The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 310: Last battle

Silver matter is a variable, no one can predict its future, there have been terrible events of the Holy Grail, and it can also make the Bodhisattva further evolve, it is unpredictable.

Mainly because the level involved is too high, there are terrible secrets, the relevant people do not dare to leak, or they will be destroyed, or even destroy a star world.

It should be noted that the current rumors, the legend about silver matter, are only recorded in the ten most powerful worlds, and there are rumors that it is difficult for outsiders to learn.

The ten most powerful worlds have been constant since ancient times!

It can be said that the appearance of silvery material in Chu Feng is an accident. It is also a crisis and fate that cannot be leaked. If one fails, it will lead to the ten most powerful world concerns.

At that time, the consequences could not be imagined!

"Boss, you are really evil. The outside world said that you are abolished, but when you talk and laugh, you will kill two strong people who have broken six shackles. This is really frightening many people."

The clairvoyant Du Huaiqi contacted Chu Feng for the first time. At this time, the night was deep and very exciting.

Then, the **** cow talked to him, laughing, very happy.

"Brother, happy, the person who intercepted us was solved by a word from the peerless master, haha, comfortable."

"The squid has a good taste. We went to the Yellow River and tasted it."

The Siberian Tiger, the Skull King, and the Golden Eagle King were all satisfied. They were very wrong. They were actually killed by people halfway. They were suddenly attacked by the master and almost died.

As a result, no matter how long it took, their brothers made people to shoot, and the great hatred had to be reported, and the efficiency was too high!

The outside world has already boiled, and this incident has had too much impact.

At this time, both the East and the Western evolutionists have already known that Chu Feng is angry, please move the world's famous peers in the world to kill and kill the "criminals", causing an uproar.

A person who is considered to be abolished has such a large amount of energy, which really scares many people.

For example, some chaebols were shocked by Chu Feng and paid a heavy price. They thought that the opportunity for revenge came, but now they have seen the more horrible side of Chu Feng.

This campaign does not use him in the first place, the result is to kill the Yellow River squid, it is really shocking, many people are shocked and pale.

They can only be grateful that they are calm enough and not inciting, even if the so-called phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, it is only a limitation of a specific occasion.

This night, the world cannot be quiet, and all parties are seriously evaluating the incident.

The end of Chu Feng and the call of an acquaintance, once again began to concentrate on the silver matter, this thing is not qualitative, constantly changing, it really makes him surprised.

He once again talked to the oxen and asked if its silvery substance could be transformed at will.

As a result, the yellow bull was stunned, and it clearly told Chu Feng that the silver material was rare in the past and would not change again. The special case like Chu Feng has not been heard.

Both black matter and silver matter are extremely rare, especially when the latter involves the holy shrine and the problem of the death of the bodhisattva, which is even more terrifying.

The ox told him that he had never heard of the fact that the substance had two sides. After the general variation, it was completely stable and would not be manifested in two states.

"I think there may be a chance to tear the sixth shackle." When the silvery substance boiled, accompanied by the body of the Chu wind, even his hair became silver, he was full of confidence.

However, this continuous time is not stable enough and not long enough, and he is difficult to continue.

Because, I want to tear the shackles by the power of my peak, not an hour, two hours of problems, and more may last for one night, or even a day or two.

It is too unstable now. When black matter erodes, he will weaken to the lowest point and may fall to the king's level.

"I can be invincible when I am strong, and I will be very miserable when I am weakest." Chu Feng frowned, he pondered all night, studied all night, and explored the characteristics of this substance.

He really didn't know why this material was so, and he had two sides in him.

At dawn, Chu Feng received a communication from the ox. It was very serious and serious. He said: "Chu Feng, I found this problem very terrible. Most of the silvery material has caused the holy shrine to flow into this world, which means that It mutates again on the basis of silver matter!"

When Chu Feng heard it, he was stunned.

To be honest, he is allergic to the two words of matter, black, silver, and then changed again. Is this going to scare people, and give them no way to live?

What happens to the silver material again?

Outsiders don't know this, he can only communicate with the ox.

What will happen in the future, he does not know, Chu Feng vaguely feels that this material will change his life path.

"Chu Feng, he still wants to live? What is the master of the peerless, with him also, a waste person, life soon!"

When the outside world argued that the parties could not be quiet, a message detonated everywhere.

Someone spoke, and against Chu Feng, he has come to kill him.

This is beyond everyone's expectations. Last night, Huashan's Golden-winged Dapeng King and the two white cranes of the Shushan Sword Palace, squatting to teach the mountain turtles, these talents have just shot, domineering to kill the Yellow River carp and the sea strong The walrus, the result of this morning, someone stood up again?

In fact, this news has just been issued, and the war broke out. It is too quick to react, and even the Yuxu Palace has no preparations.

The snow is raging, the sky is dim, and the sun is not seen for many days. This morning, when the snow and fog are flying, Jinwu Wang strikes strongly, and drives to the heavens and breaks into the jade palace.

"Chu Feng is coming out, others are afraid of you, I want to kill you!"

King Jinwu took the flames, accompanied by the glaring fire, burning the heavens and the earth, turning the snow into water vapor, and turning the silver of the sky into haze.

He attacked strongly and wanted to kill Chu Feng.

The grievances of him and Chu Feng are no secret now. Because of the peacock king, King Jinwu and the nine-timed cat king went south to kill the Chu wind, but they were countered and suffered heavy losses.

Now, Chu Feng "abolished" and he came directly.

This effect is very bad. This is what happens when Chu Feng mobilizes the peerless masters to encircle the Yellow River squid. This is a wonderful choice.

Jin Wuwang wants to tell the world that Chu Feng’s so-called relationship network can’t protect him. He can kill him in the first time, take his life and shoot for him.

If it succeeds, it is naturally very good. If it fails, it is also equivalent to a role model. It tells the outside world that the so-called peerless masters escort, what is not enough, it is imaginary, and everything depends on itself.


The palace of the Yuxu Palace into a piece of fire was turned into a sea of ​​fire, burned to ashes, and only one blow, the heavens and the earth were red, burning the earth and destroying the earth, and the scene was horrible.

"You dare to come here!"

The Lord of the Yuxu Palace shouted, rising to the sky, strangled with the golden bird, fiercely fighting, and the sky suddenly slammed into the fire.

"Can you protect him for a while, can you protect him forever?" Jin Wu Wang said coldly and screaming, flapping the golden wings, revealing the gods.


In the sky, a golden poultry swoops and collides with the Lord of the Jade Palace, and the fire is overflowing, like a scorpion bursting.

"Who dares to stir up trouble??" The owner of the one-armed Eight Kings Palace appeared and stood on a building in the distance.

Soon, the five colors of the gods dazzled, the peacock king came, this poultry king, known as one of the top ten masters of the East, with brilliance, scattered snow, standing against the sky.

He is handsome now, his face is flawless, more beautiful than many women, very calm, purple long hair with the wind, proud of heaven and earth.

"Where is this king, who dares to let it go!" said the Peacock King.

Silent and uninteresting, the owner of the Biyou Palace appears, and the strong atmosphere is pervasive. However, in another direction, there is a mysterious strongman coming, shaking the world, letting the wind and snow fall, and he is boundless to the Yuxu Palace.

For a time, the Lord of the Eight Kings Palace and the Lord of the Biyou Palace were all resisted and could not move forward.

"I want to kill Chu Feng, who can stop!?" Jin Wuwang shouted, the sun was smashed, illuminating the heavens and the earth, and the sun that disappeared for many days seemed to come out and illuminate the whole city.

He is arrogant and overbearing. The three big demon kings want to come to the sky, break into the capital of a country, and want to directly kill the Chu wind, which is lawless.

Chu Feng stood in the snow, quietly watching the sky, without a word.

Because he has led to such a big movement.

In the sky, after fierce fighting, Jin Wuwang released the sun and the fire, it is the powerful jade palace master can only avoid its edge, not dare to defend the front.

In fact, when Chu Feng and Jin Wuwang fought in the same day, they were also helpless to the sun and chose to avoid. This thing can burn any creature on earth.

The other two main palace owners were blocked by the Peacock King and another king, unable to move forward.

"I want to say that an abolished Chu style is not worthy of your guardianship of the three major palaces. It has been done to the best of its kind. You must force yourself to come and bring yourself in. You must know that we can have more than three kings today!" Jin Wu Wang shouted.

"In the Yuxu Palace, no one can hurt Chu Feng." The Lord of the Jade Palace shouted.

People heard the words, all nodded, secretly praised, the Lord of the Jade Palace has love.

"Unfortunately, the palace owner does not have a peerless breathing method. Otherwise, why do Jin Wuwang and others dare to be so arrogant!"

"If you want to teach his breathing method to the palace, they will be fine. If we do, we can still stand out and fear the kings."

Several young boys and girls whispered, their eyes turned to Chu Feng.

It was just a few teenagers who had invited Chu Feng to teach them the boxing method.

"Today, let's kill the Chu Feng, and when we say it, you can't stop the Lord of the Jade Palace!"

At this moment, the fourth king appeared, and it was also a different kind. It was a king of pangolins, and the whole body was bright, snowy and silvery, and it was everywhere.

Obviously, he stood with King Jinwu and Peacock King, and wanted to kill Chu Feng and force him to come.

There is no fourth king in the Yuxu Palace. The situation is in jeopardy.

"Chu Big Brother, can the breathing method pass to the palace owners, or we are critical!" A teenager screamed in excitement.

"Chu Big Brother, I think it is better to kill the different kind of prestige, and let them not let go!" Another girl also said, fluttering with big eyes, revealing the hope of the hope, watching Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was silent, he was in a complicated mood. At the last minute, several teenagers were still breathing, and he could only sigh.

Originally, he wanted to use the lock pile to block an area, but now he does not want to use it.

Inside the Yuxu Palace, many people came to see that many evolutionists in Shuntian City heard the sound of the war, and they all ran and were paying attention to this place.

"Do you think that I am declining, can you bully? Then I will accompany you in the final battle."

Chu Feng opened his mouth and looked up at the sky.

Everyone is ashamed. Isn’t he a big problem with his body? Can he still fight? It is the young men and women in front of Chu Feng who are amazed.

"After this war, I left the Yuxu Palace, feeding horses, chopping wood, and traveling around the world famous mountains, and became free."

Chu Feng said that the voice is not high, but it is very far away.

People were amazed, especially some people in the Yuxu Palace were even more eye-catching and looked at him.


The next moment, Chu Feng was sprayed with thin silver, dazzling and dazzling, and actively ushered in the pangolin king.


During the break, the two are in a little contact. Chu Feng is like a tearing straw man. He will tear the pangolin to become two pieces, **** and sprinkled between the heavens and the earth.


The next moment, he vacated, full of silver, even the hair is silver-white, in the high heavens and fourths, to the king of Jinwu.


Violent collision, away from the fire, the fire is dazzling.

"How can you possibly!?" King Jinwu was shocked.

"The last strength, I will return to my squandering!" Chu Feng said, he seized the King of Jinwu, a slamming sound, a golden wing swept by silver light, was torn down.

"What, he... there is still room to kill the King of Jinwu?!" Inside the Yuxu Palace, a group of people were shocked.

Chu Feng was a great peer, tearing the wings of King Jinwu, accompanied by **** rain, and violently fighting it. Finally, Jinwu Wang could not escape, and he was glued.


Chu Feng tore open the body of King Jinwu, make it into two halves, bathe the blood of King Jinwu, he does not rely on the Yuxu Palace, no need to guard the outsiders, only to kill the strong enemy.

At this moment, there is silence between heaven and earth!

Calling, at the beginning of the month, everyone will vote for the holy month.


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