The Ruined Ninja World

Chapter 095 Captain, I Hope You Can Take Care Of Yourself (Please Subscribe)

A pure white spiritual space....

Two figures, one big and one small, looked at each other.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect to draw you. Although it will give me one more choice, it's very unpleasant just thinking about it. I just hope you can be more obedient in the future.

Listening to little Sasuke's cold orders from the other side, Captain shook his head: "You hate me, to be honest, I hate you too, and the most important thing is, why...why are you ordering me?"

"I am the Uchiha Sasuke of this world, and you are just a reward I drew. I hope you can take care of yourself."


With a curl of his lips, Captain stepped forward slowly under the cold gaze of little Sasuke, raising his hand to pat little Sasuke's face.

But little Sasuke dodged directly, and then reached out to fight back...

But he didn't expect it. After being sidestepped by Captain, he hit the ground with a knife.


With the violent force, little Sasuke bounced slightly on the ground twice.

But with this strength, little Sasuke stood up...

He was extremely aggrieved and wanted to give the Captain beside him a hard blow.

Unexpectedly, his attack containing extreme resentment was of no use! 307 was slapped directly by the Captain and flew away, falling to the ground, and rolled twice.


Using his strength to stand up, little Sasuke stared fiercely at the Captain opposite him. At this time, little Sasuke already knew the strength between the two of them.

Although, Captain's behavior in the mirror world really made him extremely annoying.

But it has to be said that Captain's assistant's strength completely crushes him now.

What to do next?

"What? You won't attack?"

Looking at the panting little Sasuke, Captain's face turned cold: "I'm just a reward, you really can say that.'

As the words fell, Captain's figure disappeared directly from little Sasuke's eyes.



A huge force came from the chest and abdomen, and little Sasuke, who had no time to react, was directly hammered into the sky.


Captain was about to take off, but suddenly a sudden stream of memories entered his mind.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The space completely filled with white has turned into the scarlet night.

Countless corpses were lying on the street, and work was strewn all over the ground.

There are traces of various fights all around, and hidden weapons and ninja tools can be seen everywhere.


You guys should be in good health, but what the hell is going on?

He tried hard to control his body, but unfortunately, Captain Suke couldn't control little Sasuke's body at all.

Walk slowly and look...

Slowly it turned into a brisk walk, and then it was a long stride running forward.

How could this place, which was supposed to be a bustling ethnic group, become like this!?

Captain looked in disbelief at the miserable sight of the streets that kept passing by.

That was not the little girl he had taught him not long ago. There was also that one and the one next to her. They were all girls he liked very much.

But, how, how could he... die when he was young!?

The thick feeling of discomfort kept hitting Captain's heart.

He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe that everything he was seeing was true.

Why, why did everyone...die tragically here?

What the hell is going on in this world?

What did everyone do wrong to deserve to be killed so cruelly?

Although it is undeniable that there are indeed many hateful guys.

But, but!!

What did those girls do wrong?

Obviously, obviously they... are still so young and so kind.

There is also his sister over there who has always taken great care of him since he was a child and has always regarded him as a younger brother.

There is also the uncle on the roof. Although he is very stinky, he is actually a very gentle guy. When he was a child, he often listened to his stories.

There is also the aunt by the wall, who cares for him more than his mother, likes him, and lets him do everything.

And, and, and...

One after another, the figures of tragic deaths were constantly printed in Captain's eyes.

At this moment, his whole world... completely collapsed!!

Everyone, is everyone dead?

What about father and mother?

Looking at little Sasuke who had returned home in front of him, the silent room made him have extremely bad suspicions.

No way, no way...

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

He was extremely scared and wanted to open the door, but little Sasuke's trembling right hand never obeyed his orders.

"Could it be that father and mother are also... dead?"

Captain can't believe it, and he doesn't want to believe it either.

But everything around me has shown...

Even if little Sasuke didn't open the door, he already had a rough guess about the scene inside.

What's going on in this world?


At this time, little Sasuke finally mustered up the courage to open the door.

In an instant, what came into view was the cold-faced brother standing in front of his father and mother... Uchiha Itachi.

And the moment they met each other's eyes, started!

The night of genocide!

Blood spread all over the Uchiha clan's huge homestead...

No, no, no, no!!!

One after another, one familiar figure after another, watching them being brutally killed, but unable to do anything at all.

In Captain's eyes, there was complete death.

Uchiha Itachi...

Captain's eyes were now bloodshot.

The scarlet double magatama kept spinning, turned into a triple magatama.

Spinning, spinning violently... gradually becoming thicker and darker.

Three Tomoe slowly turned into six larger magatama, stacked together and constantly rotating.

This world is hell!!


After experiencing Tsukuyomi, little Sasuke passed out directly on the ground.

After Uchiha Itachi took a glance, he disappeared directly in front of his father and mother, walking very gracefully.

However, because of Sasuke... he couldn't even faint even if he wanted to.

Inside him, Mangekyō Sharingan was spinning constantly, and the previous scenes... were like a nightmare, constantly appearing in front of his eyes.

Those who were kind and gentle to him, all...

Everything died tragically here. .

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