The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 073 Parents’ Love, Grateful Naruto (Please Subscribe)

【Inner projection】

"They told me to leave me alone, but they rushed at me on their own initiative and ended up getting injured. I can handle that kind of attack!"

Uzumaki Naruto loudly expressed his inner dissatisfaction towards Namikaze Minato in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Minato's father, who was so gentle before, gave him a slap...


Konoha Village.....

Hearing this crisp slap, the people who were a little unhappy suddenly felt relieved.

"Hey, it's true. This naughty kid just needs a beating. Just like my family, if he doesn't obey, he'll get a good beating!"

"Indeed, my mother rescued him with such difficulty, but she still refused to show mercy. It's really..."

"If he wants me, I'll just kick him to the ground. No matter how big or small the naughty kid is, he's the most annoying!"

"Who says it's not the case? During the Chinese New Year, my relatives came to visit us with their children. Oh, don't mention it. If it weren't for the dignity, I would really want to pick up a stick and run away with him."

"Hey! This bad boy needs to be beaten!"

"Yes, you just have to hit me, hit me hard!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Looking at the parents discussing Zheng Huan, the children next to them couldn't help but tremble all over.

In their simple minds, they couldn't understand it at all.

Why do parents and aunts want to blame the big brother in the projection for what he did wrong?

It’s simply too difficult!


"You asked us to ignore you, how could we ignore you?"

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, Namikaze Minato said slowly: "We think about protecting you all the time, and the movement of the body has become a conditioned reflex. This... is the so-called parent!"

"...Why, why...say this."

For some reason, Uzumaki Naruto's voice suddenly trembled.

"Huh? Did I say something wrong?"


Raising his hand to support Naruto, Namikaze Minato smiled softly and said, "Before departure, I told my mother that I will recommend you to be a Jōnin after this mission is over."


Turning his head, he looked at Kushina who insisted on coming over to see Uzumaki Naruto even though she was injured. The way she gritted her teeth touched Uzumaki Naruto's heart even more.

This is not his world, and he is not Menma!

I have been telling myself this in my heart, but...but...

"Ah, Kushina, I have already persuaded him."

"You are really a kid!"

Looking at Kushina rushing over, Naruto thought he was going to be beaten again.

Unexpectedly, Kushina's voice was choked and she hugged him tightly: "It's okay, it's okay that I'm not hurt. It's really good."

Parental love is great!

Listening to the words of Kushina and Minato, looking at Uzumaki Naruto in the projection, he finally let go of his grudge and stretched out his hand to call his mother Kushina.

For a while, the previous discussion about the naughty child gradually subsided.

"That's great, that's great!"

"I finally accepted it. If I don't accept it anymore, it makes me want to go up and punch him!"

"Really, if it wasn't out of reach, I would have punched him hard. But, I finally accepted it. It's great."

"Wow, why can't I help crying again."

"Who says it's not the case? These tears just... I just can't stop them."

Konoha Village, the real third preliminary round venue…………

Looking up at the projection, Uzumaki Naruto finally recognized himself as his father and mother, and couldn't help but smile happily.

However, he did not cry this time. Although he was a little envious, he was also very grateful at the same time.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

"Although, I don't know who you are, what you are going to do, and what is the purpose of setting up this problem and projection."

"But...but, it allows me to see my father and mother reappear, whether it is the disaster of Nine Tails or the present future recognition."

"The greatness of my father and mother, and their love for me!"

"Really...really thank you!"

"It turns out that my parents... turned out to be like this.

"They, like other parents, want to give me meticulous care. Thank you, thank you very much."

"Growing up, I never knew who my parents were. When I saw other people's children acting coquettishly in their parents' arms, I didn't know how much I envied them11]."

"I used to... I used to want so much... I wanted to have the feeling of my parents.

"Although, I know...this really too much!"

"But, there's no need for it now..."

"It's enough to be able to see my parents and their love for me with my own eyes, even though that is not the real me, but the me that may exist in the future."

"But it's enough. I'm really... really grateful!"

Looking at the huge projection, Uzumaki Naruto was constantly grateful in his heart.


The people next to him were all moved to tears again, but why, why was only Naruto smiling so happily.

For a moment, Hyūga Hinata next to her couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Huh? Hinata, what's wrong?"

Lowering his head and looking at Hinata who looked worried, Uzumaki Naruto smiled brightly: "It's okay, don't worry. In fact, I can see my parents again and see their voices and smiles.

Isn’t it enough to see the love and protection they have for me in their hearts? It’s already... very good!"


Listening to Uzumaki Naruto's words, the tears of the people next to him couldn't help but surge up again.

Even Senju Tobirama next to him couldn't help but shed tears after hearing these words.

"Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Uzumaki Naruto!"

Uzumaki Naruto's actions and words in the third preliminaries not only broke the hearts of the people in the field again.

In Konoha Village, the hearts of almost everyone watching the video were also shattered at the same time.

"Oh, how wonderful it would be if the Fourth Generation couple could really come back to life!"

“Great Fourth Generation project, alas!”

"It's great, Uzumaki Naruto has really grown up after experiencing this incident.

"I still hope... I really hope that the Fourth Generation project can come back. What growth and what has grown up, it is really too heavy for Uzumaki Naruto to bear all by himself!"


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