The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 027 May Rain Who Laughs And Cries At The Same Time

During the projection, the images are constantly switching...

The melancholy and desolate May Rain tune resounds throughout this time and space.

Konoha Village Uchiha family, Obito sits in his own small house.

Looking at the sticky board, it was basically filled with Lin's photos.

There are only a few photos of Kakashi, Obito, Lin and Namikaze Minato.

Raising his hand, Uchiha Obito slowly picked up the specially framed photo. a photo of them, their entire group.

Standing in the middle is teacher Namikaze Minato, Obito and Kakashi stand on both sides, and Lin squats in the middle with a cute smile.


"Hey, Lin!"

With a slight blush on his face, Uchiha Obito couldn't help lowering his head when looking at Lin in the photo, wanting to try to kiss her.

But suddenly!

His eyes looked out the window... Kakashi was looking at him speechlessly.

Suddenly, cold sweat covered his forehead.


Looking at the dim yellow memories of Obito in the projection, Kakashi couldn't help but smile.

At that time, they were so good at that time...

Carefree, just comparing and fighting with each other.

There is no separation, no sadness.


Laughing and crying.


Kakashi's body gradually weakened and he knelt down and sat there.

But now, he seems to be unable to feel the physical pain, and is focusing on watching the projection...


As the scene turns, Uchiha Obito has completed basic rehabilitation training.

Running, jumping, balancing, all kinds of training are carried out slowly and vigorously.

The dim yellow memory scene changed again.

That was Uchiha Obito and Kakashi, doing protective drills, and the target of the protection was Lin.

As the kunai cut the thread, a large number of hidden weapons surged out from the front.


Sparks fly!


"You really survived? Why...why on earth didn't you come to us?"

"It's been so long!"

Watching Uchiha Obito get a hidden weapon stuck on the back of his hand because he resisted the trap.

Obito, who was so proud of himself, put his injured hand behind his back, but was immediately consumed by the sharp-eyed Lin.

He slowly tied a medical bandage on him and spoke considerate words of encouragement.

Suddenly, Kakashi's smile became even brighter.

But at this moment, the picture changed again.

Hearing Uchiha Obito say the word "adapted", he couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at Obito in the picture.

I've recovered, so I can come out to find them.


"Soon, I'll see you soon, Lin, Kakashi!"

The sad and desolate May Rain tune gradually fell silent.

At this moment, a White Zetsu emerged from the wall and said loudly to Uchiha Obito: "I just went outside. The situation with Lin and the idiot Kakashi you mentioned is not good."


Uchiha Obito, who was lying on the bed, was suddenly startled. He quickly sat up and asked White Zetsu: "What happened?"

Could it be! ?

Listening to the conversation between the two, Kakashi's eyes couldn't help but widen.

Could it be that time...they were...

For a moment, Kakashi's body was shaking violently.

No, not that time.

I kept telling myself this in my heart.


White Zetsu leaned out forcefully, and White Zetsu loudly said to Uchiha Obito: "They were single-handedly surrounded by Kirigakure's ninjas!"


Upon hearing this, Uchiha Obito jumped up from the bed.

He raised his almost recovered arm, moved the Chakra in his body, and punched the wall leading to the outside world with a fierce punch.


The hard wall caused his newly recovered arm to break and fall to the ground.

Looking at Obito holding his shoulders and crying out in pain, Kakashi's tears... suddenly stopped.

"It's really, really that time!"

"How could it be, why is this? Could it be..."

Recalling that day, after he killed Lin, he collapsed in the water.

But when he woke up, more than a hundred Kirigakure ninjas around him were all dead.

When I asked the rescue team around me, the answer was: I don’t know!



Clenching his fists hard, Kakashi became increasingly confused: "Why, since we have met, since..."

Talking, talking...

He suddenly realized, Obito...did you see the scene where he used Raikiri to kill Lin?



A figure of White Zetsu jumped behind Uchiha Obito: "Your current body cannot break through the hard rock that leads to the outside world."

Panting heavily, Uchiha Obito gritted his teeth and said, "I have to go out and save Lin and Kakashi."

"Put on my body."

As the words fell, White Zetsu quickly split and wrapped around Uchiha Obito's body.

"So, is there no problem?"

"Don't you want to rescue Lin and Kakashi?"

Clenching his fists hard, Uchiha Obito said solemnly: "Thank you, thank you very much."

Dong Dong...

The white pipe at an unknown place behind the link suddenly started to pulsate.

boom! !

He clenched his fists and mobilized all the power he could muster. As Obito punched the stone wall, the stone wall exploded!

"It's not easy to borrow the power of the golem while being connected to the root."

"Golem? What is that?"

Turning his head, Kakashi looked at Might Guy who was already crying in tears: "Guy, have you heard of it?"



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