The S-Class School Flower Is Back, Tying Me To Slaughter The God

Chapter 99 Auntie, Why Are You Crying When You Eat Beef Offal?

At the same time, Ron Harry, who was investigating the eighth natural disaster in Xiaoao Island,

Just entered a dark alley, ready to arrest a suspected Cthulhu believer to interrogate intelligence.

But as soon as they entered the alley, the phone buzzed.

Harry opened his phone and saw that it was Hermione's message.

"Go and watch Gong Changlin's live broadcast in the news area." Hermione said.

"What, Gong Changlin's live broadcast?"

Why did Gonggou live broadcast? Wasn't his mobile phone eaten by monsters? Only a dedicated mobile phone can live broadcast and connect to the public channels of the two colleges.

However, the two still went to look at the news area of ​​Hogwarts, and then they saw the live broadcast room of Gong Changlin, who dominated the traffic:

#Shocked, the little princess of Hogwarts sold beef offal! ! ! #

Seeing this title, the two of them couldn't help but jumped in, and immediately clicked in.

Then, they saw a scene that was almost unforgettable.

The little princess they held thousands of times actually sold beef offal in the noisy night market.

At the bottom of the live broadcast room, the voices scolding Jiang Yang came one after another, and they even asked their noble princess to set up a stall to make money...

"I copy, you Jiang Yang actually asked the little princess to sell offal?!"

Ron couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly jumped up like a thunderbolt.

Originally, the little princess was drying her hair in the hair salon, but he had endured it. He didn't expect the little princess to sell beef offal again, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

Harry also nodded, "It's really too much. The little princess is actually setting up a stall to make money. Is Jiang Yang really short of money?"

"No, you have to go back to Laoji Island, otherwise the little princess will be bullied to grandma's house."

Ron immediately suggested that although the investigation of the eighth natural disaster was urgent, it was obviously not something that could be done in a day or two.

What's more, the matter of the little princess is still more important.

"Okay, let's go back first." Harry didn't object this time.

Meanwhile, Laoji Island Night Market.

"Beef offal, grandma's offal, come and eat..."

Chloe said seriously, trying to pull a smile on her face towards the crowd.

This is the task that Yangyang gave her, and she must work hard to complete it.

This scene fell into the eyes of passers-by, and their hearts suddenly melted.

How can there be such a lovely girl, looking at her delicate face and pure eyes, she is like a little angel in the sky.

Originally, they were scolding the stall owner Jiang Yang, but when Chloe came up, everyone stopped scolding.

Seeing Chloe so serious

Instead, she felt a little distressed,

The man ran away, leaving her here to sell offal.

"Little, little girl, how do you buy this offal?"

An aunt came forward and asked about the price of offal.

The owner of the hair salon ran away ruthlessly, leaving this poor girl to set up a stall here,

As a woman, she understands the suffering of women best and decides to support the business.

"Ten dollars? Twenty dollars?"

Chloe couldn't remember the price.

"Give me a bowl for twenty yuan." The aunt said decisively.

It's just support anyway, it doesn't matter if it tastes good or not.

"Oh, that's twenty dollars."

Chloe pointed to the payment code, and handed it out with a bowl of offal.

"Girl, with bright eyes, you must find a good family."

Aunt took the beef offal and kindly warned Chloe.

But Chloe shook her head, "Chloe likes Yangyang."

Hearing this, the aunt couldn't help sighing, she's another infatuated girl,

Thinking of myself back then, I became the yellow-faced woman I am today.

The aunt sighed and felt that it was difficult to persuade the girl to come back.

She took a mouthful of beef offal, and the next moment, her eyes widened.

"Wow, it smells so good!!!"

The aunt couldn't help exclaiming, she didn't know if she didn't eat the beef offal in her hand, but only after she ate it did she realize that it was too much.

The beef offal is quite tasty, chewy and chewy, with the soft and rotten sour radish, it's delicious...

My God, what kind of fairy snack is this, it's so delicious, absolutely amazing! ! !

After eating two bites, the aunt couldn't help being extremely satisfied. Although there was no explosive clothing effect in the food, her expression was quite ecstasy.

As a night market glutton, it has been a long time since I have eaten such a delicious snack. I am so moved...

The aunt ate and ate, and couldn't help shedding tears,

She suddenly understood why this little girl likes to run away from the boss. This beef offal is so delicious that it can capture people's hearts.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the hair salon who violently beat people has such a good craftsmanship.

"Auntie, why are you crying when you eat beef offal?"

Seeing the aunt who was eating beef offal, her expression was ecstatic for a while, and the aunt was crying bitterly behind her, the onlookers were suddenly curious.

Could it be that this beef offal is too unpalatable, and the owner of the hair salon has come out to harm people again? ! !

"No, yes, this beef offal is so delicious,

"I'm so touched. I haven't eaten such delicious food for many years."

The aunt said with emotion

, the beef offal in his hand has been eaten clean.

"Little girl, give me two more bowls, I'll pack it up and go home."

After eating the bowl in her hand, my aunt immediately ordered two more bowls, which were so delicious that I couldn't refuse.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers also realized something.

Most of the people who like to go to the night market are old gluttons. There is no reason to not try the food when you encounter it.

Immediately came up and ordered a beef offal.

"Madam, give me a bowl and let me try it too."

"I have more beef intestines and less beef lungs..."

"What a lovely lady boss, bring me a bowl too, remember to add more chili."

"Line up, I'll be there first."


The onlookers immediately gathered and began to line up at the beef stall.

And as the queue got longer, more diners came to line up.

After all, the queuing effect is quite useful in any night market.

This scene was all captured by Gong Changlin's mobile phone.

Through a dedicated computer, it is broadcast to the Hogwarts College news area.

【Milk thinking! ! ! As expected of the little princess, she is so talented, and the beef offal is so delicious. 】

[Gentlemen, I will ask you whether the beef offal made by the demigods is delicious? 】

[The little princess is very popular, everyone loves you wherever she goes, and flowers bloom (●v?v●)]

[Hahaha, Jiang Yang will depend on the little princess for food in the future. 】


See the long queue of the little princess's beef offal stall, and the beef offal that is constantly being sold.

At this moment, there is a celebration in the Hogwarts live broadcast room, as expected of a little princess.

Sure enough, it is gold, and it shines wherever it goes.

Seeing that the queue was getting longer and longer, the number of offal sold quickly reached 100.

Jiang Yang, who was tracking "Taocheng Wu", also heard a prompt from the system.

"Ding, become a stall owner selling beef offal, sell 100 beef offal successfully, acting degree +15%.

"Successfully unlocked, the god-level weapon, the magic knife and thousands of blades, enter the ranks of advanced assassins!

"Playing time remaining: 39 days.

"The role is five, six, seven, and the remaining role-playing tasks are:

1. Become a senior hair stylist and cut hair for at least 10 customers (completed)

2. In addition to being a hair stylist, he also worked part-time as an assassin, and successfully assassinated a demigod natural disaster (to be completed)

3. Buy a sexy swimsuit for the girl you like and invite her to the beach together (in progress)

5. Hidden mission (secret)

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