The Sacred Ruins

Chapter 944: Meet the Yangshuo fight again!

"I want to be too martial, slashing the sky, killing countless, arrogantly a brilliant era, swaying all opponents in the same world, this rises, after a long period of suffering, open up the road, create a top breathing method, become a Teach the originator. In the end, I have to go through such a robbery, silent, waiting for death silently, sadly and ridiculously."

The stone tires open, not reconciled but helpless, his eyes are dim, his eyes are scattered, the soul light is being disintegrated, and the material of the Tao is constantly flowing out.

He was sitting there and couldn't move. The life of the whole body was dying, and the body suddenly declined. A rotten atmosphere lingered around the body.

A generation of Tianzun is in the fall, there is no turning point, let him be a great supernatural power, but here only step by step to the end of life!

He is helpless, not reconciled, letting the soul of the body be earned, jade and stone are burned, but they are all in vain, and they can't change anything at all.

In front of him, there is a huge Tianzheng real body, which is even more majestic than him. According to his seniority, he is far ahead of him, and he is scared to death by his identity.

However, they have already sat there and have not got rid of the dead.

These heavenly esteems are arranged and they sit on their own. This is the choice of a decent death, but also helplessly bury themselves. There is no hope of falling into this place.

At the last moment of life, Taiwu stared at the black hole in front of it, and it glowed from time to time, from time to time, dark and unpredictable.

At the same time, he is also looking at the Daewoo-level evolutionary body of the horror creature that makes him feel very uncomfortable. If the form is transmitted, the world will have a big earthquake.

This makes people feel the horror of the end of evolution!

Taiwu fell here and watched it for a long time. He still felt astonished. He saw one of the biggest secrets in the world, but he could not bring this information back to Yang, or even pass it outside Da Yuan.

In the world, the power is exploring and looking for it, but I don't know that there are some truths and answers here.

There is no road ahead for evolution. There is a cave here. There are Daewoo evolutions here. There are some answers here, as well as catastrophic flaws and truth!

"When you looked down on the ant worm like a dragon, have you ever thought about it, and there are also dragons overlooking you?"

At the last moment, he heard this sentence again, with no eyes and no silence.

At this time, on the edge of the universe, a group of people who followed Taiwu were all cold and cold. If they fell into hell, Taiwu was the sacred **** in their eyes, and they were swallowed up by the great abyss.

The two Taoist children burst into tears, while others were trembling, and even Tianzun suffered a robbery. This haze universe far exceeded their imagination.

It is no wonder that other Tianzun refused to set foot on foot, and only Taiwu Tianzun was extremely anxious because of some problems. He was eager for the two treasures that were lost in this universe. This was rushed in, and he was in danger, and the result was really unexpected. .

However, things are not over yet.

This group of people suddenly discovered that an invisible force imprisoned them and penetrated into the chaotic smog. The influence of time was beyond the scope of the underworld.

"Do not!"

Someone yelled, and there was a master among the evolutionaries who followed the footsteps of Taiwu. It was a real god. The result was pulled away and flew toward the depths of the underworld.

The two boys shouted and turned and left.

In the end, several gods were swallowed into the great abyss and fell down. They are struggling like ordinary creatures of drowning. Among them are white foxes, three-legged dragons, and some people of the gods. They are all endless, unable to get rid of, falling to the big Bottom of the bottom.

When they saw the dying Taiwu Tianzun, they wanted to yell, but they found that they couldn’t utter their words and couldn’t open their mouths.

Even Tian Zun is sitting here waiting to die, what else can they change? These people are beginning to die as soon as they are ashamed.

In the black hole, the blazing glory circulates, and there is no power. They turn into dust in the air, and a hurricane blows through the mysterious cave. They vanish.

This is all strong, and it is called God in the evolutionary. The result is so dead, there is no value, and the world does not know the final situation of several people.

The universe of the underworld is boiling, all the evolutionary people are in vain, the Taiwu Tianzun is swallowed up, and even the few gods who follow him come out.

The greatest catastrophe in the underworld has passed like this?

"Chu Feng, and his relatives and friends?" Some famous people are looking at the Great Plains.

At this point, the evolution of all ethnic groups wants to know this answer.

However, nothing can be seen because the sky has been unable to capture the picture.

Da Yuan swallowed the sky, and in the process of sucking Taiwu and several gods, even the nearby eyes disappeared.

Outside the Great Plains, the ancestors of the ancestors shined and dazzled. It has tried its best to absorb those blood mists into the Dingzhong. Although there are so many evils, it may not be able to keep the dead.

However, it really worked hard.

In fact, it itself was also seriously damaged, there were many cracks, and it was almost accidentally broken by Taiwu casually. The fine marks on the wall were like spiderwebs.

"Can't hold on!"

It is shaking, and now it is not the age of following the demon ancestor. It is no longer a god, but it is still swallowed by the great abyss and flies out.

"Zoom out!"

Chu Feng shouted, he is sad, do not know how the parents and the **** cattle, ox, Zhou Zhou, how are they, there is no heaven in the world, who can save them?

Moreover, it has been a long time in the past, delaying the time, missing the best opportunity, and saving, who can go against the sky?

Demon? She is hard to protect herself. After the war stopped, she realized that she suffered multiple injuries and almost died!


The demon of the ancestors shrank and became a fist, becoming a soft light, rushing to the Chu wind here, and was taken into the stone box.

"The demon is coming!" Chu Feng shouted, worried that she had an accident.

There are many sadnesses, but they are not allowed to scream, even if they do not have God-level energy fluctuations, but now they are also slightly affected, and they are swallowed up by the power of destruction in the Great Plains.

At this time, Chu Feng himself struggled, the soul light condensed the blood, did not enter the stone box, but unfortunately there was no cover, and he was thrown into the darkness by his anger.

At this time, the demon's battle skirt, there are many cracks, are broken by the secret law of Taiwu, can imagine what kind of terrible attack she suffered.

Her eyebrows were bleeding, and the earlier fingerprint was spreading, not without hurting her, but by her suppression, now reflected.

The eyebrows are pierced, and terrible energy is eroding.

In addition, there are a few stone chips in her hair, with blood, that is the killer smashed by Taiwu Tianzun, the material peeled off from the stone, the innate thing!

The stone was originally gathered into the needle, but it was blocked by the sword with the sword. At this time, the sword was broken, and the stone weapon was also powdered, but it still hurt her.

In addition, the demon's body also has a lot of wounds, his sword is broken into more than a dozen pieces, some pieces fall back, piercing her body, blood sputum.


The soul of Chu Feng wrapped in a stone box and rushed over, picking up the demon.

The demon is now stunned and has a big problem!

Although he knows that the body of the demon has survived in the great for many years, but now the situation is wrong, there may be Tianzun in the fall, he is afraid to spread to the demon.

Finally, the stone box fell with the demon and sank into the darkness.

Chu Feng felt a devastating breath, and he was going to perish. He quickly pulled the demon into the stone box. At this time, it was very crowded. The inner small world space is now only one meter square.

Then, in the process of falling, he fainted and unknowingly, and there was an inexplicable fluctuation at the bottom of the Great Plains, which suppressed the soul!

A long time later, Chu Feng wakes up, the soul is still there, condensing his own blood, he is constantly rising from the darkness in the stone box.

He saw that the demon was holding a stone box and flew toward the abyss. His eyes were still dim. He called, but she did not react, and sent him out because of an instinct.

The lid is also found.

When the Chu wind and the stone box are separated from the abyss, the demon seems to exhaust the last strength, push him out, and then fall straight down the sky, the incomparable holes, no longer the ethereal spirit of the past.


Chu Feng shouted, today he lost too many people, really can not accept and then lose the demon, it is necessary to pounce.

"Leave here, once we go down, we will all die, and we can't change anything at all, unless you can fully activate this stone box and really master it!"

The ancestors of the ancestors passed the sound and warned Chu Feng.

"Demon..." Chu Feng had too much disappointment. Looking at the hair that was scattered and falling straight, I don’t know what happened to her.

In the last moment, her eyes were so holes, there was no glory, and Chu Feng’s heart was very scared.

However, the demon ancestor is right, he can't jump, can't go to death, there is blood fog in the ancestor of the ancestors, and there are relatives, he will take them away, let them live.

However, can someone really be resurrected? Chu Feng does not know.

This day was the darkest day of his life. He was so numb in his heart that he lost too many people.

"Demon!" He is calling in pain, and the last one can't keep it?

"I believe that she will not have anything, the first in the ancient stars, and in the world can be killed with the gods, the sword is too martial, such a woman will not die like this!"

"In addition, she was originally revived in the Great Plains. It may be her wish to stay."

"One day, she will reappear!"

"The sun will turn over because of her!"

The demon ancestor is in the sound, is stimulating the Chu style, giving him hope, let him rise high, and encourage him to be full of fighting spirit.

Chu Feng suddenly looked up, roaring in the sky, like a thunder, shaking this starry sky.

"I will not sink, I want to kill into the Yang, the real body of Taiwu is still not dead, he is in the sun, enjoy the world's numerous soul worship, I want to kill the past!"

Like an injured lone wolf, he lost everything, no partners, no parents, and shouted in the world, with unwillingness and unyielding in the bleak.

The soul of the Chu wind is stirring, the blood is condensing, he wants to reorganize the real body, he will not be ruined, he wants to kill the sun, he wants to rise, go to the Taiwu real body!

In addition, there are three great goddess of blasphemy, primitive, and chaos. They are all enemies. They are chaotic because of them, killing too many people.

"Baianhua, Leigong, Tiandao, do you have a spirit, I will meet you, and fight in the sun!" Chu Feng screamed, to penetrate the stars, calling for the true spirit and the disabled who can live and die with him. soul.

He wants to kill the sun!

The cold cosmic black wind crossed, and a wave of slap in the long time slammed, and the soul of Chu Feng was roaring.

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