The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 1311: Foraging hunters

The sound is too screaming, like a smoky wind, a **** rain, a darkness, and the creature has not yet appeared to give such extreme discomfort.

What kind of creature is it?

Although I have heard it for a long time, Chu Feng has never seen it. I just heard that it is unusually evil. When it is everywhere, the grass will not grow, and the ground will sink a few feet deep.

When it appears nearby, the stronger the evolution, the more likely it is to have an accident.

According to the records, some Tianzuns will scream on the ground after hearing the screams, and the soul will self-immolate and turn into ashes. When people go to the investigation, they will find a very small blood hole in the Tianling cover or frontal bone, and the brain slurry has already disappeared.

There are also some ancient records, some of them are innocent when they fall down, but the bone marrow in the body is gone, very embarrassing.

Not only Tianzun, but if there is power in the vicinity, there will be similar difficulties.

The object that it hunts is also the worst, and the upper limit is unknown!

Weak creatures, the number of ranks below Tianzun, it does not look at all.

The death of all the deceased is very miserable, the blood of the soul is dry, and the whole person is dry, and the whole person shrinks a lot.

And the deceased's pupils screamed, and before he died, he saw the most incredible things, incredible, full of endless fear.

It is a pity that few people have seen "peckers", and it is almost impossible to meet them.

There are very few records about the true body in ancient books, and there are different opinions.

Some people say that it is a kind of evil spirit that escapes from the reincarnation, and it is a special evil for the yang and the blood.

If the power is not dry, it is not particularly degraded, and it is easy to be stared at.

It has also been said that the so-called foraging eater is a great evil spirit from the Tongtian Waterfall. It is incompatible with this world and does not adapt to the rules of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, it is necessary to hunt down the elites in this world, stealing the essence, and absorbing the fruit.

Others say that the so-called foraging eater is actually a creature in the sun. It has been famous, and it has been extremely ancient and has left a very strong pen and ink in the history of evolution.

The years and years experienced by these people are too old. As long as they were long before the long years ago, even before the prehistoric times, they were forced to bury themselves in the mountains and rivers, absorb the vitality, reduce their own consumption, and ensure that they can live.

At a certain stage, they really can't go on, just go out for food!

Imagine that the famous mountains and rivers in Yangyang are terrible, and the various factions are rarely able to approach and occupy them. They are generally buried with living things, which is extremely terrifying.

Some people speculate that there are even old monsters that do not belong to this era!

Of course, there are also very different speculations that the foraging eater is not an ordinary creature at all, but a special substance.

For example, some powerful people speculate that it is extremely strange and terrible gray matter.

There are also old monsters who believe that it is a dark material reproduction that can be buried under the Emperor.

Others say that the eater is actually an extension of the avenue rule, contaminated with blood, showing a tangible body, performing some kind of harvesting task.


"Old Qi, seniors, what's wrong with you, is it okay?" Chu Feng hurried to the past and will help Qi Zun Tian Zun.

Qi Yan’s body is cold and his body is stiff. He can hardly move. He was really afraid that he would fall down and he would leave the world miserable.

He slowed down, took a breath, and was innocent. This time he did not become a ration for the so-called eater.

Chu Feng dropped him and quickly ran back to the big account, a bit uneasy about Yu Shang.

Fortunately, there are no bad things happening, Yu Shang is in a daze, watching the blood and fruit.

"Predecessors, don't think too much, hurry to take food." Chu Feng urged, he hoped that Yu Shang can go down and live until the day when the demon is reappeared.

Then he ran out again and inquired about the situation.

Sure enough, there was a cry in the distance and a burst of exclamation.

It was not the Cangzhou camp, but the Zhanzhou camp. There was a **** who died, very miserable.

According to the news that came back, the man disappeared all over the bone marrow, and he grew black hair, the five senses were distorted, the pupils were big, and the death was not eye-catching.

His body has shrunk to less than three feet high, and the appearance after death is like a ghost, very embarrassing.

In addition, there were reincarnation hunters who were accidentally robbed, died, and fell from the air and were eaten.

This caused great shocks and fears. Actually, some people dare to start with reincarnation hunters. This is extremely terrible. A little carelessness can have disastrous consequences.

Unfortunately, the body was in the Jangzhou camp, Chu Feng could not go to the scene to watch.

It has been described that the dead reincarnation hunter, the fox-faced eagle, has a pair of flesh wings, although not more than half a person high, but the evolutionary level is very high.

It has a hollow eyes and is eaten by brains!

This triggered a big storm, leading to a group of reincarnation hunters nearby, with more than a dozen!

They started together, madly searching, trying to find the culprit.

This group of hunters are very strong, and the scent of the atmosphere makes many people's bodies cut like a knife. The whole battlefield is shaking, and the scorpions are roaring, as if they are going to explode.

This is a group of strong people!


Suddenly, the tragic long-haired came, the screaming screaming, and it appeared again.

For a moment, there was a tragic death on the spot, no eyes, no gods, and the sky fell down, the soul light burned cleanly, and the death was strange and miserable.


The stalker once again screamed, and it was terrible, and the evolutionists of the Cangzhou camp and the Hezhou camp were chilling and shivering involuntarily.

"Escape!" There were many people in the Zhanzhou camp, screaming and madly fleeing, because in this moment, Tianzun fell and the bone marrow was eaten clean.

What kind of creature is the eater?

The screams were harsh, the fog was overwhelming, and more than a dozen reincarnation hunters who had swiftly swooped over were covered.

On the battlefield, everyone is chilling and can't see it, but everyone can sense it is nearby.

A screaming scream came, and a creature with a height of more than ten feet fell to the ground, with red hair on his face, a **** hole in his eyebrows, and another death in a reincarnation.

"The spirits that challenge the reincarnation are never successful, and the existence is dead!"

Reincarnation hunters are irritated, and they have never encountered such a thing. There are creatures that specifically hunted them. This is a rare provocation and is a contempt for reincarnation!

The reincarnation of the hunter is a big snake. The whole body is red scales, half with a black flame, and the other half with blue ice crystals. It is extremely hot and extremely cold.

Some people recognize that this is a legendary creature that has been extinct in the Yang Dynasty. Today it is presented again and becomes a reincarnation hunter.

This makes people wonder if this organization is not stationed in the sun, but in other places, today, so can you see this creature again?

"Yin and Yang snakes!" is that Tianzun is sucking up the air, because this family has had a peerless prehistoric prehistoric, the strength of the power is shocking.

This kind of creature is extremely symbiotic and extremely symbiotic, and some of the cultivators have unparalleled achievements. Finally, the family evolved into a restricted area between the yang.

However, the restricted area was eventually destroyed, causing the family to disappear.

A humming sound, a sudden sound, the eater is approaching!

"You give me out!" The yin and yang snakes scolded, the whole body was red, the scales were sturdy, and after the snakes were turned into snakes, they let go of the spiritual energy search.


However, the next moment, a terrible voice came, the companion around him died, and he was all dry and narrowed down.

"You are..." The voice of the yin and yang snake shivered. In the gray fog, he saw a terrible outline. He was actually shaking.

It should be noted that he is the deputy leader of this group of hunters, and he is almost out of the field of heaven, but he is scared like this.

"How could it be... Legend reappears? I saw it on the stone map!" It trembled and screamed there.

Everyone didn't know what kind of creature he had encountered, and he was shocked to be like this. They were deeply shocked, the fog was stirring, and there was a screaming voice.

The yin and yang snakes are born with yin and yang eyes, can see through everything, all it feels, witness a certain mystery, and fight fiercely.

The yin and the sun shone together, and it made a strong blow. However, the order runes in the eyes of the pair flew out, and it fell down, and the eyebrows bleed and rushed.

Its blood is dry and dry, and there are many black hairs growing in the gaps of the scales. The body is reduced to less than one tenth of the original, and it is tragically dead.

The fog in the area spread out. People saw the horrible death of the yin and yang snakes. They were all shocked. This was just a face-to-face, and it became the food of the eater.

This is so shocking, what is it?

Obviously, the yin and yang snake seems to have discovered something, otherwise it would not say such words before dying, but what exactly does it reveal?

The screaming voice of the smugglers rang again, and the ghosts before the tens of millions of years were born, slaughtered all the creatures of hell, broke free, and smashed into the sun!


Its voice is extremely terrible, the wind is whistling, the heavy fog slams, and the three battlefields are swept in an instant.

The eater is infested, so that everyone is numb!




In succession, there were several reincarnation hunters who fell to the ground and squatted on the heavens and dying. They were all killed in the fog.

This makes people feel chilly, fear and fear.

This is a reincarnation of hunters. How many people dare to provoke for millions of years? They always find trouble with people, but today they are killed again and again.

Behind them is - reincarnation, the game at this level is simply unimaginable, involving the heavens and the earth, affecting the heavens and the world.

As a result, this kind of thing happened today. In the past, the foraging eater was not a tragedy that had not been shocked, but after all, it was not as horrible as it is today.

Didn't the foraging eater ever encounter a reincarnation hunter, so can you be safe?

The evolution of the Zhanzhou camp madly fled, for fear of being treated as a blood food, even Tianzun was tragically dead, who is not afraid, even the sign of the hunter is not working, how can people not fear?

Many people realize that the past is too underestimated.

Is this a race, or is it that the past and the present are actually just a creature's foraging and wandering in the solitary?

Inferred from the words of the yin and yang snakes before their death, the foraging eater seems to have a huge boundlessness. It has been a scary legend, and it has appeared on stone carvings of unknown ages.

In the end, the reincarnation hunters ran away, and several of the living people fled, and disappeared.

However, many people think that if the problem is big, there will be a big storm, and the power of the reincarnation will appear.

A scream of screaming, appeared in the camp of Zhangzhou, gray fog.

Qi Hao Tian Zun's body trembled, the whole person could not move, and then he was black in front of his eyes, suddenly lost consciousness, and fell down.

Chu Feng was shocked and stunned. He realized that the big things were not good, the foraging eater appeared, and it was nearby, specifically targeting the creatures above Tianzun level?

Is Qi Qi Tian Zun dead or alive? Chu Feng didn't know, but he was still innocent. Although the body was like a splitting pain, the soul light had to be blown up, but he did not suffer a fatal blow.

The fog was overwhelming and it was coming here.

The Chu wind is hairy, and it is almost necessary to sacrifice the black wood spear defense of the reincarnation and chopsticks!

He could not retreat. Behind him was Yushang’s big account. He was very worried about Yu Shang’s accident.

In fact, he can't walk too much. It's definitely not a hunter. The other's way is hard to imagine how deep it is. Even a group of reincarnation hunters are killed by them.


Chu Feng Han Mao upside down, he clearly felt something in the thick fog is approaching, almost to the front, even he can feel the other party is opening his mouth, blowing cold gas to him.

An ancient language came and went, like a lost soul in a nightmare, muttering, with an endless gray fog, pervading.

Chu Feng can't understand, what is the language of the era? How do you feel similar to the language of the 9th.

Chu Feng was tight and sensitive, and he heard a certain spiritual language in the strange and terrible spiritual fluctuations of the other party.

"Three students... medicine..."

Like being in the spirits, it is like some kind of obsession in resounding, extremely terrible, with a boundless chilly breath, like coming from the deepest part of the land, it is creepy.

"Three students... medicine..."

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