The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 021 Meeting With Emperor Guy’S Kakashi

His feet started running quickly, and several hidden weapons were thrown towards Temari again by Tenten.

"You are very....!!?"

After moving her feet to dodge, Temari was about to speak, but unexpectedly, the hidden weapon that had been dodged actually turned around and flew towards her.

what happened?

Puzzled in his heart, he waved the star fan on his hand.

The hidden weapon flying towards her was suddenly blown far away by the strong wind.

Turning his head, Temari looked at Tiantian with great interest: "The hidden weapon was able to turn just now? It's a very interesting technique, but that's the end of it."

"Yeah, that's it."

Looking at Tiantian's increasingly confident smiling face, Temari couldn't help but frown.

what's the situation?

Why, why did Tiantian feel a little uneasy when she came up just now, but after these few attacks, her feeling completely changed.

Therefore, I tried to test her several times before.

Now, are you sure you can capture her?

Holding the star fan tightly in his hand, Temari was ready to go: Come on, let me see your ability and confidence.


The Chakra under his feet exploded, and Tiantian jumped directly into the air.

As a scroll was pulled open and sealed inside, a large number of hidden weapons were thrown towards Temari.

"Why, are you preparing to turn with a hidden weapon again? Huh, it doesn't work anymore!"

The wind ruffled...

The hidden weapons flying towards Temari were all mixed with this strong wind, blowing...

! ! ?

Seeing the strong wind carrying hidden weapons, blowing towards her all at once?

Temari reacted very quickly and hurriedly waved the fan in her hand...

But she didn't expect that the fan she swung out with all her strength was swung back towards her.

what happened?

Temari's eyes widened and it was too late to dodge at this time.

He was directly hit by his own fan and the incoming stream of hidden weapons mixed with strong wind...

The sharp hidden weapons and the strong wind carved a lot of blood marks on her body.

Especially the fan in her hand, which originally output the powerful force of Chakra, hit her own body.

The direct result was... that I fainted.

"what's the situation?"

Uzumaki Naruto in the stands looked around with a confused expression, but there was no one to explain to him at all.

Likewise, it wasn't just Uzumaki Naruto who didn't understand.

Except for Rock Lee and Hyuga Neji, who were informed, everyone else looked at the situation with a look of disgust.

What's the situation? This is?

Even the referee Moonlight Hayate saw this situation.

After being stunned for a moment, he finally announced Tiantian's victory.

"Haha, okay! Congratulations, Tiantian!" Rock Lee said loudly and happily.

Hyuga Neji next to him also nodded with a smile.

Previously, the gap between Tiantian and Temari was really big.

Moreover, Tenten's hidden weapons are naturally restrained by Temari's ninjutsu.

Under such circumstances, if vector control had not shown its power, Tiantian would have definitely ended up in failure.


Turning his head, Kankuro asked Jōnin Baki next to him: "Teacher, do you understand the reason?"

Shaking his head, Baki sighed: "I guess this may be the special ability of the girl Tiantian, maybe a blood inheritance limit."

The limit of blood inheritance!

Hearing what Baki said, Kankuro and Gaara suddenly understood.

The ninja world is filled with a large number of Blood Succession Limits, and those who possess Blood Succession Limits, if they can develop them properly, will have greater advantages than others.

Even, just like in front of has an unexpected effect.

But what is the specific blood inheritance limit ability?

If it were possible to control hidden weapons alone, it might be similar to the ability of a magnetic shield.

But if the Chakra wind blade deleted by Temari can actually be controlled...

What kind of ability is this?

As time goes by, more and more people have the same idea as Baki.

Even the Second Generation's clone, the Third Generation (Senju Tobirama) in the field, couldn't help but look at Tiantian curiously after seeing this situation.

That ability just now was very interesting!

In the lounge...

After arranging Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi came to the room that Might Guy had agreed with him.

I scanned everything around me, but there was only one figure of a sweet-looking girl.

So, what about Might Guy who called him over?

Frowning, Kakashi couldn't help but wonder, had he entered the wrong room?

Looking back, I wanted to go out again and check the door number.



A familiar tone, but this clear and pleasant voice... made Kakashi's frown deepen.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Might Guy!"



Wow, suddenly there are more than a thousand flowers. I don’t know who sent them to me. Thank you very much. Thank you very much!

This is the fourth update today, I hope you like it.

I just wrote it, and I'm really happy to see so many people reading it.

Thank you for your likes, I will continue to work hard!

Fighting face!

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