On the other hand, Jiang Yang is fighting legends in an underground Internet cafe.

Because he was wearing headphones, he didn't notice the message and phone call from Li Lingxin just now.

At present, he has achieved two consecutive victories, just rushed from platinum to diamond,

He is the main shooter and jungler in the canyon. He used Kasha in the last one, and he surpassed the opponent's shooter by 8,000. He directly lost the opponent in five seconds...

And this one, he took the explosion, he completed two single kills in the laning phase, and the team battle explosion input gained four kills, and the game victory was about to be won.

If he can maintain a winning streak, three days long, two days short, he can be ranked first in the summer clothes.

What Jiang Yang didn't know was,

At this moment, Li Lingxin and the night watchman team just arrived at Fengshan Lake.

After everyone got off the bus and walked to the edge of Fengshan Lake, they were suddenly shocked by the scene in front of them.

By the lake, there are several mysterious explosions and traces of violent burning.

Further ahead, there is a black cave, which should be the one Jiang Yang said.

"I have King Fudo, I'll go ahead.

"Luoxi, Yiming, you are on both sides, Lingxin, you walk last." Li Dayong took the lead, walked to the front of the crowd and entered the burrow.

Ability · Fudo Mingwang, serial number 405, a grade, growth limit s grade.

Instantly turn the body into a spiritual body and enter the state of the mighty King of Ming. The defensive power and combat power have soared, and it is most able to resist sneak attacks and assassinations.

Li Lingxin did not try to be brave and retreated to the end.

The three in front of her are far more experienced than her, and being behind is also a kind of respect for the seniors.

The strange thing is that they went deep into the burrow all the way, except for seeing some burned monster corpses along the way, nothing happened.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but wonder, and suddenly suspected that the news sent by Jiang Yang could not be true, right?

Was he really raided here?

When they got to the depths of the burrow, they saw the comatose body on the ground, and the fat man moaning because of pain,

Only confirmed this idea, this is really not a trap! ! !

Everyone immediately looked at each other in dismay, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

Terrifying traces of burning flames, split bodies on the verge of death, corpses of monsters on the passageway...

Are these all made by Jiang Yang?

But his ability is the F-level ability with serial number 988, Ding Dian Spark, just by that.

A single spark can't burn a mosquito.

How did he kill more than a dozen monsters and defeat the split body? ? ?

Li Lingxin was very puzzled, and Li Dayong, Luo Xi, and Tang Yiming on the side were also full of consternation.

"Several adults, don't check, it's really not a trap.

"I'm dying, please call an ambulance, I don't want to die yet..."

The fat man screamed.

Li Lingxin frowned and kicked Fatty, "Say, what's going on?"

The fat man rolled his eyelids and almost passed out.

"Oh, auntie, didn't your people attack this place? Why do you ask me what's going on?"

"Our people? Who?"

"It's that high school student, the one with big pants, slippers, and messy hair. He's too strong." Fatty tried to explain.

The three of Li Dayong looked at each other and all looked at Li Lingxin.

"It seems, it seems to be Jiang Yang's younger brother."

Li Lingxin nodded to confirm that Jiang Yang's daily dress was consistent with Fatty's description.

"Where did Junior Jiang Yang go?" Li Lingxin continued to ask.

"Auntie, how did I know, he killed all the monsters, seriously injured the broken priest, and left, and I don't know where he went.

"By the way, he also asked me to hand over this list to you."

As the fat man said, he tried to take out the list of followers in his clothes.

Luo Xi took over the list, compared it with the one sent by Jiang Yang's mobile phone, and determined that it was the same one.

Several people looked at each other again, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes, because Fatty didn't seem to be lying.

So the news is true, Jiang Yang has really attacked this place, eliminated the monsters, and beat the split body to the brink of death!

After a few seconds of silence, Li Dayong looked at his niece:

"Speaking of which, did that kid really awaken the F-level ability Ding Dian Spark?

"Judging from the traces left on the scene, he is at least A-level, and may be close to S-level... After all, he is almost an instant kill to split."

As a senior night watchman, Li Dayong has experienced countless battles and has been able to infer the battle scene at that time based on some traces on the scene:

The split body launched the ability to attack Jiang Yang from three directions, two of which were still in the blind spot of vision, and Jiang Yang couldn't see it at all.

This was a seamless assassination, but the three clones were attacking

On the way, he was seriously injured by Jiang Yang with a very strong burst of flames, and was on the verge of death.

"Jiang Yang really awakened the f-level ability Dingdian Spark, which I saw with my own eyes.

"Unless he hides his strength, or awakens new abilities later." Li Lingxin guessed.

Li Dayong shook his head, "Even those with multiple abilities will only awaken during the awakening ceremony, and there is no subsequent awakening.

"This kid is either hiding his strength, or if the things here are done by others.

"Find a time to ask him. If it is really hidden strength, then his ability is at least A-level, so that he can kill experienced C-level ability users in seconds after awakening."

Having said this, Li Dayong looked at Li Lingxin, grinned, and his eyes became hot:

"Lingxin, if that kid is really A-rank or above, don't let him go."

"Hehe- Uncle, what do you want to express?"

Li Ling's heart was white and Uncle looked at him. What was this old man thinking?

In the morning, I heard that Jiang Yang is an F-level power user, so I asked myself to ask for the guilt.

Now, after discovering that Jiang Yang may be hiding his strength, his attitude has changed 180 degrees, and he told himself not to let Jiang Yang go.

However, to be honest,

If Jiang Yang is really your hidden strength, this is also a very happy thing for her.

At least it can prove that she has the right eye for people!

The college entrance exam in a few days should not be a big problem.

"It's a pity that the madman is not here."

Luo Xi checked the surroundings, only to find the priest split and the fat man.

"Lord madman, bah, that madman is active in the city. He is responsible for recruiting followers and rarely comes here." Fatty immediately betrayed his teammates.

"The madman is indeed a trouble, please report in the newspaper that this man is ruthless and ruthless, he will report it, and maybe he will come back.

"Well, ask the logistics department to clean up the burrow and these two people, and then send a few commissioners to lurk here to see if they can wait for the madman to return.

"In addition, send a commissioner to deal with the believers on the list, brainwashing the light ones, and trying the heavy ones." Li Dayong issued an order.

Luo Xi nodded and dialed the number of the logistics department.

Ten minutes later, the personnel of the logistics department of Qingsha Market Value Night People arrived.

Cleaned up the cave and took away the dying Ripper and the fat man.

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