The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 288 Kurama: Madara Is Nothing, Just Trash (Please Subscribe)


In my ears, the strong wind kept howling.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was shot up to a very high altitude like an arrow, felt extremely frightened in his heart.

The last punch just now simply refreshed his previous evaluation of Rock Lee.

The dangerous situation, damaged arms and violently shaking body made Uzumaki Naruto's consciousness slightly dazed.

It was Kurama who spoke and stimulated him with Chakra, and he finally came back to his senses.

And Menma's voice also appeared in Uzumaki Naruto's mind at this moment: "The punch just now shocked me. This Rock Lee seems to be able to draw on the power of heaven and earth like you, but I don't think so. It’s not like a force of nature.”

"Well, this should be caused by Rock Lee's own ability. It's really powerful."

Uzumaki Naruto exclaimed while repairing his body.

"However, on the other hand, our power in Konoha Village is already quite powerful, right? I feel that it is even more powerful than what I learned about during the First Generation period." Menma said.

"Yes, even if Uchiha Madara comes again, even if he has the Rinnegan, I think those of us will definitely be able to fight him. With First Generation's suppression, plus 17 and our help, there is even a good chance of killing him directly. Death, or even sealing." Uzumaki Naruto also agreed.

"Believe me, Konoha is strong enough now. As someone who was once manipulated by Uchiha Madara, my personal experience is definitely not comparable to the luxurious lineup of Konoha in front of me." Kurama said confidently.

"Haha, it's really getting better and better. It's getting better and better."


"Now I am completely relieved. Even if that guy comes again, Konoha Village will definitely be able to suppress him."

As he spoke, Yin Lama couldn't help but recall the past scene again.

Uchiha Madara controls it and comes to Konoha for a decisive battle with First Generation Senju Hashirama, who will not be able to defeat that situation.

Now, what if Uchiha Madara gets the Rinnegan?

Indeed, Rinnegan is very powerful, there is no doubt about it.

However, as long as there are no Ten Tails to take care of it, Rinnegan's power has its limits.

And right now, the glory of Konoha Village can absolutely offset this power.

Uchiha Madara without Ten Tails is just a dish!

Ha ha!!

Thinking of this, the unbearable scene of being humiliated and suppressed by Uchiha Madara was even dubbed by Senju Hashirama: too strong.

Since then, it has never had any freedom, but it has not forgotten the "goodness" of Uchiha Madara.

Now, old and new grudges... it's almost time to settle accounts. two

Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Madara!!

Don't get caught by them in Konoha Village, or else... Humph!!

The extreme power of Konoha Village can be said to have brought considerable confidence to Kurama.

Even the once extremely terrifying Uchiha Madara, so what?

Facing such a powerful lineup, what will he do? What can he... do?

Just like the previous story, being suppressed and the only...end for Uchiha Madara!!

"Naruto, how are you? Is it okay? If not, just take my place." Menma asked.

And Kurama, who was happy, excited, and looking forward to it, said loudly: "How about it? If you can't support it, just leave it to me."

"No, it's not necessary."

Smiling and shaking his head, Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said: "This is not a life-and-death contest. Rock Lee's power has also made my magic even better. That's it. Kurama's power plus I am relatively confident in the recovery speed of my own body.

Although Rock Lee is very powerful, it is not that simple for him to win me over with this.

Next, although we will be at a disadvantage, I believe that my magic mode will also take this to a higher level. "

"Okay, then be careful. Just come here with peace of mind. If your health is not good, you will still have me." Menma said with a smile.

"Well, okay, don't worry, I'm not at that point yet." Uzumaki Naruto smiled.

With the huge outpouring of energy, the rising momentum was quickly suppressed.

Looking at the already extremely small scene below, Uzumaki Naruto was filled with wonder.

It was the first time in his life that he had such a high position and such a large view.

The red sunset reflects the clouds in the sky, reflecting extremely beautiful colors.

The land beneath this is small but vast.

The more you look at it, the more you can't help but feel at ease.

As for the next battle, Uzumaki Naruto is even more looking forward to it.

Turn around and land quickly with your head down...

"Rock Lee, here I come!"


The strong wind cut through the surroundings like a knife.

The fierce Kurama flames drew an extremely bright red line in the sky.


Rock Lee, who was gradually recovering, felt the increasingly intense pressure from the sky, which once again aroused his competitive spirit.

"Naruto, I still...

Boom, as the blazing blue flames suddenly burst out, they disappeared immediately.

The intense tingling and dullness that suddenly burst out in his brain made Rock Lee's eyesight go dark.

The whole person fell directly to the ground, stirring up a light dust.

The previous third punch was a punch inspired by Rock Lee after he squeezed himself to the maximum.

It was so intense and sharp that Uzumaki Naruto almost couldn't catch his breath.

But it also put a huge load on Rock Lee himself, especially since he was not very smart. He wanted to forcibly enhance calculations to enhance the power of vector manipulation, but it only made him fall into an extreme position. 183 If Without vector manipulation, Rock Lee would never be this fragile.

But again, without vector control, Rock Lee would never be able to hit the three extremely powerful punches he had previously done.

"That's it for now..."

The girl-like Senju Hashirama-like Uchiha Madara standing at the top couldn't help but sigh and shook her head with some pity.

It's a pity for Rock Lee. Uzumaki Naruto has already reached the limit visible to the naked eye. As long as Rock Lee masters his ability more skillfully, Uzumaki Naruto will have no problem.

Unfortunately, Rock Lee ultimately couldn't persist because he had too little time to master his abilities.

However, it is conceivable that after Rock Lee becomes more familiar with his own abilities, there is absolutely no doubt about his power.

"Eight Inner Gates, I heard that Tobirama wants to learn it, and also wants Hashirama to learn it? Well, I have to say that Eight Inner Gates is indeed quite powerful. In this way, I can also learn it. Moreover, with Hashirama's body, Even if you open Eight Gate, there should be no problem, right?"

Raising her hand, Uchiha Madara gently touched her eyes.

Rinnegan already has it, and its abilities are more powerful than his own pair.

As for the body, Senju Hashirama's body is needless to say, very powerful.

To be honest, he really couldn't help but take over this body completely and no longer leave it to Hashirama's hands. .

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