He was a very young boy, and looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. He was wearing a complex and gorgeous modified cardinal robe that did not affect his movements. His face was too neutral and it was difficult to detect his gender. His eyes with double pupils exuded a chilling light, which formed a sharp contrast with the gentle smile on the corners of his mouth.

He looked like a man and a woman, a child and an adult. Just his appearance made it impossible to tell them apart. It was not the power brought by killing gods, but the temperament of the man named Roy Crowley.

Although it was only the first meeting, everyone recognized his identity.

The seventh god-killer, the feat of killing the archangel Michael, an existence at the top of the world.


『The head of the Lily City, the Purple Knight, turned pale, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead unconsciously. His dry lips parted slightly, and his body trembled slightly. Unlike the arrogance he had when facing Erica Bluetree before, he became terrified.

Roy did not use any of his powers, but the huge magical power that he obtained from killing the gods, which could almost be described as"heterogeneous", was enough to make these knights and magicians tremble. The mere existence of this deep and huge magical power was enough to offset the magic used by most mortals!

The young magicians and knights felt more or less terrified. Only the heads of magic societies such as the Old Lady, the Bronze Black Cross, and the Wolf Girl could remain calm when facing Roy because of their life experience. But even so, the head of the Bronze Black Cross, the strongest knight in Italy, Paul Bluetree, who had always been elegant and easy-going, gradually restrained his expression and became serious.

Although the generals of these major magic societies may not have witnessed the God of Disobedience in their lifetime, they have all come into contact with the God Slayer to a greater or lesser extent. Compared to the God of Disobedience, whose way of thinking is very different from that of humans, the God Slayer is still within the scope of humans. Even if he has powerful power, there is still the possibility of communication.

Therefore, when facing the God Slayer, knowing the other party's character and how not to go against the other party's bottom line due to ignorance is the basic strategy to face the devil.

Among the existing God Slayers, the one who is most difficult to deal with is the"egocentric" leader of the magic cult in the ancient Eastern country, and the other is the king of Eastern Europe, the"cruel and ruthless" Marquis of Vauban.

Although the Italian Seven Sisters Magic Society Alliance has not come into contact with the new king Roy, it is known from limited information that the new king is actually very similar to the Marquis of Vauban in character, and is a very self-centered person. This kind of character is also the most difficult superior for subordinates to deal with.

""Everyone, why don't you speak?"

Roy walked through the corridor leading to the round table in a quiet and strange atmosphere. Under the gaze of everyone, he pulled out the last chair and sat on it as a matter of course.

His left hand was bent on the table to support his cheek, and his eyes swept over all the leaders of the magic societies present. Then he paused for a moment on Erica Blantree and Liliana Crannicar, two fourteen-year-old girls with their own styles, and then looked at the entire venue.

Although Roy didn't remember the story of the God Slayer so clearly, he also knew the importance of the two girls in front of him in the original story. It should be said that they were worthy of being the spirits of the world and the girls loved by the world. Whether it was Erica or Liliana, they did have amazing talents and beauty.

In this oppressive and silent atmosphere, Roy waited for a long time, and only spoke after giving people enough pressure:"……I understand why you are wavering between me and Salvatore Tony. After all, Tony is my compatriot and senior, even though he killed the gods less than two years earlier than me."

"……He is the leader of the Southern European Magic Alliance. Although you have not pledged allegiance to him, you are nominally his subordinates. Humans have the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm, and will actively choose strong people to rely on in their positions. I agree with this because it is a manifestation of wisdom. You will be entangled in who is stronger, me or Lord Tony, and whether you will be retaliated by the other party after making a choice. This is all human nature."

"And if you choose to obey me and come under my name, there may be rumors of"betrayal", which is very bad for your reputation."

Seeing that this new king does not seem to be as willful as the information says, and even that he is quite rational, and can even think from the perspective of the weak, many people are relieved and think that this new king is someone they can communicate with.

『Diana Milito, the head coach of the Bronze Black Cross, sat up straight and said respectfully:"……Thank you very much for your understanding,……"

"Shut up!"

Before Diana Milito could speak, Roy interrupted her with a low voice, causing her to hold back the next words.

"I haven't finished my words yet, it's not your turn to interrupt, ma'am!

I remember my order was for you to come to the Vatican to see me as soon as possible, but after you came to Rome, you didn't go to see me, but instead held a so-called meeting here.

Do you mean to disobey my order? Or do you not care about my existence?" Roy suddenly sneered.

Although he didn't remember the original story clearly, he still knew that the protagonist of the original story, Kusanagi Godou, was used by others as a godslayer, and was even ordered around.

He was not like a godslayer at all.

He was even asked by these magic societies to conduct a so-called combat test under the pretext of"testing". This was simply an insult to the godslayer.

When did the godslayer need to prove his name to others? Since the godslayer is the devil on earth, he should naturally use the devil's means to resolve disputes.

Roy's code of conduct is to do things that are in line with his identity according to his status.

In his opinion, the only ones who truly deserve the title of God-killer Demon King are Marquis Woban and Patriarch Luo Hao.

Who would dare to have the slightest disrespect in the face of these two oldest God-killers? The mysterious Lady Aisha is also considered one of the qualified God-killers.

She is also a demon king who does whatever she wants and completely imposes her will on others, no matter whether that will is good or evil.

As for the God-killers born in the new era, in Roy's opinion, none of them are qualified.

Roy's sudden change in temperament made all the magicians present retract their previous thoughts. The God-killer is indeed the God-killer, and the new king is indeed as moody as written in the information.

The last moment they were still understanding each other, and the next moment they were questioning directly about life and death.

""Do you doubt my power? Or do you doubt my identity as a God Slayer? That's why you pretend to obey me. I'm not interested in performing my power for you like a monkey in a circus, but you can feel it with your own body."

Roy suddenly looked at the coach of the Bronze Black Cross and activated his second power.

This was Roy's naked show of power!

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