The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 651: a **** pot

At dawn, the heavens and the earth are bright and bright, and the plateau, which is sparsely populated, is more empty and distant after being screamed by the screams.

The change is so amazing that the old man who lived from the ancient times to the present has a **** smile. The words are overbearing. Looking down on this fallen planet, it is necessary to trigger the beast to go to the massacre. The massacre, but in a blink of an eye she was shackled!

A sleek and dazzling red knife light is like a break in space, solidification time, so that a powerful evolutionary who used to be the golden body of the Lohan level mourns and suffers.

The old man’s face was distorted, and there was no more calmness. He couldn’t scorn the creatures on this land. She flew out in the air, her face was stunned, her eyes were endlessly sinister and hateful, and the angry waving wave of the gods in her hands. Death and counterattack.

This plateau is full of blood, the storm is like a thunder, surrounded by black shadows, ghosts crying, flying sand and stone, the scene is too fascinating, just like the gates of **** are opened, countless ghosts to kill, to blood the world.

Next to it, Zi Yan Jing has long been scared, and earlier he wanted to play the idea of ​​the ethereal and dusty "Little Fairy". How can he expect the weak "girl" to be mad at the crucial moment? The old demon in the eyes can't cut off the body!

It was like a very weak bunny with a big, sparkling eyes, and then suddenly killed a **** prehistoric tyrannosaurus and swallowed it.

This contrast is too strong, he scared to sit on the ground, and for a long time the real monks are the "girls" who look like humans and animals!

A man and a woman who helped the old man were horrified and shouted loudly. They each took out the dark red long scorpion and went to the Chu wind to get rid of it.

Chu Feng is very calm. After a hit, he has mastered the initiative. In the face of the unbalanced old man’s slamming strike, he can naturally avoid it.

The remaining half of the other party is being corroded, and it has long since lost its balance. It is also talking about what is accurate and lore, and it has fallen into a passive desperate situation.

Chu Feng raised his hand, took out a golden box, used up his strength, and collided with the gods in his hands, and he avoided it. He followed the curved track and handed the reincarnation to the old man again. .

As for the man and the woman, they could not threaten him at all, and the speed could not keep up. The dark red long screams of the two men made a cry of ghosts and slammed on the shadow of Chu Feng.


The blood of the gods is glaring, the blood is rolling, like a hot magma boiling, blasting on the gold box, the two of which emit a crisp metal vibrato, but unfortunately the golden light is booming, the box flies out, there is no Was opened.

Chu Feng was slightly disappointed. This is the inheritance that he dug out from the soil under the undead tree of the land of gods. The study could not be opened for a long time. He wanted to use the hand of the old man to forcibly break it, but it still failed.

In his view, the old man was an evolutionary person at the level of the golden body, even if he was self-satisfied, and now he is also very powerful with the blood of the gods, but he can still do not have a gold box.

He knows that this can only be opened by himself later, like a silver box taken out from the Qinling Mountains. When his strength is in place, it is easy to open.


A blood flashed over, and the long knife of Chu Feng’s red and Ying Ying cut off the old man’s arm and let her lose control of the deified blood. The ban was dropped on the ground.

At the same time, Chu Feng is like a ghost, fluttering and traversing the body, once again avoiding the man and woman, the body flies out like a spinning wheel, and then the long knife swings out, the blood of the two people screams, Blasting here, suddenly the blood is spreading, and the murmur is like hell.

The secret treasure material in their hands is far from being comparable to the godly blood in the hands of the old man. It can only be regarded as a normal version and a standard weapon.

The two were also loyal, red and bloody, burning the real yuan, desperately fighting with the Chu wind, and exerting the spirit of the Lingzu, and rushing forward.


For a time, the ground collapsed, and hundreds of thousands of pounds of boulders in the vicinity were all smashed. Under the power of the two people's perspectives, the earth and stone splashed and the smoke was like the sea.

However, they are not opponents of Chu Feng at all, no matter from energy intensity or speed, they are all a lot worse.

This time, Chu Feng did not use the reincarnation knife, and wanted to stay alive and force to ask some questions. He was as ghostly, and they met with their fists and directly collided.

The arm bones of the two were broken, completely deformed, and distorted. They were all like the black scales of the ancient times, and the bones were blown up. This is an unbearable force.

At the level of visualization, let alone be them. How many people in the young generation of the starry sky can compete with Chu Feng?

Especially after eating the big medicine of Kunlun, Chu Feng reborn, looks beautiful and beautiful, but its physical quality has improved a lot, the physical strength is unparalleled in this situation, rare shoulders!


The two fell to the ground, their mouths were full of blood, and they couldn't climb anymore. The punches of Chu Feng shattered many parts of their bodies, and even the nose and nose were bleeding.

At this time, the old man screamed, because the body is melting, the spirit is also burning, so that even if she goes deep, it will be destroyed in a moment.

"Let's talk about some secrets I want to know, I can consider leaving you a life." Chu Feng spoke to the old lady and looked down at her.

The old man was frightened. She was an old monster who survived from the ancient times. It is reasonable to say that she had not been so long for her cultivation. She should have sat down.

However, she accidentally took a nine-turn Jindan fragment on a wild planet, causing her life to surge and live to this era.

The more this old goblin, the more she cherished her life, and she didn't want to die suddenly. She trembled: "You...want to know?"

"How do you use this **** day, how to refine it?" Chu Feng asked, this is the most important type of weapon of the spiritual family. It used to make the top ten taboos. He wanted to know something about it.

" me first!" cried the old man, because the reincarnation secret was too eroded, dissolved from the waist, and spread to her neck.

"You have to hurry and say, otherwise there will be no chance." Chu Feng calmly opened, let her withstand high pressure, to avoid her getting a breathing space after the moth.

"First save me, I am going to die." The old man was afraid, but when he saw that the Chu wind was not moving, she had to open her mouth quickly and said: "Unless you master the magical breathing method, you can't control this."

The spiritual breathing method she said refers to the spiritual breathing method of the spirit, which was once called the descendants of the gods.

"That's what you want!" Chu Feng was dissatisfied and looked down at her. "You guys want to destroy this planet and say what other means?"

"It's none of our business. The gods no longer limit us, and hint that I can come here to find blood food!" cried the old man.

At this moment, she couldn't speak, she was eroded into the neck by the power of reincarnation, her eyes were wide, and her soul was shaking. She said, "Save me."

"Speak out the spiritual breathing method." Chu Feng forced to ask.

"I can't say it. There is a ban in my head. Once I leak it, my spirit will collapse and I will die in an instant. The taboo inheritance of a family cannot be revealed." The old man was desperate.

"Then you still have peace of mind." Chu Feng no longer took care of her, looking at the man and a woman.

"You, little thief, I will not let you go to ghosts. Who are you?!" The old man went crazy. At the last moment, she knew that she was dead, her face was sinister, and she snarled at Chu Feng.

"Little Master is Chu Feng, you have no eyes on this old goods, my husband is a big man, especially, hello your maid!"

After confirming the identity of Chu Feng, the eyes of the old man simply turned into dead fish eyes, and they all came out quickly. She couldn’t believe it. Is this the kid of the troubled family? !

The gap between the two is too big, she can't accept it!

Next to it, Zi Yan Jing is also dumbfounded, sitting on the ground, a look of a ghost.

"Ah..." The old man was very long and screaming, his head slamming, his head volleying, flying to the sable, and swallowing the blood and spirit of his body, this is to take the lives of others to continue their lives.

The sable is not able to avoid it and hangs on the spot.

However, this does not stop the death of the old man. She screams, her head dissolves, and she turns into ashes. She is too unwilling.

"Thinking about my life, from the ancient times to the present, what big storms have not seen, followed by the big men, but also the horse on this planet, blood washed those descendants, famous mountains, the line is unimpeded. But in the end, step on foot again This land is so dead?!"

She was angry, desperate, and too unwilling, and felt uncomfortable. She originally wanted to come here to pick up a big wave and swept the planet. The result was a slap in the face of a teenager. The contrast was too big for her to accept.

"I am embarrassed, you still have a face to mention, to kill those old, weak, sick, and women and children behind others, like a group of hooligans, blood-washed innocent people, this shameless act, hands covered with blood, you are proud? ”

Chu Feng punched out, the energy stove spewed, so that the old cockroaches that flew over were not eye-catching, blasted there, and then eroded by the power of reincarnation, not to mention the flesh, even a trace of spirituality left.

"I still want to be a ghost, but also want to reincarnate? Never think about it forever!"

Chu Feng turned and forced to ask the man and the woman, they knew less, and he was cleaned by one knife and one knife.

The entire plateau is quiet, except for the Chu style, leaving the human skin and the bones of the land, the gods and blood vessels are too vicious.

A glimpse of the morning glow, the sun rose, Chu Feng stood on the shore of a lake in the plateau, watching the reflection in the lake for a long time without words, it is... graceful and graceful.

Finally, he jerked his head up and greeted the red sun, saying: "No way, people are so handsome!"

However, he finally added a small whisper, saying: "What's special, I... still hope to cross this age, rough!"

Chu Feng carries the gods and blood, and the weapon of the old man is obviously different. Even the knife can not be cut off, the Mars is splashing, the blood is rolling, very embarrassing.

"This should not be the ultimate treasure of the year. It was taken down by people. Now the spirits want to activate with the blood of each family?" Chu Feng had a whim.

However, he finally shook his head and felt that it was not possible to have such luck, and it was impossible to get the kind of taboo weapon.

In the end, Chu Feng’s surprise and incomprehensible discovery, when he runs the stolen breathing method, can motivate this **** to bloody, fully use!

"Good, give you a big gift before leaving!"

In the end, Chu Feng drove the ark into Kunlun. Before leaving the earth, he was going to sweep and clean up the foreign enemies who could not look good.

This early morning, Chu Feng came, drove the ark, bathed in the morning glow, the whole person was sacred, and finally disappeared into the shape, killing in the Kunlun Mountains.

The Tianshen, Xilin, etc., more than a dozen large people have come again, looking for the whereabouts of Chu Feng, want to kill him, are guessing that he is seriously injured and dying.

On this day, they were robbed, not to mention the Earth Kunlun, or a sensation outside the domain, because the gods turned blood into the world.

"The Lingu is really crazy. I use the ban again, and I bring it to Kunlun. I want to be killed by all the people. Do they want to be killed?!"

A group of people were furious and learned that after the Kunlun tragedy, they wanted to attack and attack the spirits.

"In those days, the spirits were bloodthirsty, and they smashed blood and hurricanes in the stars, causing the creatures to smear, and they were almost destroyed. Now they dare to make such anger, and they simply don't know how to live!"

For a time, the Lingzuo was so bad that it was pushed to the cusp of the cusp, that is, the saints of the tribe were all one big and two big, their hearts were cold, how could they be exposed, and why are they killing the gods, Xilin and other people?

The important members of the spiritual group were completely paralyzed. This result made them feel chilly in their hearts, guessing that there was a big problem on the earth, and the treasures in that family were mostly easy to change.

"Ah, this... is broken, what should I do?!"

The loss of heavy treasures, the consequences are too bad, they are all cold, this black pot is really burdened to them to suffocate, too shameful, who did? !

The spirits go crazy!

Chu Feng secretly started, he was very shocked, and the power of this god-like **** was too horrible. If he did not accidentally start with the old man, he estimated that he would probably have blood-stained mold. This is a forbidden weapon. Powerful, extremely bloodthirsty.

On this day, there was one human skin in the Kunlun Mountains. The blood of the gods was really dry and peaceful. It was too overbearing and evil.

In the end, Chu Feng ran away, and almost swept the gods, the Nether, the Xilin, the Ling, and other strong ideas, and the strong people of the realm of shaping, to kill a clean.

The dozens of people were angry and the body was cold, which made them all unable to stand.

Chu Feng all the way east, going to the East China Sea, he is going to say goodbye to his parents and the ox, big old black, old man and so on. From then on, he will enter the starry sky to get a safe identity and scream the enemy's rear base camp. .

However, as he approaches the mountain, he has a dim sum. What kind of scene will it look like when he is seen by those guys?

The more the Chu wind is approaching, the more uncomfortable it is. Even if I want to run away directly, because the guys’ mouths are not very kind, what will happen when he sees him like this?

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