The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 187 Master And Disciple Recognize Each Other, A Little Red Flower (Please Subscribe)

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground…………

With the resurrection of Nagato, people who were still feeling sorry for the lack of answers.

Looking at the figure in front of me, I couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

On the opposite side, everyone in the Xiao organization did not expect that such a thing would happen, and they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"here it is?"

Slowly opening his eyes, Nagato still remembered that he used the Rinne Tensei Technique to resurrect the dead people in Konoha Village and then died.

But in front of me......


Why are there two Jiraiya teachers?

Remember, teacher Jiraiya was killed by him before?

For this reason, he also fell into deep self-blame.

Even though his heart was pumping when he took action, after actually doing it, Nagato's heart was not at all indifferent.

And being able to be persuaded by him when facing Uzumaki Naruto, not "two, four, three" is because he feels deeply guilty towards Mr. Jiraiya.

As the two communicated, he revealed everything and looked at Uzumaki Naruto, who was more bright-minded than him.

Finally, after entrusting everything to Uzumaki Naruto, he used the Rinne Tensei Technique.


Looking at the skinny Nagato in front of him, little Jiraiya couldn't help but exclaimed softly, stepped forward and hugged Nagato firmly in his arms.


Feeling the warm embrace of little Jiraiya, Nagato's body couldn't help but tremble.

Looking at the teacher in front of him, two glimmers of light slowly flowed from the corners of his eyes.

However, the above-mentioned "playing battle projection" was scanned.

For a moment, Nagato couldn't help but stare at everything with wide eyes: " could it be?"

"Congratulations, Nagato!"

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto also said happily to the resurrected Nagato.

"Uzumaki Naruto? You... are wrong!"

Looking around quickly, Nagato became more and more confused about what was happening in front of him.

Not only did Jiraiya-sensei come to life, but he also became two.

Uzumaki Naruto too, why has he become so small?

And Uchiha Sasuke, also became so small?

The Fourth Generation couple? Didn’t they already die during the Nine Tails Rebellion?

The Uchiha chief and his wife? Didn’t they already die when the Uchiha clan was exterminated?

Also, why is there the Akatsuki organization on the opposite side who is finishing off the Nine Magic Dragons?

Standing there, looking at the other Tendo Payne he controlled, Nagato was completely confused.

The nine magic dragon seals are gone, in the dim space...

He stared blankly at the future self opposite him being resurrected. Nagato, who controlled Tendo Pain, didn't expect it at all.

Konan, who was standing next to Tiandao Pain, couldn't help but look at the resurrected Nagato opposite him with burning eyes.

"Is that the true identity of the leader?"

"It looks so miserable. Why are you so skinny?"

"So, this is the future leader being resurrected."


After several battles, Jiraiya and Fukasaku have realized how powerful Rinnegan is.

Recalling the information that he did not know how to perform genjutsu, he directly used it through Fukasaku and his wife to use the genjutsu Golden Binding Technique, which can bind the spirit.

"Have you been tricked?"

Feeling that the three Payne clones fighting Jiraiya were all restrained here, Nagato couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Teacher Jiraiya, I didn't expect you to have such an illusion."

"I should have taught you not to take it lightly no matter what opponent you face."

Jiraiya said slowly: "Nagato, you have made a mistake in your path. Rather than using pain to guide the world, I hope you can use your power beyond pain to complete this mission."

In order to prevent bad changes in the world, in order to prevent the terrible Forbidden Technique from being used by various countries to fight.

Even the entire ninja world was destroyed because of this.

At this moment, he...has no choice!

With a deep sigh, Jiraiya closed his eyes: "Farewell."

As the voice fell, the screen switched...

The bodies of the three Pain were all penetrated by Jiraiya with long, large objects.

Seeing that he was already dead and could no longer die.

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground…………

Looking at the projection in front of him, looking at the resurrected Nagato in front of him, little Jiraiya couldn't help but lamented: "I'm sorry, Nagato.

"No, it's me who should say I'm sorry, Jiraiya-sensei."

After walking between life and death, Nagato also figured out many things.

Listening to little Jiraiya's apology, he couldn't help but respond quickly.

"Nagato, you!!"

His eyes widened, little Jiraiya didn't expect... Nagato actually apologized to him?

That is to say......

Nagato finally figured it out?

Suddenly, little Jiraiya couldn't help but feel more and more happy...

And hearing Nagato's apology, Jiraiya on the other side couldn't help but be happy.

"I know that my path...may be wrong, but it is the only one I can find, and it is also the path closest to the end. However, it is also an extremely paranoid and cruel path."

"Haha, actually you said you were too paranoid, so I am not too paranoid."

As he spoke, little Jiraiya couldn't help but sigh: "How can the act of killing one's disciples for the sake of the world not be an act that can truly be understood? I keep asking you to understand it, but in the end it was me who did the failed act. It’s from the teacher.”


"Haha! Now that you've figured it out, just be happy. Mom, too. Stop crying. Look at how awesome I am. You shouldn't be happy for me."


Listening to Uzumaki Naruto's words, Kushina couldn't help but glare at him.

The emotional little Jiraiya and the resurrected Nagato couldn't help but look at each other and smile tenderly because of Uzumaki Naruto's words.

The former master and disciple have returned at this moment.

"Hey, Naruto, why didn't you answer just now?"

Namikaze Minato next to him couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"That's the's just that the reward is a bit 5.1...not very good."

Sighing softly, Naruto raised his hand and took out his reward...a small red flower.

Looking at the little red flower, Tsunade has suffered losses before.

I couldn't help it for a moment, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

And with Tsunade's laughter, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

While laughing, little Jiraiya looked at the projection of himself being stabbed to death.

He slowly sank into the water, although he did not regret anything he had ever done.

However, there are too many regrets.

But now...

Everything is getting better, everything is completely getting better!

Unable to help it, looking at the huge subtitles above her head, little Jiraiya couldn't help but feel silently grateful for the unknown existence in her heart.


Thank you so much!

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