The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1003: 楚接楚王法

When the people nearby heard Chu Feng’s words, their expressions were stiff and they wanted to kill half a step. Is this his true heart? Didn't get the heart madness.

When it comes to heaven, it is high and it is heaven!

Even if it is praised as a half-step Tianzun, it is not provable. It can overlook the king of God, sit and watch the ups and downs of ancient and modern times, and regard it as an ant.

The long life of Shouyuan allows this creature to have enough time to accumulate and plan its own evolutionary path.

Now, although an indigenous person in the underworld has become a king, but he wants to scream with the half-day sacred, it is really delusional.

"You are really..." Recently, Akei was in a low voice, covered in blood, and all the bones were broken, and they could not support it.

There are some blue fog on his face. He wants to say that Chu Feng is not arrogant. He dares to speak madly with the half-step Tianzun. He is purely ignorant and looking for death!

However, he shut up again, and now he is qualified to say that others, who have been suppressed by the youth of the underworld, have lost on the ground.

His face was slightly distorted, waiting for the moment when Chu Feng faced death. He believed that no one could save this Yin native, and he could not find a solution.

He is only a little pity, the treasure of Chu Feng is not with him, and is destined to fall into the hands of Taiwu Tianzun.

"The ants also dare to look up at the sky, and they are arrogant to the strong people who all the gods must respect."

In the distance, a golden robe **** king stood in the void and looked down. The powerful gas field made the gods shudder, and many evolvers battled.

While speaking, the golden robe **** king started with Chu Feng, how can he wait for the pro-disciples of Taiwu Tianzun to take the hand, which means that these people are derelict.

A striking five-color soul flies to show the strength of the **** king. At this level is the top, the order fragments fly, the extraordinary beauty, around the soul light.

This is the "potential" that a **** king drives. It condenses the power of the heavens and the earth, just like fighting on the avenue, suppressing the world and screaming all beings.

Otherwise why do you think it is the king of God?


Chu Feng escaped this attack, but he did not leave this zone, one hand is still suppressing the two gods of Chi Ming and Blue Maple.

The **** king frowned, but he was really afraid to kill the two men. He was the late king of God and was able to walk to this level. He was also a genius when he was young, and his foundation was strong enough.

At the moment, the so-called **** genius of Chi Ming’s genius kills the king of God. This kind of thing cannot happen to a **** king like him. He can suppress the god-level evolutionary.

The world was shocked, and the soul light returned after a blow in the void.

However, the roar of this emptiness is even louder, and the glimpse of the glory is the evolution of energy, and the rule emerges, bursting with the power of terror.

At the same time, other **** kings also slammed their eyes and watched the Chu wind together, causing tremendous pressure on him. This is an invisible offensive.

Everyone knows that this is the **** of the gods!

Normally, if the eight gods are watching at the same time and suppressing with a strong gas field, the person in the middle of the king of Chu Feng may not be able to stretch, and the **** and vomiting is backward.

In serious cases, his soul light may be hit hard, even by several people to disintegrate, let his spirit collapse!

"The king of God is on!" Some people cheered, all from the genius of the sun, and some of them crouched down, because the eight gods are their masters.

At this time, the Eight Great Kings dissipated the gas field, and no one could stop it. It was enough to crush the evolutionary people in groups into a large area of ​​blood fog.

However, the eight kings of the kings all converged their own atmosphere, only for Chu Feng alone, those who were previously oppressed by them and fell to the ground can get up.

Even as a **** king, the eight strong players are not good at here. Some of the teachers behind them are too horrible. Some geniuses have too much potential, and the future is destined to surpass them.


Chu Feng suffered extremely terrible pressure. The Eight Great Kings watched and the horror of the gas field. It can be seen that the void near him was split, and there were thousands of dark gaps.

People from the head to the feet, further understand the horror of the creature of the gods, just pay attention to a person, the diffuse "potential" is enough to kill the gods, so that the body of the same king of Chu is shaking, to support Can't live.

In the distance, the former national goddess and the Jiang Luo **** from the earth sighed that the Chu wind was too strong and followed the earth. As a result, it was now in crisis and difficult to reverse.

Jin scale, Yuan Shicheng, Shi Hong, Yuan Yuan and others are all expressionless. Now, no matter what they think, they are not suitable for their attitude.

"Wind brother..." Ying Xiaoxiao is very anxious.

Ying Yuxian's face has a white mist, and it is faint and ethereal. He said: "It’s just a matter of easy folding. He should have retired before returning to the vicinity of the Great Plains. It’s not in the underworld. He wants to suppress the genius of Yang in a higher realm. After all, It is impossible. The sun is incomparably vast, and the strong is like Lin. What we see is only the tip of the iceberg. Now there is only a monk in the land of innocent land."

Ying Xiaoxiao wants to secretly argue with her with the soul light, but at this time there is a roar in the battlefield, like a big earthquake.

The eight kings of God exerted pressure, the soul is shining, and they are rushing out. This is to force the Chu wind to kill and not give him any chance.

They feel that the delay is too long. If they rely on the gas field, they will not kill each other for a long time. They just make the other person feel uncomfortable and can hold on for a while.


Chu Feng screamed coldly, and a stone box cover appeared in his hand, which was placed in the palm of his hand. This palm swept across the void, like a thousand hands and a Buddha.

When the eight souls came to the fore, they were blocked by the stone box cover, silent, all the soul light was blocked, and could not be broken.

Everyone was shocked!

What is this means, an evolutionary person in the middle of the gods, can block the strangulation of the eight golden robe gods? Some are against the sky.

The Eight Great Kings were also moved and were shocked.

But soon they all rejoiced, their eyes were hot and boiling, staring at the stone lid in the hands of Chu Feng, the so-called high above, indifferent to the people, the expression disappeared, they almost greedily stared at the palm of the palm of the hand The lid.

Eight people are convinced that this should be the treasure that Taiwu is looking for, and it is the ultimate thing in the sun!

This thing really fell on the hands of the indigenous people in the underworld. If it was caught in the hands, God knows how much it will bring them.

"This is... the things that Tianzun and the mighty are remembering, so that they are all eager for the supreme treasure!"

A voice of the gods trembled and could not help but feel excited.

The evolutionary at this level, although on the solid land of the sun, does not have the power to destroy the earth, but when walking the world, it is enough to overlook the various ethnic groups and let countless evolutionists worship them.

Now, they are losing their high-cold posture and are studying the treasures.


The passage connecting the sun is shaking, and the half step is coming.

Resonance of the heavens and the earth, the avenues of the boulevard emerged, condensed into flower buds, and then bloomed, and the light of another order of light danced, the law traversed Cangyu.

This strip was sacred at once, and there was a flood of springs everywhere. There were countless golden gods in the sky, and they were rooted in the void, and the sights were amazing.

This is the power of the half-step Tianzun, and this will lead to the whole world.

Originally full of blood, the earth is full of gods, but now it is purified, half-step Tianzun's arrival will turn this into a sacred land, full of peace and light.

Light rain and flying, like countless petals are dancing, with a crystal color.

A smashing car came slowly, and it was pulled by a few god-level savage beasts. They were somewhat like lions, but they were all blue-colored scales, with a cold glow and a long horn on their heads.

There was a middle-aged man sitting on the top of the car. The face was like a jade, quite a hero and a handsome man. His temperament was outstanding. He was surrounded by chaos and his eyes were motionless.

One of Taiwu’s favorite disciples, half-step Tianzun Jihong arrived.

Chu Fengliang showed the stone box cover, revealing the ultimate treasure of the body, that is, Ji Hong, this character can not sit still, personally came, and rushed over.

This piece of treasure is very big, the level involved is too high, not to mention Tianzun, that is, the power is to get it, he must take it away in the first time, otherwise it will be a big event!

There is a pair of boys on the brakes, responsible for driving, and also responsible for Ji Hong Duan tea.

At this time, a boy said: "Indigenous people in the underworld, seeing my family are still not beheaded, kneel down and offer the treasure!"

"I have seen Jihong Tianzun!"

I don't know who it is, shouting loudly, and squatting down and paying homage.

This person directly saves the half-step word, saying that Ji Hong is Tianzun, to show respect.

In fact, this area does not know how many people are breathless. In the face of Ji Hong, a terrible creature of half-step Tianzun, the soul is shaking.

Even if God wants to beheaded, some can't stand it.

It is the eight kings of the gods who are also swearing, lowering their proud heads, and greeted them with respect and respect.

Chu Feng stared at the front. He ignored the boy and only watched Ji Hong. Is this one of Taiwu’s favorite disciples? I want to rob him of the stone box, but also want him to devote his dedication, really... deceiving too much, whimsical!

This is his greatest enemy of the enemy, he can not wait to kill it immediately!

"Bold, no rules, not squatting!" The boy reprimanded again.

"Noisy!" Chu Feng cold channel, and a sword swept over, slammed into the car, to marry the boy.

"I don't know how to live and die, I dare to disrespect God!" The boy was angry and ruined. Although he knew that this Jianguang could not break through to the brakes, he couldn't hurt him, but he still didn't want to, who dared to disrespect the half-step Tianzun's entourage. The man actually slashed his sword to kill him!

"The ants also dare to look up to the sky!?"

At this time, Ji Hong opened his eyes and slammed, the light of the boulevard bloomed, silently, and the sword light of Chu Feng was shattered and became nothingness.

"The squatting animal, showing the treasure of my yang!" Ji Hong opened his mouth indifferently, his cold and scattered chaotic eyes, has begun to stare at the Chu wind.

Many people think that Chu Feng is over, maybe half a day's gaze can kill him!

"Half-step Tianzun, your old beast has died in the grave, and you have something to do, and give me a bow down!"

Chu Feng really fearless, call Ji Hong.

Moreover, he took out a decree for the first time. He would not risk his own strength against this person. He would give a golden rule to shake the man.

With a bang, this law is becoming bigger, the golden light is glaring, shining in the world, releasing the true power of heaven and respect, and going to Ji Hong!

"I am still waiting for the king's decree!"

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