The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 131 Jiraiya’S Head, Tsunade’S Pleasure (Please Subscribe)

Konoha Village, under the tower in the center of the Forest of Death...

Shimura Danzō's head is getting lower and lower.

His trump card has been completely exposed in front of everyone's eyes.

Whether it's Uchiha Shisui's eyes or the coordination of his arms with Sharingan.

What else will happen next?

If this situation continues, he will really be seen clearly by everyone.

At this moment, Shimura Danzō couldn't help but resent the unknown existence of this terrifying question-and-answer in his heart.

Why, why is this happening?

What's wrong with him? Why do you treat him like this!?

Damn, damn, damn guy!!


Suddenly, when he heard the words of the Third Generation (Senju Tobirama) across from him, Danzo couldn't help but tremble violently.

Forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart, Danzo still maintained his depressed face, raised his head... and looked at the Third Generation (Senju Tobirama) opposite him with confusion.

"What do you think the answer to this question should be?"

Following the words of Third Generation (Senju Tobirama), everyone looked at Shimura Danzō curiously.

The arrival of the Horror Q&A has revealed too many things that people simply cannot imagine.

So, under such circumstances, will Shimura Danzō make another revelation?

Uchiha Sasuke, what is the relationship between him and him?

It should be more than just the agreement between Uchiha Itachi and him, right?

Feeling that everyone's eyes were on him, Shimura Danzō raised his head and looked at everything that was happening in the scene above his head.

It's obvious that Uchiha Sasuke can deliver the death blow......

It's obvious that Uchiha Sasuke's body has been fixed with a spell, but just looking back...

He obviously didn't have time to kick the running Xiang away...


Why didn't he kill Uchiha Sasuke?

Taking a deep breath, Shimura Danzō began to wonder about what he would do in the future.

Or do you want to take advantage of Uchiha Sasuke's crisis to attract Uchiha Obito next to him to come to the rescue?

I'm afraid, this is the only answer.

Otherwise, even he himself would not be able to imagine it.

Although, this answer may be a bit arrogant.

Pursing his lips, Shimura Danzō said slowly: "I am always wary of the guy next to me in the projection. I dare not take full action, but I want to make Uchiha Sasuke's situation dangerous and let Uchiha Obito rescue me. At that time, at the same time, Let’s attack both of them at the same time.”

Everyone was suddenly shocked when they heard Shimura Danzō's words.

is this real?

At that time, Shimura Danzō did not know the identity of Uchiha Obito at all, but regarded him as Uchiha Madara.

Could it be that, as Shimura Danzō in front of me said, it was to lure Uchiha Obito into taking action and then conduct a test?

However, if one control is not good in this case, the whole game will be lost.

Looking at the inner projection...

Seven of the ten Sharingans on Shimura Danzō's arm are now closed.

There are three more, gone in the blink of an eye.

After spending such a high price, Shimura Danzō in the projection not only failed to kill Uchiha Sasuke, but was gradually forced into a bad situation.

Under such circumstances, it would be even more impossible for Obito to take action.

As for Shimura Danzō's words, thinking about all the previous events, Senju Tobirama believed it a little bit: "The heart is big, but the brain can't keep up.

He overestimated himself and underestimated Uchiha Sasuke's power.

As a result, stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

According to the current situation, Shimura Danzō may still have a trump card, but it is already difficult to make a comeback!

[Congratulations, you answered correctly [The reward starts to be randomly drawn...] Factory

The sudden response shocked everyone.

Shimura Danzō's back was instantly soaked with sweat.

He had obviously tried his best to avoid talking, but he still triggered the answer to the horror question and answer question.

When the unknown being spoke just now, his heart was in his throat.

But okay, okay...

He answered correctly, as long as he answered correctly.

Swallowing hard, Shimura Danzō tried to suppress his pounding heart.

Compared to Shimura Danzō's fear, others couldn't help but smile after being surprised.

I also answered the ninth question correctly. I finally got through the terrifying question and answer pattern created by this unknown existence.

Thinking back on this journey, even though there was not much time, it was really frightening in my heart.

"Now that I've answered the ninth question, it's finally coming to an end."

"Haha, yes, it's over, I just hope it doesn't........."

Before Sarutobi Asuma could finish speaking, he was twisted hard by Yuhi Kurenai next to him, and he was immediately stuck.


"Asuma, don't say anything unlucky." Kurenai Yuhi said with a look of disgust.

"Yeah, haha, yeah, I'm sorry." Sarutobi Asuma said apologetically.

"It's finally over."

"I'm going out soon, I'm still a little excited."

"Really, within half a day, it feels like a long time has passed."


Just when everyone was rejoicing, that inhuman voice echoed through the field again.

[Congratulations on drawing a Bana flower. 】

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at the brilliant scarlet color fluttering slightly in Shimura Danzō's hand.


At this moment, the happiest person was Tsunade.


He patted little Jiraiya's head hard and smiled happily.

She was the one who won the flower of the other side twice in a row. Now someone can finally enjoy the same reward as her.

Moreover, this person is Shimura Danzō whom she dislikes the most.

So cool!

Just one word, so cool!

Little Jiraiya felt his head move up and down with a look of resentment, being pushed up and down by Tsunade, and couldn't help but said: "Tsunade, you..."

"Haha, what's wrong Jiraiya?"

"Why are you so open all of a sudden..."

Before Jiraiya could finish speaking, he looked at Tsunade in front of him and suddenly thought that she was also one of the resurrected people.

Shimura Danzō can get a little red flower. Although others find it fun and happy, they are not like Tsunade at all.

Could it be...

"Tsunade, when you answered the horrific question before you died, did you..."

Before little Jiraiya could finish speaking, Tsunade's originally happy face turned dark.

He slapped little Jiraiya hard on the head and said viciously: "Do you want to talk too much?"

[Congratulations, you answered all nine questions correctly, and there is still one chance to fail. 】

[This remaining failure opportunity will be converted into a reward opportunity. Please seize this rare reward opportunity. 】

[New projections and questions, the more accurate the answers, the higher the rewards you will get. 】

As the inhuman voice fell, the scene of Shimura Danzō sealing a bridge suddenly changed...

A green figure, and another green young figure.

Thick eyebrows, bright smile. .

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