At this time, Reba only had two close-fitting pieces left on her body, a black lace piece.

The two long legs were pressed together vigorously.

Bai Chen, who was underneath him, turned over and moved her underneath.


Reba looked at Bai Chen with a blushing face.

When she felt that the only 'defensive equipment' was also pulled down by Bai Chen.

At this time, Reba felt like she was being burned.

She urgently needs 'water' to calm down the fire!

Just after Reba felt that everything was ready.

She looked at Bai Chen and moved closer to him excitedly. after a few seconds


Reba screamed in pain, raised her face, and grabbed Bai Chen tightly with both hands.

Reba looked at Bai Chen pitifully

"Does it hurt?"Bai Chen asked with concern.

Reba bit her lip and nodded pitifully.

Bai Chen could only remain still at this time.

But at this time, Reba felt even more uncomfortable...

After a while, Reba I couldn't help but snorted softly

"What's wrong? Bai Chen asked

"uncomfortable……"Reba replied softly

"Feeling uncomfortable? where?"Bai Chen said knowingly.

"have no idea……"Reba blushed and turned her head, not looking at Bai Chen.

"look at me"

"don't want."

Reba turned her little face sideways and said proudly.

Then Bai Chen moved slightly


Reba exclaimed, and suddenly she subconsciously wanted to shrink up.

"I know how to bully, ah~~ people~~"Reba looked at Bai Chen with a resentful look on her face.

"How can this be called bullying? This is called love!"


Reba raised her face and exclaimed in surprise.

At this time, Reba could only make a sound of"um~~uh~ahhh".

Her two long legs sometimes hugged Bai Chen, Sometimes it was completely opened...

Time flew by, and the night passed peacefully. The next day , the sun shone through the curtains in the room.

Bai Chen woke up first, and Reba, because it was the first time yesterday, When it was over, she couldn't even move a finger, so it would be a little difficult to get off the ground today.

Bai Chen gently took away Reba's hand from her body, and then he planned to go out. Go buy some food and make some soup for Reba. After all, women are extremely weak after the first time.

There is a large supermarket next to Baichen Community.

It took about half an hour to get home..

However, as soon as Bai Chen got home, he received a sound source file sent to him by Chen Xiao.

"Brother Bai Chen, this is the demo we recorded yesterday, please listen to it."

Bai Chen clicked on it, and crisp music sounded, followed by Zhou Jieqiong's sister-like sound... rhythm, sound, accompaniment...

After listening for a while, Bai Chen always felt that something was wrong.

What is it?

Bai Chen Frowning slightly, the music started playing again. This time, Bai Chen felt something was wrong.

The intro was one of the most eye-catching parts of the song, but it was not reflected in their demo. When it came out, the intro was wrong, which caused a slight change in the rhythm of the whole song. The middle section was originally a brainwashing section, but it was no longer so brainwashing. It made people feel like it was not a complete song.

"The intro of this song is wrong, which affects the rhythm of the entire song and needs to be changed."

After Bai Chen replied to WeChat, he went into the kitchen and got busy.

After he had prepared all the ingredients for the soup and started stewing, he returned to the living room and Chen Xiao had already replied to him several messages.

"Isn't the prelude wrong? But our producer said that this song is already very good overall."

"How about, brother Bai Chen, please come to our company and help us change it?"

Going to their company?

Bai Chen looked at Reba in the room, then replied

"I'm afraid I can't come."

Chen Xiao's WeChat message came back right away.

"Then...we come to you?"


After Bai Chen finished replying, he immediately thought that Reba was still here. Didn't he dig a hole for himself?

Forget it, everything has been exposed to the world anyway.……

"We'll be there soon!"This time it was Zhou Jieqiong who sent the WeChat message to Bai Chen.

"I'll send you the location"



After Bai Chen finished chatting on WeChat, he entered the room. At this time, Reba was not awake yet.

He walked next to Reba and looked at the slightly raised corners of her lips.

Originally, Bai Chen wanted to wake up Reba, but seeing that she was sleeping so comfortably, he didn't bother her.

Bai Chen left the room. After boiling the soup, he kept it warm.

After finishing my work, I sat down in front of the computer.

I signed a contract for the novel yesterday, let’s see how it goes today.

Bai Chen looked at the collection and found that it was not high, only a few hundred. This was actually within his expectation.

A few hundred is considered pretty good.

However, there were a lot of comments, and Bai Chen found that there was something special about the comment area.

It’s just that most of the reviews for his book are written by girls!

But there are also boys, but not as many as girls.

This is something that almost never happens in male videos.

However, if you think about it carefully, this is not a strange thing, because this book is originally targeted at the romance genre, and it is normal for there to be more girls.

"Is the author a girl? The protagonist’s emotional drama is so delicately written!"

"I saw the taste of youth and praised it!!"

"I feel that this book is of high quality and can be published as a physical book!!"

The previous comments all seemed very good, but the style of the following comment suddenly changed.

And it became the most popular comment!

"Qingqing Zijin: I would like to give you a small reward, the author should keep up the good work!!"

"Is the floor owner a wealthy woman? Ten thousand yuan for a small reward?!!"

"Bai Fumei, are you still short of male votes?"

"Everyone upstairs has some brains. The floor owner must be a troll hired by the author. This is only a 30,000-word novel, and the author is not a great writer. Who would reward me with so much money?"

"What is said above is absolutely true! like!"

"What you said above makes sense, I’ll give it a thumbs up!"


Seeing these comments, Bai Chen didn't care and continued to update 10,000 words in the background.

Then, the background was turned off.

After reading the comments for a while, I then went on Weibo to browse around.

I found that the gossip about myself and Reba on the Internet has decreased a lot. It seems that Yang Mi's company has spent a lot of money on public relations.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

Bai Chen looked at the time and found that more than an hour had passed before he knew it.

This should be Chen Xiao and the others.

Bai Chen walked to the door and opened it.

Suddenly, two beautiful figures appeared at the door

"Brother Bai Chen~~"

Zhou Jieqiong was the first to shout sweetly, then walked in and hugged Bai Chen gently

"come in. Bai

Chen gave up his position and said.

The two of them walked in and looked around the room with curious faces.

"Take a seat. What would you like to drink? Bai

Chen pointed to the sofa and said

"Just ice water!"

Bai Chen walked towards the refrigerator on the other side of the kitchen. At this time, the door of the room on the other side adjacent to the living room opened, and Reba walked out.

When she saw Chen Xiao and Zhou Jieqiong in the living room, The two of them also saw her.

At this moment, the entire space seemed to freeze.

…….._To read the novel without underline, please download Feilu

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