After the message was sent, she quickly drew out her long sword and blocked the rapid onslaught of the fanatic.

The madman ability is the b-level ability of serial number 512, Berserker,

It can turn the body into a spiritual body and greatly improve the strength, speed, strength and defense of the body.

Among them, the defense is particularly good, and even ordinary pistols can only penetrate its skin.

Its advanced version is the A-level ability, Fudo Mingwang, known as the defense emperor in A-level.

Luo Xi's face was serious, and when he drew his sword, he also activated his own ability, Wind Blade Chilling.

Wind Blade Chilling, the C-level ability of serial number 633,

It can control the air within 10 meters of itself, turn it into a wind wall, wind blade, and conduct defensive attacks.

In an instant, three walls of air appeared between Luo Xi and the priest madman.

However, this could not stop the furious warriors from attacking.

The latter sprinted with all his strength, holding a mace.

When approaching the air wall, as soon as the hammer goes down, the air wall will be cracked open...

The three air walls were only temporarily stagnant for half a second, and then they were broken through one by one.

"Damn Nighthawk, go to hell."

The madman roared, rushed in front of Luo Xi, and immediately slammed it down with a hammer,

The steel symphony sounded, and the wolf tooth hammer was blocked by Luo Xi's long sword.

A fierce spark erupted, and the huge force shook Luo Xi back more than ten meters.

Although the lore blow was prevented, Luo Xi's face became a little painful.

The madman's strength is too great, the block just now broke her hand bones, and blood was already flowing out of the tiger's mouth.

"Fengshan District, in the alley next to No. 233 on Qiwang Street, it has already fought with priest madmen, please help quickly."

Luo Xi asked for help again.

In a confrontation just now, she fell into an absolute disadvantage.

If you continue, she will die at the hands of the other party.

"Xiaoxi, I'm already on my way, you must hold on!!!"

Tang Yiming sent a reply.

At the same time, the logistics staff responsible for the monitoring of the Qingsha Market Value Night Branch also received Luo Xi's request.

Immediately inquired about the available night watchers near Luoxi, but found that there were no night watchers near her.

closest to her

A night watchman is also in the north of Fengshan District, and it takes 20 minutes to get to Luoxi.

"This was a planned murder, madman," a commissioner said solemnly.

There is not a single night watchman near Luoxi, which shows that the madman's revenge plan is ruthless and terrifying.

Branch Minister Li Dayong also frowned at the moment, but the next moment he made a decision:

"Notify all the night watchmen in Qingsha City who did not perform their tasks, and now they all go to Qiwang Street to support Luoxi.

"In addition, everyone communicates and shares, cooperates with each other, and prepares to besiege the madmen."

The logistics commissioner nodded and immediately sent Li Dayong's instructions to all night watchmen in Qingsha City.

The next moment, an address appeared on the mobile phones of all the night watchmen in Qingsha City: Alley 233 on Qiwang Street, Fengshan District.

Mission: Kill the priest of the Red Moon Organization and rescue Commissioner Luoxi.

Immediately, all the night watchmen in Qingsha City who received the information rushed to Qiwang Street.

In the high-end apartment, Li Lingxin, who had just come out of the bathroom, saw the news, and her face immediately became serious.

Before her hair was dried, she changed into her combat uniform, took out her long knife, and hurried to her destination.

This message released by Uncle contains two meanings:

One is to work hard to rescue Luo Xi, and the other is that there is a high probability that she will not be able to save her.

And Luo Xi was one of the commissioners Li Lingxin was familiar with in the Qingsha City branch, and had also gone on missions with her.

Luo Xi was in danger, she had to go whether it was too late or not.

At the same time, in the alley at No. 233 Qiwang Street, Luo Xi was seriously injured, and blood was overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

One of her hand bones has been broken, her mobile phone has been dropped, and her long sword has been broken.

At this moment, she is holding on to her injured arm and retreating out of the alley step by step.

"Wind Blade."

Luo Xi activated his ability again, and several wind blades appeared in the air, shooting at the berserk warrior.

But the other party didn't resist at all, and letting the wind blade make small wounds on his body couldn't cause much damage at all.

"Hmph, the little bug has no strength, and your wind blade can only cut through my skin."

The madman sneered, walked towards Luoxi step by step, raised his hand

the mace,

It is necessary to smash the head down and end the life of this Nighthawk.

"Wind, wind wall."

Luo Xi wanted to condense the wind wall to block it, but there was no more energy left.


The madman roared, and the mace slammed down hard.

Between life and death, Luo Xi was first desperate, and then regretful.

From the day she became a night watchman, she had thought that such a day might come, but she didn't expect it to come so soon.

It's a bit unwilling, she is going to marry Tang Yiming at the end of the year.

It seems that it is impossible.


Just when Luo Xi was about to close her eyes, the figure of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy appeared in front of her.

"Yanling: Bronze Throne."

Jiang Yang meditated in his heart.

In an instant, the flesh and bones of his body were quickly strengthened,

Explosive power, defense power, endurance, and self-healing power have all been greatly improved...

He stretched out a hand and easily caught the mace that the priest madman smashed with all his strength.

Um? ? ?

The madman was stunned for a moment, but he did not expect that after the full blow of his incarnation as a violent warrior, there were still people who could follow.

He took a closer look and found that the other party seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The temperament is a little decadent, with two dark circles under his eyes, and a look of lack of sleep...

"You, who are you?"

The madman struggled to pull back the mace, his eyes fixed on Jiang Yang.

Before he came to Qingsha City, he had investigated the information of Qingsha market value night people.

In his impression, there is no such a young man in front of him.

Moreover, Jiang Yang had just caught his full blow with his bare hands. With such strength, he was at least an A-level night watcher.

"It's still the old answer, I'm just a passerby."

Jiang Yang waved his hand.

In fact, he was really a passerby this time.

After holding my urine for too long, I went to the Internet cafe and looked for the toilet, but it was too dark at night to find it.

After walking two streets in a row, I found a shady place to solve the bladder crisis.

As soon as he put on his pants, he heard the sound of fighting coming from the alley next to him.

When I came over, I found that it was a big man wearing a red moon emblem like a split body, and was about to kill the big sister who seemed to be a night watcher.

Without saying a word, he came to help.

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