The S-Class School Flower Is Back, Tying Me To Slaughter The God

Chapter 91 What Did You Say? Eighth Calamity

The three of them looked at each other again, not knowing what to say.

I thought I had escaped from the dead, which is really a fortunate thing,

I didn't expect that the help tool was gone, so I couldn't call for help, what should I do?

"Junior Brother, Junior Brother, look back and save me."

Gong Changlin put his hands together and prayed in the direction of the luxury yacht.

I hope that my dear junior and junior brothers can go back to Kangkang and save them from the sea of ​​misery.

"Don't beg, they've already left." Ron said impatiently.

"How do you know they have already left?" Gong Changlin disagreed.

"It's not easy, they've come a long time ago." Ron rolled his eyes at him.

The battle has been over for several minutes. If Jiang Yang came back, he would have come long ago.

Gong Changlin wanted to continue to talk to Ron, after all, he believed in his junior brother so much.

But at this time Harry cheered and pointed to the north of the sea.

There, a destroyer was coming south with a majestic posture.

Meanwhile, Jiang Yang has just taken off his Night King costume and returned to the luxury yacht.

The group of Cthulhu followers has completely retreated, and the sea has returned to calm.

Jiang Yang greeted the two women and continued to Laoji Island.

The anchor was quickly recovered, and Haihua Yacht set off again to Laoji Island.

Jiang Yang chatted with Li Lingxin and Chloe Yi, and after confirming that they were not injured,

They went back to their rooms to rest.

Closing the door, Jiang Yang almost laughed out loud.

What happened today is really funny.

This Cthulhu still wanted to test him, but the favored group was madly transformed into a white ghost by himself,

After the battle, the number of Jiang Yang's army of White Walkers had grown to a terrifying three thousand.

Three thousand undead monsters, this is a rather terrifying force, enough to crush the demigods.

At this moment, this undead legion followed the yacht under the water and headed for Laoji Island.

In addition, he appeared in front of Gong Changlin and the others in the form of a night king, which seemed to frighten them.

Thinking of the expressions on their faces when they didn't dare to breathe, I really wanted to laugh.

"They are on Miss An Yi's line, and they will have been saved by Miss An Yi."

Jiang Yang estimated in his heart that he was ready to sleep after taking off his clothes.

After a battle just now, it is now 3 am,

Soon, we will arrive at Laoji Island.

As Jiang Yang expected, Gong Changlin and the three of them had just been salvaged by Little Jasmine's summoned ghost.


On the destroyer deck, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was saved.

Seeing An Yi, Gong Changlin's first request was to ask for a mobile phone.

Harry and Ron, the two mentors, asked to eat quickly, and were really hungry.

An Yi couldn't help holding his forehead, and was speechless for the strange request of these three people.

But An Yi agreed, after all, it was just some small request.

Soon, Harry Ron screamed with a giant incense on the deck,

I didn't expect oriental food to be so delicious (???)

After Gong Changlin received the new mobile phone, he quickly called the paparazzi,

Let them study it, and then customize a new candid camera and deliver it as quickly as possible.

"Senior, the research department is all on vacation." The younger brother replied.

Hearing this, Gong Changlin was also dumbfounded.

What the hell, the research department is on vacation, aren't those scientific research madmen researching new things all year round, why are they on vacation?

"Senior, everyone watched your vacation live broadcast about Jiang Yang,

"I said I wanted to learn from a god-level powerhouse, so I packed up half a day ago and went to the beach," the younger brother replied.

"What, I really don't have any scientific research spirit, these guys..."

Gong Changlin cursed and hung up the phone,

Then he ran to the side of the ship and looked down at the sea with a sad expression on his face.

"Damn, my precious mobile phone, will you never come back?

"No, I'm going to jump into the sea, find that monster, and save you.

"Ah, Junior Sister Qiangwei, don't pull me, I'm going to find my phone..."

Gong Changlin jumped down and pretended to be held back... There are hundreds of millions of actors.

"Cough, senior, I didn't pull you at all."

Qiangwei Buxiang, who was not far away, coughed twice, reminding Gong Changlin.

"Hey, why is the junior girl so cold, can you cooperate?"

Gong Changlin continued, without any shame.

"Come on, senior, let me help you out and send you down to play with the monsters."

Little Jasmine couldn't stand it any longer, she summoned a woman with a gaping mouth and rushed towards Gong Changlin.

"Forgive your life, Your Majesty, spare your life, God Jasmine, please spare me a dog's life."

Gong Changlin immediately begged for mercy, and was chased by the woman with a gaping mouth and ran on the destroyer.

Harry Ron had just finished eating, and finally let out a long sigh and was full.

"Student An Yi, thank you for the delicious food. It's really delicious."

Harry Ron stood up and gave An Yi a gentlemanly manner.

An Yi was stunned for a moment,

I just said that you are welcome, this is an ordinary canteen meal, is it so delicious?

"Student An Yi, we would like to borrow a mobile phone from you.

"Well, how to say, we have something very important to report." Harry's tone became serious.

"A very important thing?"

An Yi is a little surprised. I don't know what the two mentors take so seriously. What could it be?

Soon, the mobile phone was delivered, and Harry Ron had one for each.

Taking the phone, Harry quickly dialed Hermione's number.

"Ah, it's Harry, it's great that you're all right."

The phone was connected, and Hermione over there was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Although she was the principal, she had been watching the live broadcast that Gong Changlin had connected to, but just when she saw that they were attacked by Cthulhu's followers, the live broadcast was interrupted.

In the final picture, the three of Harry and Ron were attacked by an oversized Cthulhu Blessed One and were about to be swallowed.

Since then, all Hogwarts teachers and students who have watched the live broadcast,

They all fell into a long wait and prayed for the two mentors.

Now, hearing Harry and Ron again,

Hermione and the rest of the academy teachers and students cheered.

"Principal, we have an important intelligence report here,

"This matter is very important. It concerns the entire Nighthawk. Please connect with Principal Lu Yuanqiu to answer it together," Harry said.

Hearing this, Hermione, who was far away at Hogwarts, couldn't help but become serious.

Harry was more composed, and there were few things that made him so anxious.

He even had to contact Principal Lu Yuanqiu. It seemed that a major incident had really happened.

"Okay, I'll connect right away." Hermione agreed immediately.

A few minutes later, the senior staff of the two colleges were all connected and entered the online conference room.

"Okay, everyone has arrived, and the meeting can begin."

The wind declared the meeting to begin.

Harry took a deep breath and continued:

"My colleagues, there may be an eighth natural disaster in this world."

As soon as the voice fell, the conference room fell silent.

After a few seconds, everyone was extremely shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Teacher Ron, what did you say? The Eighth Calamity?!!!"

"Impossible, for hundreds of years, isn't there only seven natural disasters?"

"Mr. Harry, what happened to you in the South Pacific? Isn't it Cthulhu who attacked you?"

"The eighth natural disaster, what does it look like, and what ability does it have?"


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