The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 525: Reluctant

"Hell has that kind of thing, it is definitely a kind of gem-quality material, which can strengthen the human body and increase the strength." Zhao Qing, the big witch, told me the first time.

She has a smile on her face, detailing it, like a subordinate and a maid of duty.

This makes the purple eyes turn white, this witch is very diligent and too active, is it really necessary to stay and have some messy things with Chu Feng?

"Hell has a black ant that can eat the savage bird of the Lohan class as a food, very terrible."

Zhao Qing informed that there is a kind of **** liquid in the horrible ant hole. It is said that the kind of **** ants are smelting, like a bee collecting pollen to make honey, and that kind of **** ant is more terrible, and the secret liquid can make people The body is strong and produces terror.

“How powerful is it?” asked Chu Feng.

"It is reported that after taking this kind of **** liquid, the physical strength can be increased by at least five times, and the power is also the same. Imagine that the original two people who were originally evenly matched, one person took the **** sac brewed by the **** ants, and then played against the day. I am sure that there is a serious imbalance."

Chu Feng heard and seriously nodded. He naturally knew what it means to suddenly increase the body and strength several times. This is equivalent to an extra evolution.

"Good." Chu Feng nodded.

"For many years, some of the souls who are determined to embark on the strongest roads will not miss the **** ants, and even those top ranks, such as the dreams, such as the gods, etc., the genius cultivated must take this. Kind of **** liquid is an indispensable step."

Chu Feng frowns, there are many means for the top strong people to train their offspring. This kind of gem-quality material, he only heard of it, but the top ten is a necessity.

"What else?" he asked.

Zhao Qingdao: "There are other other gods in nature, but they are too rare. It is difficult to see for many years, such as Yuan magnetic holy fruit, Jiuyidu robbery flower, Wanxingcao, etc."

When Chu Feng heard it, she frowned. She said that these things are too bad, and it is impossible to find them under normal circumstances.

Because, in the Longhushan, he had heard the demon mentioned, these sacred substances are effective for the resurrection of the demon, is a necessary thing!

Then, he added the Yuanmo and the purple scorpion, and the rare substances mentioned were similar.

In summary, at the current level of Chu Feng, there are not many things that can be bought on the black market. There are only a few kinds of **** ant liquid and **** bee pulp.

Then, in the next auction, the gods and the saints of the various roads will be uncomfortable, because Chu Feng clearly wants the **** ant liquid, and pushes out to ten people in one breath.

The sects and families behind the ten people, the eyes on the spot, the **** ant liquid is too rare, very difficult to collect, eat the golden body of the Lohan-class creatures, a group of densely populated, the overall is extremely powerful, it is difficult to penetrate the nest to steal.

Even, there are rumors that some extra strong queens can eat saints!

Not long ago, Qin Yuyin just came back from hell. What is the reason? Just go to find the opportunity to get the **** ant liquid. Of course, there are beggers around her, otherwise it is impossible to succeed.

It is conceivable that there are not many Hell ant liquids stored in the Taoist Pure Land, which is naturally precious.

In a sense, the **** ant liquid is not worse than the **** god liquid, the price is similar.

Anyone who wants to pursue the same level of invincible will not miss the hell.

"Ten gods, saints, in exchange for ten drops of **** ant liquid, what do you think?" Chu Feng asked.

In the stars, those gods, saints, and family members are so ugly, which is unacceptable, even if it is spent in the black market of the universe to spend huge amounts of wealth to buy, it is not necessarily possible to buy.

"A drop of **** ant liquid is enough for a genius to baptize the flesh. If too much, it is not enough to bear." The big witch Zhao Qing reminded Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded, but he really wanted to reserve a few more drops.

However, those Taoist systems are obviously impossible to promise. One drop can make a person's body and strength increase by several times, and the combat power will soar. This is a gem-quality material, which is expensive to claim to be priceless.

"Little friends, you have to know that **** ant liquid is difficult to buy, people who hunted are generally not sold, as rare as Tenjin liquid!"

"Yes, Chu Feng brothers, this is difficult for you. If you really want to exchange, we can only find a drop."

"Not long ago, there was a holy shrine, a powerful queen who killed the saints and swallowed the holy blood, which made the **** ant liquid more and more expensive now."

"One drop? Impossible!" Chu Feng shook his head.

However, he finally sighed, thinking that even a drop of Tianshen liquid has not been exchanged, and it is indeed difficult to achieve the same level of **** ant liquid.

Some people sighed: "Two drops, this is all our reserves! This thing is not easy to save, and no one saves it. Anyone who harvests it is used directly, so that its own strength is skyrocketing."

Then, they expressed their willingness to send some cosmic coins, because there really is no more **** ants, and they have already asked the black market of the universe, and there is no source of supply in the near future.

Chu Feng saw that this is really their limit.

"Well, two drops of hell, plus 50 billion cosmic coins to compensate." Chu Feng lion opened his mouth, because this is a hammer sale, people have long been offended.

"You...sufficient!" Some old monsters want to marry the mother.

As for the ten sons and the saints, it is even more shameful and difficult to come to the earth. It’s too shameful to be sold back to my hometown!

Next, Chu Feng launched ten sons and saints, and the forces behind them still demanded the **** ants, and finally reached an agreement, the conditions are similar to the previous group.

"It's a pity, unconsciously, selling dozens of people, not much." Chu Feng shook his head.

Then he sighed: "The Son of God, the Holy Virgin, hate less when it comes to use!"

This kind of discourse spreads into the stars, causing a group of people to curse. People say that when they use books, they hate less. His remarks make people want to marry him.

In fact, Chu Feng is really not a group of mocking, completely serious. In his view, the Son of God and the Holy Virgin are hard currency.

He said to himself: "I want to leave some gods and saints, this kind of hard currency is better than cosmic coins, and it is more valuable."

A group of people are speechless, and the relevant parties want to kill!

The next is also very lively, Chu Feng sold the remaining sons and saints, after all, did not leave too much hard currency.

"Tongtian Express!"

Three days later, Chu Feng contacted this very mysterious wormhole company to prepare for "shipping."

Because, he has received some "payments". At the same time, if there is a problem, there is a guarantee for the original beast platform.

Chu Feng chose an island in the East China Sea to find a folding space, because the wormhole opened by Tongtian Express can only be in those places, unable to get involved in the main space of the earth.

Deep in the island, inside the folding space.

This time, a wormhole opened, a special material box emerged, the nominal rescue capsule, in fact, this is the "package box" of the gods and saints.

"Brother, go all the way!" In the folding space, Chu Feng sent off one by one, and now he is trying to shoot the shoulder of a god, saying: "take care!"

I don't know if I thought the two people's feelings are deep. As a result, the next step, he will put the **** into the "package box", and then seal it!

"Continue!" Chu Feng said.

On the side, Zi Yan is placing an order, using the light brain to carefully fill in the address coordinates of the gods and saints to be mailed, Li Feng as her assistant, and carefully proofread.

Because, if this is to be mailed wrong, it will kill people.

The next person is a saint, a face of resentment, facing the wind and anger, dare not speak, now to be sent back to his hometown, really makes her feel shameful.

She is a saint of a higher planet, and the result is broken here, too lost.

"Sister, happy, have to go home, this is a happy event, I will miss you!" Chu Feng comfort, very diligent, holding the saint into the "canned tin can".

When the saint was sent by post, Chu Feng shouted: "Continue."

Next, another god, Chu Feng looked at his eyes and said: "Brother, if he meets again in the year, I invite you to drink, I look forward to that day, the stars in the sky."

I am going to your uncle! This son is very eager to swear, but he has not left, it is not safe, he can only bear it, whispered: "It is best not to see this life!"


It has been found that the Chu winds are one by one, and every time they speak, they don't have a heavy sample. They look at the true color. If you don't know, you really think that you are reluctant.

"Sister, are you called Li Miao? Actually, I really don't want to sell you. I originally wanted to add a scent of red sleeves and leave a good story. However, if the situation is forced, you will go well, and I will visit you in the sky!"

"Brother, go back and practice, and strive to be the first strongest player on your planet. If I go to find you in the year, I will follow the face!"


In this way, Chu Feng sent away dozens of people, thousands of miles, Wan Hao, enthusiasm.

Later, when it was the turn of the Emperor Xu Wei of the Da Xu Dynasty, Chu Feng was more earnest and said: "His Royal Highness, if there is a need in the future, even if you want to be a Queen, I will help you."

Xu Wei screamed at him and said: "Hugh to talk nonsense!"

"Then go on the road!" Chu Feng directly wanted to plug her into the rescue cabin!

"You remembered wrong, I don't go back, choose to stay on the earth!" Xu Wei hurriedly shouted, the **** is too odious, just warmly bid farewell, now it is necessary to stuff her into the tin can.

"The Da Xu dynasty paid a protection fee and let Xu Huangfu stay."

"I can't hold it, remember it wrong. Your Highness please, please be free now." Chu Feng let go of Xu Wei.

Then, the same is true for the wilderness. Choose to stay and pay a more protection fee.

At this point, the curtain of the auction of the Son of God and the Virgin fell, and it was completely over.

At the side of Chu Feng, the big witch Zhao Qing is still there. She chose to leave it, and Luo Miaoxiang and Qi Yu were temporarily detained by Chu Feng.

"You are practicing at sea for the time being, I am going to visit friends." Chu Feng, a fierce plunged into the sea, went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to find the Dragon Girl.

After seeing the dragon girl again, Chu Feng gave a few golden snake fruit, and then said: "I want to enter the real dragon nest to retreat!"

The dragon girl feels the power of the golden snake fruit and is very happy. She is very grateful to Chu Feng. This kind of thing has a value of 100 million cosmic coins in the sky, which has amazing effects on the purified blood of the snakes and so on.

"I will take you there!" The dragon girl led the way.

Finally, Chu Feng entered the real dragon nest, he was going to practice boxing here, taking **** ant liquid, etc., and began to retreat.

This time I was really dead. I originally wanted to write a more chapter. As a result, all kinds of things in the real world were tossed up. I went home very late, and then wrote such a chapter. Let's do this first, find time to fill the chapter.

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