At this moment, on the edge of the universe, deep in a dark nebula.

A magic spaceship finally filled up the energy of the magic engine and started it at full power again, trying to rush out of this dark nebula.

They are one of the magic spaceships of Yeyang Star looking for a way to survive. They set sail three months ago. After passing through the decaying sun, they headed towards the center of the universe and entered this black nebula.

Unexpectedly, after entering this nebula, the speed of the spacecraft dropped sharply, and the progress was extremely slow.

After scanning, it was found that this is a huge half-moon-shaped nebula with a diameter of 1,000 light-years.

Under normal circumstances, the magic spaceship is close to one-third of the speed of light, and it takes more than three hundred years to fly.

But at this moment, after entering this dark nebula, their speed suddenly dropped, invisible resistance wrapped around their bodies, and their speed had dropped to one-tenth of the speed of light.

At this speed, it would take more than 3,000 years to fly out of this nebula. At that time, not to mention going back to save the mother star, they themselves will die here because their power is exhausted.

In addition, there are some mysterious space creatures in this dark nebula. As long as the speed of the spacecraft is reduced to one-tenth the speed of light, they will silently approach the spacecraft and enter the spacecraft for destruction. pen fun library

These monsters can not only be invisible, but what is even more terrifying is that they can absorb the magic power, so that their power is constantly weakened, and the team members are constantly attacked.

So far, three team members have died as a result.

The remaining few team members had no choice but to run the magic engine at an overload, consuming magic power with high power, and only slightly exceeded one-tenth of the speed of light, temporarily getting rid of these monsters.

However, this method of drinking doves to quench thirst soon came to an end. The power of the spacecraft was exhausted, the speed dropped, and the mysterious monsters caught up again.

If it wasn't for an hour ago, several of their team members suddenly improved their realm and obtained abundant magical support. They would have been destroyed by the attack of strange monsters.

Although I don't know why the realm suddenly improved, it was a good thing after all, and it helped them a lot, but it didn't last long.

These strange monsters keep appearing, pouring into the spaceship, fighting continuously,

Even though they have improved a few levels, and even have an eighth-level wizard, they are constantly being consumed, and at this moment, some of them can't stop the attacks of these strange creatures.

"They relegated the Yeyang family to the edge of the universe, and they also set up the stasis nebula and

Blocking this kind of weird creature is like putting them in a cage, never let us come out! ! ! "

The spaceship captain Gan Xun looked at the situation in front of him and said coldly.

As the captain of the spaceship, she knows much more Xinmi.

In ancient times, Coconut Yangxing was in the center of the universe, but it only angered a god, so he was banished to the edge of the universe.

Now it seems that the situation is far worse than imagined, is the heart of the gods so vicious?

Gan Xun took a deep breath and let it out slowly, her eyes filled with despair.

They couldn't fly out of this dark nebula, they couldn't find a new home, and they couldn't go back to their home planet to pick up Her Lady Queen.

sizzle - sizzle -

The violent tearing sound came again, and those invisible monsters attacked again.

The captain suddenly took a breath, clenched the long sword in her hand, and stood up vigorously. She had exhausted all the magic power on her body, but she had to fight until the last moment.


She roared and led a few team members to the final battle.

However, before they could fight against the invisible monster, there was a space shock in front of them, a small wormhole appeared in front of them, and a handsome and handsome man came out.

He reached out to the strange monster, and the invisible power spread, and countless invisible strange creatures were instantly annihilated into nothingness.

Material manipulation! ! !

One of the powers of Azathoth.

Although these invisible monsters are invisible, they are made of matter, and Jiang Yang can easily manipulate them and return them to dust.


When seeing this man appear, the captain and all the team members were shocked.

What is the origin of this person, to be so powerful? ? ?

It still came out of the space wormhole. This is a legendary technology.

And with a wave of his hand, all the weird monsters that had been chasing them were all annihilated.

This casual wave is simply too strong, it can be seen that he is definitely more than a ninth-level wizard.

In addition, through the detection magic, you can see his body structure, which is different from them.

It was actually a handle.

Is this person a man? ! ! !

My God, I actually met a man here. This is a species only in the history of Coconut Yangxing. They actually met here.

It is said that the cooperation between men and women is the correct breeding posture before conservation magic.

Well, oddly enough, they still had a very bad attitude towards him.

special feeling.

To him, inexplicably close, inexplicably relieved, I want to worship him, want to dedicate myself to him...

What exactly is going on? ? ?

Just when they were wondering, a mature beauty with horns came out of the wormhole. It was Queen Gan Yu.

"Sister Queen!"

When they saw Gan Yu appear, Captain Gan Xunli and all the team members were immediately pleasantly surprised.

Only then did they understand why someone came to support them. It turned out that he came with Her Lady Queen.

"Sister Kaoru, it's really good that you are all right."

The queen beamed.

Gan Xun is her very good sister. After she became the captain and looked for a way out, she has been worried about Gan Xun's safety.

"Sister Queen, it's great to see you."

Gan Xun said happily, she was already crying with joy.

Between the two of them, Dongfang Chuixue, Li Lingxin, and Fanfen came out of the wormhole in turn.

"Sister Queen, who are these people?" Gan Xun looked at Jiang Yang and the others, especially Jiang Yang.

Not only is he a man, but he also has an inexplicable closeness to him and wants to dedicate himself to him.

"Sister Xun, this is Lord Jiang Yang, we are already his family."

The queen walked up to Jiang Yang, her eyes full of respect.

"Ah, family?"

Hearing this, Gan Xun couldn't help but be shocked.

Being able to serve as a captain, she has a lot of knowledge, and she knows the meaning of family very well. It is the dedication of the entire race to a powerful existence to obtain the blessing of this powerful existence.

They have already become the family of this man? ! ! ! pen fun library

When did this happen?

Gan Xun was thinking about it, and then she remembered that an hour ago, the strength of her body soared, she directly soared from a sixth-level magician to an eighth-level magician.

When I think of that I have an inexplicable sense of closeness to this man, and I want to dedicate my whole heart to him, it all makes sense.

"Lord Jiang Yang."

Gan Xun half-kneeled in salute.

Although I don't know how the Yeyang Clan became Jiang Yang's family, it has become an established fact, and it must have been affirmed by Her Lady Queen.

And just after seeing Jiang Yang kill the group of weird monsters, she can conclude that his strength is at a terrifying level, which is far beyond her reach.

More importantly, He was still a man,

This is a rare species that has not been seen in the Coconut Sheep Clan for thousands of years.

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