The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 264 Subtitles From The Future, I Can’T Stand It Anymore (Please Subscribe)


"If you don't take action, then I will take action first."

Seeing that Nara Shikamaru had not moved, he still kept lying down.

Temari couldn't bear it anymore and ran towards Nara Shikamaru with a big fan in hand.

"Oh, what a woman full of desire to fight."

Looking at Temari rushing towards him, Nara Shikamaru not only sighed, but also took out two kunai.


Future Nara Shikamaru: Ah, this is actually the battle scene between Temari and I. I really miss that time.

Future Temari: Hey, hubby, are you watching too?

Future Nara Shikamaru: Huh? You're here too, Temari. I didn't think I was the only one.

Future Temari: Well, while I was cooking, I suddenly saw a projection appearing in front of me.

Konoha Village, BBQ restaurant…………

Looking at the blue bubble-shaped subtitles that suddenly appeared under the projection, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Judging from the names, they are Nara Shikamaru and Temari from the dark future world, right?

So, can they also issue subtitles?

Thinking about it, everyone started to search around.


After listening to Temari's words, everyone who was looking for him immediately turned their attention to Temari.

Looking at everyone's confused eyes, Temari raised his hand and tapped the upper right corner and asked, "Have you noticed that there are ten red light spots flashing in the upper right corner of your sight?"

"Red dots of light?"

Looking along the line of sight, most people did not find a flashing red light spot in the upper right corner of the line of sight.

Only Nara Shikamaru, Nara Shikamaru, and Yamanaka Ino discovered that there was indeed a very inconspicuous red light spot in the upper right corner of their sight.

They tried to open it tentatively, but when they thought about it in their hearts, a pop-up window for input appeared directly in front of them.

You only need to think about it in your heart, and then you can directly take the call.

Curiously, he entered a sentence, and then Temari sent it out.


Past Temari: Are you my future self?

Future Nara Shikamaru:!!?

Future Temari:!!?

Future Sai:!!?

Future Nara Shikamaru: You... Sai, are you even watching?

Future Sai: Yes, this projection suddenly appeared in front of me, which shocked me.

Future Nara Shikamaru: Is there anyone else next to you?

Looking at the people above their heads who had begun to communicate, the others glanced at Nara Shikamaru and the others, then shook their heads and sighed with pity.

And the sighs seemed to be contagious.

For a time, there was a sighing sound all around.

It's really a pity that they can't get involved in such an interesting thing.

As for the situation where Nara Shikamaru and others are available, they are not very familiar with each other after all, so what should they say if they go up directly?

Therefore, although everyone knew that Nara Shikamaru could post subtitles, no one came up to talk to them.

Looking at the projection and below, Yamanaka Ino and Nara Shikamaru, who can send out barrages, can't help but try to send them.

But what should I say?

Say hello to people in the future?


With a critical strike, violent smoke and dust were raised by Temari.

Nara Shikamaru, who was hiding in a small forest aside, looked up at the sky with a helpless expression: "It's so white, the clouds are so blue. Why is there such a powerful battle valley? I thought that being a Jōnin could... Spend your life more happily.

"Cheer up, Zhen!"

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto in the stands couldn't help shouting loudly to Nara Shikamaru.


Listening to the energetic shout, Nara Shikamaru stood up quickly: "Sure enough, life is not that simple."

"What kind of stupid face is that? Are you looking down on me so much?"

At this time, Temari looked unhappy.


Future Nara Shikamaru: I didn’t expect that I would be so decadent at that time.

Future Sai: Shikamaru, is this the first time you were beaten by Temari? I really want to see it.

Future Temari: Sai, I think I need to say something to Ino.

Past Ino: Huh?

Future Sai: Well... Ino, you... you are here too!? Ino, I... I was wrong.

Past Ino:!!?

Future Temari: Look carefully, this is the same as my husband just now, it is from the past. I didn’t expect that I can see it in the past? It seems like a dream. The past me, where are you?

Past Temari: Here, are you really me in the future?

Future Temari: Of course, if it’s fake, I really can’t imagine what kind of miracle this being can create.

Past Nara Ludai: Mom, I’m here too, it’s so difficult for me, ugh!

Future Nara Shikamaru: actually ran to the past? I said why I keep looking for you but can't find you. How about it, can you still come back?

Future Temari: What did you say, I asked you to pick up the child and you brought the child there? Shikamaru!!!

Future Nara Shikamaru: Ah, that... that... I don't want to either, crying face.

Future Temari: Anyway, I don't care, you have to get the child back to me. If you can't get it back... you don't have to come back.

Future Nara Shikamaru: I...I understand.

Konoha Village, BBQ restaurant…………

Looking at himself in the future who was so fierce in front of him, Temari raised his hand to pull the hair around his ears in disbelief. He looked at Kankuro and Gaara beside him in disbelief: "My future self will be so fierce." Well?"

"Temari, I think it's because Future Shikamaru didn't give you what you want, that's why you are so cruel." Kankuro said without mercy.


"Gaara, I'm just telling the truth. Temari is our sister after all. Her partner should at least love her a little. This is something that should be done.

"This is of course the right thing to do." Gaara nodded.

"No, no.

Seeing that the situation in front of him was going in another direction, Nara Ludai quickly said: "Between father and mother, mother has always been stronger and father has been weaker, but the relationship between them is really very good. You two Believe me."

"Is the relationship good? To be honest, I really didn't see it." Kankuro shook his head and said with a look of disbelief.

"Uncle, are you married?"

"Huh? Me? No."

"Then how do you know that couples are like this? No wonder you, uncle, have always been single."


Listening to what Nara Shidai from the future said, Kankuro's face suddenly became tense: "That, can't be done? In the I really single forever in the future?"

"if not."


Looking at Nara Shikamaru across from him, Kankuro felt extremely uncomfortable and said: "Sure enough, I think my sister and Shikamaru are not suitable for each other. I..."


Before Kankuro could finish speaking, he was slapped on the head by Temari next to him.

Facing Kankuro's doubtful eyes, Temari hummed: "I decide my own future, you should think more about your future.

"Temari, are you really..."

"Wait, Kankuro, you don't... have Miss L, do you?"


Seeing Kankuro's anxious look, Temari couldn't help but smile and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, I'll just say it casually, look at how serious you are."


Taking a deep breath, Kankuro didn't want to talk anymore.

Others who watched this scene couldn't help but laugh.

Only Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but shrink his neck.

He didn't know why, but looking at Temari's extremely skilled way of photographing people, he felt a little uncontrollably afraid in his heart.

But, just at this time…………

The situation in the projection suddenly changed. Temari, who had been suppressing Nara Shikamaru, was beaten.

Without paying attention, he fell into the trap that Nara Shikamaru had arranged earlier and was directly controlled by the shadow restraint technique.

Seeing this result, Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but curl up his lips slightly: "Well, it's not bad. I should have lost in the end.'

Temari, who was originally a little dissatisfied with the situation in front of him and the curvature of Nara Shikamaru's mouth, after hearing his words, couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Why? I have obviously been beaten in the game. Now that you're under control, won't it be easy to win against me?"

And everyone around them couldn't help but look at Nara Shikamaru in confusion.

Why does Nara Shikamaru still say that he is going to lose when he has already secured the victory?

Looking at the projection, after controlling Temari, he lifted his feet and walked forward.

Nara Shikamaru opened his mouth to explain, but when he looked at the subtitles below, he couldn't help but froze...

[Double subtitles]

Future Sai: That’s great. I’ve always heard that Shikamaru was bullied by Temari. It turns out that Temari was also bullied by Shikamaru.

Future Uzumaki Naruto: That's great. I didn't understand it when I was young at the time. It's not until I look back now that I understand that I was too young.

Future Yamanaka Ino: No wonder, no wonder Shikamaru gave in at that time. It turned out to be for his own future. It was so romantic!

Future Sai: Old...wife, it turns out you are really here!

Future Nara Shikamaru: No matter what you say, I don’t understand you.

Future Temari: So, did you fall in love with me when we first met? To be honest, looking back at what happened at that time, my heart is really filled with sweet feelings, smiley face. .

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