The S-Class School Flower Is Back, Tying Me To Slaughter The God

Chapter 43 The Vice Principal Loli Also Likes To Play Online Games

"Iris scan passed, please come in."

The next moment, with a bang, the door opened immediately.

Jiang Yang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his iris would really work. That was probably because it was connected to the college system.

After all, his iris data has been scanned into the phone.

Jiang Yang walked in.

There is a lot of space in the top floor, but the lights are not turned on, and it is a little dark. How could the vice-principal live in such a place? Jiang Yang was a little puzzled.

He continued to walk forward, and the next moment, a display screen appeared in his field of vision.

At this moment, the screen is playing the picture of Kasha releasing the zoom-in move and flying into the opposite camp.

? ? ?

! ! !

What's the matter, playing the game legend?

Jiang Yang's eyes widened, he didn't expect to see such a scene,

I can't help but wonder, is this really the residence of the vice-principal?

He immediately looked at the computer screen, and then a scene that surprised him even more appeared,

An eleven or twelve-year-old green-haired girl with a very delicate face was quickly manipulating the mouse and keyboard to guide Kasha's movements and attacks.

However, there are so many people on the opposite side, and the Frost Witch has a big move to stop Kasha, and she is immediately killed by the fire...

Jiang Yang smacked his lips, thinking to himself, is this the child of the vice principal, playing legend at such a young age?

The rank doesn't seem to be low, um, at her age.

"Hello, where is the vice-principal?"

Jiang Yang called out to the little girl with green hair.

Hearing someone speak, the green-haired girl turned around.

Seeing Jiang Yang, her eyes lit up immediately, she jumped off the computer chair, and pushed Jiang Yang up.

"Quick, help me win this one," the green-haired little girl said.


Jiang Yang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the little girl to make this request. What if the vice principal found out? Will he scold him for teaching bad children?

"Come on, help me win."

The little girl continued, with a look of anticipation.

In the current game situation, the head ratio is 2:22, of which Kasha gave 7, and the economic difference is close to 8,000.

said with no exaggeration,

Kasha's side can basically declare surrender.

"Okay, I'll try."

Jiang Yang responded, firstly, he didn't want to reject the innocent eyes of the little girl, and secondly, he hadn't played games for two days, and his hands were itchy.

If the vice-principal finds out to call her daughter on her behalf...

It doesn't matter, if you find it, you can find it. This little girl's sincere request can't be refused.

Jiang Yang quickly took over the keyboard and mouse. In order to watch with the little girl, he did not choose to wear headphones.

Entering the game, Jiang Yang will send a message to his teammates, so that everyone can stabilize, don't be discouraged, he will bring Fei...

After all, if there is a point of surrender at this point, it will end directly.

"You old sixth, you have already died 7 times, how dare you tell us to stabilize?"

"9494, report you to give away the head."

The two teammates responded immediately.

Jiang Yang was a little embarrassed, but didn't care.

Kasha was resurrected again, and immediately went to the middle and began to replenish his troops.

No way, now the economy is too bad, there are no three-piece suits, and hitting people doesn't hurt, you must brush up the economy and buy equipment.

At this moment, the five people on the opposite side started to push over,

Jiang Yang chose to grow vulgarly and moved to the bottom lane to fill up the jungle. The teammates and the opposite five teammates broke out in the middle lane. Jiang Yang chose not to support.

"Hey, how are you playing, you don't even come to support?

"Come on, with this Kasha, you can't win.

"Hurry up and find a factory, the one down the road.


The second tower in the middle was pushed, and the teammates scolded again.

"Don't worry, the three-piece set will be ready soon, I will definitely take you all." Jiang Yang replied.

Hearing the news of the three-piece suit, the teammates stopped scolding,

After all, the three-piece Kasha can really look forward to the first hand.

Kasha can say this, which shows that he is playing games seriously, not playing them.

At this time, the opposite side took down the dragon and pushed towards their heights. Jiang Yang held the three-piece suit and just came out of the spring.

The two sides started a mission again under the Highland Tower.

The opponent Camille came into the field to release his big move, followed by the white giant elephant, and his own team was hit by the tower.


But at this moment, Kasha took off.

At the same time as the melee under the tower, a wave of rain-like output took Camille away,

Then take off to the opposite back row, drop the mouse in seconds, and then flash the white giant elephant that chased and escaped...

After a complete set of operations, he managed to get four kills directly, and only one spider escaped from the opposite side.

"Damn it, brother is awesome.

"I was wrong, sorry, brother strong.

"666, it's like a different person.


A wave of team battles won a great victory, and the teammates immediately changed their tone and praised.

Jiang Yang gave everyone a thumbs up and went back to the spring to update the equipment.

Then lead his teammates to compete for Xiaolong, and with the advantage of leading equipment and wonderful operations, he will destroy the dough and level the crystal on the opposite side.

Game Victory!

"Wow, it's really amazing, summer clothes are number one!!!" the little girl said in surprise.

Jiang Yang smiled, put down the mouse, and glanced carefully behind him, making sure that the vice-principal hadn't come back, so he got down from the chair.

"What about your mother, why hasn't she come back yet." Jiang Yang asked.

"My mother?"

The little girl tilted her head, and then burst into laughter,

"Return my mother, who do you think I am?"

"Uh, you're not the daughter of the vice-principal?" Jiang Yang suddenly realized something.

"Who told you that I am the daughter of the vice-principal haha.

"Tell you, the vice-principal is me, and I am the vice-principal." The little girl stood on the computer chair, her head just touching Jiang Yang's shoulder.

"You, Jiang Yang, are my student."

The little girl solemnly announced, and stretched out a finger, which immediately turned into a green vine, and then turned into a villain.

Jiang Yang let out a sigh, his eyes widened, he didn't expect this little girl to be the vice-principal, Shuyi! ! !

But think about it too, how could a normal child be in such a place?

The identity of this little girl is really only the vice-principal.

It's just that he really didn't expect that the vice-principal, a dignified SS-level power user, actually grew a Lolita body and likes to play online games!

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