The S-Class School Flower Is Back, Tying Me To Slaughter The God

Chapter 86 Damn, How Come One Is More Terrifying Than The Other?

"Remind the owner that there is an unknown mooring object 2 nautical miles ahead, the ship will choose to bypass it, and the delay is expected to be 10 seconds."

The yacht sent a navigation prompt.

Jiang Yang took a bite of the grilled fish and glanced at the dark sea in front of him with his golden eyes.

They did see a dark ship 2 nautical miles away, blocking their route.

He noticed something, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "Put the boat beside the black boat."

"Good master." The yacht system said.

The power drops rapidly, the yacht begins to slow down,

After the black ship was clearly visible, the heavy anchor was thrown into the deep sea again, bringing the yacht to a quick stop.

Li Lingxin and Chloe, who noticed Jiang Yang's realization, quickly became serious.

"Sister, what's the matter?

"Huh? Why is there a ship ahead?"

Li Lingxin noticed the mysterious ship ahead and picked up her own knife.

At this moment, the ship was less than 300 meters away from them, but the black ship didn't have any lights on, and it looked weird floating on the sea.

"In the middle of the night, wouldn't it be a ghost ship?"

Jiang Yang smacked his lips and guessed casually.

"I don't know, let's go and see."

Li Ling said in her heart, and then jumped into the sea, with Jiang Yang and Chloe following behind.

The sea was quickly frozen by Li Lingxin, and a long glacier road led to the black ghost ship. The three of them followed the ice surface and quickly entered the black ghost ship.

After getting on the ship, I found out that this is not a ghost ship, just an ordinary fishing boat, but the tonnage is quite large, and it is expected to be equipped with more than 20 crew members.

At this moment, the deck was full of blood, but no one saw it. ,

There was a lot of blood on the deck, but only one corpse was found in the corner, and everyone else was gone.

A pair of bloody footprints walked from the cabin to the side of the ship, and finally disappeared.

A large, tentacled eyeball symbol was also drawn on the side of the boat.

Seeing this, Li Lingxin couldn't help frowning, "Crazy Eye!!!"

The Eye of Madness, the organization of followers of Cthulhu, the seven natural disasters,

The representative symbol is this strange giant eyeball in front of him.

"The time of death was 3 hours ago, and he was pierced by sharp air currents all over his body.

"The murderer should be a member of the Eye of Madness, and has the airflow type ability."

Li Lingxin examined the deceased and made a rough guess.

"Already escaped."

Li Lingxin pointed to the bloody footprints that disappeared on the side of the ship and continued.

It was obvious where the killer jumped off the side of the boat.

Jiang Yang nodded, to Li Lingxin

The inference expressed his approval, but added: "But there is another thing, in the cabin."

After speaking, he walked into the dark cabin.

At this moment, Gata in the cabin has just finished chewing the last body.

Beside it, is a pile of bones, all of which have just been spit out.

Three hours ago, the old chicken island devotee summoned him to the fishing boat and killed all the crew members as offerings to him.

Of course Gata was happy, and he has been eating until now,

It's just not enough, it's not completely full.

Well, I knew that I would kill the believer and eat it together, but I didn't expect him to run so fast.

After Gatta vomited the last bone, he was about to leave the cabin and return to the sea when he heard footsteps.

? ? ?

Someone is coming, and it sounds like three people! ! !

Is there such a wonderful thing? Just when you are not full, food is delivered to your door.

Gata laughed, and the next moment he saw who was coming. Sure enough, there were three people, one man and two women.

The man wore a white T-shirt, black shorts, and old cloth shoes. He was dressed strangely, but he was handsome.

Two women, one is sassy and sexy, the other is super cute and cute, Gata's heart is in full bloom...

I thought that these three people looked so good-looking, they must be delicious, and they must eat slowly later to satisfy his taste buds.

At this time, a beam of light was projected and fell on Gata.

"So ugly, this monster."

"Well, it's really ugly."


The sound of the three talking, immediately annoyed Gata.

Stupid humans, you dare to call me ugly, I am one of the sons of the great natural disaster Cthulhu,

How many times more powerful and noble than you do not know, how dare you call me ugly?

Gata was furious, and immediately let out a breath and rushed towards the three of them.

"Ouch, it has bad breath, it's disgusting."

"Junior, I have a mask here, put it on."

"Ugly, smelly."

The three people's discussions came again, and they didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Hey, you have bad breath, have you eaten all the people on the boat? Who is the one who escaped?"

The man put on a mask and asked Gata.

Gatta: ? ? ?

How dare someone so blatantly ask themselves, is this courting death?

"This monster doesn't speak, maybe he has no IQ at all, just kill it." The girl with the knife suggested.

"Killed." Fanfa girl said.

"Stupid humans, you are courting death!!!"

Gata roared, and immediately launched his own day

Ability: "Spiritual Shock!!!"

The next moment, an invisible wave that shook the air was sent out, passing through Jiang Yang and the three.

Surprisingly, nothing happened.

? ? ?

! ! !

what's going on?

Gata was suddenly stunned. He is a powerhouse close to the S-rank. How could he launch a mental shock without having any effect on these three humans?

"Mental shock, mental shock..."

Gata continued to activate innate abilities, but the three of them were still standing in the same place.

"Senior sister, look, it can't talk." The white sympathetic man said, hehe smiled.

"Oh, then quickly tell who the person who escaped was. We can make your death more comfortable." The girl with the knife said.

"Come on, stinky, don't make Yangyang angry." The pink-haired girl said.

"Damn, crazy tentacles!!!"

Gata cursed angrily, and then the tentacles under his neck swelled rapidly, heading towards Jiang Yang and the three of them.

Since the mental shock is useless, then hang you with tentacles! ! !

However, before the tentacles stretched out halfway, they were frozen on the road and could no longer move forward.

At this moment, Gata was suddenly startled,

It was the girl with the knife who shot just now, freezing all his tentacles in an instant.

Gata's pupils widened, and now he understands that they are not ordinary humans at all.

Especially the girl with a knife, at least SS-level, even close to a demigod!

He thought he was the hunter, but he didn't expect the other party to be the prey.

Mad, suddenly found himself just like a joke. pen fun library

No, you must escape! ! !

After realizing this, Gata immediately cut off the frozen tentacles. Anyway, his healing ability is super strong, and he will grow back when he looks back.

After cutting off the tentacles and breaking free from the ice, Gata quickly went to the other exit of the cabin.

But at this moment, he saw a pink-haired girl who was talking to a follower.

She just took it easy, and a square barrier suddenly appeared beside him, and put him in it,

With a thud, he hit the barrier and couldn't move forward at all.

? ? ?

! ! !

What the hell, why is this pink-haired girl even more terrifying?

The girl with the knife has at least drawn the knife, and this pink-haired girl just takes it easy, and he can't run at all. This is something that can only be done by a demigod.

These two human girls, one close to a demigod, the other a true demigod,

Fuck it. When did such a terrifying existence appear in this area?

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