a bit excessive, with the previous Nine Tails chaos, there should be no big problem. still very stable!

And at this moment, the picture on the huge projection suddenly changed...

【Inner projection】

In the cold underground hollow building, there are thin bridges connecting it from high to low.

On top of it, there is a dedicated root member that monitors everything below.

The camera quickly moves down...

On a slightly larger platform crossed by two wide bridges.

Shimura Danzō stands in the center, surrounded by a large number of root members.

Looking at the surrounding root members with an indifferent expression, Shimura Danzō said slowly: "In this way, Tsunade's era will be over, but we cannot just hand over Nine Tails to the Akatsuki organization. Therefore, that possibility has been eliminated I solved it. Before the commotion above subsides, we will hide underground."

At this moment, a man who had just become the leader raised his head and couldn't help but said: "Don't we need to help them? Even if Lord Danzo leads everyone, it will be meaningless if Konoha and the people have disappeared."

Shaking his head, Shimura Danzō slowly Kaidō: "The princess can be regarded as a woman who has become a Hokage. Since she has used the Katsuyu Technique, Konoha will not be completely wiped out. Although there may be some casualties, but for me I mean, this is a necessary sacrifice!”

At this point, Shimura Danzō paused for a moment...

The camera deliberately gave a close-up of his cold gaze, and at this moment, an extremely majestic symphony suddenly resounded around him.

"For...let me be the Hokage!"

As the camera gradually zoomed out, the sound of the magnificent symphony became louder and louder, and became more and more breathtaking. .

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