Le Xia is such a big person, so naturally he will not be as knowledgeable as a child, and smiled and handed it over.

Pietro's dead fish eyes are about to become cross-eyed. He wants to focus his eyesight to a point so that he can change his previous views on things, otherwise it is easy to collapse.

Fortunately, the journey is not far away. With everything on the camera, the plane has begun to dock on the complex building, and the cradle of regeneration has been sent to Tony's laboratory.

"Welcome to you, Wanda and Pietro." Hill received the Maksimov brothers and sisters, and unexpectedly welcomed their arrival.

You must know that in the past week, the entire reunion was almost collapsed by the two brothers and sisters. It was already a shame to arrest the two before they came up.

"However, as usual, we must first collect and register information for the two of you. Please follow me if you have trouble."

The two brothers and sisters arrived for the first time, naturally there would be no objection, but before leaving, Wanda suddenly grabbed Le Xia's arm and said to Le Xia and the US team next to him, "Will the cradle of regeneration be handed over to Stark?"

Le Xia did not speak, but the US team nodded, "Only he knows Ultron best, so don't worry, he will take care of it."

"No!" Wanda's face changed in an instant, "He won't, he can't give it to Stark. In order to defeat Ultron, he will do whatever it takes."

Without waiting for the U.S. team to react, Wanda continued eagerly, "Ultron cannot distinguish between saving the world and destroying the world. Who do you think inherited this from him?"

The US team looked at each other like Le Xia. The two left Wanda, turned and ran to Tony's laboratory. Before they got off the plane, the cradle of regeneration had been sent there a step earlier.

"Stark, Stark!" While running, the captain called Tony through his headset, but he didn't get any response.

Soon the two broke into Tony's laboratory, followed by the Maksimov brothers and sisters.

"Hi, I only say it once..."

The American team was interrupted by Tony as soon as they spoke, "Don't say it, okay."

"Turn it off!" The US team's attitude is very firm.

Le Xia stood by and took a look, seeing that Tony had successfully persuaded Banner that the operation of implanting Jarvis into Ultron's body had begun, so she began to watch the show happily.

Several people were caught in a quarrel in an instant. The US team and Wanda advocated turning off the equipment and not to continue, but Tony and Banner were resolutely radicals, and even believed that the US team was controlled by Wanda's magic.

And Pietro finally stopped shaking at this time, not only did he not shake, but his waist did not sore, his back did not hurt, and his legs did not cramp.

I saw a swish of blue light flashing, the power to the cradle of regeneration was unplugged by Pitro, and Patton, who was trimming downstairs, also joined the battle instantly and launched an attack on Pitro.

The US team’s shield shot, Tony’s upper body, Wanda wanted to use magic but was controlled by Banner, but when Banner didn’t change Hulk, how could he be Wanda’s opponent, and was instantly counter-attacked out of control. .

Le Xia didn't know where to find a bag of melon seeds, grabbed a handful and handed it to Hill who was stunned by the dog. While knocking the melon seeds, Le Xia couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, "When the team gets bigger, people's hearts will easily fall apart. The team is not easy to lead, the ancients sincerely don't deceive me."

"What are you talking about?" Hill naturally wouldn't be like Le Xia, still in the mood to nibble sunflower seeds, she said in a tense expression, "hurry up and find a way to stop them, do you want Ultron to see a joke from the infighting right now?" "

"It doesn't matter if Ultron doesn't look at the jokes," Le Xia bit her tongue and swiped a melon seed kernel, and the melon seed shell was flying all over the sky, making Hill who was anxious to get angry. I don’t understand why a man’s tongue can be so flexible...

"The important thing is that the hidden dangers of this team have begun to show up. The captain's conservativeness and Tony's radicalism are the disturbing factors that will inevitably conflict."

"At present, the enemy can still fight because of the disagreement of ideas. Then, after Ultron is eliminated, when there is not a headache enemy nearby, if the two of them will inevitably have a dispute because of another problem. Contradictions arise, guess what the consequences will be?"

Le Xia didn’t want to be a prophet, so she wouldn’t directly say that there might be a civil war between them. He just woke up in front of Hill. This is not too much. After all, many problems have signs before they happen. of.

However, Hill didn't want to think about this issue now, but glared at Le Xia, "Are you really going to watch it here?"

Le Xia felt a powerful force approaching, so she threw away the seeds in her hand, clapped her hands and laughed, "Naturally not, I'm just thinking about where I should stand, now I want to understand."

A flash of lightning flashed, Thor flew into the laboratory eagerly, only to see a figure appearing in front of him as soon as he entered the door.

"Let me use the hammer.

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and Thor subconsciously let go of the hammer holding his hand. When he recovered, Le Xia had already flew onto the cradle of regeneration, and the Thor’s hammer in his hand instantly gathered power. Of electricity.

At this time, everyone can no longer take care of the fight. They all maintained their current or strange or weird or shameful posture, tilting their heads to look at the lightning in Le Xia's hand.

A loud voice rang in the laboratory.

"Follow Athena's guidance and give you the beginning of life. May the love and justice on the earth endure forever!"


A hammer full of electricity hit the regenerative cradle fiercely, and the regenerative cradle, which was originally cut off by Pitro, went into a state of overflow in an instant, and the indicators instantly exploded.

After discharging the electricity in the hammer, Le Xia jumped back and left the regenerative cradle, and at the same time threw the hammer back to the somewhat confused Brother Hammer.


"You are welcome."


Everyone looked at the cradle of regeneration with ellipsis, always feeling as if something major was about to be released.

Sure enough, with a loud bang, a body that should be regarded as Chiguo stood up from the cradle of regeneration, and leaped to the top of the cradle of regeneration, and appeared on the stage in a kneeling posture like a robot's standard fruit body.

Even Le Xia couldn't help but sigh when she saw this scene, "The posture is good, but this body is too far behind the governor..."

Chapter 285: The Phantom Vision Appears

Vision's appearance is still very popular, and the performance of the fish belly in the later "Reunion 3" is completely two extremes.

To be honest, when Le Xia was watching a movie before, she couldn’t understand why a vision that could fly, penetrate walls, know almost everything, and infinite gems on top of her head could emit lasers, was completely successful in the period of Fulian 3 It is a waste that needs to be rescued and drags down teammates throughout the process.

Is it true that love can make people lose their wits?

I heard that kidney deficiency can make people lose their intelligence, Le Xia really wants to experience the experience of reducing intelligence with vision.

Speaking of the scene, the phantom squatting naked on the cradle of regeneration slowly got up. Except for the face and body whose color is not much different from that of the real person, it is difficult to associate him with the robot at once.

In fact, the phantom body formed by the combination of vibrating gold atoms and biological cells is not strictly speaking a real robot.

If it is really a robot, can he fall in love with Wanda? Anything to talk about?

Well, from the happy look of Wanda, there should be some, but I don’t know what size it comes in. It seems to be able to shrink the sun when I don’t use it. Two stroll around.

The end is good craftsmanship.

Having said this, Le Xia couldn't help but complain about Ultron again, or Zhao Hailun, who was responsible for operating the cradle of regeneration, this idea was really clever.

It does not affect normal functions, and there is still a weak point of death. Is it possible that these two goods also grew up watching Hong Kong movies?

A Parker who is familiar with Star Master's "Kung Fu" because of Le Xia's relationship has been ridiculed from the beginning of the book, and many people are still screaming for the poison of Barabara. Let's have two more Ultron and Zhao Hailun who watch "The Deer and the Ding Ji". Don't you guys be crazy?

Parker, who has a loyal fan and good friend of Chinese descent, Le Xia, knows that there is a problem with the stage of "Kung Fu"? Have it? Have it!

Vision slowly got up, the surprise and panic on his face were all expressed through a pair of Shui Lingling's big eyes.

It was like an earthling being swept away by the sewer, and finally crossing into another world, and found a group of necromancers holding a meeting, and he who had passed through the past would soon become the sacrifice of the necromancers.

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