The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 062 What On Earth Is Hyuga Neji Doing?

Konoha Village, the real third preliminary venue....

"Neji, why is your face... red?"

Rock Lee next to him asked in confusion.


Waving his hands, Hyuga Neji tried his best to recover... his condition.

Tenten next to him looked at Hyuga Neji with a puzzled expression, not quite understanding.

【Inner projection】

Glancing at Aburame Shino curiously, Uzumaki Naruto said in surprise: "Shino, your mind and your friends are very small."


Turning his head, Aburame Shino glanced at his friend, couldn't help but wipe his glasses, and fell silent.

Konoha Village, the real third preliminary venue...


Looking at Aburame Shino beside him, Inuzuka Kiba couldn't hold back and laughed.

But when he noticed Aburame Shino's bad expression, he tried hard to hold it back.

Suddenly, his face turned red from suppressing his laughter.

Raising his head and looking at the sympathetic glances from the boys around him, Aburame Shino couldn't help but lower his head slowly.

Konoha Village.....

"Oh, how pitiful this little brother named Shino is."

"Well, one of the great joys in life is half missing."

"Nine times out of ten, life is not going as you want, and that's all it takes after a few hits."


In an instant, the eyes of the people around him suddenly focused on the young man who had just spoken.

Suddenly, the sympathetic look made the young man take a few steps back.

"You, what are you doing, and what do you mean by that look in your eyes? Hey!"

"Take care of it, little brother!"

"Just do it and cherish it!"


Jiraiya stood on the roof, doing his homework seriously.

Looking up at Aburame Shino, he couldn't help but shook his head with regret and sighed.

The pen in my hand suddenly stopped...

"Wait, maybe... this can be considered a good selling point?"

Looking at the homework in his eyes, Jiraiya was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly wrote...

【Inner projection】

Inuzuka Kiba put white foam on the top of his head and made two cat ears.

Then he turned his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a smile: "Menma, what do you think? Cat ears! ...Meow meow..."


Konoha Village, the real third preliminary venue...

"Ya, I think you're actually quite cute like this." Aburame Shino said suddenly.

"What, ahhhhh... I'm going to die, I'm going to die, this... is so embarrassing."

His body was shaking violently, Inuzuka Kiba clenched his hands hard and lay on the ground, no longer wanting to see the projection anymore.


He looked at Kiba sympathetically, but in the heart of every Konoha Genin, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Public execution...

As the projection slowly played, they gradually understood.

The future protagonists are undoubtedly them.

However, forget about the normal situation. If your personality changes, it's... okay.

But something like Inuzuka Kiba...

I'm afraid it will become a dark history in this life, right?


In his ears, Inuzuka Kiba's meowing made people shudder for a moment.


Yuhi Hong next to her burst out laughing.

Konoha Village.....

Inuzuka Kiba's mother, Inuzuka Inuzuka, looked at Inuzuka Kiba in the projection, and her teeth itched with hatred.


A stone was crushed under his feet, which scared the dog next to him... and trembled.


"When...when...are you...coming...back...?"

The sound of biting it completely from between the teeth makes people shudder.

【Inner projection】

As the screen cuts again...

But it was Nara Shikamaru, with a happy face and soap on his feet...

He yelled and bumped into the wooden bench with a stupid look on his face.

"Ha ha....."


Without stopping, he fell directly into the huge bathing pool next to him, and a burst of water suddenly erupted.

Konoha Village, the real third preliminary venue...

"So stupid, so stupid, so stupid!"

Looking at himself in the projection, Nara Shikamaru simply lost his sight.


Unable to help himself, Nara Shikamaru turned his head and looked around.

Everyone was attentive, looking at the projection without blinking.


At this moment, Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but let out a breath.

It's over, it's absolutely over!


I don't know why, but at this moment, Nara Shikamaru felt that the whole world had turned gray-brown.

Already, there is no hope at all.

"Hey, look at what Hyuga Neji is doing behind him?"

Following Akimichi Chōji's words, everyone's eyes focused on the corner again...

Hyuga Neji, seems to be shivering?

What's wrong?

Are you feeling unwell?


It doesn't seem like he's uncomfortable. He's facing the wall, leaning forward, as if he's looking at these things?

But what will you see?

There's nothing on the wall either.



Thank you very much to [samsega] for the tip again (grateful face).

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