The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 220 Wild Jk Rock Lee, Cute Jk Neji (Please Subscribe)

Look at this...this girl...

Not only Hyuga Neji was stunned, but Might Guy, Tiantian, and Rock Lee next to him were also stunned.

What the hell is this scene in front of me?

Is it really Neji?

But why does it feel... weird?

[Horror Q&A is now open. What are the three people in this conversation doing? 】

[a: To compete with Rock Lee for the bathroom]

[b: To help Rock Lee develop a move more powerful than the peacock]

[c: To act in a play with Rock Lee]

do what……………

In an instant, Might and the other three looked directly at Hyuga Neji.

For a moment, Hyuga Neji was stunned.

"You, you...what are you going to do?"


Just when Rock Lee opened his mouth to ask a question, the scene suddenly changed...


Morning show...

The wild-looking Rock Lee wearing a JK skirt suddenly rushed into the bathroom.

Looking at Hyuga Neji, who was also wearing a K-skirt, still taking care of his long and silky hair, he couldn't help shouting: "Hurry up, you know 240, wash yourself early, consider other people's feelings, hey!"

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly acting in a skit?"

At this moment, Tiantian, who was cooking on the other side, couldn't help but come over and ask.

Looking at Tiantian and the anxious Rock Lee in front of him, Hyuga Neji gently combed his long hair and said softly: "There is no way, I can't take care of it if I don't wash it properly. Li, if you want to use the sink, , just get up early.”


Holding the comb in his hand tightly, Rock Lee's brows kept twitching.

"Hey, you two, stop being awkward and come have breakfast."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rock Lee couldn't help but collapsed: "Why, why did I become a girl?"

"Hehe, but the girl Li became has inherited your characteristics, she is still so wild."

As he spoke, Tiantian couldn't help turning his head to look at Hyuga Neji, and said with longing: "Neji, how about... you try wearing women's clothes for once?"

"No, absolutely not."

The corners of his eyes twitched, looking at the beautiful self-dressed self in the projection, Hyuga Neji turned around with a slight blush on her face and rejected Tiantian's request.

"However, Tiantian inside... is really violent." Rock Lee said slowly.

"This... is indeed a bit..."

Looking at the picture of the two of them being kicked away because of disobedience in the projection, Hyuga Neji couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"Li, and Neji, you..."

After saying that, Tiantian hummed with an aggrieved look on his face: "How can I be so violent? It's obviously the projection that exaggerates me, okay?"

Might Guy on the other side, looking at the extremely cute and delicate Hyuga Neji in the projection, couldn't help turning his head and said: "Neji, how about... you try on women's clothing?"

"Teacher Guy, why even you!"

Listening to Might Guy's words, Hyuga Neji was speechless.

However, looking at the female self in the projection, he really had to be convinced by the cute appearance, which was really heartwarming.


No matter how cute he is, he will never dress up as a woman!

This is the most basic dignity of a man and the most basic bottom line of a man!

Shaking his head vigorously, Hyuga Neji said: "I definitely don't know how to dress up as a woman, so don't talk about it. Let's study what this question means. As far as we can see now... "

"Neji, just once, just once, okay?"

Pulling Neji's arm hard, Tiantian said expectantly.

"How about Neji, just wear it once. Anyway, it's just a change of clothes. It's not a big deal." Might Guy stood aside and said expectantly.

"don't want!"

Raising his hand, Hyuga Neji said firmly: "You don't have to say anything, I won't do it no matter what..."

"I chose b, in order to develop a move that is more powerful than the peacock east (bha)."


Listening to Rock Lee's sudden answer, the three of them couldn't help but look at him blankly.

"Hey, didn't Tiantian answer very quickly last time, so he got two rewards? Anyway, there is no punishment for failure this time, and considering my own extremely serious character, it must be B."

Pointing to the terrifying question and answer question above his head, Rock Lee said confidently.

"That's the truth..."

"How's that? Did you get the answer right?"

"Li, how's it going?"

Looking at the expectant looks of the three Might Guys, Rock Lee looked confident on his face, but he was also quite nervous in his heart.

Why doesn’t the pop-up window appear? Is this correct?

[Congratulations on your correct answer [Rewards are drawn...]

Looking at the pop-up window in front of him, Rock Lee breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his head, laughed at the three Might Guys and said, "Of course, it must be the right answer."

"How about it? Is there any reminder twice?"


Just when Rock Lee was about to answer, a new pop-up window appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations, you completed the answer within sixty seconds and answered correctly, so the reward is doubled. 】

【Congratulations, you have obtained natural water. 】

【Congratulations, you have obtained natural water. 】

[Tip: The same ability cannot be learned. Now an ability has been condensed into an ability bead. 】

As pop-up windows kept popping up, Ji Luoke suddenly felt that something was different about his body.

Lowering his head, he saw that his hand was already holding a ball of glowing white light, about the size of a fist.


“It actually worked, that’s great!”

"Li, thank you, I..."

Saying that, Hyuga Neji was so moved that he stepped forward to get it, but he didn't want to be dodged by Ji Luoke in advance.


"Neji, why don't you... dress up as a woman for once?"


With his eyes widened, Hyuga Neji looked at the ball of light in Rock Lee's hand, recalling his persistence just now.

Suddenly, the whole body could not help but tremble violently.

After seeing something wrong with Hyuga Neji's condition, Rock Lee couldn't help but hurriedly put the ability beads into Hyuga Neji's body: "Sorry Neji, I just think you are cute in women's clothes, I can't help it... Really sorry."


Feel the description and content of the ability, as well as the physical changes and feelings.

Hyuga Neji couldn't help being stunned by this ability: "This, this..."

"What's wrong Neji?"


The more he knew about the power of his abilities, the more grateful Hyuga Neji was to Rock Lee for giving him without hesitation.

Thinking back to the expectant looks in the three people's eyes before, Hyuga Neji couldn't help but take a deep breath and felt hard in his heart.

He turned to look at Tiantian and asked, "Tiantian, are your clothes a little too big?".

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