The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 930: No fear of death

On the edge of the universe, here is a blood-stained battlefield. There is the blood of the sword, Wu Xingkun, the blood of the old dog, and the juice of the blue flower!


The yak raised his eyes and made a dull sorrow.

It was cracked, its life was about to come to an end, it was cracked, it was full of wounds, especially the vertebrae were broken and torn by black crows.

The yak is ready to blew and pull the enemy on the road!

This black murderous bird in the sun is too horrible, the wings are like a knife, the birds are squirting thunder and fire, the strength is too strong, and the suppressed yak is desperate to fight, but it is still invincible.

Of course, under the yak's desperate attack, the black crow also had some wounds and feathers falling.

At this time, the knives Wu Xingkun and Bianhua are fighting the old dog and the leader. In addition, there are also people in the squad that are killing them, and the people in the underworld are in desperate circumstances.

Mainly, the blood is at this step, they are exhausted, the so-called energy is endless, the soul source is endless, there are limits.

In the face of such a strong enemy, the real demigod, how can they not consume the source?

The other party has a dead letter, but they have nothing!


Both the knives and the other shores are desperately trying to burn out the blazing soul light, reflecting the high heavens, all desperately.

"Want to burn jade? Come on, I have to replace the dead, still can be resurrected, you can wait until you can desperately, send you on the road!" The old dog shouted, look dark.

However, the knives Wu Xingkun and the other side of the flower have a look, they know that the old dog is somewhat guilty and timid, and most of the dead will be completely consumed.

"Hey!" The black crow screamed, tearing the flesh and blood of the yak, and turning half of his body into a **** fog. The wings were volleyed to kill them, so that they would go hunting with the gods and the other side.

This is to seize the time to destroy the two main forces!

"The **** is really weak, no one?" It was sneer.

"Dead crow!"

A burst of drink came like a thunderous thunder, and the people who were shocked were unsteady and blew open.

The sudden spirit of the volatility came, this is a thin and dry old man, it is the adoptive father of the pair of hunters, the grandfather of the brother-in-law, after taking enough cosmic energy, directly killed.


At the same time he was drinking, he had already come over the top of the black crow and had already started!

He looked low and his body was dry, but the thin body contained amazing energy. A pair of slaps hit the black crow and blasted it directly!

He is like a hunter walking in the dark, steady and accurate, and extremely violent, so he succeeded!

Undoubtedly, if there is no replacement, this only a murderous bird from the yang will die, and it will not be able to regenerate blood. It will be killed directly.

A **** blast exploded and the black crow disappeared in place.

The thin old man killed the sky, lightning-fast, and at the moment when the black crow started, a pair of bright sledgehammers had already been thrown ahead of time, and the horror was boundless.

Because, his goal is the old dog and the leader!


Just like this, the old Tiangou's waist was cut off, and the knives Wu Xingkun were extremely sharp. They captured the fighters and swept through them. The old dog was smashed and began to die again.

On the other side, the void burst, and the other sledgehammer in the hands of the thin old man also hit the target, and the head of the other side of the flower was killed.

With a bang, he was broken by the bones of the skeleton.

Powerful as this head did not avoid, it is because the other party's law is too horrible, locking this starry sky, the sledgehammer is the source of the law, imprisoned him.


The other side took a shot and pierced the eyebrows of the leader, letting him fall up and down, and the flesh and soul light collapsed.

It is a pity that this person also has a replacement character. It is like a dog and a black crow. It is not the same as the status of the demigod.

In a twinkling of an eye, with the arrival of the skinny old man, the three masters of the semi-god-level masters of the Yang Dynasty were destroyed once and they were shocked by everyone here.

"Thunder Gong!" Wu Xingkun looked at this skinny old man and was very surprised.

He was very surprised that the old man who was older than him in this rising era was still alive. This should be regarded as the oldest generation of people living in the underworld.

"It's me, people are old, the body is not working, and gathering energy until now can barely start." Lei Gong sent out spiritual fluctuations.

In the universe, Taoist and Buddhism are very shocked. This old man is really the most powerful person of the ancient age. It is only a matter of time before he can sit down and think that he actually appears again.

At the crucial moment, Lei Gong stood out and was still as powerful as ever!

"The thunder of the year, a pair of big hammers in the star of the sea, the strongest people bowed, claiming that no one can be enemies, life and longevity, leaving endless legends."

"This person is proud of all races, truly brilliant!"

In Xingyu, the names of the various ethnic groups were really shocked. No one thought that they could see this person again, and they were alive and present in the world.

"If it wasn't for the knives who shouted out his name, it was that he appeared. We don't know his identity. It was too old. It was a generation of peerless people!"

In the stars, many people are excited and excited.


At this time, several people on the edge of the universe did not stop and continued to kill the few powerful figures.


In the end, four people were killed, and even the yak killed one.

And, together they rushed to the old weasels, knowing that it is the core figure.

"Ah... come on, don't wait!" The old weasel screams, deduction and divination is the area in which it is good, but fighting is not its strength.

In the chaos, a huge hull came quietly, very oppressive, and there were people in the sun who did not show up, and now there is a horrible figure.

This is desperate!

At the same time, the old dog, the black crow, the leader resurrected, reorganized the body and the soul, blocked in front of the Yellow God, and sheltered it.

"I really thought that we are rushing over? Without killing the strength of all the top players in this universe, how could it come!"

The old dog sneered, and his heart was a little trembling. It was actually killed several times in succession. It can only be used once for the dead, and it feels awkward.

If there is no rune in the body, it will actually die in the underworld, this time it is too different from his earlier expectations.


In the chaos, the huge warship made a horn, loud and dull, shocking, standing on the figure, all of them are mirror-level, there are four deities!

That is, Lei Gong must be heavy in his heart. He can kill the black crows just now, because the timing is very good, and it is killing. In fact, the real combat power is similar to that of Tian Xing Wu Xingkun.

Now there are a few demigods on the opposite side, how can they play? This is a desperate situation.

At the same time, all the people in the universe of the underworld also gave birth to a sense of powerlessness. When watching such a battle, they saw that there were people coming down in the sun, and the heart was completely cold. The whole starry sky was dead.

When I saw Lei Gong appeared earlier, people were still excited and excited, but now I can’t really compare it with Yang.

There are so many people who can fight in the underworld, and a group of people in the sun can completely destroy the strongest evolution of this universe!

In the chaotic smog, the big ship gradually became clear, except for the four and a half gods, there are more than twenty illuminating masters, each one is very strong, which is quite horrible!

They have not left the chaotic area, and the oppressed will suffocate!


At this time, Lei Gong, Tiandao Wu Xingkun, and Bianhua did not stop and went forward.

At the same time, the yak was squatting, shining all over, rushing to the black crow and looking for the opponent.


Wu Xingkun, the knives, hoarse and shouted, the sturdy big man’s eyes were cracked, blood was thrown out, and his head was scattered.

Because, he saw the yak this is to blew himself.

In the distance, the big ship came, not too slow, not rushing, because the old dog and other people here can still cope.

Wu Xingkun desperately strangled, and the left rib was caught by the old dog to take out the terrible wounds. He also killed and saved his old partner, the yak.

"Wu, I will take a step first, we are all old, life and death without fear, no big deal!" The yak whispered, then it began to burn, the radiant radiance, the body cracked, the soul was boiling, and it was about to explode. .

It interprets the thunder world, emerges the endless source of lightning, locks the black crow, and pulls it together.

"Hey!" The black crow struggled and rushed to the sky. The black light skyrocketed and the world was filled with horror. It sneered: "If you want to pull me on the road, you can't lock me, let him die!"

At this moment, its body is too amazing, as if sometimes the power of light permeates, shuttles through the strange tunnel, avoids the Thunder's original world, and wants to escape the killing.

"The thunder is boundless!" The yak roared, the snoring sounded, and the whole body exuded the blazing light. It disintegrated, and the world of lightning was infinitely extended, dragging the black crow back, and the old scorpion, the head and the Other target level enemies are covered.

"Help me block!" The oldest dog is the most shocked, its replacement can only be used once, do not want to consume this time, struggling.

The leader is still kind, holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, directly into the depths of the Thunder, helping the old dog to block the deadly Thunder, desperately counterattack!


The violent big bang came out, the black crow screamed, it disintegrated, and it was broken!

The other head of the other side also exploded, becoming a blood fog, in addition to two mirror-level masters followed by complete destruction, completely tragic death.

"Ah..." The old crow roared and reorganized in the distance.


Wu Xingkun’s eyes were scarlet, smothered the past, gave it a knife, and let him die once again, being killed on the spot.

"Ah..." Similarly, the leader had just reappeared and was killed once.


The other side of the flower crazy shot, will be bombed blood, almost died, the escaped old dog blocked, directly through his eyebrows, let it replace the dead.

The old Tengu was horrified, and once again, after the body was condensed, he desperately fled and went to chaos.


A sledgehammer flew over, cut off half of it, let it scream, dare not fight again, just flee.

At the same time, the big ship sailed out of chaos and flew out two strong men, blocking the way of the people, sheltering Huang Shenshi and others.

"What are you panicking, you are a little weak, God." One person spoke.

"Yak!" In the distance, Wu Xingkun’s eyes were red, with long hair, and roaring in the sky. The companion who accompanied him for most of his life died.

This partner was only a cub, and he began to follow him. He was raised by his own hands. From the embarrassing state to the adulthood, he was close to the beast, and he fought in the world. He lived and died together. He was more dear than his loved ones. !

"Kill it..."

Tiandao Wu Xingkun is full of blood.

At the same time, Lei Gong and Bian Hua are also strangled.

"You all have to die!" Opposite, the two gods who came out of the big ship were cold, they took over the old dog, mainly the old dog's replacement, and did not dare to fight again.

On this occasion, Chu Feng came, in the distant dark void, he wanted to yell, he has a green skin gourd, there are strange substances, you can kill the Yangren!

He knew that he couldn’t get close to the character’s side and didn’t have the chance to smash the gourd.

However, the man in the universe of the underworld, although he has seen him use this thing to kill the master of the holy class, but does not know this strange material at all, does not think that it can kill the strong.

It is Lei Gong, Tiandao Wu Xingkun, and the other side of the universe that grew up in the underworld.

Moreover, knowing how to do it, the semi-god-level masters are scattered and standing, it is difficult to have a chance to kill all.

However, Chu Feng is desperately coming, especially when he sees the new big ship, even if he is out of the two gods, there are two half gods and twenty more masters, if you will fight the green skin gourd Going up, even if he himself died immediately is worth it.

A sigh rang in the ears of Chu, someone held his shoulder and said: "Children, this is not the place where you should stay, go back."

This person's face is very pale, like a sick man.

Chu Feng was shocked and reflected people? Sure enough, Turk appeared on his side and could not be detected in advance.

He secretly sighed, and certainly could not participate in this series of battles, even if there are green skin gourds and strange substances in hand.

"Predecessors, you are..."

"Xiaohuang is my optimistic seedling, I hope that you can live well with it." The pale man said this.

Chu Feng was shocked. He immediately realized that this may be the person who the oxen went to find when he was in the final battle of the Great Wall. He was going to help, and he was also the one who taught the ox.

At the beginning, the yellow cattle of less than three years old were sent to the earth and went to the earth. This person is mostly related to the ancient earth.

The man was in poor health, his speech was weak, and his mouth was bleeding. After he wiped it off, he said, "I have too many mistakes in my life. I have inadvertently committed a big crime. My disciples are sinners of the ages. I naturally cannot escape. Guilty, let me wash my sins with my own blood today!"

"You are?" Chu Feng was surprised.

"Wei Xilin is my disciple!" This person has a low voice.

He is the master of Wei Xilin on the army of the Xilin Army, and he is a contemporary of the demon's grandfather.

At that time, he entered the chaotic universe very early with the sage's money. Finally, he reflected the heavens there, but he was also disabled and returned with an incurable disease root.

When he came back, it was already ancient, and the earth had already vanished. He was almost utterly disillusioned. He learned that his disciple Wei Xilin was one of the executioners, and led foreign enemies into the earth to make things that people and gods were angry with, and wanted to kill them.

However, when he went to Wei Xilin, he was delayed by this disciple, and the ancient ancestors of the corps and the gods were taken to block, almost died, almost half-waste.

"I have failed in my life, teaching a beast, my fault, my hate, only using my own blood wash!"

"Predecessors, this is not your fault!" Chu Feng was really shocked. This is actually the master of Wei Xilin, also from the earth, and became a master of the map in the chaotic universe in ancient times.

"You go back!" The pale-faced man directly tore the space and threw the Chu wind into it. "Live, you and Xiao Huang must work hard to survive. You are hope!"

He severely warned that Chu Feng would not turn back!

Chu Feng eyes are sour, he knows that he can't change anything, and he can't interfere with everything in this place. He only handed out the green skin gourd and quickly transmitted it with the soul light, telling him everything about this gourd.

"Good!" The pale-faced man took the green gourd and held it tight.

He resolutely turned and said: "I hope I can pull a lot of people on the road, I really want to destroy them!"

The pale man coughed, his mouth was a little bit of blood, and he rushed out with a green gourd. He wanted to find the most suitable time to burn.

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