The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 056 What Does It Feel Like To Be Talked About By Your Parents?

What does it feel like to be constantly talked about by your parents?

Looking at the grown-up Haruno Sakura in the image, Uzumaki Naruto had a hint of envy in his eyes.

Will they really be like this in the future?

He likes Haruno Sakura, and then, Haruno Sakura will also like him?

No matter how you look at it, they don’t look alike, haha...

What does it feel like to be talked about constantly by your parents?

In Konoha Village.....

People listened to Uzumaki Naruto's voice and thought about the scene just now.

The scene of the Fourth Generation couple dying in battle...

Suddenly, silent tears covered people's cheeks.

How does it feel to be constantly nagged by your parents?

I'm still young and my parents are still alive... I still don't feel it when I look at my parents.

However, for those who are older and whose parents have passed away, they are becoming more and more silent.

【Inner projection】

Under the round blood moon...

After growing up, Naruto and little Sakura sat on the swings in the small square, swinging slowly.

"Sakura-chan, is it really okay?"

Looking at Haruno Sakura standing on the swing, Uzumaki Naruto said with some worry: "Your mother must have been calling you just now."

Glancing at Naruto, Haruno Sakura hummed: "Don't mind her, she is like that, she has to mind other people's affairs, and she won't give up. The same goes for my father, who occasionally speaks for me. In the end, it's always my mother's business. A follower. No wonder he is a useless ninja who can't be a Jōnin. So what if you help me?"

Konoha Village, the center tower of the Death Forest, is the real third preliminaries venue.

For a moment, many people looked at Haruno Sakura in the field.

"Hey, this... this..."

After glancing at everyone, Haruno Sakura was so embarrassed that she couldn't bear it anymore.

The whole person squatted down holding his knees and buried his whole head.

Disrespect for parents happens from time to time.

Ask yourself, every child is not full of resentment when being educated and talked about by his parents.

But it was released as directly as before, especially with the whirlpool Naruto next to it.

The feeling of being executed on the spot was really uncomfortable.

Maybe, Haruno Sakura doesn't know at all...

She was not only seen by the ninjas present, but also by the entire Konoha Village.

【Internal image】


"I also want to have a pair of respectable parents. Those kind of parents are dispensable!"

Holding the swing in his hand tightly, Uzumaki Naruto said with some discomfort: "If you say that, it's too much!"

"What, you support them too?"

Jumping off the swing, Haruno Sakura sighed with an ugly face: "What a pity, why is it you at this time? If it were Sasuke, he would definitely understand me."

Konoha Village, the center tower of the Death Forest, is the real third preliminaries venue.

"Little Sakura...."

Grinning, Yamanaka Ino looked at Haruno Sakura with a rather complicated look.

As for other people, there are some who sympathize and some who hate them.

But no matter what, Haruno Sakura has become a complete negative teaching material and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Little Sakura..."

Looking steadily at Haruno Sakura who was crouching down, Uzumaki Naruto stretched out his hand, but he didn't know what to say.

It must be quite embarrassing to be released in such public view.

Moreover, Haruno Sakura is still a girl.

Konoha Village....

Standing there, looking at Haruno Sakura in the projection, Haruno Meabuki couldn't help but clench her hands in worry.

"Little Sakura!"

A girl, at such a young age, was publicly executed like this.

If Haruno Sakura comes back later, will she do something extreme when faced with everyone's different looks?

The more he thought about it, the more worried Haruno Meabuki became.

It's also her old habit, she likes to talk more...

When the time comes, in order not to arouse Haruno Sakura's rejection, she should try to be gentler.

Then, if you really can't admit your won't be a big deal.

As long as little Sakura doesn't think too hard, everything will be easy to talk about.

Thinking like this, Haruno Meabuki has made up her mind.

【Internal image】

At this moment, a black rune suddenly appeared on Uzumaki Naruto's ankle.

next moment.....

A strange voice came from not far away: "Long time no see, Uzumaki Naruto."

"It's you, Madara!"

He raised his head and looked at the man sitting on the stone bench, wearing a black and red Xiangyun coat and an orange vortex mask.

Uzumaki Naruto, directly stretched out his hand to form a seal...

As two Shadow Clones appeared around him, one clone helped the other to rub the balls as they marched.


Looking at the fierce attack, it passed directly through the body of the man in the orange vortex mask.

Konoha Village, the center tower of the Death Forest, is the real third preliminaries venue.

"As expected, it's you, but what are you going to do now?" Orochimaru looked at it with interest.

"This guy, in terms of his eyes, abilities, appearance, etc., is very similar to the person who raided Konoha." Third Generation (Senju Tobirama) narrowed his eyes.

"Could it...could it be him?"

Frowning tightly, Might Guy, who had been thinking about this issue before, felt more and more that the person in front of him... was Uchiha Obito.

However, the projection is not over yet, and the only two opportunities still need to be grasped.

"If it's not Uchiha Madara, who could it be? Could it be... Uchiha Kagami?" Morino Ihiki thought with a frown.



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