The S-Class School Flower Is Back, Tying Me To Slaughter The God

Chapter 27 I'm Going, Senior Sister, You Are Too Hot

Two of them were wearing Tianxuan Academy uniforms, and the other one was wearing everyday clothes.

Seeing these three girls, Jiang Yang couldn't help but groan in his heart.

These three girls are so pretty.

The girl who dresses up everyday has a pair of ponytails, wears a red T-shirt, and overalls with a small belt, looking very energetic.

The curly-haired girl in the school uniform is as tall and tall as Sister Lingxin, with a beautiful face and a charming atmosphere of a gentle maid.

However, the most striking thing belongs to the red-haired girl.

This is the only girl Jiang Yang has seen so far who can compare with Senior Sister Lingxin.

The face is delicate, the figure is quite attractive, and it has an innate arrogance.

It is comfort.

Seeing Li Lingxin and Jiang Yang, An Yi was also a little surprised. I didn't expect to meet so soon, and especially gave Jiang Yang a second look.

Slippers, big pants, two-dimensional sympathy... Well, nothing has changed.

I don't know what Li Lingxin likes about him, but he even went to the station to pick him up here in person.

"Classmate Lingxin, I didn't expect you to be here too, this is your F-rank junior?

"It's really better to see once you hear it."

An Yi smiled, but there was so much disdain in this smile.

"Oh, I didn't expect An Yi to care so much about junior brother Jiang Yang. It's a bit of a surprise." Li Lingxin smiled even more.

It turns out that she is An Yi, I didn't expect her to look so good! ! !

It's a pity, the words smelled of gunpowder. As soon as he came up, he focused on mentioning that he was an F-class, on purpose.

Jiang Yang thought to himself, feeling that this woman is not easy to deal with.

Hearing this, An Yi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, if it wasn't for Li Lingxin's relationship, she wouldn't care about Jiang Yang, a waste house.

"That is, after all, it is an F-level ability user, and it is the first time that an F-level freshman has taken the entrance exam.

"In these days, people just like to be curious, and the A-level is not as attractive as the F-level.

"Like our Jasmine, with Jiang Yang's younger brother almost occupying the public channel

Compared with the news, it is far worse. "

An Yi said, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Jiang Yang rolled his eyes and realized that he may have already become a popular character in Tianxuan Academy and channel news.

This is probably because of Lingxin-senpai's relationship.

And the person who started it wouldn't be the guy in the back.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yang couldn't help but look back at Gong Changlin, and found that he had been frozen to the point of running water and snot.

Oh, what a pity.

Bah, deserve it! !

"That is, after all, it is my junior Jiang Yang.

"In this freshman entrance examination, he will still dominate the news headlines and win the first place for freshmen."

Li Lingxin replied confidently and didn't care about the meaning of An Yi's words.

This is her confidence in Jiang Yang, being able to kill two missionaries of the Red Moon Organization in a row,

This level of strength and experience is really incomparable to ordinary freshmen.

"Hmph, what a big tone."

The double ponytail girl on the side said,

She waved lightly, and a pale face appeared out of thin air, with a gloomy chill, and flew towards Jiang Yang.

Jasmine is not fragrant, and rose is not fragrant sister, a freshman recommended by An Yi, with the A-level ability of serial number 422, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk.

"Damn, where's the grimace!!!"

Suddenly a grimace appeared towards him, and Jiang Yang was also taken aback,

Just as he was about to fight back, the grimace was quickly frozen and shattered into ice slag.

"What are you doing, junior girl, the entrance exam hasn't started yet."

Li Lingxin smiled and looked at Jasmine, who had summoned a grimacing face.


Jasmine didn't want to say anything, but the surrounding air suddenly became cold.

She suddenly had a feeling that as long as she continued to speak, Gong Changlin in the corner would end up alone.

Li Lingxin is the only S-rank in the school. In terms of his style, he is not gentle with people he doesn't know well!

"Okay, let them see you in the competition. I'm also looking forward to your performance, Jiang Yang."

An Yi took a step forward and smiled.


When it was over, he ignored Li Lingxin and Jiang Yang, and went upstairs with the fragrance of roses and jasmine.

"Sister, I was able to do it just now." Jiang Yang said.

Although Li Lingxin blocked the grimace just now for him, Jiang Yang was able to do it himself, all he needed was a Junyan bomb.

"It's alright, you just came here, Senior Sister, I will cover you." Li Lingxin smiled.

Seeing Senior Sister Lingxin smiling, Jiang Yang's heart suddenly thumped and jumped up quickly.

I'll go, senpai, you are too flirtatious! ! !

So, senpai, doesn't she really like me?

Jiang Yang couldn't help guessing in his heart, otherwise, why would there be so many news that senior sisters and him were in love? Just being domineering to protect your husband?

Bah, for the time being, I'm still a domineering nursing student, and I haven't done it yet.

However, there may be such a possibility in the future, hehe.

If that's the case, then I really have to thank God.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Jiang Yang's face, and he smirked.

But the next moment, he suddenly thought of something, and his face was ugly.

Because in the role-playing task, there is a task of joining the literary club, confessing to the goddess of the literary club, and successfully being rejected.

If senior sister really likes him, will he still confess to others?

It's really hard to do.

Senior sister does not necessarily like me, not necessarily, remember the three major illusions in life, she also likes me! ! !

Jiang Yang shook his head and reminded himself.

"Jiang Yang, why does the expression on your face keep changing?" Li Lingxin asked.

Jiang Yang hurriedly said it was all right, and went into the elevator with something.

Finding the lounge based on the recommendation book, Li Lingxin explained a few more words to Jiang Yang.

"Don't sleep too hard at night, maybe when you go to bed, the assessment will begin."

Li Lingxin smiled and left the accommodation building.

As soon as Li Lingxin left, Jiang Yang ate something and took out his mobile phone to play games.

Anyway, the entrance exam is tomorrow, it's only 4 pm now, there is still a long time.

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