The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 200 Naruto Escapes Death With His Mouth, Wiping Out Everyone's Shock (Please Subscribe)

The nine magic dragon seals are gone, in the dim space......

Looking at the projection, the Fourth Hokage disappeared after restoring the seal for Uzumaki Naruto, and thus Uzumaki Naruto regained himself.

At this moment, Tiandao Payne's eyes turned to the options in front of him again.

As the story gradually developed, he gradually understood.

From the beginning, the protagonists are him, Konan, and Yahiko.

Previously, the three of them involved Jiraiya-sensei, Shimura Danzō and Hanzō of the Salamander, and Yahiko died.

In front of him, he was angry at Tsunade's words and guilty for killing Mr. Jiraiya...

The confrontation between the new generation and the previous generation, the appearance of Uzumaki Naruto, the new son of prophecy, heralds the end of his son of prophecy who has gone astray.

"Did Nagato escape from Uzumaki Naruto's mouth?"

Looking at the question in front of him, even though the story hadn't reached that point yet, he already had the answer in his heart.

However, he couldn't help but look at Konan next to him.

Yahiko is dead, he is going to die soon.

Next, is Konan?

Incomparable sorrow flashed in his eyes. He had always been 407 for the concept of hatred, pain and peace. This was the first time he calmed down and lowered his head to look at Konan who had been following him very seriously.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling the extremely strange look in Tiandao Payne's eyes, Konan asked with some doubts.

"I... know the answer."

"Are you sure? If you are not sure, it is best not to choose. After all, if the choice is wrong, you will be..."

"That's my future self."

Giving Konan a reassuring look and glancing at the surrounding members of the Akatsuki organization who turned their gazes over, Tendo Payne directly selected the option in front of him.

[b: Yes, I saw the figure of Master Jiraiya from Uzumaki Naruto, and coupled with the guilt of killing Master Jiraiya before, Nagato was mouthed to death. 】

"Chief, the answer is D?"

"Perhaps the answer should be B.


Just when everyone opened their mouths to ask Tiandao Pain, the question disappeared and disappeared from the entire ninja world.

Konoha Village, the 89th Drill Ground…………

Watching the options in front of him gradually disappear, Jiraiya couldn't help but frown slightly: "The options have disappeared."


After listening to Jiraiya's words, Tsunade next to him couldn't help but ask.

"Well, Nagato on the other side disappeared after answering the question." Jiraiya explained to Tsunade.

"Isn't this very similar to your situation just now, that is to say..."

Turning his head, Tsunade looked at Tendo Payne who seemed to be getting more and more excited in the projection opposite.

To be honest, since the beginning, the expressions of Tendo Payne have been micro-expressions.

Except for the future Tiandao Payne's expression in the projection, it was somewhat distorted due to venting and fighting.

The real-life Tiandao Payne projected on the opposite side had almost no way to show any big fluctuations in his expression.

But now...

After hearing the conversation between Jiraiya and Tsunade, everyone who was staring at the projection suddenly turned around.

But then, they followed the gazes of Tsunade and Jiraiya and looked at Tendo Payne in the Nine Sealed Space of the Phantom Dragon in the projection opposite.

The intense turmoil in his expression aroused everyone's curiosity.

What kind of rewards were drawn?

Could it be...Yahiko?

After all, Nagato was completely darkened by Yahiko's death.

I'm afraid, only Yahiko's resurrection option will cause Tendou Pain's expression to fluctuate so much.

After glancing at the extremely curious people, Uzumaki Naruto turned his attention back to the future projection.

Looking at the future self that was the hope of Minato's father, Pervy Sage.

Looking at Tiandao Payne who finally defeated Tiandao Payne after spending a long time and almost giving up on himself.

Looking at Hyūga Hinata who was not hit by the cross and was rescued by Haruno Sakura's healing technique.

Looking at the future self who has gone back to the old path of Pervy Sage, who wants to understand the hatred of others, and wants to talk to Nagato.

At this moment, he also completely understood the answer to the question just now.

He escaped to death...095505017 Feilu 013090390]

Such a powerful Nagato was finally killed by his mouth.

What a tenacious and firm ideal I once had, but in the end I still couldn't escape the guilt in my heart.

After all, power is just a tool. What really plays a key role is everyone's heart.


Listening to the strange voice of Namikaze Minato next to him, Uzumaki Naruto looked over in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Following Minato's father's gaze, he couldn't help but look down at his body.

I saw that the originally solid body was gradually turning into tiny spots of light, slowly floating in the air.

"How, how could..."

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto's eyes couldn't help but widen.

He clearly didn't answer the question, so logically speaking...there shouldn't be any punishment applied to him.



"Future Seventh Generation project!!"



Following the exclamations one after another, everyone present could not help but widen their eyes.

Could it be that Uzumaki Naruto answered the question wrong just now?

It has obviously developed to this point, and it is obviously getting better and better.

Why, why is it like this!?

Kushina, who was already crying, raised her hands and tried hard to hug Uzumaki Naruto's body to prevent him from dissipating.

Unfortunately, all these actions are in vain.

"Naruto, did you answer the question just now?"

"No, I...

Before Uzumaki Naruto could finish speaking, his figure had completely disappeared in front of everyone.

At this moment......

The exclamations here, the situation here... also made the Akatsuki organization on the opposite side look over.

After seeing Uzumaki Naruto gradually dissipating, they couldn't help being a little stunned for a moment.

The first thing they thought about was whether Uzumaki Naruto had answered the question wrong just now?

However, Uzumaki Naruto just answered no?

If it didn't exist, then why did it disappear?

This situation is completely inconsistent with common sense.

Even though there was no answer to the question, it was completely eliminated. This is something that has never happened since the advent of horror quizzes.

Or, who has drawn a reward that can erase someone's existence?

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